Leonard Hecker 2353349fe5
Introduce AtlasEngine - A new text rendering prototype (#11623)
This commit introduces "AtlasEngine", a new text renderer based on DxEngine.
But unlike it, DirectWrite and Direct2D are only used to rasterize glyphs.
Blending and placing these glyphs into the target view is being done using
Direct3D and a simple HLSL shader. Since this new renderer more aggressively
assumes that the text is monospace, it simplifies the implementation:
The viewport is divided into cells, and its data is stored as a simple matrix.
Modifications to this matrix involve only simple pointer arithmetic and is easy
to understand. But just like with DxEngine however, DirectWrite
related code remains extremely complex and hard to understand.

Supported features:
* Basic text rendering with grayscale AA
* Foreground and background colors
* Emojis, including zero width joiners
* Underline, dotted underline, strikethrough
* Custom font axes and features
* Selections
* All cursor styles
* Full alpha support for all colors
* _Should_ work with Windows 7

Unsupported features:
* A more conservative GPU memory usage
  The backing texture atlas for glyphs is grow-only and will not shrink.
  After 256MB of memory is used up (~20k glyphs) text output
  will be broken until the renderer is restarted.
* ClearType
* Remaining gridlines (left, right, top, bottom, double underline)
* Hyperlinks don't get full underlines if hovered in WT
* Softfonts
* Non-default line renditions

* Runs at up to native display refresh rate
  Unfortunately the frame rate often drops below refresh rate, due us
  fighting over the buffer lock with other parts of the application.
* CPU consumption is up to halved compared to DxEngine
  AtlasEngine is still highly unoptimized. Glyph hashing
  consumes up to a third of the current CPU time.
* No regressions in WT performance
  VT parsing and related buffer management takes up most of the CPU time (~85%),
  due to which the AtlasEngine can't show any further improvements.
* ~2x improvement in raw text throughput in OpenConsole
  compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
* ≥10x improvement in colored VT output in WT/OpenConsole
  compared to DxEngine running at 144 FPS
2021-11-13 00:10:06 +00:00

2543 lines
115 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#define ENGLISH_US_CP 437u
#define JAPANESE_CP 932u
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using WEX::TestExecution::TestData;
using namespace WEX::Common;
namespace DbcsWriteRead
enum WriteMode
CrtWrite = 0,
WriteConsoleOutputFunc = 1,
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterFunc = 2,
WriteConsoleFunc = 3
enum ReadMode
ReadConsoleOutputFunc = 0,
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterFunc = 1
void TestRunner(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
_In_opt_ WORD* const pwAttrOverride,
const bool fUseTrueType,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteInUnicode,
const DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode ReadMode,
const bool fReadWithUnicode);
bool Setup(_In_ unsigned int uiCodePage,
_In_ bool fIsTrueType,
_Out_ HANDLE* const phOut,
_Out_ WORD* const pwAttributes);
void SendOutput(const HANDLE hOut,
_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
const WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fIsUnicode,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestString,
const WORD wAttr);
void RetrieveOutput(const HANDLE hOut,
const DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode ReadMode,
const bool fReadUnicode,
_Out_writes_(cChars) CHAR_INFO* const rgChars,
const SHORT cChars);
void Verify(_In_reads_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const rgExpected,
const size_t cExpected,
_In_reads_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const rgActual);
void PrepExpected(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteWithUnicode,
const bool fIsTrueTypeFont,
const DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode ReadMode,
const bool fReadWithUnicode,
_Outptr_result_buffer_(*pcExpected) CHAR_INFO** const ppciExpected,
_Out_ size_t* const pcExpected);
void PrepReadConsoleOutput(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteWithUnicode,
const bool fIsTrueTypeFont,
const bool fReadWithUnicode,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpectedNeeded) CHAR_INFO* const rgciExpected,
const size_t cExpectedNeeded);
void PrepReadConsoleOutputCharacter(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteWithUnicode,
const bool fIsTrueTypeFont,
const bool fReadWithUnicode,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpectedNeeded) CHAR_INFO* const rgciExpected,
const size_t cExpectedNeeded);
namespace PrepPattern
// There are 14 different patterns that result from the various combinations of our APIs.
// These patterns are simply recognized based on the existing v1 console behavior and generated
// here as a black box test to maintain compatibility based on the variations in API usage.
// It can be assumed that calling this pattern means that the combinations of APIs used for the test
// resulted in output that looks like this pattern on the v1 console.
// All patterns will be documented with their sample before and afters above the comment.
// We will use *KI* to represent a Japanese Hiragana character that is romanized and
// no * to represent US ASCII text.
// We don't store the Hiragana directly in this file because Visual Studio and Git fight over the
// proper encoding of UTF-8.
// 1
void SpacePaddedDedupeW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 2
void SpacePaddedDedupeTruncatedW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 3
void NullPaddedDedupeW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 4
void DoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 5
void DoubledW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 6
void A(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 7
void AStompsWNegativeOnePatternTruncateSpacePadded(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 8
void AOnDoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 9
void AOnDoubledW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 10
void WNullCoverAChar(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 11
void WSpaceFill(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 12
void ACoverAttrSpacePaddedDedupeTruncatedW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 13
void SpacePaddedDedupeA(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
// 14
void TrueTypeCharANullWithAttrs(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected);
class DbcsTests
TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Class")
// This test must come before ones that launch another process as launching another process can tamper with the codepage
// in ways that this test is not expecting.
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:uiCodePage", L"{437, 932}")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:fUseTrueTypeFont", L"{true, false}")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:WriteMode", L"{0, 1, 2, 3}")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:fWriteInUnicode", L"{true, false}")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:ReadMode", L"{0, 1}")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"Data:fReadInUnicode", L"{true, false}")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Method")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Method")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Method")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Method")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Method")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Method")
TEST_METHOD_PROPERTY(L"IsolationLevel", L"Method")
bool DbcsTests::DbcsTestSetup()
return true;
bool DbcsWriteRead::Setup(_In_ unsigned int uiCodePage,
_In_ bool fIsTrueType,
_Out_ HANDLE* const phOut,
_Out_ WORD* const pwAttributes)
HANDLE const hOut = GetStdOutputHandle();
// Ensure that the console is set into the appropriate codepage for the test
// Now set up the font. Many of these APIs are oddly dependent on font, so set as appropriate.
CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX cfiex = { 0 };
cfiex.cbSize = sizeof(cfiex);
if (!fIsTrueType)
// We use Terminal as the raster font name always.
wcscpy_s(cfiex.FaceName, L"Terminal");
// Use default raster font size from Japanese system.
cfiex.dwFontSize.X = 8;
cfiex.dwFontSize.Y = 18;
switch (uiCodePage)
wcscpy_s(cfiex.FaceName, L"MS Gothic");
wcscpy_s(cfiex.FaceName, L"Consolas");
cfiex.dwFontSize.Y = 16;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(OneCoreDelay::SetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hOut, FALSE, &cfiex));
// Ensure that we set the font we expected to set
CONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX cfiexGet = { 0 };
cfiexGet.cbSize = sizeof(cfiexGet);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(OneCoreDelay::GetCurrentConsoleFontEx(hOut, FALSE, &cfiexGet));
if (0 != NoThrowString(cfiex.FaceName).CompareNoCase(cfiexGet.FaceName))
Log::Comment(L"Could not change font. This system doesn't have the fonts we need to perform this test. Skipping.");
return false;
// Retrieve some of the information about the preferences/settings for the console buffer including
// the size of the buffer and the default colors (attributes) to use.
sbiex.cbSize = sizeof(sbiex);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOut, &sbiex));
// ensure first line of console is cleared out with spaces so nothing interferes with the text these tests will be writing.
