
27 lines
833 B

# Checks for code formatting errors. Will throw exception if any are found.
function Invoke-CheckBadCodeFormatting() {
Import-Module ./tools/OpenConsole.psm1
# Don't run the XAML formatter in this step - even if it changes nothing,
# it'll still touch all the .xaml files.
Invoke-CodeFormat -IgnoreXaml
# returns a non-zero exit code if there are any diffs in the tracked files in the repo
git diff-index --quiet HEAD --
if ($lastExitCode -eq 1) {
# Write the list of files that need updating to the log
git diff-index --name-only HEAD
throw "code formatting bad, run Invoke-CodeFormat on branch"
# Manually check the formatting of our .xaml files, without touching them.