Don-Vito da24f7d939
Allow overriding tab switcher mode on command level (#9507)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Currently, when the MRU is enabled we lose the keybinding allowing us to 
go forward/backward (aka right/left in LTR) in the tab view.

To fix that, this PR introduces "tabSwitcherMode" optional parameter to 
the prevTab / nextTab commands.
If it is not provided the global setting will be used.

So if you want to go to adjacent tabs, even if MRU is enabled on the
system level you can use:
{ "command": { "action": "prevTab", "tabSwitcherMode": "inOrder" }, "keys": "ctrl+f1"}
{ "command": { "action": "nextTab", "tabSwitcherMode": "inOrder" }, "keys": "ctrl+f2"}
or even
{"command": { "action": "prevTab", "tabSwitcherMode": "disabled" }, "keys": "ctrl+f1"}
{ "command": { "action": "nextTab", "tabSwitcherMode": "disabled" }, "keys": "ctrl+f2"}
if you don't want tab switcher to show up

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/9330
* [x] CLA signed. 
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated - not yet. Waiting for approval.
* [x] Schema updated.
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already.
2021-03-23 22:00:07 +00:00

943 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "../TerminalApp/TerminalPage.h"
#include "../TerminalApp/MinMaxCloseControl.h"
#include "../TerminalApp/TabRowControl.h"
#include "../TerminalApp/ShortcutActionDispatch.h"
#include "../TerminalApp/TerminalTab.h"
#include "../TerminalApp/CommandPalette.h"
#include "../CppWinrtTailored.h"
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
using namespace WEX::Common;
using namespace winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::DataTransfer;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Text;
namespace winrt
namespace MUX = Microsoft::UI::Xaml;
namespace WUX = Windows::UI::Xaml;
using IInspectable = Windows::Foundation::IInspectable;
namespace TerminalAppLocalTests
// TODO:microsoft/terminal#3838:
// Unfortunately, these tests _WILL NOT_ work in our CI. We're waiting for
// an updated TAEF that will let us install framework packages when the test
// package is deployed. Until then, these tests won't deploy in CI.
class TabTests
// For this set of tests, we need to activate some XAML content. For
// release builds, the application runs as a centennial application,
// which lets us run full trust, and means that we need to use XAML
// Islands to host our UI. However, in these tests, we don't really need
// to run full trust - we just need to get some UI elements created. So
// we can just rely on the normal UWP activation to create us.
// IMPORTANTLY! When tests need to make XAML objects, or do XAML things,
// make sure to use RunOnUIThread. This helper will dispatch a lambda to
// be run on the UI thread.
TEST_CLASS_PROPERTY(L"UAP:AppXManifest", L"TestHostAppXManifest.xml")
// These four tests act as canary tests. If one of them fails, then they
// can help you identify if something much lower in the stack has
// failed.
return true;
return true;
void _initializeTerminalPage(winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage>& page,
CascadiaSettings initialSettings);
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage> _commonSetup();
template<typename TFunction>
void TestOnUIThread(const TFunction& function)
const auto result = RunOnUIThread(function);
void TabTests::EnsureTestsActivate()
// This test was originally used to ensure that XAML Islands was
// initialized correctly. Now, it's used to ensure that the tests
// actually deployed and activated. This test _should_ always pass.
void TabTests::TryCreateSettingsType()
// Verify we can create a WinRT type we authored
// Just creating it is enough to know that everything is working.
TerminalSettings settings;
auto oldFontSize = settings.FontSize();
settings.FontSize(oldFontSize + 5);
auto newFontSize = settings.FontSize();
VERIFY_ARE_NOT_EQUAL(oldFontSize, newFontSize);
void TabTests::TryCreateConnectionType()
// Verify we can create a WinRT type we authored
// Just creating it is enough to know that everything is working.
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::EchoConnection conn{};
// We're doing this test separately from the TryCreateSettingsType test,
// to ensure both dependent binaries (TerminalSettings and
// TerminalConnection) both work individually.
void TabTests::TryCreateXamlObjects()
auto result = RunOnUIThread([]() {
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(true, L"Congrats! We're running on the UI thread!");
auto v = winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplication::GetCurrentView();
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(v, L"Ensure we have a current view");
// Verify we can create a some XAML objects
// Just creating all of them is enough to know that everything is working.
