Leonard Hecker 32fbd4cbb6
Enable /Zc:preprocessor (#10593)
This commit is a preparation for upcoming changes to KeyChordSerialization for #7539 and #10203.
In order to support variadic macros, /Zc:preprocessor was enabled, which required changing unrelated parts of the project.

## PR Checklist
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* Project still compiles ✔️
2021-07-13 23:00:11 +00:00

133 lines
6.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include <WexTestClass.h>
#include "../cascadia/TerminalCore/Terminal.hpp"
#include "MockTermSettings.h"
#include "../renderer/inc/DummyRenderTarget.hpp"
#include "consoletaeftemplates.hpp"
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Core;
using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Core;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
using namespace WEX::Common;
namespace TerminalCoreUnitTests
#define WCS(x) WCSHELPER(x)
#define WCSHELPER(x) L## #x
class ScreenSizeLimitsTest
using namespace TerminalCoreUnitTests;
void ScreenSizeLimitsTest::ScreenWidthAndHeightAreClampedToBounds()
DummyRenderTarget emptyRenderTarget;
// Negative values for initial visible row count or column count
// are clamped to 1. Too-large positive values are clamped to SHRT_MAX.
auto negativeColumnsSettings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(10000, 9999999, -1234);
Terminal negativeColumnsTerminal;
negativeColumnsTerminal.CreateFromSettings(negativeColumnsSettings, emptyRenderTarget);
COORD actualDimensions = negativeColumnsTerminal.GetViewport().Dimensions();
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(actualDimensions.Y, SHRT_MAX, L"Row count clamped to SHRT_MAX == " WCS(SHRT_MAX));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(actualDimensions.X, 1, L"Column count clamped to 1");
// Zero values are clamped to 1 as well.
auto zeroRowsSettings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(10000, 0, 9999999);
Terminal zeroRowsTerminal;
zeroRowsTerminal.CreateFromSettings(zeroRowsSettings, emptyRenderTarget);
actualDimensions = zeroRowsTerminal.GetViewport().Dimensions();
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(actualDimensions.Y, 1, L"Row count clamped to 1");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(actualDimensions.X, SHRT_MAX, L"Column count clamped to SHRT_MAX == " WCS(SHRT_MAX));
void ScreenSizeLimitsTest::ScrollbackHistorySizeIsClampedToBounds()
// What is actually clamped is the number of rows in the internal history buffer,
// which is the *sum* of the history size plus the number of rows
// actually visible on screen at the moment.
const unsigned int visibleRowCount = 100;
DummyRenderTarget emptyRenderTarget;
// Zero history size is acceptable.
auto noHistorySettings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(0, visibleRowCount, 100);
Terminal noHistoryTerminal;
noHistoryTerminal.CreateFromSettings(noHistorySettings, emptyRenderTarget);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(noHistoryTerminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), visibleRowCount, L"History size of 0 is accepted");
// Negative history sizes are clamped to zero.
auto negativeHistorySizeSettings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(-100, visibleRowCount, 100);
Terminal negativeHistorySizeTerminal;
negativeHistorySizeTerminal.CreateFromSettings(negativeHistorySizeSettings, emptyRenderTarget);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(negativeHistorySizeTerminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), visibleRowCount, L"Negative history size is clamped to 0");
// History size + initial visible rows == SHRT_MAX is acceptable.
auto maxHistorySizeSettings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(SHRT_MAX - visibleRowCount, visibleRowCount, 100);
Terminal maxHistorySizeTerminal;
maxHistorySizeTerminal.CreateFromSettings(maxHistorySizeSettings, emptyRenderTarget);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(maxHistorySizeTerminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), static_cast<unsigned int>(SHRT_MAX), L"History size == SHRT_MAX - initial row count is accepted");
// History size + initial visible rows == SHRT_MAX + 1 will be clamped slightly.
auto justTooBigHistorySizeSettings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(SHRT_MAX - visibleRowCount + 1, visibleRowCount, 100);
Terminal justTooBigHistorySizeTerminal;
justTooBigHistorySizeTerminal.CreateFromSettings(justTooBigHistorySizeSettings, emptyRenderTarget);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(justTooBigHistorySizeTerminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), static_cast<unsigned int>(SHRT_MAX), L"History size == 1 + SHRT_MAX - initial row count is clamped to SHRT_MAX - initial row count");
// Ridiculously large history sizes are also clamped.
auto farTooBigHistorySizeSettings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(99999999, visibleRowCount, 100);
Terminal farTooBigHistorySizeTerminal;
farTooBigHistorySizeTerminal.CreateFromSettings(farTooBigHistorySizeSettings, emptyRenderTarget);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(farTooBigHistorySizeTerminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), static_cast<unsigned int>(SHRT_MAX), L"History size that is far too large is clamped to SHRT_MAX - initial row count");
void ScreenSizeLimitsTest::ResizeIsClampedToBounds()
// What is actually clamped is the number of rows in the internal history buffer,
// which is the *sum* of the history size plus the number of rows
// actually visible on screen at the moment.
// This is a test for GH#2630, GH#2815.
const unsigned int initialVisibleColCount = 50;
const unsigned int initialVisibleRowCount = 50;
const auto historySize = SHRT_MAX - (initialVisibleRowCount * 2);
DummyRenderTarget emptyRenderTarget;
Log::Comment(L"Watch out - this test takes a while on debug, because "
L"ResizeWithReflow takes a while on debug. This is expected.");
auto settings = winrt::make<MockTermSettings>(historySize, initialVisibleRowCount, initialVisibleColCount);
Log::Comment(L"First create a terminal with fewer than SHRT_MAX lines");
Terminal terminal;
terminal.CreateFromSettings(settings, emptyRenderTarget);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(terminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), static_cast<unsigned int>(historySize + initialVisibleRowCount));
Log::Comment(L"Resize the terminal to have exactly SHRT_MAX lines");
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(terminal.UserResize({ initialVisibleColCount, initialVisibleRowCount * 2 }));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(terminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), static_cast<unsigned int>(SHRT_MAX));
Log::Comment(L"Resize the terminal to have MORE than SHRT_MAX lines - we should clamp to SHRT_MAX");
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(terminal.UserResize({ initialVisibleColCount, initialVisibleRowCount * 3 }));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(terminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), static_cast<unsigned int>(SHRT_MAX));
Log::Comment(L"Resize back down to the original size");
VERIFY_SUCCEEDED(terminal.UserResize({ initialVisibleColCount, initialVisibleRowCount }));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(terminal.GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount(), static_cast<unsigned int>(historySize + initialVisibleRowCount));