COORD coordZero = { 0 };
DWORD dwWritten;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, L'\x20', sbiex.dwSize.X, coordZero, &dwWritten));
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hOut, sbiex.wAttributes, sbiex.dwSize.X, coordZero, &dwWritten));
// Move the cursor to the 0,0 position into our empty line so the tests can write (important for the CRT tests that specify no location)
if (!SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdOutputHandle(), coordZero))
VERIFY_FAIL(L"Failed to set cursor position");
// Give back the output handle and the default attributes so tests can verify attributes didn't change on roundtrip
*phOut = hOut;
*pwAttributes = sbiex.wAttributes;
return true;
void DbcsWriteRead::SendOutput(const HANDLE hOut,
_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fIsUnicode,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestString,
const WORD wAttr)
// DBCS is very dependent on knowing the byte length in the original codepage of the input text.
// Save off the original length of the string so we know what its A length was.
SHORT const cTestString = (SHORT)strlen(pszTestString);
// If we're in Unicode mode, we will need to translate the test string to Unicode before passing into the console
PWSTR pwszTestString = nullptr;
if (fIsUnicode)
// Use double-call pattern to find space to allocate, allocate it, then convert.
int const icchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestString, -1, nullptr, 0);
pwszTestString = new WCHAR[icchNeeded];
int const iRes = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestString, -1, pwszTestString, icchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iRes, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
// Calculate the number of cells/characters/calls we will need to fill with our input depending on the mode.
SHORT cChars = 0;
if (fIsUnicode)
cChars = (SHORT)wcslen(pwszTestString);
cChars = cTestString;
// These parameters will be used to print out the written rectangle if we used the console APIs (not the CRT APIs)
// This information will be stored and printed out at the very end after we move the cursor off of the text we just printed.
// The cursor auto-moves for CRT, but we have to manually move it for some of the Console APIs.
bool fUseRectWritten = false;
SMALL_RECT srWrittenExpected = { 0 };
SMALL_RECT srWritten = { 0 };
bool fUseDwordWritten = false;
DWORD dwWritten = 0;
switch (WriteMode)
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::CrtWrite:
// Align the CRT's mode with the text we're about to write.
// If you call a W function on the CRT while the mode is still set to A,
// the CRT will helpfully back-convert your text from W to A before sending it to the driver.
if (fIsUnicode)
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_WTEXT);
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_TEXT);
// Write each character in the string individually out through the CRT
if (fIsUnicode)
for (SHORT i = 0; i < cChars; i++)
for (SHORT i = 0; i < cChars; i++)
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleOutputFunc:
// If we're going to be using WriteConsoleOutput, we need to create up a nice
// CHAR_INFO buffer to pass into the method containing the string and possibly attributes
CHAR_INFO* rgChars = new CHAR_INFO[cChars];
for (SHORT i = 0; i < cChars; i++)
rgChars[i].Attributes = wAttr;
if (fIsUnicode)
rgChars[i].Char.UnicodeChar = pwszTestString[i];
// Ensure the top half of the union is filled with 0 for comparison purposes later.
rgChars[i].Char.UnicodeChar = 0;
rgChars[i].Char.AsciiChar = pszTestString[i];
// This is the stated size of the buffer we're passing.
// This console API can treat the buffer as a 2D array. We're only doing 1 dimension so the Y is 1 and the X is the number of CHAR_INFO characters.
COORD coordBufferSize = { 0 };
coordBufferSize.Y = 1;
coordBufferSize.X = cChars;
// We want to write to the coordinate 0,0 of the buffer. The test setup function has blanked out that line.
COORD coordBufferTarget = { 0 };
// inclusive rectangle (bottom and right are INSIDE the read area. usually are exclusive.)
SMALL_RECT srWriteRegion = { 0 };
// Since we could have full-width characters, we have to "allow" the console to write up to the entire A string length (up to double the W length)
srWriteRegion.Right = cTestString - 1;
// Save the expected written rectangle for comparison after the call
srWrittenExpected = { 0 };
srWrittenExpected.Right = cChars - 1; // we expect that the written report will be the number of characters inserted, not the size of buffer consumed
// NOTE: Don't VERIFY these calls or we will overwrite the text in the buffer with the log message.
if (fIsUnicode)
WriteConsoleOutputW(hOut, rgChars, coordBufferSize, coordBufferTarget, &srWriteRegion);
WriteConsoleOutputA(hOut, rgChars, coordBufferSize, coordBufferTarget, &srWriteRegion);
// Save write region so we can print it out after we move the cursor out of the way
srWritten = srWriteRegion;
fUseRectWritten = true;
delete[] rgChars;
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleOutputCharacterFunc:
COORD coordBufferTarget = { 0 };
if (fIsUnicode)
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, pwszTestString, cChars, coordBufferTarget, &dwWritten);
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, pszTestString, cChars, coordBufferTarget, &dwWritten);
fUseDwordWritten = true;
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleFunc:
if (fIsUnicode)
WriteConsoleW(hOut, pwszTestString, cChars, &dwWritten, nullptr);
WriteConsoleA(hOut, pszTestString, cChars, &dwWritten, nullptr);
fUseDwordWritten = true;
VERIFY_FAIL(L"Unsupported write mode.");
// Free memory if appropriate (if we had to convert A to W)
if (nullptr != pwszTestString)
delete[] pwszTestString;
// Move the cursor down a line in case log info prints out.
COORD coordSetCursor = { 0 };
coordSetCursor.Y = 1;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, coordSetCursor);
// If we had log info to print, print it now that it's safe (cursor out of the test data we printed)
// This only matters for when the test is run in the same window as the runner and could print log information.
if (fUseRectWritten)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"WriteRegion T: %d L: %d B: %d R: %d", srWritten.Top, srWritten.Left, srWritten.Bottom, srWritten.Right));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(srWrittenExpected, srWritten);
else if (fUseDwordWritten)
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Chars Written: %d", dwWritten));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((DWORD)cChars, dwWritten);
// 3
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x029 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x029 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x029 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x029 | 0x306B (0x6B) | Hiragana NI
// 0x000 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x000 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x000 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x000 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// ...
// "Null Padded" means any unused data in the buffer will be filled with null and null attribute.
// "Dedupe" means that any full-width characters in the buffer (despite being stored doubled inside the buffer)
// will be returned as single copies.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::NullPaddedDedupeW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD /*wAttrOriginal*/,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 3");
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideTestData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cWideTestData; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
wchar_t const wch = pwszTestData[i];
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrWritten;
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = wch;
delete[] pwszTestData;
// 1
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x029 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x029 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x029 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x029 | 0x306B (0x6B) | Hiragana NI
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// ...
// "Space Padded" means any unused data in the buffer will be filled with spaces and the default attribute.
// "Dedupe" means that any full-width characters in the buffer (despite being stored doubled inside the buffer)
// will be returned as single copies.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 1");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::NullPaddedDedupeW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cExpected; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
if (0 == pciCurrent->Attributes && 0 == pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar)
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrOriginal;
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = L'\x20';
// 2
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x029 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x029 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x029 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x000 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x000 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x000 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// ...
// "Space Padded" means most of the unused data in the buffer will be filled with spaces and the default attribute.
// "Dedupe" means that any full-width characters in the buffer (despite being stored doubled inside the buffer)
// will be returned as single copies.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
// "Truncated" means that this pattern trims off some of the end of the buffer with NULLs.
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeTruncatedW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 2");
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
// The maximum number of columns the console will consume is the number of wide characters there are in the string.
// This is whether or not the characters themselves are halfwidth or fullwidth (1 col or 2 col respectively.)
// This means that for 4 wide characters that are halfwidth (1 col), the console will copy out all 4 of them.
