Dustin L. Howett 3a5c33b005
Rework JsonUtils' optional handling to let Converters see null (#8175)
The JsonUtils changes in #8018 revealed that we need more robust,
configurable optional handling. We learned that there's a class of
values that was previously underrepresented in our API: _strings that
have an explicit empty value_.

The Settings model supports starting directory, icon, background image
et al values that are empty. That emptiness _overrides_ a value set in a
lower layer, so it is not sufficient to represent the empty value for
any one of those fields as an unset optional.

There are a couple other settings for which we've implemented a
hand-rolled option type (for roughly the same reason): foreground,
background, any color fields that override values from the color scheme
_or_ the lower layer profile.

These requirements are best fulfilled by better optional support in
JsonUtils. Where the library would originally detect known types of
optional and pre-filter them out during `GetValue` and `SetValue`, it
will now defer to another conversion trait.

This commit introduces a helper conversion trait and an "option oracle".
The conversion trait will use the option oracle to detect emptiness,
generate empty option values, and read values out of option types. In so
doing, the trait is insulated from the implementation details of any
specific option type.

Any special logic for handling JSON null and option types has been
stripped from GetValue. Due to this, there is an express change in
behavior for some converters:

* `GetValue<T>(jsonNull)` where `T` is **not** an option type[1] has
  been upgraded from a silent no-op to an exception.

Further, I took the opportunity to replace NullableSetting with
std::optional<std::optional<T>>, which accurately represents "setting
that the user might explicitly clear". I've added a test to
JsonUtilsTests to make sure it can serialize/deserialize double
optionals the way we expect it to.

Tests (Local, Unit for TerminalApp/SettingsModel):
Summary: Total=140, Passed=140, Failed=0, Blocked=0, Not Run=0, Skipped=0

[1]: Explicitly, if `T` is not an option type _and the converter does
not support null_.
2020-11-09 15:13:02 -08:00

