2021-08-25 12:49:36 -05:00

1115 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// This file contains much of the code related to tab management for the
// TerminalPage. Things like opening new tabs, selecting different tabs,
// switching tabs, should all be handled in this file. Hypothetically, in the
// future, the contents of this file could be moved to a separate class
// entirely.
#include "pch.h"
#include "TerminalPage.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include "TabRowControl.h"
#include "ColorHelper.h"
#include "DebugTapConnection.h"
#include "SettingsTab.h"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
using namespace winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::DataTransfer;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Text;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalConnection;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace ::TerminalApp;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
namespace winrt
namespace MUX = Microsoft::UI::Xaml;
namespace WUX = Windows::UI::Xaml;
using IInspectable = Windows::Foundation::IInspectable;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
// Method Description:
// - Open a new tab. This will create the TerminalControl hosting the
// terminal, and add a new Tab to our list of tabs. The method can
// optionally be provided a NewTerminalArgs, which will be used to create
// a tab using the values in that object.
// Arguments:
// - newTerminalArgs: An object that may contain a blob of parameters to
// control which profile is created and with possible other
// configurations. See TerminalSettings::CreateWithNewTerminalArgs for more details.
// - existingConnection: An optional connection that is already established to a PTY
// for this tab to host instead of creating one.
// If not defined, the tab will create the connection.
HRESULT TerminalPage::_OpenNewTab(const NewTerminalArgs& newTerminalArgs,
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection /*existingConnection*/)
const auto profile{ _settings.GetProfileForArgs(newTerminalArgs) };
const auto settings{ TerminalSettings::CreateWithNewTerminalArgs(_settings, newTerminalArgs, *_bindings) };
// TODO! Handle defterm connections here (and above)
// _CreateNewTabWithProfileAndSettings(profile, settings, existingConnection);
_CreateTabWithContent(profile, settings, nullptr);
// const uint32_t tabCount = _tabs.Size();
// const bool usedManualProfile = (newTerminalArgs != nullptr) &&
// (newTerminalArgs.ProfileIndex() != nullptr ||
// newTerminalArgs.Profile().empty());
// // Lookup the name of the color scheme used by this profile.
// const auto scheme = _settings.GetColorSchemeForProfile(profile);
// // If they explicitly specified `null` as the scheme (indicating _no_ scheme), log
// // that as the empty string.
// const auto schemeName = scheme ? scheme.Name() : L"\0";
// TraceLoggingWrite(
// g_hTerminalAppProvider, // handle to TerminalApp tracelogging provider
// "TabInformation",
// TraceLoggingDescription("Event emitted upon new tab creation in TerminalApp"),
// TraceLoggingUInt32(1u, "EventVer", "Version of this event"),
// TraceLoggingUInt32(tabCount, "TabCount", "Count of tabs currently opened in TerminalApp"),
// TraceLoggingBool(usedManualProfile, "ProfileSpecified", "Whether the new tab specified a profile explicitly"),
// TraceLoggingGuid(profile.Guid(), "ProfileGuid", "The GUID of the profile spawned in the new tab"),
// TraceLoggingBool(settings.DefaultSettings().UseAcrylic(), "UseAcrylic", "The acrylic preference from the settings"),
// TraceLoggingFloat64(settings.DefaultSettings().TintOpacity(), "TintOpacity", "Opacity preference from the settings"),
// TraceLoggingWideString(settings.DefaultSettings().FontFace().c_str(), "FontFace", "Font face chosen in the settings"),
// TraceLoggingWideString(schemeName.data(), "SchemeName", "Color scheme set in the settings"),
// TelemetryPrivacyDataTag(PDT_ProductAndServicePerformance));
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Sets up state, event handlers, etc on a tab object that was just made.
// Arguments:
// - newTabImpl: the uninitialized tab.
void TerminalPage::_InitializeTab(winrt::com_ptr<TerminalTab> newTabImpl)
// Add the new tab to the list of our tabs.
// Give the tab its index in the _tabs vector so it can manage its own SwitchToTab command.
// Hookup our event handlers to the new terminal
// Don't capture a strong ref to the tab. If the tab is removed as this
// is called, we don't really care anymore about handling the event.
auto weakTab = make_weak(newTabImpl);
// When the tab's active pane changes, we'll want to lookup a new icon
// for it. The Title change will be propagated upwards through the tab's
// PropertyChanged event handler.
newTabImpl->ActivePaneChanged([weakTab, weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
auto page{ weakThis.get() };
auto tab{ weakTab.get() };
if (page && tab)
// Possibly update the icon of the tab.
