PankajBhojwani 2bf5d18c84
Add support for autodetecting URLs and making hyperlinks (#7691)
This pull request is the initial implementation of hyperlink auto

Overall design:
- Upon startup, TerminalCore gives the TextBuffer some patterns it
  should know about
- Whenever something in the viewport changes (i.e. text
  output/scrolling), TerminalControl tells TerminalCore (through a
  throttled function for performance) to retrieve the visible pattern
  locations from the TextBuffer
- When the renderer encounters a region that is associated with a
  pattern, it paints that region differently 

References #5001
Closes #574
2020-10-28 20:24:43 +00:00

152 lines
6 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- Renderer.hpp
- This is the definition of our renderer.
- It provides interfaces for the console application to notify when various portions of the console state have changed and need to be redrawn.
- It requires a data interface to fetch relevant console structures required for drawing and a drawing engine target for output.
- Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 17-Nov-2015
#pragma once
#include "../inc/IRenderer.hpp"
#include "../inc/IRenderEngine.hpp"
#include "../inc/IRenderData.hpp"
#include "thread.hpp"
#include "../../buffer/out/textBuffer.hpp"
#include "../../buffer/out/CharRow.hpp"
namespace Microsoft::Console::Render
class Renderer sealed : public IRenderer
Renderer(IRenderData* pData,
_In_reads_(cEngines) IRenderEngine** const pEngine,
const size_t cEngines,
std::unique_ptr<IRenderThread> thread);
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT s_CreateInstance(IRenderData* pData,
_In_reads_(cEngines) IRenderEngine** const rgpEngines,
const size_t cEngines,
_Outptr_result_nullonfailure_ Renderer** const ppRenderer);
[[nodiscard]] static HRESULT s_CreateInstance(IRenderData* pData,
_Outptr_result_nullonfailure_ Renderer** const ppRenderer);
virtual ~Renderer() override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT PaintFrame();
void TriggerSystemRedraw(const RECT* const prcDirtyClient) override;
void TriggerRedraw(const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& region) override;
void TriggerRedraw(const COORD* const pcoord) override;
void TriggerRedrawCursor(const COORD* const pcoord) override;
void TriggerRedrawAll() override;
void TriggerTeardown() override;
void TriggerSelection() override;
void TriggerScroll() override;
void TriggerScroll(const COORD* const pcoordDelta) override;
void TriggerCircling() override;
void TriggerTitleChange() override;
void TriggerFontChange(const int iDpi,
const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired,
_Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo) override;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT GetProposedFont(const int iDpi,
const FontInfoDesired& FontInfoDesired,
_Out_ FontInfo& FontInfo) override;
bool IsGlyphWideByFont(const std::wstring_view glyph) override;
void EnablePainting() override;
void WaitForPaintCompletionAndDisable(const DWORD dwTimeoutMs) override;
void WaitUntilCanRender() override;
void AddRenderEngine(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine) override;
void SetRendererEnteredErrorStateCallback(std::function<void()> pfn);
void ResetErrorStateAndResume();
void UpdateLastHoveredInterval(const std::optional<interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t>::interval>& newInterval);
std::deque<IRenderEngine*> _rgpEngines;
IRenderData* _pData; // Non-ownership pointer
std::unique_ptr<IRenderThread> _pThread;
bool _destructing = false;
std::optional<interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t>::interval> _hoveredInterval;
void _NotifyPaintFrame();
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _PaintFrameForEngine(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine) noexcept;
bool _CheckViewportAndScroll();
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _PaintBackground(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
void _PaintBufferOutput(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
void _PaintBufferOutputHelper(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine,
TextBufferCellIterator it,
const COORD target,
const bool lineWrapped);
static IRenderEngine::GridLines s_GetGridlines(const TextAttribute& textAttribute) noexcept;
void _PaintBufferOutputGridLineHelper(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine,
const TextAttribute textAttribute,
const size_t cchLine,
const COORD coordTarget);
void _PaintSelection(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
void _PaintCursor(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
void _PaintOverlays(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
void _PaintOverlay(IRenderEngine& engine, const RenderOverlay& overlay);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _UpdateDrawingBrushes(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine, const TextAttribute attr, const bool isSettingDefaultBrushes);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _PerformScrolling(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport _viewport;
static constexpr float _shrinkThreshold = 0.8f;
std::vector<Cluster> _clusterBuffer;
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> _GetSelectionRects() const;
void _ScrollPreviousSelection(const til::point delta);
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> _previousSelection;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _PaintTitle(IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<CursorOptions> _GetCursorInfo();
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT _PrepareRenderInfo(_In_ IRenderEngine* const pEngine);
// Helper functions to diagnose issues with painting and layout.
// These are only actually effective/on in Debug builds when the flag is set using an attached debugger.
bool _fDebug = false;
std::function<void()> _pfnRendererEnteredErrorState;
friend class ConptyOutputTests;