James Holderness 3995196072
Correct paths in the the runut and runft test scripts (#8488)
This corrects the path to `Terminal.Core.Unit.Tests.dll` in the `runut`
unit test script and makes the `runft` feature test script capable of
working with _Release_ builds as well as _Debug_ builds.

The path to `Terminal.Core.Unit.Tests.dll` changed when the project was
restructured, and the `runut` script was never updated to reflect that
change. That has now been corrected.

And the `runft` script used to be hard coded to look for tests in the
_Debug_ directory, but it has now been updated to use the
`%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%` environment variable, so it should work for both
_Debug_ and _Release_ builds.

## Validation Steps Performed
I've manually confirmed that the `runut` and `runft` scripts now work as

Closes #8485
2020-12-03 10:38:18 -08:00

9 lines
190 B

@echo off
rem Run the console feature tests.
rem Keep this file in sync with tests.xml
call %TAEF% ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%ARCH%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\ConHost.Feature.Tests.dll ^