2021-08-15 22:46:20 +02:00

247 lines
11 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- textBuffer.hpp
- This module contains structures and functions for manipulating a text
based buffer within the console host window.
- Michael Niksa (miniksa) 10-Apr-2014
- Paul Campbell (paulcam) 10-Apr-2014
Revision History:
- From components of output.h/.c
by Therese Stowell (ThereseS) 1990-1991
ScreenBuffer data structure overview:
each screen buffer has an array of ROW structures. each ROW structure
contains the data for one row of text. the data stored for one row of
text is a character array and an attribute array. the character array
is allocated the full length of the row from the heap, regardless of the
non-space length. we also maintain the non-space length. the character
array is initialized to spaces. the attribute
array is run length encoded (i.e 5 BLUE, 3 RED). if there is only one
attribute for the whole row (the normal case), it is stored in the ATTR_ROW
structure. otherwise the attr string is allocated from the heap.
ROW - CHAR_ROW - CHAR string
\ \ length of char string
\ length of attr pair string
ScreenInfo->Rows points to the ROW array. ScreenInfo->Rows[0] is not
necessarily the top row. ScreenInfo->BufferInfo.TextInfo->FirstRow contains the index of
the top row. That means scrolling (if scrolling entire screen)
merely involves changing the FirstRow index,
filling in the last row, and updating the screen.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "cursor.h"
#include "Row.hpp"
#include "TextAttribute.hpp"
#include "UnicodeStorage.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/viewport.hpp"
#include "../buffer/out/textBufferCellIterator.hpp"
#include "../buffer/out/textBufferTextIterator.hpp"
#include "../renderer/inc/IRenderTarget.hpp"
class TextBuffer final
TextBuffer(const COORD screenBufferSize,
const TextAttribute defaultAttributes,
const UINT cursorSize,
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& renderTarget);
TextBuffer(const TextBuffer& a) = delete;
// Used for duplicating properties to another text buffer
void CopyProperties(const TextBuffer& OtherBuffer) noexcept;
// row manipulation
const ROW& GetRowByOffset(const size_t index) const;
ROW& GetRowByOffset(const size_t index);
TextBufferCellIterator GetCellDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferCellIterator GetCellLineDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferCellIterator GetCellDataAt(const COORD at, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport limit) const;
TextBufferTextIterator GetTextDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferTextIterator GetTextLineDataAt(const COORD at) const;
TextBufferTextIterator GetTextDataAt(const COORD at, const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport limit) const;
// Text insertion functions
OutputCellIterator Write(const OutputCellIterator givenIt);
OutputCellIterator Write(const OutputCellIterator givenIt,
const COORD target,
const std::optional<bool> wrap = true);
OutputCellIterator WriteLine(const OutputCellIterator givenIt,
const COORD target,
const std::optional<bool> setWrap = std::nullopt,
const std::optional<size_t> limitRight = std::nullopt);
bool InsertCharacter(const wchar_t wch, const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute, const TextAttribute attr);
bool InsertCharacter(const std::wstring_view& chars, const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute, const TextAttribute attr);
bool IncrementCursor();
bool NewlineCursor();
// Scroll needs access to this to quickly rotate around the buffer.
bool IncrementCircularBuffer(const bool inVtMode = false);
COORD GetLastNonSpaceCharacter(std::optional<const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport> viewOptional = std::nullopt) const;
Cursor& GetCursor() noexcept;
const Cursor& GetCursor() const noexcept;
const SHORT GetFirstRowIndex() const noexcept;
const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport GetSize() const noexcept;
void ScrollRows(const SHORT firstRow, const SHORT size, const SHORT delta);
UINT TotalRowCount() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] TextAttribute GetCurrentAttributes() const noexcept;
void SetCurrentAttributes(const TextAttribute& currentAttributes) noexcept;
void SetCurrentLineRendition(const LineRendition lineRendition);
void ResetLineRenditionRange(const size_t startRow, const size_t endRow);
LineRendition GetLineRendition(const size_t row) const;
bool IsDoubleWidthLine(const size_t row) const;
SHORT GetLineWidth(const size_t row) const;
COORD ClampPositionWithinLine(const COORD position) const;
COORD ScreenToBufferPosition(const COORD position) const;
COORD BufferToScreenPosition(const COORD position) const;
void Reset();
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ResizeTraditional(const COORD newSize) noexcept;
const UnicodeStorage& GetUnicodeStorage() const noexcept;
