Mike Griese 1fcd95704d
Draw the cursor underneath text, and above the background (#6337)
## Summary of the Pull Request


This is the plan that @miniksa suggested to me. Instead of trying to do lots of work in all the renderers to do backgrounds as one pass, and foregrounds as another, we can localize this change to basically just the DX renderer. 
1. First, we give the DX engine a "heads up" on where the cursor is going to be drawn during the frame, in `PrepareRenderInfo`.
  - This function is left unimplemented in the other render engines.
2. While printing runs of text, the DX renderer will try to paint the cursor in `CustomTextRenderer::DrawGlyphRun` INSTEAD of `DxEngine::PaintCursor`. This lets us weave the cursor background between the text background and the text. 

## References

* #6151 was a spec in this general area. I should probably go back and update it, and we should probably approve that first.
* #6193 is also right up in this mess

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1203
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

* This is essentially `"cursorTextColor": "textForeground"` from #6151.
* A follow up work item is needed to add support for the current behavior, (`"cursorTextColor": null`), and hooking up that setting to the renderer.
2020-06-04 12:58:22 +00:00

1197 lines
44 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "renderer.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
static constexpr auto maxRetriesForRenderEngine = 3;
// The renderer will wait this number of milliseconds * how many tries have elapsed before trying again.
static constexpr auto renderBackoffBaseTimeMilliseconds{ 150 };
// Routine Description:
// - Creates a new renderer controller for a console.
// Arguments:
// - pData - The interface to console data structures required for rendering
// - pEngine - The output engine for targeting each rendering frame
// Return Value:
// - An instance of a Renderer.
Renderer::Renderer(IRenderData* pData,
_In_reads_(cEngines) IRenderEngine** const rgpEngines,
const size_t cEngines,
std::unique_ptr<IRenderThread> thread) :
_pThread{ std::move(thread) },
_destructing{ false }
_srViewportPrevious = { 0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < cEngines; i++)
IRenderEngine* engine = rgpEngines[i];
// Routine Description:
// - Destroys an instance of a renderer
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
_destructing = true;
// Routine Description:
// - Walks through the console data structures to compose a new frame based on the data that has changed since last call and outputs it to the connected rendering engine.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - HRESULT S_OK, GDI error, Safe Math error, or state/argument errors.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::PaintFrame()
if (_destructing)
return S_FALSE;
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
auto tries = maxRetriesForRenderEngine;
while (tries > 0)
if (_destructing)
return S_FALSE;
const auto hr = _PaintFrameForEngine(pEngine);
if (E_PENDING == hr)
if (--tries == 0)
// Stop trying.
if (_pfnRendererEnteredErrorState)
// If there's no callback, we still don't want to FAIL_FAST: the renderer going black
// isn't near as bad as the entire application aborting. We're a component. We shouldn't
// abort applications that host us.
return S_FALSE;
// Add a bit of backoff.
// Sleep 150ms, 300ms, 450ms before failing out and disabling the renderer.
Sleep(renderBackoffBaseTimeMilliseconds * (maxRetriesForRenderEngine - tries));
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PaintFrameForEngine(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine) noexcept
FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL(pEngine); // This is a programming error. Fail fast.
auto unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() {
// Last chance check if anything scrolled without an explicit invalidate notification since the last frame.
// Try to start painting a frame
HRESULT const hr = pEngine->StartPaint();
// Return early if there's nothing to paint.
// The renderer itself tracks if there's something to do with the title, the
// engine won't know that.
if (S_FALSE == hr)
return S_OK;
auto endPaint = wil::scope_exit([&]() {
// A. Prep Colors
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_UpdateDrawingBrushes(pEngine, _pData->GetDefaultBrushColors(), true));
// B. Perform Scroll Operations
// C. Prepare the engine with additional information before we start drawing.
// 1. Paint Background
// 2. Paint Rows of Text
// 3. Paint overlays that reside above the text buffer
// 4. Paint Selection
// 5. Paint Cursor
// 6. Paint window title
// Force scope exit end paint to finish up collecting information and possibly painting
// Force scope exit unlock to let go of global lock so other threads can run
// Trigger out-of-lock presentation for renderers that can support it
// As we leave the scope, EndPaint will be called (declared above)
return S_OK;
void Renderer::_NotifyPaintFrame()
// If we're running in the unittests, we might not have a render thread.
if (_pThread)
// The thread will provide throttling for us.