// Update the taskbar progress as well. We'll raise our own
// SetTaskbarProgress event here, to get tell the hosting
// application to re-query this value from us.
page->_SetTaskbarProgressHandlers(*page, nullptr);
// The RaiseVisualBell event has been bubbled up to here from the pane,
// the next part of the chain is bubbling up to app logic, which will
// forward it to app host.
newTabImpl->TabRaiseVisualBell([weakTab, weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
auto page{ weakThis.get() };
auto tab{ weakTab.get() };
if (page && tab)
page->_RaiseVisualBellHandlers(nullptr, nullptr);
newTabImpl->DuplicateRequested([weakTab, weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
auto page{ weakThis.get() };
auto tab{ weakTab.get() };
if (page && tab)
newTabImpl->SplitTabRequested([weakTab, weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
auto page{ weakThis.get() };
auto tab{ weakTab.get() };
if (page && tab)
auto tabViewItem = newTabImpl->TabViewItem();
// Set this tab's icon to the icon from the user's profile
if (const auto profile{ newTabImpl->GetFocusedProfile() })
if (!profile.Icon().empty())
tabViewItem.PointerReleased({ this, &TerminalPage::_OnTabClick });
// When the tab requests close, try to close it (prompt for approval, if required)
newTabImpl->CloseRequested([weakTab, weakThis{ get_weak() }](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
auto page{ weakThis.get() };
auto tab{ weakTab.get() };
if (page && tab)
// When the tab is closed, remove it from our list of tabs.
newTabImpl->Closed([tabViewItem, weakThis{ get_weak() }](auto&& /*s*/, auto&& /*e*/) {
if (auto page{ weakThis.get() })
page->_RemoveOnCloseRoutine(tabViewItem, page);
// The tab might want us to toss focus into the control, especially when
// transient UIs (like the context menu, or the renamer) are dismissed.
newTabImpl->RequestFocusActiveControl([weakThis{ get_weak() }]() {
if (const auto page{ weakThis.get() })
// This kicks off TabView::SelectionChanged, in response to which
// we'll attach the terminal's Xaml control to the Xaml root.
// Method Description:
// - Create a new tab using a specified pane as the root.
// Arguments:
// - pane: The pane to use as the root.
void TerminalPage::_CreateNewTabFromPane(std::shared_ptr<Pane> pane)
auto newTabImpl = winrt::make_self<TerminalTab>(pane);
static wil::unique_process_information _createHostClassProcess(const winrt::guid& g)
auto guidStr{ ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::GuidToString(g) };
// Create an event that the content process will use to signal it is
// ready to go. We won't need the event after this function, so the
// unique_event will clean up our handle when we leave this scope. The
// ContentProcess is responsible for cleaning up its own handle.
wil::unique_event ev{ CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr /*L"contentProcessStarted"*/) };
// Make sure to mark this handle as inheritable! Even with
// bInheritHandles=true, this is only inherited when it's explicitly
// allowed to be.
SetHandleInformation(ev.get(), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 1);
// god bless, fmt::format will format a HANDLE like `0xa80`
std::wstring commandline{
fmt::format(L"windowsterminal.exe --content {} --signal {}", guidStr, ev.get())
siOne.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFOW);
wil::unique_process_information piOne;
auto succeeded = CreateProcessW(
nullptr, // lpProcessAttributes
nullptr, // lpThreadAttributes
true, // bInheritHandles
nullptr, // lpEnvironment
nullptr, // startingDirectory
&siOne, // lpStartupInfo
&piOne // lpProcessInformation
// Wait for the child process to signal that they're ready.
WaitForSingleObject(ev.get(), INFINITE);
return std::move(piOne);
Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<ContentProcess> TerminalPage::_CreateNewContentProcess(Profile profile,
TerminalSettingsCreateResult settings)
co_await winrt::resume_background();
winrt::guid contentGuid{ ::Microsoft::Console::Utils::CreateGuid() };
// Spawn a wt.exe, with the guid on the commandline
auto piContentProcess{ _createHostClassProcess(contentGuid) };
// THIS MUST TAKE PLACE AFTER _createHostClassProcess.
// * If we're creating a new OOP control, _createHostClassProcess will
// spawn the process that will actually host the ContentProcess
// object.
