Heath Stewart 37e8769b37
Show only latest VS, VC prompts by default (#11326)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Similar to `vswhere -latest`, show only the latest Visual Studio command prompts / developer PowerShell. This was tested by deleting the local package state and testing against fresh state with both VS2019 and VS2022 Preview installed, and indeed VS2022 Preview (both cmd and powershell) show. The other profiles were generated but hidden by default.

## References

Modification of PR #7774

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #11307
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx
* [ ] Schema updated.
* [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

The sort algorithm is the same basic algorithm I used in https://github.com/microsoft/vswhere. It sorts first by installation version with a secondary sort based on the install date in case the installation versions are the same.

## Validation Steps Performed

With both VS2019 and VS2022 Preview installed, I made sure the initial state was expected, and tried different combinations of hiding and unhiding generated entries, and restarted Terminal to make sure my settings "stuck".
2021-09-29 22:03:05 +00:00

256 lines
9 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- VsSetupConfiguration
- Encapsulates the Visual Studio Setup Configuration COM APIs
- Charles Willis - October 2020
- Heath Stewart - September 2021
#pragma once
#include "Setup.Configuration.h"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model
/// <summary>
/// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.visualstudio.setup.configuration?view=visualstudiosdk-2019
/// </summary>
class VsSetupConfiguration
typedef wil::com_ptr<ISetupConfiguration2> ComPtrSetupQuery;
typedef wil::com_ptr<ISetupHelper> ComPtrSetupHelper;
typedef wil::com_ptr<ISetupInstance> ComPtrSetupInstance;
typedef wil::com_ptr<ISetupInstance2> ComPtrSetupInstance2;
typedef wil::com_ptr<ISetupPropertyStore> ComPtrPropertyStore;
typedef wil::com_ptr<ISetupPackageReference> ComPtrPackageReference;
typedef wil::com_ptr<ISetupInstanceCatalog> ComPtrInstanceCatalog;
typedef ComPtrPropertyStore ComPtrCustomPropertyStore;
typedef ComPtrPropertyStore ComPtrCatalogPropertyStore;
struct VsSetupInstance
VsSetupInstance(VsSetupInstance&& other) = default;
VsSetupInstance& operator=(VsSetupInstance&&) = default;
std::wstring ResolvePath(std::wstring_view relativePath) const
return VsSetupConfiguration::ResolvePath(inst.get(), relativePath);
bool VersionInRange(std::wstring_view range) const
return InstallationVersionInRange(query.get(), inst.get(), range);
std::wstring GetVersion() const
return VsSetupConfiguration::GetInstallationVersion(inst.get());
unsigned long long GetComparableInstallDate() const
return installDate;
unsigned long long GetComparableVersion() const
return version;
std::wstring GetInstallationPath() const
return VsSetupConfiguration::GetInstallationPath(inst.get());
std::wstring GetInstanceId() const
return VsSetupConfiguration::GetInstanceId(inst.get());
ComPtrPropertyStore GetInstancePropertyStore() const
ComPtrPropertyStore properties;
return properties;
ComPtrCustomPropertyStore GetCustomPropertyStore() const
ComPtrSetupInstance2 instance2;
ComPtrCustomPropertyStore properties;
if (FAILED(instance2->GetProperties(&properties)))
return nullptr;
return properties;
ComPtrCatalogPropertyStore GetCatalogPropertyStore() const
ComPtrInstanceCatalog instanceCatalog;
ComPtrCatalogPropertyStore properties;
if (FAILED(instanceCatalog->GetCatalogInfo(&properties)))
return nullptr;
return properties;
std::wstring GetProfileNameSuffix() const
return profileNameSuffix;
friend class VsSetupConfiguration;
VsSetupInstance(ComPtrSetupQuery pQuery, ComPtrSetupInstance pInstance) :
query(pQuery), // Copy and AddRef the query object.
inst(std::move(pInstance)), // Take ownership of the instance object.
ComPtrSetupQuery query;
ComPtrSetupInstance inst;
std::wstring profileNameSuffix;
// Cache oft-accessed properties used in sorting.
unsigned long long installDate;
unsigned long long version;
std::wstring BuildProfileNameSuffix() const
ComPtrCatalogPropertyStore catalogProperties = GetCatalogPropertyStore();
if (catalogProperties != nullptr)
std::wstring suffix;
std::wstring productLine{ GetProductLineVersion(catalogProperties.get()) };
ComPtrCustomPropertyStore customProperties = GetCustomPropertyStore();
if (customProperties != nullptr)
std::wstring nickname{ GetNickname(customProperties.get()) };
if (!nickname.empty())
suffix.append(L" (" + nickname + L")");
ComPtrPropertyStore instanceProperties = GetInstancePropertyStore();
ComPtrPropertyStore instanceProperties = GetInstancePropertyStore();
return suffix;
return GetVersion();
unsigned long long GetInstallDate() const
return VsSetupConfiguration::GetInstallDate(inst.get());
unsigned long long GetInstallationVersion() const
const auto helper = wil::com_query<ISetupHelper>(query);
std::wstring versionString{ GetVersion() };
unsigned long long version{ 0 };
THROW_IF_FAILED(helper->ParseVersion(versionString.data(), &version));
return version;
static std::wstring GetChannelNameSuffixTag(ISetupPropertyStore* instanceProperties)
std::wstring tag;
std::wstring channelName{ GetChannelName(instanceProperties) };
if (channelName.empty())
return channelName;
if (channelName != L"Release")
tag.append(L" [" + channelName + L"]");
return tag;
static std::wstring GetChannelId(ISetupPropertyStore* instanceProperties)
return GetStringProperty(instanceProperties, L"channelId");
static std::wstring GetChannelName(ISetupPropertyStore* instanceProperties)
std::wstring channelId{ GetChannelId(instanceProperties) };
if (channelId.empty())
return channelId;
std::wstring channelName;
// channelId is in the format <ProductName>.<MajorVersion>.<ChannelName>
size_t pos = channelId.rfind(L".");
if (pos != std::wstring::npos)
channelName.append(channelId.substr(pos + 1));
return channelName;
static std::wstring GetNickname(ISetupPropertyStore* customProperties)
return GetStringProperty(customProperties, L"nickname");
static std::wstring GetProductLineVersion(ISetupPropertyStore* customProperties)
return GetStringProperty(customProperties, L"productLineVersion");
static std::vector<VsSetupInstance> QueryInstances();
static bool InstallationVersionInRange(ISetupConfiguration2* pQuery, ISetupInstance* pInst, std::wstring_view range);
static std::wstring ResolvePath(ISetupInstance* pInst, std::wstring_view relativePath);
static std::wstring GetInstallationVersion(ISetupInstance* pInst);
static std::wstring GetInstallationPath(ISetupInstance* pInst);
static std::wstring GetInstanceId(ISetupInstance* pInst);
static unsigned long long GetInstallDate(ISetupInstance* pInst);
static std::wstring GetStringProperty(ISetupPropertyStore* pProps, std::wstring_view name);