Leonard Hecker 168d28b036
Reduce usage of Json::Value throughout Terminal.Settings.Model (#11184)
This commit reduces the code surface that interacts with raw JSON data,
reducing code complexity and improving maintainability.
Files that needed to be changed drastically were additionally
cleaned up to remove any code cruft that has accrued over time.

In order to facility this the following changes were made:
* Move JSON handling from `CascadiaSettings` into `SettingsLoader`
  This allows us to use STL containers for data model instances.
  For instance profiles are now added to a hashmap for O(1) lookup.
* JSON parsing within `SettingsLoader` doesn't differentiate between user,
  inbox and fragment JSON data, reducing code complexity and size.
  It also centralizes common concerns, like profile deduplication and
  ensuring that all profiles are assigned a GUID.
* Direct JSON modification, like the insertion of dynamic profiles into
  settings.json were removed. This vastly reduces code complexity,
  but unfortunately removes support for comments in JSON on first start.
* `ColorScheme`s cannot be layered. As such its `LayerJson` API was replaced
  with `FromJson`, allowing us to remove JSON-based color scheme validation.
* `Profile`s used to test their wish to layer using `ShouldBeLayered`, which
  was replaced with a GUID-based hashmap lookup on previously parsed profiles.

Further changes were made as improvements upon the previous changes:
* Compact the JSON files embedded binary, saving 28kB
* Prevent double-initialization of the color table in `ColorScheme`
* Making `til::color` getters `constexpr`, allow better optimizations

The result is a reduction of:
* 48kB binary size for the Settings.Model.dll
* 5-10% startup duration
* 26% code for the `CascadiaSettings` class
* 1% overall code in this project

Furthermore this results in the following breaking changes:
* The long deprecated "globals" settings object will not be detected and no
  warning will be created during load.
* The initial creation of a new settings.json will not produce helpful comments.

Both cases are caused by the removal of manual JSON handling and the
move to representing the settings file with model objects instead

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5276
* [x] Closes #7421
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* Out-of-box-experience is identical to before ✔️
  (Except for the settings.json file lacking comments.)
* Existing user settings load correctly ✔️
* New WSL instances are added to user settings ✔️
* New fragments are added to user settings ✔️
* All profiles are assigned GUIDs ✔️
2021-09-22 16:27:31 +00:00