// For 4 wide characters that are fullwidth (2 col each), the console will copy out 2 of them (because it will count each fullwidth as 2 when filling)
// For a mixed string that is something like half, full, half (4 columns, 3 wchars), we will receive half, full (3 columns worth) and truncate the last half.
size_t const cMaxColumns = cWideData;
size_t iColumnsConsumed = 0;
size_t iNarrow = 0;
size_t iWide = 0;
size_t iExpected = 0;
size_t iNulls = 0;
while (iColumnsConsumed < cMaxColumns)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[iExpected];
char const chCurrent = pszTestData[iWide];
wchar_t const wchCurrent = pwszTestData[iWide];
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrWritten;
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = wchCurrent;
if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(uiCodePage, chCurrent))
iColumnsConsumed += 2;
iNarrow += 2;
// Fill remaining with spaces and original attribute
while (iExpected < cExpected - iNulls)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[iExpected];
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrOriginal;
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = L'\x20';
delete[] pwszTestData;
// 13
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x0082 (0x82) | Hiragana I Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte
// 0x229 | 0x00A2 (0xA2) | Hiragana I Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte
// 0x129 | 0x0082 (0x82) | Hiragana KA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte
// 0x229 | 0x00A9 (0xA9) | Hiragana KA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte
// 0x129 | 0x0082 (0x82) | Hiragana NA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte
// 0x229 | 0x00C8 (0xC8) | Hiragana NA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// ...
// "Space Padded" means most of the unused data in the buffer will be filled with spaces and the default attribute.
// "Dedupe" means that any full-width characters in the buffer (despite being stored doubled inside the buffer)
// will be returned as single copies.
// "A" means that we intend in-codepage (char) data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeA(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 13");
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
// The maximum number of columns the console will consume is the number of wide characters there are in the string.
// This is whether or not the characters themselves are halfwidth or fullwidth (1 col or 2 col respectively.)
// This means that for 4 wide characters that are halfwidth (1 col), the console will copy out all 4 of them.
// For 4 wide characters that are fullwidth (2 col each), the console will copy out 2 of them (because it will count each fullwidth as 2 when filling)
// For a mixed string that is something like half, full, half (4 columns, 3 wchars), we will receive half, full (3 columns worth) and truncate the last half.
size_t const cMaxColumns = cWideData;
bool fIsNextTrailing = false;
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < cMaxColumns; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
char const chCurrent = pszTestData[i];
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrWritten;
pciCurrent->Char.AsciiChar = chCurrent;
if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(uiCodePage, chCurrent))
pciCurrent->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE;
fIsNextTrailing = true;
else if (fIsNextTrailing)
pciCurrent->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE;
fIsNextTrailing = false;
// Fill remaining with spaces and original attribute
while (i < cExpected)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrOriginal;
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = L'\x20';
delete[] pwszTestData;
// 5
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x229 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x129 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x229 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x129 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x229 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x129 | 0x306B (0x6B) | Hiragana NI
// 0x229 | 0x306B (0x6B) | Hiragana NI
// ...
// "Doubled" means that any full-width characters in the buffer are returned twice with a leading and trailing byte marker.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD /*wAttrOriginal*/,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 5");
size_t const cTestData = strlen(pszTestData);
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t iWide = 0;
wchar_t wchRepeat = L'\0';
bool fIsNextTrailing = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cTestData; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
char const chTest = pszTestData[i];
wchar_t const wchCopy = pwszTestData[iWide];
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrWritten;
if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(uiCodePage, chTest))
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = wchCopy;
pciCurrent->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE;
wchRepeat = wchCopy;
fIsNextTrailing = true;
else if (fIsNextTrailing)
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = wchRepeat;
pciCurrent->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE;
fIsNextTrailing = false;
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = wchCopy;
delete[] pwszTestData;
// 4
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x229 | 0xFFFF (0xFF) | Invalid Unicode Character
// 0x129 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x229 | 0xFFFF (0xFF) | Invalid Unicode Character
// 0x129 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x229 | 0xFFFF (0xFF) | Invalid Unicode Character
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x129 | 0x306B (0x6B) | Hiragana NI
// 0x229 | 0xFFFF (0xFF) | Invalid Unicode Character
// ...
// "Doubled" means that any full-width characters in the buffer are returned twice with a leading and trailing byte marker.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
// "NegativeOneTrailing" means that all trailing bytes have their character replaced with the value -1 or 0xFFFF
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 4");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cExpected; i++)
CHAR_INFO* pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
if (WI_IsFlagSet(pciCurrent->Attributes, COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE))
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = 0xFFFF;
// 7
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana I Unicode 0x3044 with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0xFFA2 (0xA2) | Invalid Unicode Character 0xFFFF with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xA2
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana KA Unicode 0x304B with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0xFFA9 (0xA9) | Invalid Unicode Character 0xFFFF with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xA9
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana NA 0x306A with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0xFFC8 (0xC8) | Invalid Unicode Character 0xFFFF with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xC8
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// ...
// "AStompsW" means that the Unicode characters were fit into the result buffer first, then the Multibyte conversion
// was written over the top of the lower byte. This makes an invalid Unicode character, but can be understood
// as in-codepage from the char portion of the union.
// "NegativeOnePattern" means that every trailing byte started as -1 or 0xFFFF
// "TruncateSpacePadded" means that we only allowed ourselves to return as many characters as is in the unicode length
// of the string and then filled the rest of the buffer after that with spaces.
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::AStompsWNegativeOnePatternTruncateSpacePadded(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 7");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
// Stomp all A portions of the structure from the existing pattern with the A characters
size_t const cTestData = strlen(pszTestData);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cTestData; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
pciCurrent->Char.AsciiChar = pszTestData[i];
// Now truncate down and space fill the space based on the max column count.
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
// The maximum number of columns the console will consume is the number of wide characters there are in the string.
// This is whether or not the characters themselves are halfwidth or fullwidth (1 col or 2 col respectively.)
// This means that for 4 wide characters that are halfwidth (1 col), the console will copy out all 4 of them.
// For 4 wide characters that are fullwidth (2 col each), the console will copy out 2 of them (because it will count each fullwidth as 2 when filling)
// For a mixed string that is something like half, full, half (4 columns, 3 wchars), we will receive half, full (3 columns worth) and truncate the last half.
size_t const cMaxColumns = cWideData;
for (size_t i = cMaxColumns; i < cExpected; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
pciCurrent->Char.UnicodeChar = L'\x20';
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrOriginal;
delete[] pwszTestData;
// 6
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x0082 (0x82) | Hiragana I Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte
// 0x229 | 0x00A2 (0xA2) | Hiragana I Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte
// 0x129 | 0x0082 (0x82) | Hiragana KA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte
// 0x229 | 0x00A9 (0xA9) | Hiragana KA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte
// 0x129 | 0x0082 (0x82) | Hiragana NA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte
// 0x229 | 0x00C8 (0xC8) | Hiragana NA Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x129 | 0x0082 (0x82) | Hiragana NI Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte
// 0x229 | 0x00C9 (0xC9) | Hiragana NI Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte
// ...
// "A" means that we intend in-codepage (char) data to be browsed in the resulting struct.
// This one returns pretty much exactly as expected.
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::A(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD /*wAttrOriginal*/,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 6");
size_t const cTestData = strlen(pszTestData);
bool fIsNextTrailing = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cTestData; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
char const ch = pszTestData[i];
pciCurrent->Attributes = wAttrWritten;
pciCurrent->Char.AsciiChar = ch;
if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(uiCodePage, ch))
pciCurrent->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE;
fIsNextTrailing = true;
else if (fIsNextTrailing)
pciCurrent->Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE;
fIsNextTrailing = false;
// 10
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x229 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x129 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x229 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x129 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x229 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x029 | 0x306B (0x6B) | Hiragana NI
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x129 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x229 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// ...
// "Null" means any unused data in the buffer will be filled with null and null attribute.
// "CoverAChar" means that the attributes belong to the A version of the call, but we've placed de-duped W characters over the top.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::WNullCoverAChar(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 10");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::A(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < cWideData; i++)
pciExpected[i].Char.UnicodeChar = pwszTestData[i];
for (; i < cExpected; i++)
pciExpected[i].Char.UnicodeChar = L'\0';
delete[] pwszTestData;
// 11
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x029 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x029 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x029 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x029 | 0x306B (0x6B) | Hiragana NI
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// ...