// * If we're attaching, then that process already exists.
ContentProcess content{ nullptr };
content = create_instance<ContentProcess>(contentGuid, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER);
catch (winrt::hresult_error hr)
// _writeToLog(L"CreateInstance the ContentProces object");
// _writeToLog(fmt::format(L" HR ({}): {}", hr.code(), hr.message().c_str()));
co_return nullptr; // be sure to co_return or we'll fall through to the part where we clear the log
if (content == nullptr)
// _writeToLog(L"Failed to connect to the ContentProces object. It may not have been started fast enough.");
co_return nullptr; // be sure to co_return or we'll fall through to the part where we clear the log
TerminalConnection::ConnectionInformation connectInfo{ _CreateConnectionInfoFromSettings(profile, settings.DefaultSettings()) };
// TODO! how do we init the content proc with the focused/unfocused pair correctly?
if (!content.Initialize(settings.DefaultSettings(), connectInfo))
// _writeToLog(L"Failed to Initialize the ContentProces object.");
co_return nullptr; // be sure to co_return or we'll fall through to the part where we clear the log
co_return content;
ContentProcess TerminalPage::_AttachToContentProcess(const winrt::guid contentGuid)
ContentProcess content{ nullptr };
content = create_instance<ContentProcess>(contentGuid, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER);
catch (winrt::hresult_error hr)
// _writeToLog(L"CreateInstance the ContentProces object");
// _writeToLog(fmt::format(L" HR ({}): {}", hr.code(), hr.message().c_str()));
// return nullptr; // be sure to co_return or we'll fall through to the part where we clear the log
return content;
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalPage::_CreateTabWithContent(Profile profile,
TerminalSettingsCreateResult settings,
ContentProcess existingContentProc)
// Capture calling context.
winrt::apartment_context ui_thread;
co_await winrt::resume_background();
auto content = existingContentProc ? existingContentProc : _CreateNewContentProcess(profile, settings).get();
if (!content)
// Switch back to the UI thread.
co_await ui_thread;
// Create the XAML control that will be attached to the content process.
// We're not passing in a connection, because the contentGuid will be used instead.
auto term = _InitControl(settings, content.Guid());
auto newTabImpl = winrt::make_self<TerminalTab>(profile, term);
// Method Description:
// - Creates a new tab with the given settings. If the tab bar is not being
// currently displayed, it will be shown.
// Arguments:
// - profile: profile settings for this connection
// - settings: the TerminalSettings object to use to create the TerminalControl with.
// - existingConnection: optionally receives a connection from the outside world instead of attempting to create one
void TerminalPage::_CreateNewTabWithProfileAndSettings(const Profile& profile,
const TerminalSettingsCreateResult& settings,
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection existingConnection)
// Initialize the new tab
// Create a connection based on the values in our settings object if we weren't given one.
auto connection = existingConnection ? existingConnection : _CreateConnectionFromSettings(profile, settings.DefaultSettings());
// If we had an `existingConnection`, then this is an inbound handoff from somewhere else.
// We need to tell it about our size information so it can match the dimensions of what
// we are about to present.
if (existingConnection)
connection.Resize(settings.DefaultSettings().InitialRows(), settings.DefaultSettings().InitialCols());
TerminalConnection::ITerminalConnection debugConnection{ nullptr };
if (_settings.GlobalSettings().DebugFeaturesEnabled())
const CoreWindow window = CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
const auto rAltState = window.GetKeyState(VirtualKey::RightMenu);
const auto lAltState = window.GetKeyState(VirtualKey::LeftMenu);
const bool bothAltsPressed = WI_IsFlagSet(lAltState, CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down) &&
WI_IsFlagSet(rAltState, CoreVirtualKeyStates::Down);
if (bothAltsPressed)
std::tie(connection, debugConnection) = OpenDebugTapConnection(connection);
// Give term control a child of the settings so that any overrides go in the child
// This way, when we do a settings reload we just update the parent and the overrides remain
auto term = _InitControl(settings, connection);
auto newTabImpl = winrt::make_self<TerminalTab>(profile, term);
if (debugConnection) // this will only be set if global debugging is on and tap is active
auto newControl = _InitControl(settings, debugConnection);
// Split (auto) with the debug tap.
newTabImpl->SplitPane(SplitState::Automatic, 0.5f, profile, newControl);
// Method Description:
// - Get the icon of the currently focused terminal control, and set its
// tab's icon to that icon.