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the system has requested we redraw a portion of the console.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerSystemRedraw(const RECT* const prcDirtyClient)
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a particular region within the console buffer has changed.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedraw(const Viewport& region)
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
SMALL_RECT srUpdateRegion = region.ToExclusive();
if (view.TrimToViewport(&srUpdateRegion))
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a particular coordinate within the console buffer has changed.
// Arguments:
// - pcoord: The buffer-space coordinate that has changed.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedraw(const COORD* const pcoord)
TriggerRedraw(Viewport::FromCoord(*pcoord)); // this will notify to paint if we need it.
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the cursor has moved in the buffer. Allows for RenderEngines to
// differentiate between cursor movements and other invalidates.
// Visual Renderers (ex GDI) should invalidate the position, while the VT
// engine ignores this. See MSFT:14711161.
// Arguments:
// - pcoord: The buffer-space position of the cursor.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedrawCursor(const COORD* const pcoord)
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
COORD updateCoord = *pcoord;
if (view.IsInBounds(updateCoord))
for (IRenderEngine* pEngine : _rgpEngines)
// Double-wide cursors need to invalidate the right half as well.
if (_pData->IsCursorDoubleWidth())
// Routine Description:
// - Called when something that changes the output state has occurred and the entire frame is now potentially invalid.
// - NOTE: Use sparingly. Try to reduce the refresh region where possible. Only use when a global state change has occurred.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerRedrawAll()
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Method Description:
// - Called when the host is about to die, to give the renderer one last chance
// to paint before the host exits.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerTeardown()
// We need to shut down the paint thread on teardown.
// Then walk through and do one final paint on the caller's thread.
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
bool fEngineRequestsRepaint = false;
HRESULT hr = pEngine->PrepareForTeardown(&fEngineRequestsRepaint);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fEngineRequestsRepaint)
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the selected area in the console has changed.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerSelection()
// Get selection rectangles
const auto rects = _GetSelectionRects();
// Restrict all previous selection rectangles to inside the current viewport bounds
for (auto& sr : _previousSelection)
// Make the exclusive SMALL_RECT into a til::rectangle.
til::rectangle rc{ Viewport::FromExclusive(sr).ToInclusive() };
// Make a viewport representing the coordinates that are currently presentable.
const til::rectangle viewport{ til::size{ _pData->GetViewport().Dimensions() } };
// Intersect them so we only invalidate things that are still visible.
rc &= viewport;
// Convert back into the exclusive SMALL_RECT and store in the vector.
sr = Viewport::FromInclusive(rc).ToExclusive();
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
_previousSelection = rects;
// Routine Description:
// - Called when we want to check if the viewport has moved and scroll accordingly if so.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - True if something changed and we scrolled. False otherwise.
bool Renderer::_CheckViewportAndScroll()
SMALL_RECT const srOldViewport = _srViewportPrevious;
SMALL_RECT const srNewViewport = _pData->GetViewport().ToInclusive();
COORD coordDelta;
coordDelta.X = srOldViewport.Left - srNewViewport.Left;
coordDelta.Y = srOldViewport.Top - srNewViewport.Top;
for (auto engine : _rgpEngines)
_srViewportPrevious = srNewViewport;
if (coordDelta.X != 0 || coordDelta.Y != 0)
for (auto engine : _rgpEngines)
return true;
return false;
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a scroll operation has occurred by manipulating the viewport.
// - This is a special case as calling out scrolls explicitly drastically improves performance.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerScroll()
if (_CheckViewportAndScroll())
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a scroll operation wishes to explicitly adjust the frame by the given coordinate distance.
// - This is a special case as calling out scrolls explicitly drastically improves performance.
// - This should only be used when the viewport is not modified. It lets us know we can "scroll anyway" to save perf,
// because the backing circular buffer rotated out from behind the viewport.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerScroll(const COORD* const pcoordDelta)
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the text buffer is about to circle its backing buffer.
// A renderer might want to get painted before that happens.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerCircling()
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
bool fEngineRequestsRepaint = false;
HRESULT hr = pEngine->InvalidateCircling(&fEngineRequestsRepaint);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fEngineRequestsRepaint)
// Routine Description:
// - Called when the title of the console window has changed. Indicates that we
// should update the title on the next frame.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerTitleChange()
const std::wstring newTitle = _pData->GetConsoleTitle();
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
// Routine Description:
// - Update the title for a particular engine.