// "Space fill" means any unused data in the buffer will be filled with space and default attribute
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::WSpaceFill(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 11");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::WNullCoverAChar(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < cWideData; i++)
pciExpected[i].Attributes = wAttrWritten;
for (; i < cExpected; i++)
pciExpected[i].Char.UnicodeChar = L'\x20';
pciExpected[i].Attributes = wAttrOriginal;
delete[] pwszTestData;
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana I Unicode 0x3044 with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0xFFA2 (0xA2) | Invalid Unicode Character 0xFFFF with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xA2
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana KA Unicode 0x304B with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0xFFA9 (0xA9) | Invalid Unicode Character 0xFFFF with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xA9
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana NA 0x306A with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0xFFC8 (0xC8) | Invalid Unicode Character 0xFFFF with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xC8
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x30) | Hiragana NI 0x306B with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0xFFC9 (0xC9) | Invalid Unicode Character 0xFFFF with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xC9
// ...
// "AOn" means that the Unicode characters were fit into the result buffer first, then the Multibyte conversion
// was written over the top of the lower byte. This makes an invalid Unicode character, but can be understood
// as in-codepage from the char portion of the union.
// "DoubledW" means that the full-width Unicode characters were inserted twice into the buffer (and marked lead/trailing)
// "NegativeOneTrailing" means that every trailing byte started as -1 or 0xFFFF
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::AOnDoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 8");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
// Stomp all A portions of the structure from the existing pattern with the A characters
size_t const cTestData = strlen(pszTestData);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cTestData; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
pciCurrent->Char.AsciiChar = pszTestData[i];
// 9
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana I Unicode 0x3044 with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0x30A2 (0xA2) | Hiragana I Unicode 0x3044 with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xA2
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana KA Unicode 0x304B with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0x30A9 (0xA9) | Hiragana KA Unicode 0x304B with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xA9
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x82) | Hiragana NA 0x306A with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0x39C8 (0xC8) | Hiragana NA 0x306A with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xC8
// 0x029 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x029 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x029 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0055 (0x55) | U
// 0x029 | 0x0054 (0x54) | T
// 0x129 | 0x3082 (0x30) | Hiragana NI 0x306B with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Lead Byte 0x82.
// 0x229 | 0x30C9 (0xC9) | Hiragana NI 0x306B with the lower byte covered by Shift-JIS Codepage 932 Trail Byte 0xC9
// ...
// "AOn" means that the Unicode characters were fit into the result buffer first, then the Multibyte conversion
// was written over the top of the lower byte. This makes an invalid Unicode character, but can be understood
// as in-codepage from the char portion of the union.
// "DoubledW" means that the full-width Unicode characters were inserted twice into the buffer (and marked lead/trailing)
// "NegativeOneTrailing" means that every trailing byte started as -1 or 0xFFFF
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::AOnDoubledW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 9");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
// Stomp all A portions of the structure from the existing pattern with the A characters
size_t const cTestData = strlen(pszTestData);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cTestData; i++)
CHAR_INFO* const pciCurrent = &pciExpected[i];
pciCurrent->Char.AsciiChar = pszTestData[i];
// 12
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0051 (0x51) | Q
// 0x129 | 0x3044 (0x44) | Hiragana I
// 0x229 | 0x304B (0x4B) | Hiragana KA
// 0x129 | 0x306A (0x6A) | Hiragana NA
// 0x229 | 0x005A (0x5A) | Z
// 0x129 | 0x0059 (0x59) | Y
// 0x229 | 0x0058 (0x58) | X
// 0x029 | 0x0057 (0x57) | W
// 0x029 | 0x0056 (0x56) | V
// 0x029 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x029 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x029 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0020 (0x20) | <space>
// 0x007 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x007 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x007 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// ...
// "Space Padded" means most of the unused data in the buffer will be filled with spaces and the default attribute.
// "Dedupe" means that any full-width characters in the buffer (despite being stored doubled inside the buffer)
// will be returned as single copies.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
// "Truncated" means that this pattern trims off some of the end of the buffer with NULLs.
// "A Cover Attr" means that after all the other operations, we will finally run through and cover up the attributes
// again with what they would have been for multi-byte data (leading and trailing flags)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::ACoverAttrSpacePaddedDedupeTruncatedW(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 12");
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeTruncatedW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, pciExpected, cExpected);
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
size_t i = 0;
bool fIsNextTrailing = false;
for (; i < cWideData; i++)
pciExpected[i].Attributes = wAttrWritten;
if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(uiCodePage, pszTestData[i]))
pciExpected[i].Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE;
fIsNextTrailing = true;
else if (fIsNextTrailing)
pciExpected[i].Attributes |= COMMON_LVB_TRAILING_BYTE;
fIsNextTrailing = false;
for (; i < cExpected; i++)
pciExpected[i].Attributes = wAttrOriginal;
delete[] pwszTestData;
// 14
// From Input String: "Q(Hiragana I)(Hiragana KA)(Hiragana NA)ZYXWVUT(Hiragana NI)
// With Default Attribute 0x7 (before writing) and Applied Attribute 0x29 (written with text)
// ...
// Receive Output Table:
// attr | wchar (char) | symbol
// ------------------------------------
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x029 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x007 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x007 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x007 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// 0x007 | 0x0000 (0x00) | <null>
// ...
// "Space Padded" means most of the unused data in the buffer will be filled with spaces and the default attribute.
// "Dedupe" means that any full-width characters in the buffer (despite being stored doubled inside the buffer)
// will be returned as single copies.
// "W" means that we intend Unicode data to be browsed in the resulting struct (even though wchar and char are unioned.)
// "Truncated" means that this pattern trims off some of the end of the buffer with NULLs.
// "A Cover Attr" means that after all the other operations, we will finally run through and cover up the attributes
// again with what they would have been for multi-byte data (leading and trailing flags)
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::TrueTypeCharANullWithAttrs(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const pciExpected,
const size_t cExpected)
Log::Comment(L"Pattern 14");
int const iwchNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, nullptr, 0);
PWSTR pwszTestData = new wchar_t[iwchNeeded];
int const iSuccess = MultiByteToWideChar(uiCodePage, 0, pszTestData, -1, pwszTestData, iwchNeeded);
CheckLastErrorZeroFail(iSuccess, L"MultiByteToWideChar");
size_t const cWideData = wcslen(pwszTestData);
// Fill the number of columns worth of wide characters with the write attribute. The rest get the original attribute.
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < cWideData; i++)
pciExpected[i].Attributes = wAttrWritten;
for (; i < cExpected; i++)
pciExpected[i].Attributes = wAttrOriginal;
// For characters, if the string contained NO double-byte characters, it will return. Otherwise, it won't return due to
// a long standing bug in the console's way it calls RtlUnicodeToOemN
size_t const cTestData = strlen(pszTestData);
if (cWideData == cTestData)
for (i = 0; i < cTestData; i++)
pciExpected[i].Char.AsciiChar = pszTestData[i];
delete[] pwszTestData;
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepReadConsoleOutput(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteWithUnicode,
const bool fIsTrueTypeFont,
const bool fReadWithUnicode,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpectedNeeded) CHAR_INFO* const rgciExpected,
const size_t cExpectedNeeded)
switch (WriteMode)
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleOutputFunc:
// If we wrote with WriteConsoleOutput*, things are going to be munged depending on the font and the A/W status of both the write and the read.
if (!fReadWithUnicode)
// If we read it back with the A functions, the font might matter.
// We will get different results dependent on whether the original text was written with the W or A method.
if (fWriteWithUnicode)
if (fIsTrueTypeFont)
// When written with WriteConsoleOutputW and read back with ReadConsoleOutputA under TT font, we will get a deduplicated
// set of Unicode characters (YES. Unicode characters despite calling the A API to read back) that is space padded out
// There will be no lead/trailing markings.
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
// When written with WriteConsoleOutputW and read back with ReadConsoleOutputA under Raster font, we will get the
// double-byte sequences stomped on top of a Unicode filled CHAR_INFO structure that used -1 for trailing bytes.