// Arguments:
// - tab: the Tab to update the title for.
void TerminalPage::_UpdateTabIcon(TerminalTab& tab)
if (const auto profile = tab.GetFocusedProfile())
// Method Description:
// - Handle changes to the tab width set by the user
void TerminalPage::_UpdateTabWidthMode()
// Method Description:
// - Handle changes in tab layout.
void TerminalPage::_UpdateTabView()
// Never show the tab row when we're fullscreen. Otherwise:
// Show tabs when there's more than 1, or the user has chosen to always
// show the tab bar.
const bool isVisible = (!_isFullscreen && !_isInFocusMode) &&
(_settings.GlobalSettings().ShowTabsInTitlebar() ||
(_tabs.Size() > 1) ||
if (_tabView)
// collapse/show the tabs themselves
_tabView.Visibility(isVisible ? Visibility::Visible : Visibility::Collapsed);
if (_tabRow)
// collapse/show the row that the tabs are in.
// NaN is the special value XAML uses for "Auto" sizing.
_tabRow.Height(isVisible ? NAN : 0);
// Method Description:
// - Duplicates the current focused tab
void TerminalPage::_DuplicateFocusedTab()
if (const auto terminalTab{ _GetFocusedTabImpl() })
// Method Description:
// - Duplicates specified tab
// Arguments:
// - tab: tab to duplicate
void TerminalPage::_DuplicateTab(const TerminalTab& tab)
// TODO: GH#5047 - We're duplicating the whole profile, which might
// be a dangling reference to old settings.
// In the future, it may be preferable to just duplicate the
// current control's live settings (which will include changes
// made through VT).
if (const auto profile = tab.GetFocusedProfile())
const auto settingsCreateResult{ TerminalSettings::CreateWithProfile(_settings, profile, *_bindings) };
const auto workingDirectory = tab.GetActiveTerminalControl().WorkingDirectory();
const auto validWorkingDirectory = !workingDirectory.empty();
if (validWorkingDirectory)
_CreateTabWithContent(profile, settingsCreateResult, nullptr);
// TODO! duplicating a tab should dup the tab title over, but
// _CreateTabWithContent will return before the tab actually
// exists.
// const auto runtimeTabText{ tab.GetTabText() };
// if (!runtimeTabText.empty())
// {
// if (auto newTab{ _GetFocusedTabImpl() })
// {
// newTab->SetTabText(runtimeTabText);
// }
// }
// Method Description:
// - Sets the specified tab as the focused tab and splits its active pane
// Arguments:
// - tab: tab to split
void TerminalPage::_SplitTab(TerminalTab& tab)
_SplitPane(tab, SplitState::Automatic, SplitType::Duplicate);
// Method Description:
// - Removes the tab (both TerminalControl and XAML) after prompting for approval
// Arguments:
// - tab: the tab to remove
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction TerminalPage::_HandleCloseTabRequested(winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase tab)
if (tab.ReadOnly())
ContentDialogResult warningResult = co_await _ShowCloseReadOnlyDialog();
// If the user didn't explicitly click on close tab - leave
if (warningResult != ContentDialogResult::Primary)
// Method Description:
// - Removes the tab (both TerminalControl and XAML)
// Arguments:
// - tab: the tab to remove
void TerminalPage::_RemoveTab(const winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase& tab)
uint32_t tabIndex{};
if (!_tabs.IndexOf(tab, tabIndex))
// The tab is already removed
// We use _removing flag to suppress _OnTabSelectionChanged events
// that might get triggered while removing
_removing = true;
auto unsetRemoving = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept { _removing = false; });
const auto focusedTabIndex{ _GetFocusedTabIndex() };
// Removing the tab from the collection should destroy its control and disconnect its connection,
// but it doesn't always do so. The UI tree may still be holding the control and preventing its destruction.
uint32_t mruIndex{};
if (_mruTabs.IndexOf(tab, mruIndex))
// To close the window here, we need to close the hosting window.
if (_tabs.Size() == 0)
_LastTabClosedHandlers(*this, nullptr);
else if (focusedTabIndex.has_value() && focusedTabIndex.value() == gsl::narrow_cast<uint32_t>(tabIndex))
// Manually select the new tab to get focus, rather than relying on TabView since:
// 1. We want to customize this behavior (e.g., use MRU logic)
// 2. In fullscreen (GH#5799) and focus (GH#7916) modes the _OnTabItemsChanged is not fired
// 3. When rearranging tabs (GH#7916) _OnTabItemsChanged is suppressed
const auto tabSwitchMode = _settings.GlobalSettings().TabSwitcherMode();
if (tabSwitchMode == TabSwitcherMode::MostRecentlyUsed)
const auto newSelectedTab = _mruTabs.GetAt(0);
// We can't use
// auto selectedIndex = _tabView.SelectedIndex();
// Because this will always return -1 in this scenario unfortunately.
