Dustin L. Howett 3a5c33b005
Rework JsonUtils' optional handling to let Converters see null (#8175)
The JsonUtils changes in #8018 revealed that we need more robust,
configurable optional handling. We learned that there's a class of
values that was previously underrepresented in our API: _strings that
have an explicit empty value_.

The Settings model supports starting directory, icon, background image
et al values that are empty. That emptiness _overrides_ a value set in a
lower layer, so it is not sufficient to represent the empty value for
any one of those fields as an unset optional.

There are a couple other settings for which we've implemented a
hand-rolled option type (for roughly the same reason): foreground,
background, any color fields that override values from the color scheme
_or_ the lower layer profile.

These requirements are best fulfilled by better optional support in
JsonUtils. Where the library would originally detect known types of
optional and pre-filter them out during `GetValue` and `SetValue`, it
will now defer to another conversion trait.

This commit introduces a helper conversion trait and an "option oracle".
The conversion trait will use the option oracle to detect emptiness,
generate empty option values, and read values out of option types. In so
doing, the trait is insulated from the implementation details of any
specific option type.

Any special logic for handling JSON null and option types has been
stripped from GetValue. Due to this, there is an express change in
behavior for some converters:

* `GetValue<T>(jsonNull)` where `T` is **not** an option type[1] has
  been upgraded from a silent no-op to an exception.

Further, I took the opportunity to replace NullableSetting with
std::optional<std::optional<T>>, which accurately represents "setting
that the user might explicitly clear". I've added a test to
JsonUtilsTests to make sure it can serialize/deserialize double
optionals the way we expect it to.

Tests (Local, Unit for TerminalApp/SettingsModel):
Summary: Total=140, Passed=140, Failed=0, Blocked=0, Not Run=0, Skipped=0

[1]: Explicitly, if `T` is not an option type _and the converter does
not support null_.
2020-11-09 15:13:02 -08:00