// Arguments:
// - pEngine: the engine to update the title for.
// Return Value:
// - the HRESULT of the underlying engine's UpdateTitle call.
HRESULT Renderer::_PaintTitle(IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
const std::wstring newTitle = _pData->GetConsoleTitle();
return pEngine->UpdateTitle(newTitle);
// Routine Description:
// - Called when a change in font or DPI has been detected.
// Arguments:
// - iDpi - New DPI value
// - FontInfoDesired - A description of the font we would like to have.
// - FontInfo - Data that will be fixed up/filled on return with the chosen font data.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::TriggerFontChange(const int iDpi, const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired, _Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo)
std::for_each(_rgpEngines.begin(), _rgpEngines.end(), [&](IRenderEngine* const pEngine) {
LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->UpdateFont(FontInfoDesired, FontInfo));
// Routine Description:
// - Get the information on what font we would be using if we decided to create a font with the given parameters
// - This is for use with speculative calculations.
// Arguments:
// - iDpi - The DPI of the target display
// - pFontInfoDesired - A description of the font we would like to have.
// - pFontInfo - Data that will be fixed up/filled on return with the chosen font data.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if set successfully or relevant GDI error via HRESULT.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::GetProposedFont(const int iDpi, const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired, _Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo)
// If there's no head, return E_FAIL. The caller should decide how to
// handle this.
// Currently, the only caller is the WindowProc:WM_GETDPISCALEDSIZE handler.
// It will assume that the proposed font is 1x1, regardless of DPI.
if (_rgpEngines.size() < 1)
return E_FAIL;
// There will only every really be two engines - the real head and the VT
// renderer. We won't know which is which, so iterate over them.
// Only return the result of the successful one if it's not S_FALSE (which is the VT renderer)
// TODO: 14560740 - The Window might be able to get at this info in a more sane manner
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_rgpEngines.size() <= 2));
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
const HRESULT hr = LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->GetProposedFont(FontInfoDesired, FontInfo, iDpi));
// We're looking for specifically S_OK, S_FALSE is not good enough.
if (hr == S_OK)
return hr;
return E_FAIL;
// Routine Description:
// - Tests against the current rendering engine to see if this particular character would be considered
// full-width (inscribed in a square, twice as wide as a standard Western character, typically used for CJK
// languages) or half-width.
// - Typically used to determine how many positions in the backing buffer a particular character should fill.
// NOTE: This only handles 1 or 2 wide (in monospace terms) characters.
// Arguments:
// - glyph - the utf16 encoded codepoint to test
// Return Value:
// - True if the codepoint is full-width (two wide), false if it is half-width (one wide).
bool Renderer::IsGlyphWideByFont(const std::wstring_view glyph)
bool fIsFullWidth = false;
// There will only every really be two engines - the real head and the VT
// renderer. We won't know which is which, so iterate over them.
// Only return the result of the successful one if it's not S_FALSE (which is the VT renderer)
// TODO: 14560740 - The Window might be able to get at this info in a more sane manner
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_rgpEngines.size() <= 2));
for (IRenderEngine* const pEngine : _rgpEngines)
const HRESULT hr = LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->IsGlyphWideByFont(glyph, &fIsFullWidth));
// We're looking for specifically S_OK, S_FALSE is not good enough.
if (hr == S_OK)
return fIsFullWidth;
return fIsFullWidth;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets an event in the render thread that allows it to proceed, thus enabling painting.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::EnablePainting()
// Routine Description:
// - Waits for the current paint operation to complete, if any, up to the specified timeout.
// - Resets an event in the render thread that precludes it from advancing, thus disabling rendering.
// - If no paint operation is currently underway, returns immediately.
// Arguments:
// - dwTimeoutMs - Milliseconds to wait for the current paint operation to complete, if any (can be INFINITE).
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::WaitForPaintCompletionAndDisable(const DWORD dwTimeoutMs)
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to fill in the background color of the invalid area within the frame.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PaintBackground(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
return pEngine->PaintBackground();
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to copy the primary console buffer text onto the screen.
// - This portion primarily handles figuring the current viewport, comparing it/trimming it versus the invalid portion of the frame, and queuing up, row by row, which pieces of text need to be further processed.
// - See also: Helper functions that separate out each complexity of text rendering.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintBufferOutput(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
// This is the subsection of the entire screen buffer that is currently being presented.