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::AStompsWNegativeOnePatternTruncateSpacePadded(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
// When written with WriteConsoleOutputA and read back with ReadConsoleOutputA,
// we will get back the double-byte sequences appropriately labeled with leading/trailing bytes.
//DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::A(pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::AOnDoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
// If we read it back with the W functions, both the font and the original write mode (A vs. W) matter
if (fIsTrueTypeFont)
if (fWriteWithUnicode)
// When written with WriteConsoleOutputW and read back with ReadConsoleOutputW when the font is TrueType,
// we will get a deduplicated set of Unicode characters with no lead/trailing markings and space padded at the end.
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
// When written with WriteConsoleOutputW and read back with ReadConsoleOutputA when the font is TrueType,
// we will get back Unicode characters doubled up and marked with leading and trailing bytes...
// ... except all the trailing bytes character values will be -1.
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledWNegativeOneTrailing(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
if (fWriteWithUnicode)
// When written with WriteConsoleOutputW and read back with ReadConsoleOutputW when the font is Raster,
// we will get a deduplicated set of Unicode characters with no lead/trailing markings and space padded at the end...
// ... except something weird happens with truncation (TODO figure out what)
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeTruncatedW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
// When written with WriteConsoleOutputA and read back with ReadConsoleOutputW when the font is Raster,
// we will get back de-duplicated Unicode characters with no lead / trail markings.The extra array space will remain null.
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::NullPaddedDedupeW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::CrtWrite:
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleOutputCharacterFunc:
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleFunc:
// Writing with the CRT down here.
if (!fReadWithUnicode)
// If we wrote with the CRT and are reading with A functions, the font doesn't matter.
// We will always get back the double-byte sequences appropriately labeled with leading/trailing bytes.
//DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::(pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::AOnDoubledW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
// If we wrote with the CRT and are reading back with the W functions, the font does matter.
if (fIsTrueTypeFont)
// In a TrueType font, we will get back Unicode characters doubled up and marked with leading and trailing bytes.
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::DoubledW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
// In a Raster font, we will get back de-duplicated Unicode characters with no lead/trail markings. The extra array space will remain null.
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::NullPaddedDedupeW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
VERIFY_FAIL(L"Unsupported write mode");
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepReadConsoleOutputCharacter(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteWithUnicode,
const bool fIsTrueTypeFont,
const bool fReadWithUnicode,
_Inout_updates_all_(cExpectedNeeded) CHAR_INFO* const rgciExpected,
const size_t cExpectedNeeded)
if (DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleOutputFunc == WriteMode && fWriteWithUnicode)
if (fIsTrueTypeFont)
if (fReadWithUnicode)
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::WSpaceFill(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::TrueTypeCharANullWithAttrs(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
if (fReadWithUnicode)
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::ACoverAttrSpacePaddedDedupeTruncatedW(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::SpacePaddedDedupeA(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
if (!fReadWithUnicode)
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::A(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
DbcsWriteRead::PrepPattern::WNullCoverAChar(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttrWritten, rgciExpected, cExpectedNeeded);
void DbcsWriteRead::PrepExpected(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
const WORD wAttrOriginal,
const WORD wAttrWritten,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteWithUnicode,
const bool fIsTrueTypeFont,
const DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode ReadMode,
const bool fReadWithUnicode,
_Outptr_result_buffer_(*pcExpected) CHAR_INFO** const ppciExpected,
_Out_ size_t* const pcExpected)
// We will expect to read back one CHAR_INFO for every A character we sent to the console using the assumption above.
// We expect that reading W characters will always be less than or equal to that.
size_t const cExpectedNeeded = strlen(pszTestData);
// Allocate and zero out the space so comparisons don't fail from garbage bytes.
CHAR_INFO* rgciExpected = new CHAR_INFO[cExpectedNeeded];
ZeroMemory(rgciExpected, sizeof(CHAR_INFO) * cExpectedNeeded);
switch (ReadMode)
case DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode::ReadConsoleOutputFunc:
case DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode::ReadConsoleOutputCharacterFunc:
VERIFY_FAIL(L"Unknown read mode.");
// Return the expected array and the length that should be used for comparison at the end of the test.
*ppciExpected = rgciExpected;
*pcExpected = cExpectedNeeded;
void DbcsWriteRead::RetrieveOutput(const HANDLE hOut,
const DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode ReadMode,
const bool fReadUnicode,
_Out_writes_(cChars) CHAR_INFO* const rgChars,
const SHORT cChars)
COORD coordBufferTarget = { 0 };
switch (ReadMode)
case DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode::ReadConsoleOutputFunc:
// Since we wrote (in SendOutput function) to the 0,0 line, we need to read back the same width from that line.
COORD coordBufferSize = { 0 };
coordBufferSize.Y = 1;
coordBufferSize.X = cChars;
SMALL_RECT srReadRegion = { 0 }; // inclusive rectangle (bottom and right are INSIDE the read area. usually are exclusive.)
srReadRegion.Right = cChars - 1;
// return value for read region shouldn't change
SMALL_RECT const srReadRegionExpected = srReadRegion;
if (!fReadUnicode)
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(ReadConsoleOutputA(hOut, rgChars, coordBufferSize, coordBufferTarget, &srReadRegion));
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(ReadConsoleOutputW(hOut, rgChars, coordBufferSize, coordBufferTarget, &srReadRegion));
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"ReadRegion T: %d L: %d B: %d R: %d", srReadRegion.Top, srReadRegion.Left, srReadRegion.Bottom, srReadRegion.Right));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(srReadRegionExpected, srReadRegion);
case DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode::ReadConsoleOutputCharacterFunc:
DWORD dwRead = 0;
if (!fReadUnicode)
PSTR psRead = new char[cChars];
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, psRead, cChars, coordBufferTarget, &dwRead));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dwRead; i++)
rgChars[i].Char.AsciiChar = psRead[i];
delete[] psRead;
PWSTR pwsRead = new wchar_t[cChars];
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, pwsRead, cChars, coordBufferTarget, &dwRead));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dwRead; i++)
rgChars[i].Char.UnicodeChar = pwsRead[i];
delete[] pwsRead;
PWORD pwAttrs = new WORD[cChars];
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED_RETURN(ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(hOut, pwAttrs, cChars, coordBufferTarget, &dwRead));
for (size_t i = 0; i < dwRead; i++)
rgChars[i].Attributes = pwAttrs[i];
delete[] pwAttrs;
VERIFY_FAIL(L"Unknown read mode");
void DbcsWriteRead::Verify(_In_reads_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const rgExpected,
const size_t cExpected,
_In_reads_(cExpected) CHAR_INFO* const rgActual)
// We will walk through for the number of CHAR_INFOs expected.
for (size_t i = 0; i < cExpected; i++)
// Uncomment these lines for help debugging the verification.
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Index: %d:", i));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(rgExpected[i], rgActual[i]);
void DbcsWriteRead::TestRunner(_In_ unsigned int const uiCodePage,
_In_ PCSTR pszTestData,
_In_opt_ WORD* const pwAttrOverride,
const bool fUseTrueType,
const DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode,
const bool fWriteInUnicode,
const DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode ReadMode,
const bool fReadWithUnicode)
// First we need to set up the tests by clearing out the first line of the buffer,
// retrieving the appropriate output handle, and getting the colors (attributes)
// used by default in the buffer (set during clearing as well).
WORD wAttributes;
if (!DbcsWriteRead::Setup(uiCodePage, fUseTrueType, &hOut, &wAttributes))
// If we can't set up (setup will detect systems where this test cannot operate) then return early.
WORD const wAttrOriginal = wAttributes;
// Some tests might want to override the colors applied to ensure both parts of the CHAR_INFO union
// work for methods that support sending that union. (i.e. not the CRT path)
if (nullptr != pwAttrOverride)
wAttributes = *pwAttrOverride;
// The console bases the space it walks for DBCS conversions on the length of the A version of the text.
// Store that length now so we have it for our read/write operations.
size_t const cTestData = strlen(pszTestData);
// Write the string under test into the appropriate WRITE API for this test.