161 lines
7 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- CascadiaSettings.h
- This class acts as the container for all app settings. It's composed of two
parts: Globals, which are app-wide settings, and Profiles, which contain
a set of settings that apply to a single instance of the terminal.
Also contains the logic for serializing and deserializing this object.
- Mike Griese - March 2019
#pragma once
#include "CascadiaSettings.g.h"
#include "GlobalAppSettings.h"
#include "Profile.h"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model
class IDynamicProfileGenerator;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> CreateChild(const winrt::com_ptr<Profile>& parent);
class SettingsTypedDeserializationException final : public std::runtime_error
SettingsTypedDeserializationException(const char* message) noexcept :
std::runtime_error(message) {}
struct ParsedSettings
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::GlobalAppSettings> globals;
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile> baseLayerProfile;
std::vector<winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile>> profiles;
std::unordered_map<winrt::guid, winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile>> profilesByGuid;
struct SettingsLoader
static SettingsLoader Default(const std::string_view& userJSON, const std::string_view& inboxJSON);
SettingsLoader(const std::string_view& userJSON, const std::string_view& inboxJSON);
void GenerateProfiles();
void ApplyRuntimeInitialSettings();
void MergeInboxIntoUserSettings();
void FindFragmentsAndMergeIntoUserSettings();
void FinalizeLayering();
bool DisableDeletedProfiles();
ParsedSettings inboxSettings;
ParsedSettings userSettings;
bool duplicateProfile = false;
static std::pair<size_t, size_t> _lineAndColumnFromPosition(const std::string_view& string, const size_t position);
static void _rethrowSerializationExceptionWithLocationInfo(const JsonUtils::DeserializationError& e, const std::string_view& settingsString);
static Json::Value _parseJSON(const std::string_view& content);
static const Json::Value& _getJSONValue(const Json::Value& json, const std::string_view& key) noexcept;
static bool _isValidProfileObject(const Json::Value& profileJson);
gsl::span<const winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile>> _getNonUserOriginProfiles() const;
void _parse(const OriginTag origin, const winrt::hstring& source, const std::string_view& content, ParsedSettings& settings);
void _appendProfile(winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile>&& profile, ParsedSettings& settings);
void _executeGenerator(const IDynamicProfileGenerator& generator);
std::unordered_set<std::wstring_view> _ignoredNamespaces;
// See _getNonUserOriginProfiles().
size_t _userProfileCount = 0;
struct CascadiaSettings : CascadiaSettingsT<CascadiaSettings>
static Model::CascadiaSettings LoadDefaults();
static Model::CascadiaSettings LoadAll();
static Model::CascadiaSettings LoadUniversal();
static winrt::hstring SettingsPath();
static winrt::hstring DefaultSettingsPath();
static winrt::hstring ApplicationDisplayName();
static winrt::hstring ApplicationVersion();
CascadiaSettings() noexcept = default;
CascadiaSettings(const winrt::hstring& userJSON, const winrt::hstring& inboxJSON);
CascadiaSettings(const std::string_view& userJSON, const std::string_view& inboxJSON = {});
explicit CascadiaSettings(SettingsLoader&& loader);
// user settings
Model::CascadiaSettings Copy() const;
Model::GlobalAppSettings GlobalSettings() const;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Model::Profile> AllProfiles() const noexcept;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Model::Profile> ActiveProfiles() const noexcept;
Model::ActionMap ActionMap() const noexcept;
void WriteSettingsToDisk() const;
Json::Value ToJson() const;
Model::Profile ProfileDefaults() const;
Model::Profile CreateNewProfile();
Model::Profile FindProfile(const winrt::guid& guid) const noexcept;
Model::ColorScheme GetColorSchemeForProfile(const Model::Profile& profile) const;
void UpdateColorSchemeReferences(const winrt::hstring& oldName, const winrt::hstring& newName);
Model::Profile GetProfileForArgs(const Model::NewTerminalArgs& newTerminalArgs) const;
Model::Profile GetProfileByName(const winrt::hstring& name) const;
Model::Profile GetProfileByIndex(uint32_t index) const;
Model::Profile DuplicateProfile(const Model::Profile& source);
// load errors
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<Model::SettingsLoadWarnings> Warnings() const;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<Model::SettingsLoadErrors> GetLoadingError() const;
winrt::hstring GetSerializationErrorMessage() const;
// defterm
static bool IsDefaultTerminalAvailable() noexcept;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Model::DefaultTerminal> DefaultTerminals() const noexcept;
Model::DefaultTerminal CurrentDefaultTerminal() noexcept;
void CurrentDefaultTerminal(const Model::DefaultTerminal& terminal);
static const std::filesystem::path& _settingsPath();
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile> _createNewProfile(const std::wstring_view& name) const;
void _resolveDefaultProfile() const;
void _validateSettings();
void _validateAllSchemesExist();
void _validateMediaResources();
void _validateKeybindings() const;
void _validateColorSchemesInCommands() const;
bool _hasInvalidColorScheme(const Model::Command& command) const;
// user settings
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::GlobalAppSettings> _globals;
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile> _baseLayerProfile;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Model::Profile> _allProfiles;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<Model::Profile> _activeProfiles;
// load errors
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<Model::SettingsLoadWarnings> _warnings;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<Model::SettingsLoadErrors> _loadError;
winrt::hstring _deserializationErrorMessage;
// defterm
Model::DefaultTerminal _currentDefaultTerminal{ nullptr };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::factory_implementation