UnicodeStorage& GetUnicodeStorage() noexcept;
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& GetRenderTarget() noexcept;
const COORD GetWordStart(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters, bool accessibilityMode = false) const;
const COORD GetWordEnd(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters, bool accessibilityMode = false) const;
bool MoveToNextWord(COORD& pos, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters, COORD lastCharPos) const;
bool MoveToPreviousWord(COORD& pos, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters) const;
const til::point GetGlyphStart(const til::point pos) const;
const til::point GetGlyphEnd(const til::point pos) const;
bool MoveToNextGlyph(til::point& pos, bool allowBottomExclusive = false) const;
bool MoveToPreviousGlyph(til::point& pos) const;
const std::vector<SMALL_RECT> GetTextRects(COORD start, COORD end, bool blockSelection, bool bufferCoordinates) const;
void AddHyperlinkToMap(const std::wstring_view& uri, uint16_t id);
std::wstring GetHyperlinkUriFromId(uint16_t id) const;
uint16_t GetHyperlinkId(const std::wstring_view& uri, const std::wstring_view& id);
void RemoveHyperlinkFromMap(uint16_t id) noexcept;
std::wstring GetCustomIdFromId(uint16_t id) const;
void CopyHyperlinkMaps(const TextBuffer& OtherBuffer);
class TextAndColor
std::vector<std::wstring> text;
std::vector<std::vector<COLORREF>> FgAttr;
std::vector<std::vector<COLORREF>> BkAttr;
const TextAndColor GetText(const bool includeCRLF,
const bool trimTrailingWhitespace,
const std::vector<SMALL_RECT>& textRects,
std::function<std::pair<COLORREF, COLORREF>(const TextAttribute&)> GetAttributeColors = nullptr,
const bool formatWrappedRows = false) const;
static std::string GenHTML(const TextAndColor& rows,
const int fontHeightPoints,
const std::wstring_view& fontFaceName,
const COLORREF backgroundColor);
static std::string GenRTF(const TextAndColor& rows,
const int fontHeightPoints,
const std::wstring_view& fontFaceName,
const COLORREF backgroundColor);
struct PositionInformation
short mutableViewportTop{ 0 };
short visibleViewportTop{ 0 };
static HRESULT Reflow(TextBuffer& oldBuffer,
TextBuffer& newBuffer,
const std::optional<Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport> lastCharacterViewport,
std::optional<std::reference_wrapper<PositionInformation>> positionInfo);
const size_t AddPatternRecognizer(const std::wstring_view& regexString);
void ClearPatternRecognizers() noexcept;
void CopyPatterns(const TextBuffer& OtherBuffer);
interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t> GetPatterns(const size_t firstRow, const size_t lastRow) const;
static wil::unique_virtualalloc_ptr<CharRowCell> _AllocateCharBuffer(const COORD size);
void _UpdateSize();
void _RefreshRowIDs(SHORT width);
void _RefreshRowWidth(CharRowCell* data, size_t width) noexcept;
void _SetFirstRowIndex(const SHORT FirstRowIndex) noexcept;
COORD _GetPreviousFromCursor() const;
void _SetWrapOnCurrentRow();
void _AdjustWrapOnCurrentRow(const bool fSet);
void _NotifyPaint(const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& viewport) const;
// Assist with maintaining proper buffer state for Double Byte character sequences
bool _PrepareForDoubleByteSequence(const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute);
bool _AssertValidDoubleByteSequence(const DbcsAttribute dbcsAttribute);
ROW& _GetFirstRow();
ROW& _GetPrevRowNoWrap(const ROW& row);
void _ExpandTextRow(SMALL_RECT& selectionRow) const;
const DelimiterClass _GetDelimiterClassAt(const COORD pos, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters) const;
const COORD _GetWordStartForAccessibility(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters) const;
const COORD _GetWordStartForSelection(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters) const;
const COORD _GetWordEndForAccessibility(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters, const COORD lastCharPos) const;
const COORD _GetWordEndForSelection(const COORD target, const std::wstring_view& wordDelimiters) const;
void _PruneHyperlinks();
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderTarget& _renderTarget;
wil::unique_virtualalloc_ptr<CharRowCell> _charBuffer;
std::vector<ROW> _storage;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::wstring> _hyperlinkMap;
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, uint16_t> _hyperlinkCustomIdMap;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::wstring> _hyperlinkCustomIdMapReverse;
std::unordered_map<size_t, std::wstring> _idsAndPatterns;
TextAttribute _currentAttributes;
UnicodeStorage _unicodeStorage;
Cursor _cursor;
Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport _size;
uint16_t _currentHyperlinkId{ 1 };
size_t _currentPatternId{ 0 };
SHORT _firstRow{ 0 }; // indexes top row (not necessarily 0)
friend class TextBufferTests;
friend class UiaTextRangeTests;