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::UserControl controlRoot;
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(controlRoot, L"Try making a UserControl");
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Grid root;
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(root, L"Try making a Grid");
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainPanel swapChainPanel;
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(swapChainPanel, L"Try making a SwapChainPanel");
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Primitives::ScrollBar scrollBar;
VERIFY_IS_NOT_NULL(scrollBar, L"Try making a ScrollBar");
void TabTests::CreateSimpleTerminalXamlType()
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::MinMaxCloseControl> mmcc{ nullptr };
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&mmcc]() {
mmcc = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::MinMaxCloseControl>();
void TabTests::CreateTerminalMuxXamlType()
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TabRowControl> tabRowControl{ nullptr };
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&tabRowControl]() {
tabRowControl = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TabRowControl>();
void TabTests::CreateTerminalPage()
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage> page{ nullptr };
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
page = winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage>();
// Method Description:
// - This is a helper to set up a TerminalPage for a unittest. This method
// does a couple things:
// * Create()'s a TerminalPage with the given settings. Constructing a
// TerminalPage so that we can get at its implementation is wacky, so
// this helper will do it correctly for you, even if this doesn't make a
// ton of sense on the surface. This is also why you need to pass both a
// projection and a com_ptr to this method.
// * It will use the provided settings object to initialize the TerminalPage
// * It will add the TerminalPage to the test Application, so that we can
// get actual layout events. Much of the Terminal assumes there's a
// non-zero ActualSize to the Terminal window, and adding the Page to
// the Application will make it behave as expected.
// * It will wait for the TerminalPage to finish initialization before
// returning control to the caller. It does this by creating an event and
// only setting the event when the TerminalPage raises its Initialized
// event, to signal that startup is complete. At this point, there will
// be one tab with the default profile in the page.
// * It will also ensure that the first tab is focused, since that happens
// asynchronously in the application typically.
// Arguments:
// - page: a TerminalPage implementation ptr that will receive the new TerminalPage instance
// - initialSettings: a CascadiaSettings to initialize the TerminalPage with.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TabTests::_initializeTerminalPage(winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage>& page,
CascadiaSettings initialSettings)
// This is super wacky, but we can't just initialize the
// com_ptr<impl::TerminalPage> in the lambda and assign it back out of
// the lambda. We'll crash trying to get a weak_ref to the TerminalPage
// during TerminalPage::Create() below.
// Instead, create the winrt object, then get a com_ptr to the
// implementation _from_ the winrt object. This seems to work, even if
// it's weird.
winrt::TerminalApp::TerminalPage projectedPage{ nullptr };
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Construct the TerminalPage"));
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&projectedPage, &page, initialSettings]() {
projectedPage = winrt::TerminalApp::TerminalPage();
page->_settings = initialSettings;
::details::Event waitForInitEvent;
if (!waitForInitEvent.IsValid())
page->Initialized([&waitForInitEvent](auto&&, auto&&) {
Log::Comment(L"Create() the TerminalPage");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
Log::Comment(L"Create()'d the page successfully");
auto app = ::winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Application::Current();
winrt::TerminalApp::TerminalPage pp = *page;
Log::Comment(L"Wait for the page to finish initializing...");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
// In the real app, this isn't a problem, but doesn't happen
// reliably in the unit tests.
Log::Comment(L"Ensure we set the first tab as the selected one.");
auto tab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
void TabTests::TryInitializePage()
// This is a very simple test to prove we can create settings and a
// TerminalPage and not only create them successfully, but also create a
// tab using those settings successfully.
const std::string settingsJson0{ R"(
"defaultProfile": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"profiles": [
"name" : "profile0",
"guid": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 1
"name" : "profile1",
"guid": "{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 2
})" };
CascadiaSettings settings0{ til::u8u16(settingsJson0) };
// This is super wacky, but we can't just initialize the
// com_ptr<impl::TerminalPage> in the lambda and assign it back out of
// the lambda. We'll crash trying to get a weak_ref to the TerminalPage
// during TerminalPage::Create() below.
// Instead, create the winrt object, then get a com_ptr to the
// implementation _from_ the winrt object. This seems to work, even if
// it's weird.
