Carlos Zamora 8947909121
Add a KeyChordListener to the Settings UI (#10652)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Replaces the key chord editor in the actions page with a listener instead of a plain text box.

## References
#6900 - Settings UI Epic

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
- `Actions` page:
   - Replace `Keys` with `CurrentKeys` for consistency with `Action`/`CurrentAction`
   - `ProposedKeys` is now a `Control::KeyChord`
   - removes key chord validation (now we don't need it)
   - removes accept/cancel shortcuts (nowhere we could use it now)
- `KeyChordListener`:
   - `Keys`: dependency property that hooks us up to a system to the committed setting value
      - this is the key binding view model, which propagates the change to the settings model clone on "accept changes"
   - We bind to `PreviewKeyDown` to intercept the key event _before_ some special key bindings are handled (i.e. "select all" in the text box)
   - `CoreWindow` is used to get the modifier keys because (1) it's easier than updating on each key press and (2) that approach resulted in a strange bug where the <kbd>Alt</kbd> key-up event was not detected
   - `LosingFocus` means that we have completed our operation and want to commit our changes to the key binding view model
   - `KeyDown` does most of the magic of updating `Keys`. We filter out any key chords that could be problematic (i.e. <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Tab</kbd> and <kbd>Tab</kbd> for keyboard navigation)

## Validation Steps Performed
- Tested a few key chords:
   - single key: <kbd>X</kbd>
   - key with modifier(s): <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>X</kbd>
   - plain modifier: <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>
   - key that is used by text box: <kbd>Ctrl+A</kbd>
   - key that is used by Windows Terminal: <kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>F4</kbd>
   - key that is taken by Windows OS: <kbd>Windows</kbd>+<kbd>X</kbd>
   - key that is not taken by Windows OS: <kbd>Windows</kbd>+<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>X</kbd>
- Known issue:
   - global key taken by Windows Terminal: (i.e. quake mode keybinding)
      - Behavior: global key binding executed
      - Expected: key chord recorded

## Demo
![Key Chord Listener Demo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11050425/125538094-08ea4eaa-21eb-4488-a74c-6ce65324cdf1.gif)
2021-07-16 22:11:55 +00:00

59 lines
1.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// pch.h
// Header for platform projection include files
#pragma once
// Manually include til after we include Windows.Foundation to give it winrt superpowers
#define BLOCK_TIL
#include <LibraryIncludes.h>
// This is inexplicable, but for whatever reason, cppwinrt conflicts with the
// SDK definition of this function, so the only fix is to undef it.
// from WinBase.h
// Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Animation::IStoryboard::GetCurrentTime
#ifdef GetCurrentTime
#undef GetCurrentTime
#include <winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Globalization.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.System.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Input.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Popups.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Text.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers.h>
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#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Data.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Interop.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Navigation.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.UI.Xaml.XamlTypeInfo.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.Core.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.Control.h>
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.Settings.Model.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shobjidl_core.h>
#include <dwrite.h>
#include <dwrite_1.h>
// Manually include til after we include Windows.Foundation to give it winrt superpowers
#include "til.h"