DbcsWriteRead::SendOutput(hOut, uiCodePage, WriteMode, fWriteInUnicode, pszTestData, wAttributes);
// Prepare the array of CHAR_INFO structs that we expect to receive back when we will call read in a moment.
// This can vary based on font, unicode/non-unicode (when reading AND writing), and codepage.
CHAR_INFO* pciExpected;
size_t cExpected;
DbcsWriteRead::PrepExpected(uiCodePage, pszTestData, wAttrOriginal, wAttributes, WriteMode, fWriteInUnicode, fUseTrueType, ReadMode, fReadWithUnicode, &pciExpected, &cExpected);
// Now call the appropriate READ API for this test.
CHAR_INFO* pciActual = new CHAR_INFO[cTestData];
ZeroMemory(pciActual, sizeof(CHAR_INFO) * cTestData);
DbcsWriteRead::RetrieveOutput(hOut, ReadMode, fReadWithUnicode, pciActual, (SHORT)cTestData);
// Loop through and verify that our expected array matches what was actually returned by the given API.
DbcsWriteRead::Verify(pciExpected, cExpected, pciActual);
// Free allocated structures
delete[] pciActual;
delete[] pciExpected;
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsWriteRead()
unsigned int uiCodePage;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"uiCodePage", uiCodePage));
bool fUseTrueTypeFont;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"fUseTrueTypeFont", fUseTrueTypeFont));
int iWriteMode;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"WriteMode", iWriteMode));
DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode WriteMode = (DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode)iWriteMode;
bool fWriteInUnicode;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"fWriteInUnicode", fWriteInUnicode));
int iReadMode;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"ReadMode", iReadMode));
DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode ReadMode = (DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode)iReadMode;
bool fReadInUnicode;
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(TestData::TryGetValue(L"fReadInUnicode", fReadInUnicode));
PCWSTR pwszWriteMode = L"";
switch (WriteMode)
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::CrtWrite:
pwszWriteMode = L"CRT";
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleOutputFunc:
pwszWriteMode = L"WriteConsoleOutput";
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleOutputCharacterFunc:
pwszWriteMode = L"WriteConsoleOutputCharacter";
case DbcsWriteRead::WriteMode::WriteConsoleFunc:
pwszWriteMode = L"WriteConsole";
VERIFY_FAIL(L"Write mode not supported");
PCWSTR pwszReadMode = L"";
switch (ReadMode)
case DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode::ReadConsoleOutputFunc:
pwszReadMode = L"ReadConsoleOutput";
case DbcsWriteRead::ReadMode::ReadConsoleOutputCharacterFunc:
pwszReadMode = L"ReadConsoleOutputCharacter";
VERIFY_FAIL(L"Read mode not supported");
auto testInfo = NoThrowString().Format(L"\r\n\r\n\r\nUse '%ls' font. Write with %ls '%ls'. Check Read with %ls '%ls' API. Use %d codepage.\r\n",
fUseTrueTypeFont ? L"TrueType" : L"Raster",
fWriteInUnicode ? L"W" : L"A",
fReadInUnicode ? L"W" : L"A",
PCSTR pszTestData = "";
switch (uiCodePage)
pszTestData = "QWERTYUIOP";
// Q (Hiragana I) (Hiragana KA) (Hiragana NA) Z Y X W V U T (Hiragana NI) in Shift-JIS (Codepage 932)
pszTestData = "Q\x82\xA2\x82\xa9\x82\xc8ZYXWVUT\x82\xc9";
VERIFY_FAIL(L"No test data for this codepage");
WORD wAttributes = 0;
if (WriteMode == 1)
Log::Comment(L"We will also try to change the color since WriteConsoleOutput supports it.");
wAttributes != 0 ? &wAttributes : nullptr,
// This test covers bisect-prevention handling. This is the behavior where a double-wide character will not be spliced
// across a line boundary and will instead be advanced onto the next line.
// It additionally exercises the word wrap functionality to ensure that the bisect calculations continue
// to apply properly when wrap occurs.
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsBisect()
HANDLE const hOut = GetStdOutputHandle();
UINT dwCP = GetConsoleCP();
UINT dwOutputCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
sbiex.cbSize = sizeof(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX);
BOOL fSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOut, &sbiex);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx"))
Log::Comment(L"Set cursor position to the last column in the buffer width.");
sbiex.dwCursorPosition.X = sbiex.dwSize.X - 1;
COORD const coordEndOfLine = sbiex.dwCursorPosition; // this is the end of line position we're going to write at
COORD coordStartOfNextLine;
coordStartOfNextLine.X = 0;
coordStartOfNextLine.Y = sbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y + 1;
fSuccess = SetConsoleCursorPosition(hOut, sbiex.dwCursorPosition);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx"))
Log::Comment(L"Attempt to write (standard WriteConsole) a double-wide character and ensure that it is placed onto the following line, not bisected.");
DWORD dwWritten = 0;
WCHAR const wchHiraganaU = L'\x3046';
WCHAR const wchSpace = L' ';
fSuccess = WriteConsoleW(hOut, &wchHiraganaU, 1, &dwWritten, nullptr);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"WriteConsoleW"))
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, dwWritten, L"We should have only written the one character.");
// Read the end of line character and the start of the next line.
// A proper bisect should have left the end of line character empty (a space)
// and then put the character at the beginning of the next line.
Log::Comment(L"Confirm that the end of line was left empty to prevent bisect.");
WCHAR wchBuffer;
fSuccess = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, &wchBuffer, 1, coordEndOfLine, &dwWritten);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW"))
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, dwWritten, L"We should have only read one character back at the end of the line.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(wchSpace, wchBuffer, L"A space character should have been left at the end of the line.");
Log::Comment(L"Confirm that the wide character was written on the next line down instead.");
WCHAR wchBuffer2[2];
fSuccess = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, wchBuffer2, 2, coordStartOfNextLine, &dwWritten);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW"))
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, dwWritten, L"We should have only read one character back at the beginning of the next line.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(wchHiraganaU, wchBuffer2[0], L"The same character we passed in should have been read back.");
Log::Comment(L"Confirm that the cursor has advanced past the double wide character.");
fSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOut, &sbiex);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx"))
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(coordStartOfNextLine.Y, sbiex.dwCursorPosition.Y, L"Cursor has moved down to next line.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(coordStartOfNextLine.X + 2, sbiex.dwCursorPosition.X, L"Cursor has advanced two spaces on next line for double wide character.");
// TODO: This bit needs to move into a UIA test
/*Log::Comment(L"We can only run the resize test in the v2 console. We'll skip it if it turns out v2 is off.");
if (IsV2Console())
Log::Comment(L"Test that the character moves back up when the window is unwrapped. Make the window one larger.");
fSuccess = SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOut, &sbiex);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx"))
ZeroMemory(wchBuffer2, ARRAYSIZE(wchBuffer2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
Log::Comment(L"Check that the character rolled back up onto the previous line.");
fSuccess = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, wchBuffer2, 2, coordEndOfLine, &dwWritten);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW"))
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, dwWritten, L"We should have read 1 character up on the previous line.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(wchHiraganaU, wchBuffer2[0], L"The character should now be up one line.");
Log::Comment(L"Now shrink the window one more time and make sure the character rolls back down a line.");
fSuccess = SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(hOut, &sbiex);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx"))
ZeroMemory(wchBuffer2, ARRAYSIZE(wchBuffer2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
Log::Comment(L"Check that the character rolled down onto the next line again.");
fSuccess = ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(hOut, wchBuffer2, 2, coordStartOfNextLine, &dwWritten);
if (CheckLastError(fSuccess, L"ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW"))
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, dwWritten, L"We should have read 1 character back down again on the next line.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(wchHiraganaU, wchBuffer2[0], L"The character should now be down on the 2nd line again.");
// The following W versions of the tests check that we can't insert a bisecting cell even
// when we try to force one in by writing cell-by-cell.
