msftbot[bot] 267deaaf70
Improve Word Navigation/Selection Performance (#4797)
## Summary of the Pull Request
1) Improves the performance of word-recognition operations such as word
   navigation in UIA and selection.

2) Fixes a bug where attempting to find the next word in UIA, when none
   exists, would hang

3) TraceLogging code only runs when somebody is listening

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- The concept of a delimiter class got moved to the CharRow.
- The buffer iterator used to save a lot more information than we needed
- I missed updating a tracing function after making GetSelection return
  one text range. That is fixed now.

## Validation Steps Performed
Performed Word Navigation under Narrator and NVDA.
NOTE: The release build should be used when testing to optimize

Closes #4703
2020-03-04 23:10:10 +00:00

97 lines
5.5 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- UiaTracing.hpp
- This module is used for recording tracing/debugging information to the telemetry ETW channel
- The data is not automatically broadcast to telemetry backends as it does not set the TELEMETRY keyword.
- NOTE: Many functions in this file appear to be copy/pastes. This is because the TraceLog documentation warns
to not be "cute" in trying to reduce its macro usages with variables as it can cause unexpected behavior.
- Carlos Zamora (cazamor) Feb 2020
#pragma once
#include <winmeta.h>
#include <TraceLoggingProvider.h>
#include "UiaTextRangeBase.hpp"
#include "ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase.h"
namespace Microsoft::Console::Types
class UiaTracing final
class TextRange final
static void Constructor(const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void Clone(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void Compare(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, const UiaTextRangeBase& other, bool result) noexcept;
static void CompareEndpoints(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, const UiaTextRangeBase& other, TextPatternRangeEndpoint otherEndpoint, int result) noexcept;
static void ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit unit, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void FindAttribute(const UiaTextRangeBase& base) noexcept;
static void FindText(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, std::wstring text, bool searchBackward, bool ignoreCase, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void GetAttributeValue(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, TEXTATTRIBUTEID id, VARIANT result) noexcept;
static void GetBoundingRectangles(const UiaTextRangeBase& base) noexcept;
static void GetEnclosingElement(const UiaTextRangeBase& base) noexcept;
static void GetText(const UiaTextRangeBase& base, int maxLength, std::wstring result) noexcept;
static void Move(TextUnit unit, int count, int resultCount, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextUnit unit, int count, int resultCount, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, const UiaTextRangeBase& other, TextPatternRangeEndpoint otherEndpoint, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void Select(const UiaTextRangeBase& base) noexcept;
static void AddToSelection(const UiaTextRangeBase& base) noexcept;
static void RemoveFromSelection(const UiaTextRangeBase& base) noexcept;
static void ScrollIntoView(bool alignToTop, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void GetChildren(const UiaTextRangeBase& base) noexcept;
class TextProvider final
static void Constructor(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& result) noexcept;
static void get_ProviderOptions(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, ProviderOptions options) noexcept;
static void GetPatternProvider(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, PATTERNID patternId) noexcept;
static void GetPropertyValue(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, PROPERTYID propertyId) noexcept;
static void get_HostRawElementProvider(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base) noexcept;
static void GetRuntimeId(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base) noexcept;
static void GetEmbeddedFragmentRoots(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base) noexcept;
static void SetFocus(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base) noexcept;
static void GetSelection(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void GetVisibleRanges(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void RangeFromChild(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void RangeFromPoint(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, UiaPoint point, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void get_DocumentRange(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, const UiaTextRangeBase& result) noexcept;
static void get_SupportedTextSelection(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& base, SupportedTextSelection result) noexcept;
// Implement this as a singleton class.
static UiaTracing& EnsureRegistration() noexcept
static UiaTracing instance;
return instance;
// Used to prevent multiple instances
UiaTracing() noexcept;
~UiaTracing() noexcept;
UiaTracing(UiaTracing const&) = delete;
UiaTracing(UiaTracing&&) = delete;
UiaTracing& operator=(const UiaTracing&) = delete;
UiaTracing& operator=(UiaTracing&&) = delete;
static inline std::wstring _getValue(const ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase& siup) noexcept;
static inline std::wstring _getValue(const UiaTextRangeBase& utr) noexcept;
static inline std::wstring _getValue(const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint) noexcept;
static inline std::wstring _getValue(const TextUnit unit) noexcept;