// So, what we're going to try to do is move the focus to the tab
// to the left, within the bounds of how many tabs we have.
// EX: we have 4 tabs: [A, B, C, D]. If we close:
// * A (tabIndex=0): We'll want to focus tab B (now in index 0)
// * B (tabIndex=1): We'll want to focus tab A (now in index 0)
// * C (tabIndex=2): We'll want to focus tab B (now in index 1)
// * D (tabIndex=3): We'll want to focus tab C (now in index 2)
const auto newSelectedIndex = std::clamp<int32_t>(tabIndex - 1, 0, _tabs.Size());
// _UpdatedSelectedTab will do the work of setting up the new tab as
// the focused one, and unfocusing all the others.
auto newSelectedTab{ _tabs.GetAt(newSelectedIndex) };
// Also, we need to _manually_ set the SelectedItem of the tabView
// here. If we don't, then the TabView will technically not have a
// selected item at all, which can make things like ClosePane not
// work correctly.
// GH#5559 - If we were in the middle of a drag/drop, end it by clearing
// out our state.
if (_rearranging)
_rearranging = false;
_rearrangeFrom = std::nullopt;
_rearrangeTo = std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Sets focus to the tab to the right or left the currently selected tab.
void TerminalPage::_SelectNextTab(const bool bMoveRight, const Windows::Foundation::IReference<Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::TabSwitcherMode>& customTabSwitcherMode)
const auto index{ _GetFocusedTabIndex().value_or(0) };
const auto tabSwitchMode = customTabSwitcherMode ? customTabSwitcherMode.Value() : _settings.GlobalSettings().TabSwitcherMode();
if (tabSwitchMode == TabSwitcherMode::Disabled)
uint32_t tabCount = _tabs.Size();
// Wraparound math. By adding tabCount and then calculating
// modulo tabCount, we clamp the values to the range [0,
// tabCount) while still supporting moving leftward from 0 to
// tabCount - 1.
const auto newTabIndex = ((tabCount + index + (bMoveRight ? 1 : -1)) % tabCount);
CommandPalette().SetTabs(_tabs, _mruTabs);
// Otherwise, set up the tab switcher in the selected mode, with
// the given ordering, and make it visible.
CommandPalette().EnableTabSwitcherMode(index, tabSwitchMode);
// Method Description:
// - Sets focus to the desired tab. Returns false if the provided tabIndex
// is greater than the number of tabs we have.
// - During startup, we'll immediately set the selected tab as focused.
// - After startup, we'll dispatch an async method to set the the selected
// item of the TabView, which will then also trigger a
// TabView::SelectionChanged, handled in
// TerminalPage::_OnTabSelectionChanged
// Return Value:
// true iff we were able to select that tab index, false otherwise
bool TerminalPage::_SelectTab(uint32_t tabIndex)
// GH#9369 - if the argument is out of range, then clamp to the number
// of available tabs. Previously, we'd just silently do nothing if the
// value was greater than the number of tabs.
tabIndex = std::clamp(tabIndex, 0u, _tabs.Size() - 1);
auto tab{ _tabs.GetAt(tabIndex) };
if (_startupState == StartupState::InStartup)
return true;
// Method Description:
// - This method is called once a tab was selected in tab switcher
// We'll use this event to select the relevant tab
// Arguments:
// - tab - tab to select
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalPage::_OnSwitchToTabRequested(const IInspectable& /*sender*/, const winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase& tab)
uint32_t index{};
if (_tabs.IndexOf(tab, index))
// Method Description:
// - Returns the index in our list of tabs of the currently focused tab. If
// no tab is currently selected, returns nullopt.
