2021-11-25 00:28:27 +01:00

126 lines
5.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "init.hpp"
#include "resource.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Routine Description:
// - Ensures the SxS initialization for the process.
void InitSideBySide(_Out_writes_(ScratchBufferSize) PWSTR ScratchBuffer, __range(MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH) DWORD ScratchBufferSize)
// Account for the fact that sidebyside stuff happens in CreateProcess
// but conhost is run with RtlCreateUserProcess.
// If conhost is at some future date
// launched with CreateProcess or SideBySide support moved
// into the kernel and SideBySide setup moved to textmode, at which
// time this code block will not be needed.
// Until then, this code block is needed when activated as the default console in the OS by the loader.
// If the console is changed to be invoked a different way (for example if we add a main method that takes
// a parameter to a client application instead), then this code would be unnecessary but not likely harmful.
// Having SxS not initialized is a problem when 3rd party IMEs attempt to inject into the process and then
// make references to DLLs in the system that are in the SxS cache (ex. a 3rd party IME is loaded and asks for
// comctl32.dll. The load will fail if SxS wasn't initialized.) This was bug# WIN7:681280.
DWORD const dwModuleFileNameLength = GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, ScratchBuffer, ScratchBufferSize);
if (dwModuleFileNameLength == 0)
RIPMSG1(RIP_ERROR, "GetModuleFileNameW failed %d.\n", GetLastError());
// GetModuleFileNameW truncates its result to fit in the buffer
// and returns the given buffer size in such cases.
if (dwModuleFileNameLength == ScratchBufferSize)
RIPMSG1(RIP_ERROR, "GetModuleFileNameW requires more than ScratchBufferSize(%d) - 1.\n", ScratchBufferSize);
// We get an NT path from the Win32 api. Fix it to be Win32.
// We can test for NT paths by checking whether the string starts with "\??\C:\", or any
// alternative letter other than C. We specifically don't test for the drive letter below.
UINT NtToWin32PathOffset = 0;
static constexpr wchar_t ntPathSpec1[]{ L'\\', L'?', L'?', L'\\' };
static constexpr wchar_t ntPathSpec2[]{ L':', L'\\' };
if (
dwModuleFileNameLength >= 7 &&
memcmp(&ScratchBuffer[0], &ntPathSpec1[0], sizeof(ntPathSpec1)) == 0 &&
memcmp(&ScratchBuffer[5], &ntPathSpec2[0], sizeof(ntPathSpec2)) == 0)
NtToWin32PathOffset = 4;
ACTCTXW actctx{};
actctx.cbSize = sizeof(actctx);
actctx.lpSource = ScratchBuffer + NtToWin32PathOffset;
HANDLE const hActCtx = CreateActCtxW(&actctx);
// The error value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
// ACTCTX_FLAG_SET_PROCESS_DEFAULT has nothing to return upon success, so it returns nullptr.
// There is nothing to cleanup upon ACTCTX_FLAG_SET_PROCESS_DEFAULT success, the data
// is referenced in the PEB, and lasts till process shutdown.
auto const error = GetLastError();
// Don't log if it's already set. This whole ordeal is to make sure one is set if there isn't one already.
// If one is already set... good!
RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "InitSideBySide failed create an activation context. Error: %d\r\n", error);
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the program files environment variables for the process, if missing.
void InitEnvironmentVariables()
LPCWSTR szRegValue;
LPCWSTR szVariable;
} EnvProgFiles[] = {
{ L"ProgramFilesDir", L"ProgramFiles" },
{ L"CommonFilesDir", L"CommonProgramFiles" },
{ L"ProgramFilesDir (x86)", L"ProgramFiles(x86)" },
{ L"CommonFilesDir (x86)", L"CommonProgramFiles(x86)" },
{ L"ProgramW6432Dir", L"ProgramW6432" },
{ L"CommonW6432Dir", L"CommonProgramW6432" }
for (UINT i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(EnvProgFiles); i++)
if (!GetEnvironmentVariable(EnvProgFiles[i].szVariable, nullptr, 0))
DWORD dwMaxBufferSize = sizeof(wchValue);
&dwMaxBufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
wchValue[(dwMaxBufferSize / sizeof(wchValue[0])) - 1] = 0;
SetEnvironmentVariable(EnvProgFiles[i].szVariable, wchValue);
// Initialize SxS for the process.
InitSideBySide(wchValue, ARRAYSIZE(wchValue));