// It can move left/right or top/bottom depending on how the viewport is scrolled
// relative to the entire buffer.
const auto view = _pData->GetViewport();
// This is effectively the number of cells on the visible screen that need to be redrawn.
// The origin is always 0, 0 because it represents the screen itself, not the underlying buffer.
const auto dirtyAreas = pEngine->GetDirtyArea();
for (const auto dirtyRect : dirtyAreas)
auto dirty = Viewport::FromInclusive(dirtyRect);
// Shift the origin of the dirty region to match the underlying buffer so we can
// compare the two regions directly for intersection.
dirty = Viewport::Offset(dirty, view.Origin());
// The intersection between what is dirty on the screen (in need of repaint)
// and what is supposed to be visible on the screen (the viewport) is what
// we need to walk through line-by-line and repaint onto the screen.
const auto redraw = Viewport::Intersect(dirty, view);
// Shortcut: don't bother redrawing if the width is 0.
if (redraw.Width() > 0)
// Retrieve the text buffer so we can read information out of it.
const auto& buffer = _pData->GetTextBuffer();
// Now walk through each row of text that we need to redraw.
for (auto row = redraw.Top(); row < redraw.BottomExclusive(); row++)
// Calculate the boundaries of a single line. This is from the left to right edge of the dirty
// area in width and exactly 1 tall.
const auto bufferLine = Viewport::FromDimensions({ redraw.Left(), row }, { redraw.Width(), 1 });
// Find where on the screen we should place this line information. This requires us to re-map
// the buffer-based origin of the line back onto the screen-based origin of the line
// For example, the screen might say we need to paint 1,1 because it is dirty but the viewport is actually looking
// at 13,26 relative to the buffer.
// This means that we need 14,27 out of the backing buffer to fill in the 1,1 cell of the screen.
const auto screenLine = Viewport::Offset(bufferLine, -view.Origin());
// Retrieve the cell information iterator limited to just this line we want to redraw.
auto it = buffer.GetCellDataAt(bufferLine.Origin(), bufferLine);
// Calculate if two things are true:
// 1. this row wrapped
// 2. We're painting the last col of the row.
// In that case, set lineWrapped=true for the _PaintBufferOutputHelper call.
const auto lineWrapped = (buffer.GetRowByOffset(bufferLine.Origin().Y).GetCharRow().WasWrapForced()) &&
(bufferLine.RightExclusive() == buffer.GetSize().Width());
// Ask the helper to paint through this specific line.
_PaintBufferOutputHelper(pEngine, it, screenLine.Origin(), lineWrapped);
static bool _IsAllSpaces(const std::wstring_view v)
// first non-space char is not found (is npos)
return v.find_first_not_of(L" ") == decltype(v)::npos;
void Renderer::_PaintBufferOutputHelper(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine,
TextBufferCellIterator it,
const COORD target,
const bool lineWrapped)
auto globalInvert{ _pData->IsScreenReversed() };
// If we have valid data, let's figure out how to draw it.
if (it)
// TODO: MSFT: 20961091 - This is a perf issue. Instead of rebuilding this and allocing memory to hold the reinterpretation,
// we should have an iterator/view adapter for the rendering.
// That would probably also eliminate the RenderData needing to give us the entire TextBuffer as well...
// Retrieve the iterator for one line of information.
std::vector<Cluster> clusters;
size_t cols = 0;
// Retrieve the first color.
auto color = it->TextAttr();
// And hold the point where we should start drawing.
auto screenPoint = target;
// This outer loop will continue until we reach the end of the text we are trying to draw.
while (it)
// Hold onto the current run color right here for the length of the outer loop.
// We'll be changing the persistent one as we run through the inner loops to detect
// when a run changes, but we will still need to know this color at the bottom
// when we go to draw gridlines for the length of the run.
const auto currentRunColor = color;
// Update the drawing brushes with our color.
THROW_IF_FAILED(_UpdateDrawingBrushes(pEngine, currentRunColor, false));
// Advance the point by however many columns we've just outputted and reset the accumulator.
screenPoint.X += gsl::narrow<SHORT>(cols);
cols = 0;
// Hold onto the start of this run iterator and the target location where we started
// in case we need to do some special work to paint the line drawing characters.
const auto currentRunItStart = it;
const auto currentRunTargetStart = screenPoint;
// Ensure that our cluster vector is clear.