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage> page{ nullptr };
_initializeTerminalPage(page, settings0);
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, page->_tabs.Size());
void TabTests::TryDuplicateBadTab()
// * Create a tab with a profile with GUID 1
// * Reload the settings so that GUID 1 is no longer in the list of profiles
// * Try calling _DuplicateFocusedTab on tab 1
// * No new tab should be created (and more importantly, the app should not crash)
// Created to test GH#2455
const std::string settingsJson0{ R"(
"defaultProfile": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"profiles": [
"name" : "profile0",
"guid": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 1
"name" : "profile1",
"guid": "{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 2
})" };
const std::string settingsJson1{ R"(
"defaultProfile": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"profiles": [
"name" : "profile1",
"guid": "{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 2
})" };
CascadiaSettings settings0{ til::u8u16(settingsJson0) };
CascadiaSettings settings1{ til::u8u16(settingsJson1) };
const auto guid1 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
const auto guid2 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
const auto guid3 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-3333-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
// This is super wacky, but we can't just initialize the
// com_ptr<impl::TerminalPage> in the lambda and assign it back out of
// the lambda. We'll crash trying to get a weak_ref to the TerminalPage
// during TerminalPage::Create() below.
// Instead, create the winrt object, then get a com_ptr to the
// implementation _from_ the winrt object. This seems to work, even if
// it's weird.
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage> page{ nullptr };
_initializeTerminalPage(page, settings0);
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, page->_tabs.Size());
Log::Comment(L"Duplicate the first tab");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2u, page->_tabs.Size());
L"Change the settings of the TerminalPage so the first profile is "
L"no longer in the list of profiles"));
result = RunOnUIThread([&page, settings1]() {
page->_settings = settings1;
Log::Comment(L"Duplicate the tab, and don't crash");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2u, page->_tabs.Size(), L"We should gracefully do nothing here - the profile no longer exists.");
void TabTests::TryDuplicateBadPane()
// * Create a tab with a profile with GUID 1
// * Reload the settings so that GUID 1 is no longer in the list of profiles
// * Try calling _SplitPane(Duplicate) on tab 1
// * No new pane should be created (and more importantly, the app should not crash)
// Created to test GH#2455
const std::string settingsJson0{ R"(
"defaultProfile": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"profiles": [
"name" : "profile0",
"guid": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 1
"name" : "profile1",
"guid": "{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 2
})" };
const std::string settingsJson1{ R"(
"defaultProfile": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"profiles": [
"name" : "profile1",
"guid": "{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"historySize": 2
})" };
CascadiaSettings settings0{ til::u8u16(settingsJson0) };
CascadiaSettings settings1{ til::u8u16(settingsJson1) };
const auto guid1 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
const auto guid2 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
const auto guid3 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-3333-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
// This is super wacky, but we can't just initialize the
// com_ptr<impl::TerminalPage> in the lambda and assign it back out of
// the lambda. We'll crash trying to get a weak_ref to the TerminalPage
// during TerminalPage::Create() below.
// Instead, create the winrt object, then get a com_ptr to the
// implementation _from_ the winrt object. This seems to work, even if
// it's weird.
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage> page{ nullptr };
_initializeTerminalPage(page, settings0);
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, page->_tabs.Size());
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, page->_tabs.Size());
auto tab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1, tab->GetLeafPaneCount());
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Duplicate the first pane"));
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
page->_SplitPane(SplitState::Automatic, SplitType::Duplicate, 0.5f, nullptr);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, page->_tabs.Size());
auto tab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, tab->GetLeafPaneCount());
L"Change the settings of the TerminalPage so the first profile is "
L"no longer in the list of profiles"));
result = RunOnUIThread([&page, settings1]() {
page->_settings = settings1;
Log::Comment(NoThrowString().Format(L"Duplicate the pane, and don't crash"));
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
page->_SplitPane(SplitState::Automatic, SplitType::Duplicate, 0.5f, nullptr);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, page->_tabs.Size());
auto tab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
L"We should gracefully do nothing here - the profile no longer exists.");
auto cleanup = wil::scope_exit([] {
auto result = RunOnUIThread([]() {
// There's something causing us to crash north of
// TSFInputControl::NotifyEnter, or LayoutRequested. It's very
// unclear what that issue is. Since these tests don't run in
// CI, simply log a message so that the dev running these tests
// knows it's expected.
