Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 3246c4250a
Bundle the entire CRT with our branded Release packages (#5661)
For our release builds, we're just going to integrate the UWPDesktop CRT
into our package and delete the package dependencies.  It's very
difficult for users who do not have access to the store to get our
dependency packages, and we want to be robust and deployable everywhere.
Since these libraries can be redistributed, it's easiest if we simply
redistribute them.

Our package grows by ~550kb per architecture (compressed) because of
this. I've added validation that we don't have both the libs _and_ the
dependencies in the same package.

Fixes #3097.

## Validation

The script does it!
2020-04-30 07:08:43 +00:00

107 lines
4.2 KiB

[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true,
HelpMessage="Path to the .appx/.msix to validate")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Path to Windows Kit")]
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -Type Leaf})]
$WindowsKitPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.18362.0"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
If ($null -Eq (Get-Item $WindowsKitPath -EA:SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Error "Could not find a windows SDK at at `"$WindowsKitPath`".`nMake sure that WindowsKitPath points to a valid SDK."
Exit 1
$makeAppx = "$WindowsKitPath\x86\MakeAppx.exe"
$makePri = "$WindowsKitPath\x86\MakePri.exe"
Function Expand-ApplicationPackage {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
$sentinelFile = New-TemporaryFile
$directory = New-Item -Type Directory "$($sentinelFile.FullName)_Package"
Remove-Item $sentinelFile -Force -EA:Ignore
& $makeAppx unpack /p $Path /d $directory /nv /o
If ($LastExitCode -Ne 0) {
Throw "Failed to expand AppX"
Write-Verbose "Expanding $Path"
$AppxPackageRoot = Expand-ApplicationPackage $Path
$AppxPackageRootPath = $AppxPackageRoot.FullName
Write-Verbose "Expanded to $AppxPackageRootPath"
Try {
& $makePri dump /if "$AppxPackageRootPath\resources.pri" /of "$AppxPackageRootPath\resources.pri.xml" /o
If ($LastExitCode -Ne 0) {
Throw "Failed to dump PRI"
$Manifest = [xml](Get-Content "$AppxPackageRootPath\AppxManifest.xml")
$PRIFile = [xml](Get-Content "$AppxPackageRootPath\resources.pri.xml")
### Check the activatable class entries for a few DLLs we need.
$inProcServers = $Manifest.Package.Extensions.Extension.InProcessServer.Path
$RequiredInProcServers = ("TerminalApp.dll", "TerminalControl.dll", "TerminalConnection.dll")
Write-Verbose "InProc Servers: $inProcServers"
ForEach ($req in $RequiredInProcServers) {
If ($req -NotIn $inProcServers) {
Throw "Failed to find $req in InProcServer list $inProcServers"
$dependencies = $Manifest.Package.Dependencies.PackageDependency.Name
$depsHasVclibsDesktop = ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop" -in $dependencies) -or ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug.UWPDesktop" -in $dependencies)
$depsHasVcLibsAppX = ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00" -in $dependencies) -or ("Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.Debug" -in $dependencies)
$filesHasVclibsDesktop = ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140.dll" -EA:Ignore)) -or ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140d.dll" -EA:Ignore))
$filesHasVclibsAppX = ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140_app.dll" -EA:Ignore)) -or ($null -ne (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\vcruntime140d_app.dll" -EA:Ignore))
If ($depsHasVclibsDesktop -Eq $filesHasVclibsDesktop) {
$eitherBoth = if ($depsHasVclibsDesktop) { "both" } else { "neither" }
$neitherNor = if ($depsHasVclibsDesktop) { "and" } else { "nor" }
Throw "Package has $eitherBoth Dependency $neitherNor Integrated Desktop VCLibs"
If ($depsHasVclibsAppx -Eq $filesHasVclibsAppx) {
if ($depsHasVclibsAppx) {
# We've shipped like this forever, so downgrade to warning.
Write-Warning "Package has both Dependency and Integrated AppX VCLibs"
} else {
Throw "Package has neither Dependency nor Integrated AppX VCLibs"
### Check that we have an App.xbf (which is a proxy for our resources having been merged)
$resourceXpath = '/PriInfo/ResourceMap/ResourceMapSubtree[@name="Files"]/NamedResource[@name="App.xbf"]'
$AppXbf = $PRIFile.SelectSingleNode($resourceXpath)
If ($null -eq $AppXbf) {
Throw "Failed to find App.xbf (TerminalApp project) in resources.pri"
If (($null -eq (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\cpprest142_2_10.dll" -EA:Ignore)) -And
($null -eq (Get-Item "$AppxPackageRootPath\cpprest142_2_10d.dll" -EA:Ignore))) {
Throw "Failed to find cpprest142_2_10.dll -- check the WAP packaging project"
} Finally {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $AppxPackageRootPath