773 lines
23 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- JsonUtils.h
- Helpers for the Terminal Settings Model project
- Mike Griese - August 2019
- Dustin Howett - January 2020
#pragma once
#include <json.h>
#include "../types/inc/utils.hpp"
namespace winrt
// If we don't use winrt, nobody will include the ConversionTraits for winrt stuff.
// If nobody includes it, these forward declarations will suffice.
struct guid;
struct hstring;
namespace Windows::Foundation
template<typename T>
struct IReference;
// Method Description:
// - Create a std::string from a string_view. We do this because we can't look
// up a key in a Json::Value with a string_view directly, so instead we'll use
// this helper. Should a string_view lookup ever be added to jsoncpp, we can
// remove this entirely.
// Arguments:
// - key: the string_view to build a string from
// Return Value:
// - a std::string to use for looking up a value from a Json::Value
inline std::string JsonKey(const std::string_view key)
return static_cast<std::string>(key);
namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils
namespace Detail
// Function Description:
// - Returns a string_view to a Json::Value's internal string storage,
// hopefully without copying it.
__declspec(noinline) inline const std::string_view GetStringView(const Json::Value& json)
const char* begin{ nullptr };
const char* end{ nullptr };
json.getString(&begin, &end);
const std::string_view zeroCopyString{ begin, gsl::narrow_cast<size_t>(end - begin) };
return zeroCopyString;
template<typename T>
struct OptionOracle
template<typename U> // universal parameter
static constexpr bool HasValue(U&&)
return true;
template<typename T>
struct OptionOracle<std::optional<T>>
static constexpr std::optional<T> EmptyV() { return std::nullopt; }
static constexpr bool HasValue(const std::optional<T>& o) { return o.has_value(); }
static constexpr auto&& Value(const std::optional<T>& o) { return *o; }
template<typename T>
struct OptionOracle<::winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<T>>
static constexpr ::winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<T> EmptyV() { return nullptr; }
static constexpr bool HasValue(const ::winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<T>& o) { return static_cast<bool>(o); }
static constexpr auto&& Value(const ::winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<T>& o) { return o.Value(); }
class DeserializationError : public std::runtime_error
DeserializationError(const Json::Value& value) :
runtime_error("failed to deserialize"),
jsonValue{ value } {}
void SetKey(std::string_view newKey)
if (!key)
key = newKey;
std::optional<std::string> key;
Json::Value jsonValue;
std::string expectedType;
template<typename T>
struct ConversionTrait
// Forward-declare these so the linker can pick up specializations from elsewhere!
T FromJson(const Json::Value&);
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json);
Json::Value ToJson(const T& val);
std::string TypeDescription() const { return "<unknown>"; }
struct ConversionTrait<std::string>
std::string FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return json.asString();
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isString();
Json::Value ToJson(const std::string& val)
return val;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "string";
struct ConversionTrait<std::wstring>
std::wstring FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return til::u8u16(Detail::GetStringView(json));
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isString();
Json::Value ToJson(const std::wstring& val)
return til::u16u8(val);
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "string";
struct ConversionTrait<winrt::hstring> : public ConversionTrait<std::wstring>
// Leverage the wstring converter's validation
winrt::hstring FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
if (json.isNull())
return winrt::hstring{};
return winrt::hstring{ til::u8u16(Detail::GetStringView(json)) };
Json::Value ToJson(const winrt::hstring& val)
if (val == winrt::hstring{})
return Json::Value::nullSingleton();
return til::u16u8(val);
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
// hstring has a specific behavior for null, so it can convert it
return ConversionTrait<std::wstring>::CanConvert(json) || json.isNull();
struct ConversionTrait<bool>
bool FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return json.asBool();
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isBool();
Json::Value ToJson(const bool val)
return val;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "true | false";
struct ConversionTrait<int>
int FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return json.asInt();
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isInt();
Json::Value ToJson(const int& val)
return val;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "number";
struct ConversionTrait<unsigned int>
unsigned int FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return json.asUInt();
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isUInt();
Json::Value ToJson(const unsigned int& val)
return val;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "number (>= 0)";
struct ConversionTrait<float>
float FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return json.asFloat();
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isNumeric();
Json::Value ToJson(const float& val)
return val;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "number";
struct ConversionTrait<double>
double FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return json.asDouble();
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isNumeric();
Json::Value ToJson(const double& val)
return val;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "number";
struct ConversionTrait<GUID>
GUID FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidFromString(til::u8u16(Detail::GetStringView(json)));
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isString())
return false;
const auto string{ Detail::GetStringView(json) };
return string.length() == 38 && string.front() == '{' && string.back() == '}';
Json::Value ToJson(const GUID& val)
return til::u16u8(::Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidToString(val));
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "guid";
// GUID and winrt::guid are mutually convertible,
// but IReference<winrt::guid> throws some of this off
struct ConversionTrait<winrt::guid>
winrt::guid FromJson(const Json::Value& json) const
return static_cast<winrt::guid>(ConversionTrait<GUID>{}.FromJson(json));
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json) const
return ConversionTrait<GUID>{}.CanConvert(json);
Json::Value ToJson(const winrt::guid& val)
return ConversionTrait<GUID>{}.ToJson(val);
std::string TypeDescription() const
return ConversionTrait<GUID>{}.TypeDescription();
struct ConversionTrait<til::color>
til::color FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::ColorFromHexString(Detail::GetStringView(json));
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
if (!json.isString())
return false;
const auto string{ Detail::GetStringView(json) };
return (string.length() == 7 || string.length() == 4) && string.front() == '#';
Json::Value ToJson(const til::color& val)
return til::u16u8(val.ToHexString(true));
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "color (#rrggbb, #rgb)";
#ifdef WINRT_Windows_UI_H
struct ConversionTrait<winrt::Windows::UI::Color>
winrt::Windows::UI::Color FromJson(const Json::Value& json) const
return static_cast<winrt::Windows::UI::Color>(ConversionTrait<til::color>{}.FromJson(json));
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json) const
return ConversionTrait<til::color>{}.CanConvert(json);
Json::Value ToJson(const winrt::Windows::UI::Color& val)
return ConversionTrait<til::color>{}.ToJson(val);
std::string TypeDescription() const
return ConversionTrait<til::color>{}.TypeDescription();
template<typename T, typename TDelegatedConverter = ConversionTrait<typename std::decay<T>::type>, typename TOpt = std::optional<typename std::decay<T>::type>>
struct OptionalConverter
using Oracle = OptionOracle<TOpt>;
TDelegatedConverter delegatedConverter{};
TOpt FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
if (!json && !delegatedConverter.CanConvert(json))
// If the nested converter can't deal with null, emit an empty optional
// If it can, it probably has specific null behavior that it wants to use.
return Oracle::EmptyV();
TOpt val{ delegatedConverter.FromJson(json) };
return val;
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isNull() || delegatedConverter.CanConvert(json);
Json::Value ToJson(const TOpt& val)
if (!Oracle::HasValue(val))
return Json::Value::nullSingleton();
return delegatedConverter.ToJson(Oracle::Value(val));
std::string TypeDescription() const
return delegatedConverter.TypeDescription();
template<typename T>
struct ConversionTrait<std::optional<T>> : public OptionalConverter<T, ConversionTrait<T>, std::optional<T>>
#ifdef WINRT_Windows_Foundation_H
template<typename T>
struct ConversionTrait<::winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<T>> : public OptionalConverter<T, ConversionTrait<T>, ::winrt::Windows::Foundation::IReference<T>>
template<typename T, typename TBase>
struct EnumMapper
using BaseEnumMapper = EnumMapper<T, TBase>;
using ValueType = T;
using pair_type = std::pair<std::string_view, T>;
T FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
const auto name{ Detail::GetStringView(json) };
for (const auto& pair : TBase::mappings)
if (pair.first == name)
return pair.second;
DeserializationError e{ json };
e.expectedType = TypeDescription();
throw e;
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isString();
Json::Value ToJson(const T& val)
for (const auto& pair : TBase::mappings)
if (pair.second == val)
return { pair.first.data() };
std::string TypeDescription() const
std::vector<std::string_view> names;
std::transform(TBase::mappings.cbegin(), TBase::mappings.cend(), std::back_inserter(names), [](auto&& p) { return p.first; });
return fmt::format("{}", fmt::join(names, " | "));
// FlagMapper is EnumMapper, but it works for bitfields.
// It supports a string (single flag) or an array of strings.
// Does an O(n*m) search; meant for small search spaces!
// Cleverly leverage EnumMapper to do the heavy lifting.
template<typename T, typename TBase>
struct FlagMapper : public EnumMapper<T, TBase>
// Hide BaseEnumMapper so FlagMapper's consumers cannot see
// it.
using BaseEnumMapper = EnumMapper<T, TBase>::BaseEnumMapper;
using BaseFlagMapper = FlagMapper<T, TBase>;
static constexpr T AllSet{ static_cast<T>(~0u) };
static constexpr T AllClear{ static_cast<T>(0u) };
T FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
if (json.isString())
return BaseEnumMapper::FromJson(json);
else if (json.isArray())
unsigned int seen{ 0 };
T value{};
for (const auto& element : json)
const auto newFlag{ BaseEnumMapper::FromJson(element) };
if (++seen > 1 &&
((newFlag == AllClear && value != AllClear) ||
(value == AllClear && newFlag != AllClear)))