Log::Comment(L"This test often crashes on cleanup, even when it succeeds. If it succeeded, then crashes, that's okay.");
// Method Description:
// - This is a helper method for setting up a TerminalPage with some common
// settings, and creating the first tab.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - The initialized TerminalPage, ready to use.
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage> TabTests::_commonSetup()
const std::string settingsJson0{ R"(
"defaultProfile": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"showTabsInTitlebar": false,
"profiles": [
"name" : "profile0",
"guid": "{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"tabTitle" : "Profile 0",
"historySize": 1
"name" : "profile1",
"guid": "{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"tabTitle" : "Profile 1",
"historySize": 2
"name" : "profile2",
"guid": "{6239a42c-3333-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"tabTitle" : "Profile 2",
"historySize": 3
"name" : "profile3",
"guid": "{6239a42c-4444-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}",
"tabTitle" : "Profile 3",
"historySize": 4
})" };
CascadiaSettings settings0{ til::u8u16(settingsJson0) };
const auto guid1 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-1111-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
const auto guid2 = Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(L"{6239a42c-2222-49a3-80bd-e8fdd045185c}");
// This is super wacky, but we can't just initialize the
// com_ptr<impl::TerminalPage> in the lambda and assign it back out of
// the lambda. We'll crash trying to get a weak_ref to the TerminalPage
// during TerminalPage::Create() below.
// Instead, create the winrt object, then get a com_ptr to the
// implementation _from_ the winrt object. This seems to work, even if
// it's weird.
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::TerminalPage> page{ nullptr };
_initializeTerminalPage(page, settings0);
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, page->_tabs.Size());
return page;
void TabTests::TryZoomPane()
auto page = _commonSetup();
Log::Comment(L"Create a second pane");
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
SplitPaneArgs args{ SplitType::Duplicate };
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{ args };
// eventArgs.Args(args);
page->_HandleSplitPane(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
Log::Comment(L"Zoom in on the pane");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{};
page->_HandleTogglePaneZoom(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
Log::Comment(L"Zoom out of the pane");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{};
page->_HandleTogglePaneZoom(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
void TabTests::MoveFocusFromZoomedPane()
auto page = _commonSetup();
Log::Comment(L"Create a second pane");
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
// Set up action
SplitPaneArgs args{ SplitType::Duplicate };
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{ args };
page->_HandleSplitPane(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
Log::Comment(L"Zoom in on the pane");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
// Set up action
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{};
page->_HandleTogglePaneZoom(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
Log::Comment(L"Move focus. This will cause us to un-zoom.");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
// Set up action
MoveFocusArgs args{ FocusDirection::Left };
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{ args };
page->_HandleMoveFocus(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
void TabTests::CloseZoomedPane()
auto page = _commonSetup();
Log::Comment(L"Create a second pane");
auto result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
// Set up action
SplitPaneArgs args{ SplitType::Duplicate };
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{ args };
page->_HandleSplitPane(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
Log::Comment(L"Zoom in on the pane");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
// Set up action
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{};
page->_HandleTogglePaneZoom(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
Log::Comment(L"Close Pane. This should cause us to un-zoom, and remove the second pane from the tree");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
// Set up action
ActionEventArgs eventArgs{};
page->_HandleClosePane(nullptr, eventArgs);
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
// Introduce a slight delay to let the events finish propagating
Log::Comment(L"Check to ensure there's only one pane left.");
result = RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
auto firstTab = page->_GetTerminalTabImpl(page->_tabs.GetAt(0));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1, firstTab->GetLeafPaneCount());
void TabTests::NextMRUTab()
// This is a test for GH#8025 - we want to make sure that we can do both
// in-order and MRU tab traversal, using the tab switcher and with the
// tab switcher disabled.
auto page = _commonSetup();
Log::Comment(L"Create a second tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
NewTerminalArgs newTerminalArgs{ 1 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2u, page->_tabs.Size());
Log::Comment(L"Create a third tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
NewTerminalArgs newTerminalArgs{ 2 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(3u, page->_tabs.Size());
Log::Comment(L"Create a fourth tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
NewTerminalArgs newTerminalArgs{ 3 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(4u, page->_tabs.Size());
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
uint32_t focusedIndex = page->_GetFocusedTabIndex().value_or(-1);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(3u, focusedIndex, L"Verify the fourth tab is the focused one");
Log::Comment(L"Select the second tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
uint32_t focusedIndex = page->_GetFocusedTabIndex().value_or(-1);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, focusedIndex, L"Verify the second tab is the focused one");
Log::Comment(L"Change the tab switch order to MRU switching");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
Log::Comment(L"Switch to the next MRU tab, which is the fourth tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
page->_SelectNextTab(true, nullptr);
Log::Comment(L"Sleep to let events propagate");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
Log::Comment(L"Hide the command palette, to confirm the selection");
// If you don't do this, the palette will just stay open, and the
// next time we call _HandleNextTab, we'll continue traversing the
// MRU list, instead of just hoping one entry.
