Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 357e835f5d
Replace ConhostConnection with ConptyConnection (#3461)
This commit deletes ConhostConnection and replaces it with
ConptyConnection. The ConptyConnection uses CreatePseudoConsole and
depends on winconpty to override the one from kernel32.

* winconpty must be packageable, so I've added GetPackagingOutputs.
   * To validate this, I added conpty.dll to the MSIX regression script.
* I moved the code from conpty-universal that deals with environment
  strings into the types library.

This puts us in a way better place to implement #2563, as we can now
separately detect a failure to launch a pseudoconsole, a failure to
CreateProcess, and an unexpected termination of the launched process.

Fixes #1131.
2019-11-06 15:09:01 -08:00

67 lines
2.5 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "ConptyConnection.g.h"
namespace wil
// These belong in WIL upstream, so when we reingest the change that has them we'll get rid of ours.
using unique_pseudoconsole_handle = wil::unique_any<HPCON, decltype(&::ClosePseudoConsole), ::ClosePseudoConsole>;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::implementation
struct ConptyConnection : ConptyConnectionT<ConptyConnection>
ConptyConnection(const hstring& cmdline, const hstring& startingDirectory, const hstring& startingTitle, const uint32_t rows, const uint32_t cols, const guid& guid);
winrt::event_token TerminalOutput(TerminalConnection::TerminalOutputEventArgs const& handler);
void TerminalOutput(winrt::event_token const& token) noexcept;
winrt::event_token TerminalDisconnected(TerminalConnection::TerminalDisconnectedEventArgs const& handler);
void TerminalDisconnected(winrt::event_token const& token) noexcept;
void Start();
void WriteInput(hstring const& data);
void Resize(uint32_t rows, uint32_t columns);
void Close();
winrt::guid Guid() const noexcept;
HRESULT _LaunchAttachedClient() noexcept;
void _ClientTerminated() noexcept;
winrt::event<TerminalConnection::TerminalOutputEventArgs> _outputHandlers;
winrt::event<TerminalConnection::TerminalDisconnectedEventArgs> _disconnectHandlers;
uint32_t _initialRows{};
uint32_t _initialCols{};
hstring _commandline;
hstring _startingDirectory;
hstring _startingTitle;
guid _guid{}; // A unique session identifier for connected client
bool _connected{};
std::atomic<bool> _closing{ false };
bool _recievedFirstByte{ false };
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point _startTime{};
wil::unique_hfile _inPipe; // The pipe for writing input to
wil::unique_hfile _outPipe; // The pipe for reading output from
wil::unique_handle _hOutputThread;
wil::unique_process_information _piClient;
wil::unique_pseudoconsole_handle _hPC;
wil::unique_threadpool_wait _clientExitWait;
DWORD _OutputThread();
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection::factory_implementation
struct ConptyConnection : ConptyConnectionT<ConptyConnection, implementation::ConptyConnection>