// Return Value:
// - the index of the currently focused tab if there is one, else nullopt
std::optional<uint32_t> TerminalPage::_GetFocusedTabIndex() const noexcept
// GH#1117: This is a workaround because _tabView.SelectedIndex()
// sometimes return incorrect result after removing some tabs
uint32_t focusedIndex;
if (_tabView.TabItems().IndexOf(_tabView.SelectedItem(), focusedIndex))
return focusedIndex;
return std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - returns the currently focused tab. This might return null,
// so make sure to check the result!
winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase TerminalPage::_GetFocusedTab() const noexcept
if (auto index{ _GetFocusedTabIndex() })
return _tabs.GetAt(*index);
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - returns a com_ptr to the currently focused tab implementation. This might return null,
// so make sure to check the result!
winrt::com_ptr<TerminalTab> TerminalPage::_GetFocusedTabImpl() const noexcept
if (auto tab{ _GetFocusedTab() })
return _GetTerminalTabImpl(tab);
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - returns a tab corresponding to a view item. This might return null,
// so make sure to check the result!
winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase TerminalPage::_GetTabByTabViewItem(const Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::TabViewItem& tabViewItem) const noexcept
uint32_t tabIndexFromControl{};
if (_tabView.TabItems().IndexOf(tabViewItem, tabIndexFromControl))
// If IndexOf returns true, we've actually got an index
return _tabs.GetAt(tabIndexFromControl);
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - An async method for changing the focused tab on the UI thread. This
// method will _only_ set the selected item of the TabView, which will
// then also trigger a TabView::SelectionChanged event, which we'll handle
// in TerminalPage::_OnTabSelectionChanged, where we'll mark the new tab
// as focused.
// Arguments:
// - tab: tab to focus.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalPage::_SetFocusedTab(const winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase tab)
// GH#1117: This is a workaround because _tabView.SelectedIndex(tabIndex)
// sometimes set focus to an incorrect tab after removing some tabs
auto weakThis{ get_weak() };
co_await winrt::resume_foreground(_tabView.Dispatcher());
if (auto page{ weakThis.get() })
// Make sure the tab was not removed
uint32_t tabIndex{};
if (_tabs.IndexOf(tab, tabIndex))
// Method Description:
// - Close the currently focused pane. If the pane is the last pane in the
// tab, the tab will also be closed. This will happen when we handle the
// tab's Closed event.
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalPage::_CloseFocusedPane()
if (const auto terminalTab{ _GetFocusedTabImpl() })
auto pane = terminalTab->GetActivePane();
if (const auto pane{ terminalTab->GetActivePane() })
if (const auto control{ pane->GetTerminalControl() })
if (control.ReadOnly())
ContentDialogResult warningResult = co_await _ShowCloseReadOnlyDialog();
// If the user didn't explicitly click on close tab - leave
if (warningResult != ContentDialogResult::Primary)
// Clean read-only mode to prevent additional prompt if closing the pane triggers closing of a hosting tab
if (control.ReadOnly())
else if (auto index{ _GetFocusedTabIndex() })
const auto tab{ _tabs.GetAt(*index) };
if (tab.try_as<TerminalApp::SettingsTab>())
// Method Description:
// - Close the tab at the given index.
void TerminalPage::_CloseTabAtIndex(uint32_t index)
if (index >= _tabs.Size())
if (auto tab{ _tabs.GetAt(index) })
// Method Description:
// - Closes provided tabs one by one
// Arguments:
// - tabs - tabs to remove
winrt::fire_and_forget TerminalPage::_RemoveTabs(const std::vector<winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase> tabs)
for (auto& tab : tabs)
co_await _HandleCloseTabRequested(tab);
// Method Description:
// - Responds to changes in the TabView's item list by changing the
// tabview's visibility.
// - This method is also invoked when tabs are dragged / dropped as part of
// tab reordering and this method hands that case as well in concert with
// TabDragStarting and TabDragCompleted handlers that are set up in
// TerminalPage::Create()
// Arguments:
// - sender: the control that originated this event
// - eventArgs: the event's constituent arguments
void TerminalPage::_OnTabItemsChanged(const IInspectable& /*sender*/, const Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorChangedEventArgs& eventArgs)
if (_rearranging)
if (eventArgs.CollectionChange() == Windows::Foundation::Collections::CollectionChange::ItemRemoved)
_rearrangeFrom = eventArgs.Index();
if (eventArgs.CollectionChange() == Windows::Foundation::Collections::CollectionChange::ItemInserted)
_rearrangeTo = eventArgs.Index();
// Method Description:
// - Additional responses to clicking on a TabView's item. Currently, just remove tab with middle click
// Arguments:
// - sender: the control that originated this event (TabViewItem)
// - eventArgs: the event's constituent arguments
void TerminalPage::_OnTabClick(const IInspectable& sender, const Windows::UI::Xaml::Input::PointerRoutedEventArgs& eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.GetCurrentPoint(*this).Properties().IsMiddleButtonPressed())
const auto tabViewItem = sender.try_as<MUX::Controls::TabViewItem>();
if (auto tab{ _GetTabByTabViewItem(tabViewItem) })
else if (eventArgs.GetCurrentPoint(*this).Properties().IsRightButtonPressed())
void TerminalPage::_UpdatedSelectedTab(const winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase& tab)
// Unfocus all the tabs.
