Carlos Zamora 2608e94822
Introduce TerminalSettingsModel project (#7667)
Introduces a new TerminalSettingsModel (TSM) project. This project is
responsible for (de)serializing and exposing Windows Terminal's settings
as WinRT objects.

## References
#885: TSM epic
#1564: Settings UI is dependent on this for data binding and settings access
#6904: TSM Spec

In the process of ripping out TSM from TerminalApp, a few other changes
were made to make this possible:
1. AppLogic's `ApplicationDisplayName` and `ApplicationVersion` was
   moved to `CascadiaSettings`
   - These are defined as static functions. They also no longer check if
     `AppLogic::Current()` is nullptr.
2. `enum LaunchMode` was moved from TerminalApp to TSM
3. `AzureConnectionType` and `TelnetConnectionType` were moved from the
   profile generators to their respective TerminalConnections
4. CascadiaSettings' `SettingsPath` and `DefaultSettingsPath` are
   exposed as `hstring` instead of `std::filesystem::path`
5. `Command::ExpandCommands()` was exposed via the IDL
   - This required some of the warnings to be saved to an `IVector`
     instead of `std::vector`, among some other small changes.
6. The localization resources had to be split into two halves.
   - Resource file linked in init.cpp. Verified at runtime thanks to the
7. Added constructors to some `ActionArgs`
8. Utils.h/cpp were moved to `cascadia/inc`. `JsonKey()` was moved to
   `JsonUtils`. Both TermApp and TSM need access to Utils.h/cpp.

A large amount of work includes moving to the new namespace
(`TerminalApp` --> `Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model`).

Fixing the tests had its own complications. Testing required us to split
up TSM into a DLL and LIB, similar to TermApp. Discussion on creating a
non-local test variant can be found in #7743.

Closes #885
2020-10-06 09:56:59 -07:00

113 lines
5.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
<!-- A note about this project: We're building the test code dll from this
project, but it _MUST_ be run in conjunction with the TestHostApp project.
TestHostApp actually will build a TestHost executable and packaging bits
that we can use to run our tests. We need TestHostApp so that our
dependencies, like MUX, can be aggregated correctly, and resources properly
combined into a resources.pri file.
TestHostApp will manually copy the output of this project into it's own
OutDir, so we can run the tests from there. -->
<!-- We'll manage our own OutDir/IntDir -->
<!-- Manually change our outdir to be in a subdirectory. We don't really want
to put our output in the bin root, because if we do, we'll copy
TerminalApp.winmd to the bin root, and then every subsequent mdmerge step
(in _any_ cppwinrt project) will automatically try to pick up
TerminalApp.winmd as a dependency (which is just wrong). This MUST be done
before importing common.build.pre.props -->
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\common.openconsole.props" Condition="'$(OpenConsoleDir)'==''" />
<Import Project="$(OpenConsoleDir)\src\cppwinrt.build.pre.props" />
<!-- ========================= Headers ======================== -->
<ClInclude Include="pch.h" />
<ClInclude Include="JsonTestClass.h" />
<!-- ========================= Cpp Files ======================== -->
<ClCompile Include="ProfileTests.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="ColorSchemeTests.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="KeyBindingsTests.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="CommandTests.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DeserializationTests.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="pch.cpp">
<!-- You _NEED_ to include this file and the jsoncpp IncludePath (below) if
you want to use jsoncpp -->
<ClCompile Include="$(OpenConsoleDir)\dep\jsoncpp\jsoncpp.cpp">
<!-- ========================= Project References ======================== -->
<ProjectReference Include="$(OpenConsoleDir)\src\cascadia\TerminalSettingsModel\Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.ModelLib.vcxproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="$(OpenConsoleDir)\src\types\lib\types.vcxproj" />
<!-- If you don't reference these projects here, the
_ConsoleGenerateAdditionalWinmdManifests step won't gather the winmd's -->
<ProjectReference Include="$(OpenConsoleDir)src\cascadia\TerminalControl\TerminalControl.vcxproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="$(OpenConsoleDir)src\cascadia\TerminalConnection\TerminalConnection.vcxproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="$(OpenConsoleDir)\src\cascadia\TerminalSettingsModel\dll\Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.vcxproj" />
<!-- ========================= Globals ======================== -->
<!-- ====================== Compiler & Linker Flags ===================== -->
<AdditionalIncludeDirectories>..;$(OpenConsoleDir)\dep;$(OpenConsoleDir)\dep\jsoncpp\json;$(OpenConsoleDir)src\inc;$(OpenConsoleDir)src\inc\test;$(WinRT_IncludePath)\..\cppwinrt\winrt;"$(OpenConsoleDir)\src\cascadia\TerminalSettingsModel\Generated Files";%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)</AdditionalIncludeDirectories>
<!-- Manually disable unreachable code warning, because jconcpp has a ton of that. -->
<!-- Careful reordering these. Some default props (contained in these files) are order sensitive. -->
<Import Project="$(OpenConsoleDir)src\common.build.post.props" />
<Import Project="$(OpenConsoleDir)src\common.build.tests.props" />
<!-- From Microsoft.UI.Xaml.targets -->
<Native-Platform Condition="'$(Platform)' == 'Win32'">x86</Native-Platform>
<Native-Platform Condition="'$(Platform)' != 'Win32'">$(Platform)</Native-Platform>
<!-- We actually can just straight up reference MUX here, it's fine -->
<Import Project="..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.5.0-prerelease.200609001\build\native\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.targets" Condition="Exists('..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.5.0-prerelease.200609001\build\native\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.targets')" />