// Reset our flag to know when we're in the special circumstance
// of attempting to draw only the right-half of a two-column character
// as the first item in our run.
bool trimLeft = false;
// Run contains wide character (>1 columns)
bool containsWideCharacter = false;
// This inner loop will accumulate clusters until the color changes.
// When the color changes, it will save the new color off and break.
if (color != it->TextAttr())
auto newAttr{ it->TextAttr() };
// foreground doesn't matter for runs of spaces (!)
// if we trick it . . . we call Paint far fewer times for cmatrix
if (!_IsAllSpaces(it->Chars()) || !newAttr.HasIdenticalVisualRepresentationForBlankSpace(color, globalInvert))
color = newAttr;
break; // vend this run
// Walk through the text data and turn it into rendering clusters.
// Keep the columnCount as we go to improve performance over digging it out of the vector at the end.
size_t columnCount = 0;
// If we're on the first cluster to be added and it's marked as "trailing"
// (a.k.a. the right half of a two column character), then we need some special handling.
if (clusters.empty() && it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
// If we have room to move to the left to start drawing...
if (screenPoint.X > 0)
// Move left to the one so the whole character can be struck correctly.
// And tell the next function to trim off the left half of it.
trimLeft = true;
// And add one to the number of columns we expect it to take as we insert it.
columnCount = it->Columns() + 1;
clusters.emplace_back(it->Chars(), columnCount);
// If we didn't have room, move to the right one and just skip this one.
// Otherwise if it's not a special case, just insert it as is.
columnCount = it->Columns();
clusters.emplace_back(it->Chars(), columnCount);
if (columnCount > 1)
containsWideCharacter = true;
// Advance the cluster and column counts.
it += columnCount > 0 ? columnCount : 1; // prevent infinite loop for no visible columns
cols += columnCount;
} while (it);
// Do the painting.
THROW_IF_FAILED(pEngine->PaintBufferLine({ clusters.data(), clusters.size() }, screenPoint, trimLeft, lineWrapped));
// If we're allowed to do grid drawing, draw that now too (since it will be coupled with the color data)
// We're only allowed to draw the grid lines under certain circumstances.
if (_pData->IsGridLineDrawingAllowed())
// See GH: 803
// If we found a wide character while we looped above, it's possible we skipped over the right half
// attribute that could have contained different line information than the left half.
if (containsWideCharacter)
// Start from the original position in this run.
auto lineIt = currentRunItStart;
// Start from the original target in this run.
auto lineTarget = currentRunTargetStart;
// We need to go through the iterators again to ensure we get the lines associated with each
// exact column. The code above will condense two-column characters into one, but it is possible
// (like with the IME) that the line drawing characters will vary from the left to right half
// of a wider character.
// We could theoretically pre-pass for this in the loop above to be more efficient about walking
// the iterator, but I fear it would make the code even more confusing than it already is.
// Do that in the future if some WPR trace points you to this spot as super bad.
for (auto colsPainted = 0; colsPainted < cols; ++colsPainted, ++lineIt, ++lineTarget.X)
auto lines = lineIt->TextAttr();
_PaintBufferOutputGridLineHelper(pEngine, lines, 1, lineTarget);
// If nothing exciting is going on, draw the lines in bulk.
_PaintBufferOutputGridLineHelper(pEngine, currentRunColor, cols, screenPoint);
// Method Description:
// - Generates a IRenderEngine::GridLines structure from the values in the
// provided textAttribute
// Arguments:
// - textAttribute: the TextAttribute to generate GridLines from.
// Return Value:
// - a GridLines containing all the gridline info from the TextAttribute
IRenderEngine::GridLines Renderer::s_GetGridlines(const TextAttribute& textAttribute) noexcept
// Convert console grid line representations into rendering engine enum representations.
IRenderEngine::GridLines lines = IRenderEngine::GridLines::None;
if (textAttribute.IsTopHorizontalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Top;
if (textAttribute.IsBottomHorizontalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Bottom;
if (textAttribute.IsLeftVerticalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Left;
if (textAttribute.IsRightVerticalDisplayed())
lines |= IRenderEngine::GridLines::Right;
return lines;
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper for primary buffer output function.
// - This particular helper sets up the various box drawing lines that can be inscribed around any character in the buffer (left, right, top, underline).
// - See also: All related helpers and buffer output functions.
// Arguments:
// - textAttribute - The line/box drawing attributes to use for this particular run.
// - cchLine - The length of both pwsLine and pbKAttrsLine.