// NOTE: This is a change in behavior from the legacy behavior.
// V1 console would allow a lead byte to be stored in the final cell and then display it improperly.
// It would also allow this data to be read back.
// I believe this was a long standing bug because every other API entry fastidiously checked that it wasn't possible to
// "bisect" a cell and all sorts of portions of the rest of the console code try to enforce that bisects across lines can't happen.
// For the most recent revision of the V2 console (approx November 2018), we're trying to make sure that the TextBuffer's internal state
// is always correct at insert (instead of correcting it on every read).
// If it turns out that we are proven wrong in the future and this causes major problems,
// the legacy behavior is to just let it be stored and compensate for it later. (On read in every API but ReadConsoleOutput and in the selection).
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsBisectWriteCellsEndW()
const auto out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(out, &info));
CHAR_INFO originalCell;
originalCell.Char.UnicodeChar = L'\x30a2'; // Japanese full-width katakana A
SMALL_RECT writeRegion;
writeRegion.Top = 0;
writeRegion.Bottom = 0;
writeRegion.Left = info.dwSize.X - 1;
writeRegion.Right = info.dwSize.X - 1;
const auto originalWriteRegion = writeRegion;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleOutputW(out, &originalCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &writeRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalWriteRegion, writeRegion);
SMALL_RECT readRegion = originalWriteRegion;
const auto originalReadRegion = readRegion;
CHAR_INFO readCell;
CHAR_INFO expectedCell;
expectedCell.Char.UnicodeChar = L' ';
expectedCell.Attributes = originalCell.Attributes;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputW(out, &readCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &readRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalReadRegion, readRegion);
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(originalCell, readCell);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedCell, readCell);
// This test also reflects a change in the legacy behavior (see above)
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsBisectWriteCellsBeginW()
const auto out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(out, &info));
CHAR_INFO originalCell;
originalCell.Char.UnicodeChar = L'\x30a2';
SMALL_RECT writeRegion;
writeRegion.Top = 0;
writeRegion.Bottom = 0;
writeRegion.Left = 0;
writeRegion.Right = 0;
const auto originalWriteRegion = writeRegion;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleOutputW(out, &originalCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &writeRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalWriteRegion, writeRegion);
SMALL_RECT readRegion = originalWriteRegion;
const auto originalReadRegion = readRegion;
CHAR_INFO readCell;
CHAR_INFO expectedCell;
expectedCell.Char.UnicodeChar = L' ';
expectedCell.Attributes = originalCell.Attributes;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputW(out, &readCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &readRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalReadRegion, readRegion);
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(originalCell, readCell);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedCell, readCell);
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsBisectWriteCellsEndA()
const auto out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(out, &info));
CHAR_INFO originalCell;
originalCell.Char.AsciiChar = '\x82';
SMALL_RECT writeRegion;
writeRegion.Top = 0;
writeRegion.Bottom = 0;
writeRegion.Left = info.dwSize.X - 1;
writeRegion.Right = info.dwSize.X - 1;
const auto originalWriteRegion = writeRegion;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleOutputA(out, &originalCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &writeRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalWriteRegion, writeRegion);
SMALL_RECT readRegion = originalWriteRegion;
const auto originalReadRegion = readRegion;
CHAR_INFO readCell;
CHAR_INFO expectedCell;
expectedCell.Char.UnicodeChar = L' ';
expectedCell.Attributes = originalCell.Attributes;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputA(out, &readCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &readRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalReadRegion, readRegion);
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(originalCell, readCell);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedCell, readCell);
// This test maintains the legacy behavior for the 932 A codepage route.
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsBisectWriteCellsBeginA()
const auto out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx(out, &info));
CHAR_INFO originalCell;
originalCell.Char.AsciiChar = '\xA9';
SMALL_RECT writeRegion;
writeRegion.Top = 0;
writeRegion.Bottom = 0;
writeRegion.Left = 0;
writeRegion.Right = 0;
const auto originalWriteRegion = writeRegion;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleOutputA(out, &originalCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &writeRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalWriteRegion, writeRegion);
SMALL_RECT readRegion = originalWriteRegion;
const auto originalReadRegion = readRegion;
CHAR_INFO readCell;
CHAR_INFO expectedCell;
expectedCell.Char.UnicodeChar = L'\xffff';
expectedCell.Char.AsciiChar = originalCell.Char.AsciiChar;
expectedCell.Attributes = originalCell.Attributes;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputA(out, &readCell, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, &readRegion));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(originalReadRegion, readRegion);
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(originalCell, readCell);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedCell, readCell);
struct MultibyteInputData
PCWSTR pwszInputText;
PCSTR pszExpectedText;
// clang-format off
const MultibyteInputData MultibyteTestDataSet[] = {
{ L"\x3042", "\x82\xa0" },
{ L"\x3042" L"3", "\x82\xa0\x33" },
{ L"3" L"\x3042", "\x33\x82\xa0" },
{ L"3" L"\x3042" L"\x3044", "\x33\x82\xa0\x82\xa2" },
{ L"3" L"\x3042" L"\x3044" L"\x3042", "\x33\x82\xa0\x82\xa2\x82\xa0" },
{ L"3" L"\x3042" L"\x3044" L"\x3042" L"\x3044", "\x33\x82\xa0\x82\xa2\x82\xa0\x82\xa2" },
// clang-format on
void WriteStringToInput(HANDLE hIn, PCWSTR pwszString)
size_t const cchString = wcslen(pwszString);
size_t const cRecords = cchString * 2; // We need double the input records for button down then button up.
INPUT_RECORD* const irString = new INPUT_RECORD[cRecords];
for (size_t i = 0; i < cRecords; i++)
irString[i].EventType = KEY_EVENT;
irString[i].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = (i % 2 == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
irString[i].Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = 0;
irString[i].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = pwszString[i / 2];
irString[i].Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = 1;
irString[i].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = 0;
irString[i].Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode = 0;
DWORD dwWritten;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleInputW(hIn, irString, (DWORD)cRecords, &dwWritten));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cRecords, dwWritten, L"We should have written the number of records that were sent in by our buffer.");
delete[] irString;
void ReadStringWithGetCh(PCSTR pszExpectedText)
size_t const cchString = strlen(pszExpectedText);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cchString; i++)
if (!VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((BYTE)pszExpectedText[i], _getch()))
void ReadStringWithReadConsoleInputAHelper(HANDLE hIn, PCSTR pszExpectedText, size_t cbBuffer)
Log::Comment(String().Format(L" = Attempting to read back the text with a %d record length buffer. =", cbBuffer));
// Find out how many bytes we need to read.
size_t const cchExpectedText = strlen(pszExpectedText);
// Increment read buffer of the size we were told.
INPUT_RECORD* const irRead = new INPUT_RECORD[cbBuffer];
// Loop reading and comparing until we've read enough times to get all the text we expect.
size_t cchRead = 0;
while (cchRead < cchExpectedText)
DWORD dwRead;
if (!VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleInputA(hIn, irRead, (DWORD)cbBuffer, &dwRead), L"Attempt to read input into buffer."))
VERIFY_IS_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL(dwRead, (DWORD)0, L"Verify we read non-negative bytes.");
for (size_t i = 0; i < dwRead; i++)
// We might read more events than the ones we're looking for because some other type of event was
// inserted into the queue by outside action. Only look at the key down events.
if (irRead[i].EventType == KEY_EVENT &&
irRead[i].Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown == TRUE)
if (!VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((BYTE)pszExpectedText[cchRead], (BYTE)irRead[i].Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar))
delete[] irRead;
void ReadStringWithReadConsoleInputA(HANDLE hIn, PCWSTR pwszWriteText, PCSTR pszExpectedText)
// Figure out how long the expected length is.
size_t const cchExpectedText = strlen(pszExpectedText);
// Test every buffer size variation from 1 to the size of the string.
for (size_t i = 1; i <= cchExpectedText; i++)
WriteStringToInput(hIn, pwszWriteText);
ReadStringWithReadConsoleInputAHelper(hIn, pszExpectedText, i);
void DbcsTests::TestMultibyteInputRetrieval()
UINT dwCP = GetConsoleCP();
if (!VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JAPANESE_CP, dwCP, L"Ensure input codepage is Japanese."))
size_t const cDataSet = ARRAYSIZE(MultibyteTestDataSet);
// for each item in our test data set...
for (size_t i = 0; i < cDataSet; i++)
MultibyteInputData data = MultibyteTestDataSet[i];
Log::Comment(String().Format(L"=== TEST #%d ===", i));
Log::Comment(String().Format(L"=== Input '%ws' ===", data.pwszInputText));
// test by writing the string and reading back the _getch way.
