Leonard Hecker 32fbd4cbb6
Enable /Zc:preprocessor (#10593)
This commit is a preparation for upcoming changes to KeyChordSerialization for #7539 and #10203.
In order to support variadic macros, /Zc:preprocessor was enabled, which required changing unrelated parts of the project.

## PR Checklist
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* Project still compiles ✔️
2021-07-13 23:00:11 +00:00

62 lines
3.5 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- WilErrorReporting.h
#pragma once
#include <winmeta.h>
#include <wil/common.h>
namespace Microsoft::Console::ErrorReporting
__declspec(selectany) TraceLoggingHProvider FallbackProvider;
__declspec(noinline) inline void WINAPI ReportFailureToFallbackProvider(bool alreadyReported, const wil::FailureInfo& failure) noexcept
if (!alreadyReported && FallbackProvider)
#pragma warning(suppress : 26477) // Use 'nullptr' rather than 0 or NULL
TraceLoggingStruct(14, "wilResult", "wilResult"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(failure.hr, "hresult", "Failure error code"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszFile, "fileName", "Source code file name where the error occurred"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(failure.uLineNumber, "lineNumber", "Line number within the source code file where the error occurred"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszModule, "module", "Name of the binary where the error occurred"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(static_cast<DWORD>(failure.type), "failureType", "Indicates what type of failure was observed (exception, returned error, logged error or fail fast"),
TraceLoggingWideString(failure.pszMessage, "message", "Custom message associated with the failure (if any)"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(failure.threadId, "threadId", "Identifier of the thread the error occurred on"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.pszCallContext, "callContext", "List of containing this error"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(failure.callContextOriginating.contextId, "originatingContextId", "Identifier for the oldest activity containing this error"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.callContextOriginating.contextName, "originatingContextName", "Name of the oldest activity containing this error"),
TraceLoggingWideString(failure.callContextOriginating.contextMessage, "originatingContextMessage", "Custom message associated with the oldest activity containing this error (if any)"),
TraceLoggingUInt32(failure.callContextCurrent.contextId, "currentContextId", "Identifier for the newest activity containing this error"),
TraceLoggingString(failure.callContextCurrent.contextName, "currentContextName", "Name of the newest activity containing this error"),
TraceLoggingWideString(failure.callContextCurrent.contextMessage, "currentContextMessage", "Custom message associated with the newest activity containing this error (if any)"));
catch (...)
// Don't log anything. We just failed to trace, where will we go now?
__declspec(noinline) inline void EnableFallbackFailureReporting(TraceLoggingHProvider provider) noexcept
FallbackProvider = provider;
catch (...)
// Don't log anything. We just failed to set up WIL -- how are we going to log anything?