Carlos Zamora 33470ad08e
Add UI for adding, renaming, and deleting a color scheme (#8403)
Introduces the following UI controls to the ColorSchemes page:
- "Add new" button
  - next to dropdown selector
  - adds a new color scheme named ("Color Scheme #" where # is the number of color schemes you have)
- "Rename" Button
  - next to the selector
  - replaces the ComboBox with a TextBox and the accept/cancel buttons appear
- "Delete" button
  - bottom of the page
  - opens flyout, when confirmed, deletes the current color scheme and selects another one

This also adds a Delete button to the Profiles page. The Hide checkbox was moved above the Delete button.

## References
#1564 - Settings UI
#6800 - Settings UI Completion Epic

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

**Color Schemes:**
- Deleting a color scheme selects another one from the list available
- Rename replaces the combobox with a textbox to allow editing
- The Add New button creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" where X is the number of schemes defined
- In-box color schemes cannot be deleted

- Deleting a profile selects another one from the list available
- the rename button does not exist (yet), because it needs a modification to the NavigationView's Header Template
- The delete button is disabled for in-box profiles (CMD and Windows Powershell) and dynamic profiles

## Validation Steps Performed
**Color Schemes - Add New**
 Creates a new color scheme named "Color Scheme X" (X being the number of color schemes)
 The new color scheme can be renamed/deleted/modified

**Color Schemes - Rename**
 You cannot rename an in-box color scheme
 The rename button has a tooltip
 Clicking the rename button replaces the combobox with a textbox
 Accept --> changes name
 Cancel --> does not change the name
 accepting/cancelling the rename operation updates the combo box appropriately

**Color Schemes - Delete**
 Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion
 Deleting a color scheme removes it from the list and select the one under it
 Deleting the last color scheme selects the last available color scheme after it's deleted
 In-box color schemes have the delete button disabled, and a disclaimer appears next to it

**Profile- Delete**
 Base layer presents a disclaimer at the top, and hides the delete button
 Dynamic and in-box profiles disable the delete button and show the appropriate disclaimer next to the disabled button
 Clicking delete produces a flyout to confirm deletion
 Regular profiles have a delete button that is styled appropriately
 Clicking the delete profile button opens a content dialog. Confirmation deletes the profile and navigates to the profile indexed under it (deleting the last one redirects to the last one)

## Demo
Refer to this post [here](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747545651.
Confirmation flyout demo: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/8403#issuecomment-747657842
2020-12-17 23:14:07 +00:00

108 lines
4.3 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- GlobalAppSettings.h
- This class encapsulates all of the settings that are global to the app, and
not a part of any particular profile.
- Mike Griese - March 2019
#pragma once
#include "GlobalAppSettings.g.h"
#include "IInheritable.h"
#include "KeyMapping.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include "ColorScheme.h"
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace SettingsModelLocalTests
class DeserializationTests;
class ColorSchemeTests;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
struct GlobalAppSettings : GlobalAppSettingsT<GlobalAppSettings>, IInheritable<GlobalAppSettings>
void _FinalizeInheritance() override;
com_ptr<GlobalAppSettings> Copy() const;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMapView<hstring, Model::ColorScheme> ColorSchemes() noexcept;
void AddColorScheme(const Model::ColorScheme& scheme);
void RemoveColorScheme(hstring schemeName);
Model::KeyMapping KeyMap() const noexcept;
static com_ptr<GlobalAppSettings> FromJson(const Json::Value& json);
void LayerJson(const Json::Value& json);
Json::Value ToJson() const;
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> KeybindingsWarnings() const;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMapView<hstring, Model::Command> Commands() noexcept;
// These are implemented manually to handle the string/GUID exchange
// by higher layers in the app.
void DefaultProfile(const guid& defaultProfile) noexcept;
guid DefaultProfile() const;
bool HasUnparsedDefaultProfile() const;
winrt::hstring UnparsedDefaultProfile() const;
void UnparsedDefaultProfile(const hstring& value);
void ClearUnparsedDefaultProfile();
GETSET_SETTING(bool, AlwaysShowTabs, true);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, ShowTitleInTitlebar, true);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, ConfirmCloseAllTabs, true);
GETSET_SETTING(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme, Theme, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme::Default);
GETSET_SETTING(winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::TabViewWidthMode, TabWidthMode, winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::TabViewWidthMode::Equal);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, ShowTabsInTitlebar, true);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, CopyOnSelect, false);
GETSET_SETTING(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl::CopyFormat, CopyFormatting, 0);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, WarnAboutLargePaste, true);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, WarnAboutMultiLinePaste, true);
GETSET_SETTING(Model::LaunchPosition, InitialPosition, nullptr, nullptr);
GETSET_SETTING(Model::LaunchMode, LaunchMode, LaunchMode::DefaultMode);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, SnapToGridOnResize, true);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, ForceFullRepaintRendering, false);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, SoftwareRendering, false);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, ForceVTInput, false);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, DebugFeaturesEnabled, _getDefaultDebugFeaturesValue());
GETSET_SETTING(bool, StartOnUserLogin, false);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, AlwaysOnTop, false);
GETSET_SETTING(Model::TabSwitcherMode, TabSwitcherMode, Model::TabSwitcherMode::InOrder);
GETSET_SETTING(bool, DisableAnimations, false);
guid _defaultProfile;
std::optional<hstring> _UnparsedDefaultProfile{ std::nullopt };
bool _validDefaultProfile;
com_ptr<KeyMapping> _keymap;
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> _keybindingsWarnings;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<hstring, Model::ColorScheme> _colorSchemes;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<hstring, Model::Command> _commands;
std::optional<hstring> _getUnparsedDefaultProfileImpl() const;
static bool _getDefaultDebugFeaturesValue();
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::DeserializationTests;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::ColorSchemeTests;