Log::Comment(L" == SUBTEST A: Use _getch to retrieve. == ");
WriteStringToInput(hIn, data.pwszInputText);
// test by writing the string and reading back with variable length buffers the ReadConsoleInputA way.
Log::Comment(L" == SUBTEST B: Use ReadConsoleInputA with variable length buffers to retrieve. == ");
ReadStringWithReadConsoleInputA(hIn, data.pwszInputText, data.pszExpectedText);
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsOneByOne()
HANDLE const hOut = GetStdOutputHandle();
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(hOut, L"Verify output handle is valid.");
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleOutputCP(936), L"Ensure output codepage is set to Simplified Chinese 936.");
// This is Unicode characters U+6D4B U+8BD5 U+4E2D U+6587 in Simplified Chinese Codepage 936.
// The English translation is "Test Chinese".
// We write the bytes in hex to prevent storage/interpretation issues by the source control and compiler.
char test[] = "\xb2\xe2\xca\xd4\xd6\xd0\xce\xc4";
// Prepare structures for readback.
COORD coordReadPos = { 0 };
DWORD const cchReadBack = 2u;
char chReadBack[2];
DWORD dwReadOrWritten = 0u;
for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(test); i++)
bool const fIsLeadByte = (i % 2 == 0);
Log::Comment(fIsLeadByte ? L"Writing lead byte." : L"Writing trailing byte.");
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleA(hOut, &(test[i]), 1u, &dwReadOrWritten, nullptr));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, dwReadOrWritten, L"Verify the byte was reported written.");
dwReadOrWritten = 0;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, chReadBack, cchReadBack, coordReadPos, &dwReadOrWritten), L"Read back character.");
if (fIsLeadByte)
Log::Comment(L"Characters should be empty (space) because we only wrote a lead. It should be held for later.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)' ', (unsigned char)chReadBack[0]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)' ', (unsigned char)chReadBack[1]);
Log::Comment(L"After trailing is written, character should be valid from Chinese plane (not checking exactly, just that it was composed.");
VERIFY_IS_LESS_THAN((unsigned char)'\x80', (unsigned char)chReadBack[0]);
VERIFY_IS_LESS_THAN((unsigned char)'\x80', (unsigned char)chReadBack[1]);
coordReadPos.X += 2; // advance X for next read back. Move 2 positions because it's a wide char.
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsTrailLead()
HANDLE const hOut = GetStdOutputHandle();
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(hOut, L"Verify output handle is valid.");
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleOutputCP(936), L"Ensure output codepage is set to Simplified Chinese 936.");
// This is Unicode characters U+6D4B U+8BD5 U+4E2D U+6587 in Simplified Chinese Codepage 936.
// The English translation is "Test Chinese".
// We write the bytes in hex to prevent storage/interpretation issues by the source control and compiler.
char test[] = "\xb2";
char test2[] = "\xe2\xca";
char test3[] = "\xd4\xd6\xd0\xce\xc4";
// Prepare structures for readback.
COORD const coordReadPos = { 0 };
DWORD const cchReadBack = 8u;
char chReadBack[9];
DWORD dwReadOrWritten = 0u;
DWORD cchTestLength = 0;
Log::Comment(L"1. Write lead byte only.");
cchTestLength = (DWORD)strlen(test);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleA(hOut, test, cchTestLength, &dwReadOrWritten, nullptr), L"Write the string.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cchTestLength, dwReadOrWritten, L"Verify all characters reported as written.");
dwReadOrWritten = 0;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, chReadBack, 2, coordReadPos, &dwReadOrWritten), L"Read back buffer.");
Log::Comment(L"Verify nothing is written/displayed yet. The read byte should have been consumed/stored but not yet displayed.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)' ', (unsigned char)chReadBack[0]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)' ', (unsigned char)chReadBack[1]);
Log::Comment(L"2. Write trailing and next lead.");
cchTestLength = (DWORD)strlen(test2);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleA(hOut, test2, cchTestLength, &dwReadOrWritten, nullptr), L"Write the string.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cchTestLength, dwReadOrWritten, L"Verify all characters reported as written.");
dwReadOrWritten = 0;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, chReadBack, 4, coordReadPos, &dwReadOrWritten), L"Read back buffer.");
Log::Comment(L"Verify previous lead and the trailing we just wrote formed a character. The final lead should have been consumed/stored and not yet displayed.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test[0], (unsigned char)chReadBack[0]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test2[0], (unsigned char)chReadBack[1]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)' ', (unsigned char)chReadBack[2]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)' ', (unsigned char)chReadBack[3]);
Log::Comment(L"3. Write trailing and finish string.");
cchTestLength = (DWORD)strlen(test3);
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(WriteConsoleA(hOut, test3, cchTestLength, &dwReadOrWritten, nullptr), L"Write the string.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cchTestLength, dwReadOrWritten, L"Verify all characters reported as written.");
dwReadOrWritten = 0;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, chReadBack, cchReadBack, coordReadPos, &dwReadOrWritten), L"Read back buffer.");
Log::Comment(L"Verify everything is displayed now that we've finished it off with the final trailing and rest of the string.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test[0], (unsigned char)chReadBack[0]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test2[0], (unsigned char)chReadBack[1]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test2[1], (unsigned char)chReadBack[2]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test3[0], (unsigned char)chReadBack[3]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test3[1], (unsigned char)chReadBack[4]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test3[2], (unsigned char)chReadBack[5]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test3[3], (unsigned char)chReadBack[6]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL((unsigned char)test3[4], (unsigned char)chReadBack[7]);
void DbcsTests::TestDbcsStdCoutScenario()
HANDLE const hOut = GetStdOutputHandle();
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(hOut, L"Verify output handle is valid.");
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(SetConsoleOutputCP(936), L"Ensure output codepage is set to Simplified Chinese 936.");
// This is Unicode characters U+6D4B U+8BD5 U+4E2D U+6587 in Simplified Chinese Codepage 936.
// The English translation is "Test Chinese".
// We write the bytes in hex to prevent storage/interpretation issues by the source control and compiler.
char test[] = "\xb2\xe2\xca\xd4\xd6\xd0\xce\xc4";
Log::Comment(L"Write string using printf.");
printf("%s\n", test);
// Prepare structures for readback.
COORD coordReadPos = { 0 };
DWORD const cchReadBack = (DWORD)strlen(test);
wistd::unique_ptr<char[]> const psReadBack = wil::make_unique_failfast<char[]>(cchReadBack + 1);
DWORD dwRead = 0;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, psReadBack.get(), cchReadBack, coordReadPos, &dwRead), L"Read back printf line.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cchReadBack, dwRead, L"We should have read as many characters as we expected (length of original printed line.)");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(String(test), String(psReadBack.get()), L"String should match what we wrote.");
// Clean up and move down a line for next test.
ZeroMemory(psReadBack.get(), cchReadBack);
dwRead = 0;
Log::Comment(L"Write string using std::cout.");
std::cout << test << std::endl;
VERIFY_WIN32_BOOL_SUCCEEDED(ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA(hOut, psReadBack.get(), cchReadBack, coordReadPos, &dwRead), L"Read back std::cout line.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(cchReadBack, dwRead, L"We should have read as many characters as we expected (length of original printed line.)");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(String(test), String(psReadBack.get()), L"String should match what we wrote.");