// - coordTarget - The X/Y coordinate position in the buffer which we're attempting to start rendering from.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintBufferOutputGridLineHelper(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine,
const TextAttribute textAttribute,
const size_t cchLine,
const COORD coordTarget)
const COLORREF rgb = _pData->GetForegroundColor(textAttribute);
// Convert console grid line representations into rendering engine enum representations.
IRenderEngine::GridLines lines = Renderer::s_GetGridlines(textAttribute);
// Draw the lines
LOG_IF_FAILED(pEngine->PaintBufferGridLines(lines, rgb, cchLine, coordTarget));
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieve information about the cursor, and pack it into a CursorOptions
// which the render engine can use for painting the cursor.
// - If the cursor is "off", or the cursor is out of bounds of the viewport,
// this will return nullopt (indicating the cursor shouldn't be painted this
// frame)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - nullopt if the cursor is off or out-of-frame, otherwise a CursorOptions
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<CursorOptions> Renderer::_GetCursorInfo()
if (_pData->IsCursorVisible())
// Get cursor position in buffer
COORD coordCursor = _pData->GetCursorPosition();
// GH#3166: Only draw the cursor if it's actually in the viewport. It
// might be on the line that's in that partially visible row at the
// bottom of the viewport, the space that's not quite a full line in
// height. Since we don't draw that text, we shouldn't draw the cursor
// there either.
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
if (view.IsInBounds(coordCursor))
// Adjust cursor to viewport
COLORREF cursorColor = _pData->GetCursorColor();
bool useColor = cursorColor != INVALID_COLOR;
// Build up the cursor parameters including position, color, and drawing options
CursorOptions options;
options.coordCursor = coordCursor;
options.ulCursorHeightPercent = _pData->GetCursorHeight();
options.cursorPixelWidth = _pData->GetCursorPixelWidth();
options.fIsDoubleWidth = _pData->IsCursorDoubleWidth();
options.cursorType = _pData->GetCursorStyle();
options.fUseColor = useColor;
options.cursorColor = cursorColor;
options.isOn = _pData->IsCursorOn();
return { options };
return std::nullopt;
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw the cursor within the buffer.
// Arguments:
// - engine - The render engine that we're targeting.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintCursor(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
const auto cursorInfo = _GetCursorInfo();
if (cursorInfo.has_value())
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves info from the render data to prepare the engine with, before the
// frame is drawn. Some renderers might want to use this information to affect
// later drawing decisions.
// * Namely, the DX renderer uses this to know the cursor position and state
// before PaintCursor is called, so it can draw the cursor underneath the
// text.
// Arguments:
// - engine - The render engine that we're targeting.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if the engine prepared successfully, or a relevant error via HRESULT.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PrepareRenderInfo(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
RenderFrameInfo info;
info.cursorInfo = _GetCursorInfo();
return pEngine->PrepareRenderInfo(info);
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw text that overlays the main buffer to provide user interactivity regions
// - This supports IME composition.
// Arguments:
// - engine - The render engine that we're targeting.
// - overlay - The overlay to draw.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintOverlay(IRenderEngine& engine,
const RenderOverlay& overlay)
// First get the screen buffer's viewport.
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
// Now get the overlay's viewport and adjust it to where it is supposed to be relative to the window.
SMALL_RECT srCaView = overlay.region.ToInclusive();
srCaView.Top += overlay.origin.Y;
srCaView.Bottom += overlay.origin.Y;
srCaView.Left += overlay.origin.X;
srCaView.Right += overlay.origin.X;
// Set it up in a Viewport helper structure and trim it the IME viewport to be within the full console viewport.
Viewport viewConv = Viewport::FromInclusive(srCaView);
for (SMALL_RECT srDirty : engine.GetDirtyArea())
// Dirty is an inclusive rectangle, but oddly enough the IME was an exclusive one, so correct it.
if (viewConv.TrimToViewport(&srDirty))
Viewport viewDirty = Viewport::FromInclusive(srDirty);
for (SHORT iRow = viewDirty.Top(); iRow < viewDirty.BottomInclusive(); iRow++)
const COORD target{ viewDirty.Left(), iRow };
const auto source = target - overlay.origin;
auto it = overlay.buffer.GetCellLineDataAt(source);
_PaintBufferOutputHelper(&engine, it, target, false);
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw the composition string portion of the IME.
