Michael Niksa 525be22bd8
Eliminate more transient allocations: Titles and invalid rectangles and bitmap runs and utf8 conversions (#8621)
## References
* See also #8617 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Supports #3075
* [x] I work here.
* [x] Manual test.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

### Window Title Generation
Every time the renderer checks the title, it's doing two bad things that
I've fixed:
1. It's assembling the prefix to the full title doing a concatenation.
   No one ever gets just the prefix ever after it is set besides the
   concat. So instead of storing prefix and the title, I store the
   assembled prefix + title and the bare title.
2. A copy must be made because it was returning `std::wstring` instead
   of `std::wstring&`. Now it returns the ref.

### Dirty Area Return
Every time the renderer checks the dirty area, which is sometimes
multiple times per pass (regular text printing, again for selection,
etc.), a vector is created off the heap to return the rectangles. The
consumers only ever iterate this data. Now we return a span over a
rectangle or rectangles that the engine must store itself.
1. For some renderers, it's always a constant 1 element. They update
   that 1 element when dirty is queried and return it in the span with a
   span size of 1.
2. For other renderers with more complex behavior, they're already
   holding a cached vector of rectangles. Now it's effectively giving
   out the ref to those in the span for iteration.

### Bitmap Runs
The `til::bitmap` used a `std::optional<std::vector<til::rectangle>>`
inside itself to cache its runs and would clear the optional when the
runs became invalidated. Unfortunately doing `.reset()` to clear the
optional will destroy the underlying vector and have it release its
memory. We know it's about to get reallocated again, so we're just going
to make it a `std::pmr::vector` and give it a memory pool. 

The alternative solution here was to use a `bool` and
`std::vector<til::rectangle>` and just flag when the vector was invalid,
but that was honestly more code changes and I love excuses to try out
PMR now.

Also, instead of returning the ref to the vector... I'm just returning a
span now. Everyone just iterates it anyway, may as well not share the
implementation detail.

### UTF-8 conversions
When testing with Terminal and looking at the `conhost.exe`'s PTY
renderer, it spends a TON of allocation time on converting all the
UTF-16 stuff inside to UTF-8 before it sends it out the PTY. This was
because `ConvertToA` was allocating a string inside itself and returning
it just to have it freed after printing and looping back around again...
as a PTY does.

The change here is to use `til::u16u8` that accepts a buffer out
parameter so the caller can just hold onto it.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] `big.txt` in conhost.exe (GDI renderer)
- [x] `big.txt` in Terminal (DX, PTY renderer)
- [x] Ensure WDDM and BGFX build under Razzle with this change.
2021-02-16 20:52:33 +00:00

75 lines
2.6 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- renderData.hpp
- This method provides an interface for rendering the final display based on the current console state
- Michael Niksa (miniksa) Nov 2015
#pragma once
#include "../renderer/inc/IRenderData.hpp"
#include "../types/IUiaData.h"
class RenderData final :
public Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderData,
public Microsoft::Console::Types::IUiaData
#pragma region BaseData
Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport GetViewport() noexcept override;
COORD GetTextBufferEndPosition() const noexcept override;
const TextBuffer& GetTextBuffer() noexcept override;
const FontInfo& GetFontInfo() noexcept override;
std::vector<Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport> GetSelectionRects() noexcept override;
void LockConsole() noexcept override;
void UnlockConsole() noexcept override;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region IRenderData
const TextAttribute GetDefaultBrushColors() noexcept override;
std::pair<COLORREF, COLORREF> GetAttributeColors(const TextAttribute& attr) const noexcept override;
COORD GetCursorPosition() const noexcept override;
bool IsCursorVisible() const noexcept override;
bool IsCursorOn() const noexcept override;
ULONG GetCursorHeight() const noexcept override;
CursorType GetCursorStyle() const noexcept override;
ULONG GetCursorPixelWidth() const noexcept override;
COLORREF GetCursorColor() const noexcept override;
bool IsCursorDoubleWidth() const override;
bool IsScreenReversed() const noexcept override;
const std::vector<Microsoft::Console::Render::RenderOverlay> GetOverlays() const noexcept override;
const bool IsGridLineDrawingAllowed() noexcept override;
const std::wstring_view GetConsoleTitle() const noexcept override;
const std::wstring GetHyperlinkUri(uint16_t id) const noexcept override;
const std::wstring GetHyperlinkCustomId(uint16_t id) const noexcept override;
const std::vector<size_t> GetPatternId(const COORD location) const noexcept override;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region IUiaData
const bool IsSelectionActive() const override;
const bool IsBlockSelection() const noexcept override;
void ClearSelection() override;
void SelectNewRegion(const COORD coordStart, const COORD coordEnd) override;
const COORD GetSelectionAnchor() const noexcept;
const COORD GetSelectionEnd() const noexcept;
void ColorSelection(const COORD coordSelectionStart, const COORD coordSelectionEnd, const TextAttribute attr);
#pragma endregion