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
uint32_t focusedIndex = page->_GetFocusedTabIndex().value_or(-1);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(3u, focusedIndex, L"Verify the fourth tab is the focused one");
Log::Comment(L"Switch to the next MRU tab, which is the second tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
page->_SelectNextTab(true, nullptr);
Log::Comment(L"Sleep to let events propagate");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
Log::Comment(L"Hide the command palette, to confirm the selection");
// If you don't do this, the palette will just stay open, and the
// next time we call _HandleNextTab, we'll continue traversing the
// MRU list, instead of just hoping one entry.
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
uint32_t focusedIndex = page->_GetFocusedTabIndex().value_or(-1);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(1u, focusedIndex, L"Verify the second tab is the focused one");
Log::Comment(L"Change the tab switch order to in-order switching");
Log::Comment(L"Switch to the next in-order tab, which is the third tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
page->_SelectNextTab(true, nullptr);
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
uint32_t focusedIndex = page->_GetFocusedTabIndex().value_or(-1);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(2u, focusedIndex, L"Verify the third tab is the focused one");
Log::Comment(L"Change the tab switch order to not use the tab switcher (which is in-order always)");
Log::Comment(L"Switch to the next in-order tab, which is the fourth tab");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
page->_SelectNextTab(true, nullptr);
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
uint32_t focusedIndex = page->_GetFocusedTabIndex().value_or(-1);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(3u, focusedIndex, L"Verify the fourth tab is the focused one");
void TabTests::VerifyCommandPaletteTabSwitcherOrder()
// This is a test for GH#8188 - we want to make sure that the order of tabs
// is preserved in the CommandPalette's TabSwitcher
auto page = _commonSetup();
Log::Comment(L"Create 3 additional tabs");
RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
NewTerminalArgs newTerminalArgs{ 1 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(4u, page->_mruTabs.Size());
Log::Comment(L"give alphabetical names to all switch tab actions");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
Log::Comment(L"Sanity check the titles of our tabs are what we set them to.");
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"a", page->_tabs.GetAt(0).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"b", page->_tabs.GetAt(1).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"c", page->_tabs.GetAt(2).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"d", page->_tabs.GetAt(3).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"d", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(0).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"c", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(1).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"b", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(2).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"a", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(3).Title());
Log::Comment(L"Change the tab switch order to MRU switching");
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
Log::Comment(L"Select the tabs from 0 to 3");
RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(4u, page->_mruTabs.Size());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"d", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(0).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"c", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(1).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"b", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(2).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"a", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(3).Title());
Log::Comment(L"Switch to the next MRU tab, which is the third tab");
RunOnUIThread([&page]() {
page->_SelectNextTab(true, nullptr);
// In the course of a single tick, the Command Palette will:
// * open
// * select the proper tab from the mru's list
// * raise an event for _filteredActionsView().SelectionChanged to
// immediately preview the new tab
// * raise a _SwitchToTabRequestedHandlers event
// * then dismiss itself, because we can't fake holing down an
// anchor key in the tests
TestOnUIThread([&page]() {
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"c", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(0).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"d", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(1).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"b", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(2).Title());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(L"a", page->_mruTabs.GetAt(3).Title());
const auto palette = winrt::get_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::CommandPalette>(page->CommandPalette());
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::CommandPaletteMode::TabSwitchMode, palette->_currentMode, L"Verify we are in the tab switcher mode");
// At this point, the contents of the command palette's _mruTabs list is
// still the _old_ ordering (d, c, b, a). The ordering is only updated
// in TerminalPage::_SelectNextTab, but as we saw before, the palette
// will also dismiss itself immediately when that's called. So we can't
// really inspect the contents of the list in this test, unfortunately.