628 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "../TerminalSettingsModel/JsonUtils.h"
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace WEX::Logging;
using namespace WEX::TestExecution;
using namespace WEX::Common;
using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::JsonUtils;
struct StructWithConverterSpecialization
int value;
bool operator==(const StructWithConverterSpecialization& other) const
return value == other.value;
struct ConversionTrait<StructWithConverterSpecialization>
StructWithConverterSpecialization FromJson(const Json::Value& value)
return StructWithConverterSpecialization{ value.asInt() };
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& value)
return value.isInt();
std::string TypeDescription() const { return ""; }
// Converts a JSON string value to an int and multiplies it by a specified factor
struct CustomConverter
int factor{ 1 };
int FromJson(const Json::Value& value)
return std::stoi(value.asString()) * factor;
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& /*value*/)
return true;
std::string TypeDescription() const { return ""; }
enum class JsonTestEnum : int
First = 0,
pair_type{ "first", JsonTestEnum::First }, // DEFAULT
pair_type{ "second", JsonTestEnum::Second },
pair_type{ "third", JsonTestEnum::Third },
pair_type{ "fourth", JsonTestEnum::Fourth },
pair_type{ "fifth", JsonTestEnum::Fifth },
enum class JsonTestFlags : int
None = 0,
First = 1 << 0,
Second = 1 << 1,
Third = 1 << 2,
Fourth = 1 << 3,
Fifth = 1 << 4,
All = ~0,
pair_type{ "none", AllClear },
pair_type{ "first", JsonTestFlags::First },
pair_type{ "second", JsonTestFlags::Second },
pair_type{ "third", JsonTestFlags::Third },
pair_type{ "fourth", JsonTestFlags::Fourth },
pair_type{ "fifth", JsonTestFlags::Fifth },
pair_type{ "all", AllSet },
struct hstring_like
std::string value;
struct ConversionTrait<hstring_like>
hstring_like FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
return { ConversionTrait<std::string>{}.FromJson(json) };
bool CanConvert(const Json::Value& json)
return json.isNull() || ConversionTrait<std::string>{}.CanConvert(json);
Json::Value ToJson(const hstring_like& val)
if (val.value == "")
return Json::Value::nullSingleton();
return val.value;
std::string TypeDescription() const
return "string";
namespace TerminalAppUnitTests
class JsonUtilsTests
template<typename T>
static bool _ReturnTrueForException(T&& /*exception*/)
return true;
void JsonUtilsTests::DocumentedBehaviors_GetValue_Returning()
std::string expected{ "correct" };
Json::Value object{ expected };
//// 1. Bare Value ////
//// 1.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<int>(object), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 1.b. JSON NULL - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<std::string>(Json::Value::nullSingleton()), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 1.c. Valid - Valid ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, GetValue<std::string>(object));
//// 2. Optional ////
//// 2.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<std::optional<int>>(object), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 2.b. JSON NULL - nullopt ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(std::nullopt, GetValue<std::optional<std::string>>(Json::Value::nullSingleton()));
//// 2.c. Valid - Valid ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, GetValue<std::optional<std::string>>(object));
void JsonUtilsTests::DocumentedBehaviors_GetValue_Filling()
std::string expected{ "correct" };
Json::Value object{ expected };
//// 1. Bare Value ////
int outputRedHerring{ 5 }; // explicitly not the zero value
std::string output{ "sentinel" }; // explicitly not the zero value
//// 1.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue(object, outputRedHerring), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(5, outputRedHerring); // unchanged
//// 1.b. JSON NULL - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue(Json::Value::nullSingleton(), output), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 1.c. Valid ////
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValue(object, output));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, output);
//// 2. Optional ////
std::optional<int> optionalOutputRedHerring{ 6 }; // explicitly not nullopt
std::optional<std::string> optionalOutput{ "sentinel2" }; // explicitly not nullopt
//// 2.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue(object, optionalOutputRedHerring), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(6, optionalOutputRedHerring); // unchanged
//// 2.b. JSON NULL - nullopt ////
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValue(Json::Value::nullSingleton(), optionalOutput)); // TRUE = storage modified!
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(std::nullopt, optionalOutput); // changed to nullopt
//// 2.c. Valid ////
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValue(object, optionalOutput));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, optionalOutput);
void JsonUtilsTests::DocumentedBehaviors_GetValueForKey_Returning()
// These are mostly duplicates of the GetValue tests save for the additional case (d)
std::string expected{ "correct" };
std::string key{ "key" };
std::string nullKey{ "nullKey" };
std::string invalidKey{ "invalidKey" };
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
object[key] = Json::Value{ expected };
object[nullKey] = Json::Value::nullSingleton();
//// 1. Bare Value ////
//// 1.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValueForKey<int>(object, key), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 1.b. JSON NULL - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValueForKey<std::string>(object, nullKey), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 1.c. Valid - Valid ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, GetValueForKey<std::string>(object, key));
//// 1.d. Not Found - Zero Value ////
std::string zeroValueString{};
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(zeroValueString, GetValueForKey<std::string>(object, invalidKey));
//// 2. Optional ////
//// 2.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValueForKey<std::optional<int>>(object, key), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 2.b. JSON NULL - nullopt ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(std::nullopt, GetValueForKey<std::optional<std::string>>(object, nullKey));
//// 2.c. Valid - Valid ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, GetValueForKey<std::optional<std::string>>(object, key));
//// 2.d. Not Found - nullopt ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(std::nullopt, GetValueForKey<std::optional<std::string>>(object, invalidKey));
void JsonUtilsTests::DocumentedBehaviors_GetValueForKey_Filling()
// These are mostly duplicates of the GetValue tests save for the additional case (d)
std::string expected{ "correct" };
std::string key{ "key" };
