Michael Niksa d711d731d7
Apply audit mode to TerminalConnection/Core/Settings and WinCon… (#4016)
## Summary of the Pull Request
- Enables auditing of some Terminal libraries (Connection, Core, Settings)
- Also audit WinConPTY.LIB since Connection depends on it

## PR Checklist
* [x] Rolls audit out to more things
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests should still pass
* [x] Am core contributor

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
This is turning on the auditing of these projects (as enabled by the heavier lifting in the other refactor) and then cleaning up the remaining warnings.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [x] Built it
- [x] Ran the tests
2020-01-03 10:44:27 -08:00

334 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "TelnetConnection.h"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "TelnetConnection.g.cpp"
#include "../../types/inc/Utils.hpp"
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
constexpr std::wstring_view telnetScheme = L"telnet";
constexpr std::wstring_view msTelnetLoopbackScheme = L"ms-telnet-loop";
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::implementation
TelnetConnection::TelnetConnection(const hstring& uri) :
_reader{ nullptr },
_writer{ nullptr },
_uri{ uri },
_nawsServer.activate([](auto&&) {});
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - creates the output thread
void TelnetConnection::Start()
// Create our own output handling thread
// Each connection needs to make sure to drain the output from its backing host.
[](LPVOID lpParameter) {
auto pInstance = static_cast<TelnetConnection*>(lpParameter);
if (pInstance)
return pInstance->_outputThread();
return gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS);
// Set initial winodw title.
catch (...)
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - handles the different possible inputs in the different states
// Arguments:
// the user's input
void TelnetConnection::WriteInput(hstring const& data)
if (!_isStateOneOf(ConnectionState::Connected, ConnectionState::Connecting))
auto str = winrt::to_string(data);
if (str.size() == 1 && str.at(0) == L'\r')
str = "\r\n";
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // Using something that isn't reinterpret_cast to forward stream bytes is more clumsy than just using it.
telnetpp::bytes bytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str.data()), str.size());
_session.send(bytes, [=](telnetpp::bytes data) {
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - resizes the terminal
// Arguments:
// - the new rows/cols values
void TelnetConnection::Resize(uint32_t rows, uint32_t columns)
if (_prevResize.has_value() && _prevResize.value().first == rows && _prevResize.value().second == columns)
_prevResize.emplace(std::pair{ rows, columns });
[=](telnetpp::subnegotiation sub) {
[=](telnetpp::bytes data) {
// Method description:
// - ascribes to the ITerminalConnection interface
// - closes the socket connection and the output thread
void TelnetConnection::Close()
if (_transitionToState(ConnectionState::Closing))
if (_hOutputThread)
// Tear down our output thread
WaitForSingleObject(_hOutputThread.get(), INFINITE);
catch (...)
// Method description:
// - this is the output thread, where we initiate the connection to the remote host
// and establish a socket connection
// Return value:
// - return status
DWORD TelnetConnection::_outputThread()
while (true)
if (_isStateOneOf(ConnectionState::Failed))
_TerminalOutputHandlers(RS_(L"TelnetInternetOrServerIssue") + L"\r\n");
return E_FAIL;
else if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
return S_FALSE;
else if (_isStateOneOf(ConnectionState::Connecting))
const auto uri = Windows::Foundation::Uri(_uri);
const auto host = Windows::Networking::HostName(uri.Host());
bool autoLogin = false;
// If we specified the special ms loopback scheme, then set autologin and proceed below.
if (msTelnetLoopbackScheme == uri.SchemeName())
autoLogin = true;
// Otherwise, make sure we said telnet://, anything else is not supported here.
else if (telnetScheme != uri.SchemeName())
_socket.ConnectAsync(host, winrt::to_hstring(uri.Port())).get();
_writer = Windows::Storage::Streams::DataWriter(_socket.OutputStream());
_reader = Windows::Storage::Streams::DataReader(_socket.InputStream());
_reader.InputStreamOptions(Windows::Storage::Streams::InputStreamOptions::Partial); // returns when 1 or more bytes ready.
if (autoLogin)
// Send newline to bypass User Name prompt.
const auto newline = winrt::to_hstring("\r\n");
// Wait for login.
// Send "cls" enter to clear the thing and just look like a prompt.
const auto clearScreen = winrt::to_hstring("cls\r\n");
catch (...)
else if (_isStateOneOf(ConnectionState::Connected))
// Read from socket
const auto amountReceived = _socketReceive(_receiveBuffer);
telnetpp::bytes{ _receiveBuffer.data(), amountReceived },
[=](telnetpp::bytes data,
std::function<void(telnetpp::bytes)> const& send) {
_applicationReceive(data, send);
[=](telnetpp::bytes data) {
catch (...)
// If the exception was thrown while we were already supposed to be closing, fine. We're closed.
// This is because the socket got mad things were being torn down.
if (_isStateAtOrBeyond(ConnectionState::Closing))
return S_OK;
return E_FAIL;
// Routine Description:
// - Call to buffer up bytes to send to the remote device.
// - You must flush before they'll go out.
// Arguments:
// - data - View of bytes to be sent
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TelnetConnection::_socketBufferedSend(telnetpp::bytes data)
// winrt::array_view should take data/size but it doesn't.
// We contacted the WinRT owners and they said, more or less, that it's not worth fixing
// with std::span on the horizon instead of this. So we're suppressing the warning
// and hoping for a std::span future that will eliminate winrt::array_view<T>
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 26481)
const uint8_t* first = data.data();
const uint8_t* last = data.data() + data.size();
#pragma warning(pop)
const winrt::array_view<const uint8_t> arrayView(first, last);
// Routine Description:
// - Flushes any buffered bytes to the underlying socket
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
fire_and_forget TelnetConnection::_socketFlushBuffer()
co_await _writer.StoreAsync();
// Routine Description:
// - Used to send bytes into the socket to the remote device
// Arguments:
// - data - View of bytes to be sent
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TelnetConnection::_socketSend(telnetpp::bytes data)
// Routine Description:
// - Reads bytes from the socket into the given array.
// Arguments:
// - buffer - The array of bytes to use for storage
// Return Value:
// - The number of bytes actually read (less than or equal to input array size)
size_t TelnetConnection::_socketReceive(gsl::span<telnetpp::byte> buffer)
const auto bytesLoaded = _reader.LoadAsync(gsl::narrow<uint32_t>(buffer.size())).get();
// winrt::array_view, despite having a pointer and size constructor
// hides it as protected.
// So we have to get first/last (even though cppcorechecks will be
// mad at us for it) to use a public array_view constructor.
// The WinRT team isn't fixing this because std::span is coming
// soon and that will do it.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 26481)
const auto first = buffer.data();
const auto last = first + bytesLoaded;
#pragma warning(pop)
const winrt::array_view<uint8_t> arrayView(first, last);
return bytesLoaded;
// Routine Description:
// - Called by telnetpp framework when application data is received on the channel
// In contrast, telnet metadata payload is consumed by telnetpp and not forwarded to us.
// Arguments:
// - data - The relevant application-level payload received
// - send - A function where we can send a reply to given data immediately
// in reaction to the received message.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TelnetConnection::_applicationReceive(telnetpp::bytes data,
std::function<void(telnetpp::bytes)> const& /*send*/)
// Convert telnetpp bytes to standard string_view
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // Using something that isn't reinterpret_cast to forward stream bytes is more clumsy than just using it.
const auto stringView = std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data.data()), gsl::narrow<size_t>(data.size()) };
// Convert to hstring
const auto hstr = winrt::to_hstring(stringView);
// Pass the output to our registered event handlers