// attempt to combine AllClear (explicitly) with anything else
DeserializationError e{ element };
e.expectedType = BaseEnumMapper::TypeDescription();
throw e;
value |= newFlag;
return value;
// We'll only get here if CanConvert has failed us.
return AllClear;
Json::Value ToJson(const T& val)
if (val == AllClear)
return BaseEnumMapper::ToJson(AllClear);
else if (val == AllSet)
return BaseEnumMapper::ToJson(AllSet);
else if (WI_IsSingleFlagSet(val))
return BaseEnumMapper::ToJson(val);
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::arrayValue };
for (const auto& pair : TBase::mappings)
if (pair.second != AllClear &&
(val & pair.second) == pair.second)
return json;
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return BaseEnumMapper::CanConvert(json) || json.isArray();
template<typename T>
struct PermissiveStringConverter
struct PermissiveStringConverter<std::wstring>
std::wstring FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return til::u8u16(json.asString());
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& /*unused*/)
return true;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "any";
// Method Description:
// - Helper that will populate a reference with a value converted from a json object.
// Arguments:
// - json: the json object to convert
// - target: the value to populate with the converted result
// Return Value:
// - a boolean indicating whether the value existed (in this case, was non-null)
// GetValue, type-deduced, manual converter
template<typename T, typename Converter>
bool GetValue(const Json::Value& json, T& target, Converter&& conv)
if (!conv.CanConvert(json))
DeserializationError e{ json };
e.expectedType = conv.TypeDescription();
throw e;
target = conv.FromJson(json);
return true;
// GetValue, forced return type, manual converter
template<typename T, typename Converter>
std::decay_t<T> GetValue(const Json::Value& json, Converter&& conv)
std::decay_t<T> local{};
GetValue(json, local, std::forward<Converter>(conv));
return local; // returns zero-initialized or value
// GetValueForKey, type-deduced, manual converter
template<typename T, typename Converter>
bool GetValueForKey(const Json::Value& json, std::string_view key, T& target, Converter&& conv)
if (auto found{ json.find(&*key.cbegin(), (&*key.cbegin()) + key.size()) })
return GetValue(*found, target, std::forward<Converter>(conv));
catch (DeserializationError& e)
throw; // rethrow now that it has a key
return false;
// GetValueForKey, forced return type, manual converter
template<typename T, typename Converter>
std::decay_t<T> GetValueForKey(const Json::Value& json, std::string_view key, Converter&& conv)
std::decay_t<T> local{};
GetValueForKey(json, key, local, std::forward<Converter>(conv));
return local; // returns zero-initialized?
// GetValue, type-deduced, with automatic converter
template<typename T>
bool GetValue(const Json::Value& json, T& target)
return GetValue(json, target, ConversionTrait<typename std::decay<T>::type>{});
// GetValue, forced return type, with automatic converter
template<typename T>
std::decay_t<T> GetValue(const Json::Value& json)
std::decay_t<T> local{};
GetValue(json, local, ConversionTrait<typename std::decay<T>::type>{});
return local; // returns zero-initialized or value
// GetValueForKey, type-deduced, with automatic converter
template<typename T>
bool GetValueForKey(const Json::Value& json, std::string_view key, T& target)
return GetValueForKey(json, key, target, ConversionTrait<typename std::decay<T>::type>{});
// GetValueForKey, forced return type, with automatic converter
template<typename T>
std::decay_t<T> GetValueForKey(const Json::Value& json, std::string_view key)
return GetValueForKey<T>(json, key, ConversionTrait<typename std::decay<T>::type>{});
// Get multiple values for keys (json, k, &v, k, &v, k, &v, ...).
// Uses the default converter for each v.
// Careful: this can cause a template explosion.
constexpr void GetValuesForKeys(const Json::Value& /*json*/) {}
template<typename T, typename... Args>
void GetValuesForKeys(const Json::Value& json, std::string_view key1, T&& val1, Args&&... args)
GetValueForKey(json, key1, val1);
GetValuesForKeys(json, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// SetValueForKey, type-deduced, manual converter
template<typename T, typename Converter>
void SetValueForKey(Json::Value& json, std::string_view key, const T& target, Converter&& conv)
// We don't want to write any empty optionals into JSON (right now).
if (OptionOracle<T>::HasValue(target))
// demand guarantees that it will return a value or throw an exception
*json.demand(&*key.cbegin(), (&*key.cbegin()) + key.size()) = conv.ToJson(target);
// SetValueForKey, type-deduced, with automatic converter
template<typename T>
void SetValueForKey(Json::Value& json, std::string_view key, const T& target)
SetValueForKey(json, key, target, ConversionTrait<typename std::decay<T>::type>{});
#define JSON_ENUM_MAPPER(...) \
template<> \
struct ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<__VA_ARGS__> : \
public ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils::EnumMapper<__VA_ARGS__, ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<__VA_ARGS__>>
#define JSON_FLAG_MAPPER(...) \
template<> \
struct ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<__VA_ARGS__> : \
public ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils::FlagMapper<__VA_ARGS__, ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils::ConversionTrait<__VA_ARGS__>>
#define JSON_MAPPINGS(Count) \
static constexpr std::array<pair_type, Count> mappings