std::string nullKey{ "nullKey" };
std::string invalidKey{ "invalidKey" };
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
object[key] = Json::Value{ expected };
object[nullKey] = Json::Value::nullSingleton();
//// 1. Bare Value ////
int outputRedHerring{ 5 }; // explicitly not the zero value
std::string output{ "sentinel" }; // explicitly not the zero value
//// 1.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValueForKey(object, key, outputRedHerring), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(5, outputRedHerring); // unchanged
//// 1.b. JSON NULL - Unchanged ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValueForKey(object, nullKey, output), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
//// 1.c. Valid ////
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, key, output));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, output);
//// 1.d. Not Found - Unchanged ////
// (restore the sentinel)
output = "sentinel";
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(GetValueForKey(object, invalidKey, output));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("sentinel", output);
//// 2. Optional ////
std::optional<int> optionalOutputRedHerring{ 6 }; // explicitly not nullopt
std::optional<std::string> optionalOutput{ "sentinel2" }; // explicitly not nullopt
//// 2.a. Type Invalid - Exception ////
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValueForKey(object, key, optionalOutputRedHerring), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(6, optionalOutputRedHerring); // unchanged
//// 2.b. JSON NULL - nullopt ////
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, nullKey, optionalOutput)); // TRUE = storage modified!
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(std::nullopt, optionalOutput); // changed to nullopt
//// 2.c. Valid ////
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, key, optionalOutput));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, optionalOutput);
//// 2.d. Not Found - Unchanged ////
optionalOutput = "sentinel";
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(GetValueForKey(object, invalidKey, optionalOutput));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("sentinel", optionalOutput);
// Since we've established the filling and returning functions work,
// we're going to focus on some type-specific tests and use the returning
// versions.
template<typename TExpected, typename TJson>
static void TryBasicType(TExpected&& expected, TJson&& json, std::optional<Json::Value> overrideToJsonOutput = std::nullopt)
// test FromJson
Json::Value jsonObject{ json };
const auto value{ GetValue<TExpected>(jsonObject) };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, value, NoThrowString{}.Format(L"(type: %hs)", typeid(TExpected).name()));
// test ToJson
const std::string key{ "myKey" };
Json::Value expectedJson{};
expectedJson[key] = til::coalesce_value(overrideToJsonOutput, jsonObject);
Json::Value toJsonResult{};
SetValueForKey(toJsonResult, key, expected);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expectedJson, toJsonResult);
void JsonUtilsTests::BasicTypeConversion()
// Battery of all basic types ;P
TryBasicType(std::string{ "hello" }, "hello");
TryBasicType(int{ -1024 }, -1024);
TryBasicType(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
TryBasicType(false, false);
TryBasicType(1.0f, 1.0f);
// string -> wstring
TryBasicType(std::wstring{ L"hello" }, "hello");
// float -> double
TryBasicType(1.0, 1.0f);
// double -> float
TryBasicType(1.0f, 1.0);
TryBasicType(til::color{ 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef }, "#ABCDEF");
TryBasicType(til::color{ 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc }, "#CCC", "#CCCCCC");
static const std::string testGuidString{ "{aa8147aa-e289-4508-be83-fb68361ef2f3}" }; // can't use a string_view; jsoncpp hates it
static const GUID testGuid{ 0xaa8147aa, 0xe289, 0x4508, { 0xbe, 0x83, 0xfb, 0x68, 0x36, 0x1e, 0xf2, 0xf3 } };
TryBasicType(testGuid, testGuidString);
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<GUID>({ "NOT_A_GUID" }), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<GUID>({ "{too short for a guid but just a bit}" }), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<GUID>({ "{proper length string not a guid tho?}" }), std::exception, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<til::color>({ "#" }), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<til::color>({ "#1234567890" }), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
void JsonUtilsTests::BasicTypeWithCustomConverter()
// { "key": "100" }
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
object["key"] = Json::Value{ "100" };
//// Temporary (rvalue) Converter ////
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(100, GetValue<int>(object["key"], CustomConverter{}));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(100, GetValueForKey<int>(object, "key", CustomConverter{}));
//// lvalue converter ////
CustomConverter converterWithFactor{ 2 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(200, GetValue<int>(object["key"], converterWithFactor));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(200, GetValueForKey<int>(object, "key", converterWithFactor));
void JsonUtilsTests::CustomTypeWithConverterSpecialization()
// { "key": 1024 }
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
object["key"] = Json::Value{ 1024 };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(StructWithConverterSpecialization{ 1024 }, GetValue<StructWithConverterSpecialization>(object["key"]));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(StructWithConverterSpecialization{ 1024 }, GetValueForKey<StructWithConverterSpecialization>(object, "key"));
void JsonUtilsTests::EnumMapper()
// Basic string
Json::Value stringFirst{ "first" };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestEnum::First, GetValue<JsonTestEnum>(stringFirst));
Json::Value stringSecond{ "second" };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestEnum::Second, GetValue<JsonTestEnum>(stringSecond));
// Unknown value should produce something?
Json::Value stringUnknown{ "unknown" };
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<JsonTestEnum>(stringUnknown), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
// SetValueForKey
const std::string key{ "myKey" };
const auto val{ JsonTestEnum::Third };
Json::Value expected{};
expected[key] = "third";
Json::Value json{};
SetValueForKey(json, key, val);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, json);
void JsonUtilsTests::FlagMapper()
// One flag
Json::Value stringFirst{ "first" };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestFlags::First, GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(stringFirst));
Json::Value stringSecond{ "second" };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestFlags::Second, GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(stringSecond));