// - This specifically is the string that appears at the cursor on the input line showing what the user is currently typing.
// - See also: Generic Paint IME helper method.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintOverlays(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
const auto overlays = _pData->GetOverlays();
for (const auto& overlay : overlays)
_PaintOverlay(*pEngine, overlay);
// Routine Description:
// - Paint helper to draw the selected area of the window.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::_PaintSelection(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
auto dirtyAreas = pEngine->GetDirtyArea();
// Get selection rectangles
const auto rectangles = _GetSelectionRects();
for (auto rect : rectangles)
for (auto dirtyRect : dirtyAreas)
// Make a copy as `TrimToViewport` will manipulate it and
// can destroy it for the next dirtyRect to test against.
auto rectCopy = rect;
Viewport dirtyView = Viewport::FromInclusive(dirtyRect);
if (dirtyView.TrimToViewport(&rectCopy))
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to convert the text attributes to actual RGB colors and update the rendering pen/brush within the rendering engine before the next draw operation.
// Arguments:
// - pEngine - Which engine is being updated
// - textAttributes - The 16 color foreground/background combination to set
// - isSettingDefaultBrushes - Alerts that the default brushes are being set which will
// impact whether or not to include the hung window/erase window brushes in this operation
// and can affect other draw state that wants to know the default color scheme.
// (Usually only happens when the default is changed, not when each individual color is swapped in a multi-color run.)
// Return Value:
// - <none>
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_UpdateDrawingBrushes(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine, const TextAttribute textAttributes, const bool isSettingDefaultBrushes)
const COLORREF rgbForeground = _pData->GetForegroundColor(textAttributes);
const COLORREF rgbBackground = _pData->GetBackgroundColor(textAttributes);
const WORD legacyAttributes = textAttributes.GetLegacyAttributes();
const auto extendedAttrs = textAttributes.GetExtendedAttributes();
// The last color needs to be each engine's responsibility. If it's local to this function,
// then on the next engine we might not update the color.
RETURN_IF_FAILED(pEngine->UpdateDrawingBrushes(rgbForeground, rgbBackground, legacyAttributes, extendedAttrs, isSettingDefaultBrushes));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper called before a majority of paint operations to scroll most of the previous frame into the appropriate
// position before we paint the remaining invalid area.
// - Used to save drawing time/improve performance
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Renderer::_PerformScrolling(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
return pEngine->ScrollFrame();
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to determine the selected region of the buffer.
// Return Value:
// - A vector of rectangles representing the regions to select, line by line.
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> Renderer::_GetSelectionRects() const
auto rects = _pData->GetSelectionRects();
// Adjust rectangles to viewport
Viewport view = _pData->GetViewport();
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> result;
for (auto& rect : rects)
auto sr = view.ConvertToOrigin(rect).ToInclusive();
// hopefully temporary, we should be receiving the right selection sizes without correction.
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Offsets all of the selection rectangles we might be holding onto
// as the previously selected area. If the whole viewport scrolls,
// we need to scroll these areas also to ensure they're invalidated
// properly when the selection further changes.
// Arguments:
// - delta - The scroll delta
// Return Value:
// - <none> - Updates internal state instead.
void Renderer::_ScrollPreviousSelection(const til::point delta)
if (delta != til::point{ 0, 0 })
for (auto& sr : _previousSelection)
// Get a rectangle representing this piece of the selection.
til::rectangle rc = Viewport::FromExclusive(sr).ToInclusive();
// Offset the entire existing rectangle by the delta.
rc += delta;
// Store it back into the vector.
sr = Viewport::FromInclusive(rc).ToExclusive();
// Method Description:
// - Adds another Render engine to this renderer. Future rendering calls will
// also be sent to the new renderer.
// Arguments:
// - pEngine: The new render engine to be added
// Return Value:
// - <none>
// Throws if we ran out of memory or there was some other error appending the
// engine to our collection.
void Renderer::AddRenderEngine(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine)
// Method Description:
// - Registers a callback that will be called when this renderer gives up.
// An application consuming a renderer can use this to display auxiliary Retry UI
// Arguments:
// - pfn: the callback
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Renderer::SetRendererEnteredErrorStateCallback(std::function<void()> pfn)
_pfnRendererEnteredErrorState = std::move(pfn);
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to restart the renderer.
void Renderer::ResetErrorStateAndResume()
// because we're not stateful (we could be in the future), all we want to do is reenable painting.