Json::Value stringAll{ "all" };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestFlags::All, GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(stringAll));
const std::string key{ "myKey" };
const auto val{ JsonTestFlags::Third };
Json::Value expected{};
expected[key] = "third";
Json::Value json{};
SetValueForKey(json, key, val);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, json);
const std::string key{ "myKey" };
const auto val{ JsonTestFlags::All };
Json::Value expected{};
expected[key] = "all";
Json::Value json{};
SetValueForKey(json, key, val);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, json);
// Multiple flags
Json::Value arrayFirstSecond{ Json::arrayValue };
arrayFirstSecond.append({ "first" });
arrayFirstSecond.append({ "second" });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestFlags::First | JsonTestFlags::Second, GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(arrayFirstSecond));
const std::string key{ "myKey" };
const auto val{ JsonTestFlags::First | JsonTestFlags::Second };
Json::Value expected{};
expected[key] = arrayFirstSecond;
Json::Value json{};
SetValueForKey(json, key, val);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, json);
// No flags
Json::Value emptyArray{ Json::arrayValue };
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestFlags::None, GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(emptyArray));
const std::string key{ "myKey" };
const auto val{ JsonTestFlags::None };
Json::Value expected{};
expected[key] = "none";
Json::Value json{};
SetValueForKey(json, key, val);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(expected, json);
// Stacking Always + Any
Json::Value arrayAllFirst{ Json::arrayValue };
arrayAllFirst.append({ "all" });
arrayAllFirst.append({ "first" });
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(JsonTestFlags::All, GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(arrayAllFirst));
// Stacking None + Any (Exception)
Json::Value arrayNoneFirst{ Json::arrayValue };
arrayNoneFirst.append({ "none" });
arrayNoneFirst.append({ "first" });
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(arrayNoneFirst), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
// Stacking Any + None (Exception; same as above, different order)
Json::Value arrayFirstNone{ Json::arrayValue };
arrayFirstNone.append({ "first" });
arrayFirstNone.append({ "none" });
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(arrayFirstNone), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
// Unknown flag value?
Json::Value stringUnknown{ "unknown" };
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValue<JsonTestFlags>(stringUnknown), DeserializationError, _ReturnTrueForException);
void JsonUtilsTests::NestedExceptionDuringKeyParse()
std::string key{ "key" };
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
object[key] = Json::Value{ "string" };
auto CheckKeyInException = [](const DeserializationError& k) {
return k.key.has_value();
VERIFY_THROWS_SPECIFIC(GetValueForKey<int>(object, key), DeserializationError, CheckKeyInException);
void JsonUtilsTests::SetValueHStringLike()
// Terminal has a string type (hstring) where null/"" are the same, and
// we want to make sure that optionals of that type serialize "properly".
hstring_like first{ "" };
hstring_like second{ "second" };
std::optional<hstring_like> third{ { "" } };
std::optional<hstring_like> fourth{ { "fourth" } };
std::optional<hstring_like> fifth{};
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
SetValueForKey(object, "first", first);
SetValueForKey(object, "second", second);
SetValueForKey(object, "third", third);
SetValueForKey(object, "fourth", fourth);
SetValueForKey(object, "fifth", fifth);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(Json::Value::nullSingleton(), object["first"]); // real empty value serializes as null
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("second", object["second"].asString()); // serializes as a string
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(Json::Value::nullSingleton(), object["third"]); // optional populated with real empty value serializes as null
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("fourth", object["fourth"].asString()); // serializes as a string
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(object.isMember("fifth")); // does not serialize
void JsonUtilsTests::GetValueHStringLike()
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
object["string"] = "string";
object["null"] = Json::Value::nullSingleton();
// object["nonexistent"] can't be set, clearly, to continue not existing
hstring_like v;
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, "string", v));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("string", v.value); // deserializes as string
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, "null", v));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("", v.value); // deserializes as real value, but empty
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(GetValueForKey(object, "nonexistent", v)); // does not deserialize
std::optional<hstring_like> optionalV;
// deserializes as populated optional containing string
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, "string", optionalV));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("string", optionalV->value);
optionalV = std::nullopt;
// deserializes as populated optional containing real empty value
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, "null", optionalV));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL("", optionalV->value);
optionalV = std::nullopt;
// does not deserialize; optional remains nullopt
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(GetValueForKey(object, "nonexistent", optionalV));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(std::nullopt, optionalV);
void JsonUtilsTests::DoubleOptional()
const std::optional<std::optional<int>> first{ std::nullopt }; // no value
const std::optional<std::optional<int>> second{ std::optional<int>{ std::nullopt } }; // outer has a value, inner is "no value"
const std::optional<std::optional<int>> third{ std::optional<int>{ 3 } }; // outer has a value, inner is "no value"
Json::Value object{ Json::objectValue };
SetValueForKey(object, "first", first);
SetValueForKey(object, "second", second);
SetValueForKey(object, "third", third);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(Json::Value::nullSingleton(), object["second"]);
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(Json::Value{ 3 }, object["third"]);
std::optional<std::optional<int>> firstOut, secondOut, thirdOut;
VERIFY_IS_FALSE(GetValueForKey(object, "first", firstOut));
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, "second", secondOut));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(std::nullopt, *secondOut); // should have come back out as null
VERIFY_IS_TRUE(GetValueForKey(object, "third", thirdOut));
VERIFY_ARE_EQUAL(3, **thirdOut);