for (auto tab : _tabs)
// GH#7409: If the tab switcher is open, then we _don't_ want to
// automatically focus the new tab here. The tab switcher wants
// to be able to "preview" the selected tab as the user tabs
// through the menu, but if we toss the focus to the control
// here, then the user won't be able to navigate the ATS any
// longer.
// When the tab switcher is eventually dismissed, the focus will
// get tossed back to the focused terminal control, so we don't
// need to worry about focus getting lost.
if (CommandPalette().Visibility() != Visibility::Visible)
// Raise an event that our title changed
if (_settings.GlobalSettings().ShowTitleInTitlebar())
_TitleChangedHandlers(*this, tab.Title());
// Method Description:
// - Responds to the TabView control's Selection Changed event (to move a
// new terminal control into focus) when not in in the middle of a tab rearrangement.
// Arguments:
// - sender: the control that originated this event
// - eventArgs: the event's constituent arguments
void TerminalPage::_OnTabSelectionChanged(const IInspectable& sender, const WUX::Controls::SelectionChangedEventArgs& /*eventArgs*/)
if (!_rearranging && !_removing)
auto tabView = sender.as<MUX::Controls::TabView>();
auto selectedIndex = tabView.SelectedIndex();
if (selectedIndex >= 0 && selectedIndex < gsl::narrow_cast<int32_t>(_tabs.Size()))
const auto tab{ _tabs.GetAt(selectedIndex) };
// Method Description:
// - Updates all tabs with their current index in _tabs.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalPage::_UpdateTabIndices()
const uint32_t size = _tabs.Size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
auto tab{ _tabs.GetAt(i) };
auto tabImpl{ winrt::get_self<TabBase>(tab) };
tabImpl->UpdateTabViewIndex(i, size);
// Method Description:
// - Bumps the tab in its in-order index up to the top of the mru list.
// Arguments:
// - tab: tab to bump.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalPage::_UpdateMRUTab(const winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase& tab)
uint32_t mruIndex;
if (_mruTabs.IndexOf(tab, mruIndex))
if (mruIndex > 0)
_mruTabs.InsertAt(0, tab);
// Method Description:
// - Moves the tab to another index in the tabs row (if required).
// Arguments:
// - currentTabIndex: the current index of the tab to move
// - suggestedNewTabIndex: the new index of the tab, might get clamped to fit int the tabs row boundaries
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void TerminalPage::_TryMoveTab(const uint32_t currentTabIndex, const int32_t suggestedNewTabIndex)
auto newTabIndex = gsl::narrow_cast<uint32_t>(std::clamp<int32_t>(suggestedNewTabIndex, 0, _tabs.Size() - 1));
if (currentTabIndex != newTabIndex)
auto tab = _tabs.GetAt(currentTabIndex);
auto tabViewItem = tab.TabViewItem();
_tabs.InsertAt(newTabIndex, tab);
_tabView.TabItems().InsertAt(newTabIndex, tabViewItem);
void TerminalPage::_TabDragStarted(const IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const IInspectable& /*eventArgs*/)
_rearranging = true;
_rearrangeFrom = std::nullopt;
_rearrangeTo = std::nullopt;
void TerminalPage::_TabDragCompleted(const IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const IInspectable& /*eventArgs*/)
auto& from{ _rearrangeFrom };
auto& to{ _rearrangeTo };
if (from.has_value() && to.has_value() && to != from)
auto& tabs{ _tabs };
auto tab = tabs.GetAt(from.value());
tabs.InsertAt(to.value(), tab);
_rearranging = false;
from = std::nullopt;
to = std::nullopt;
void TerminalPage::_DismissTabContextMenus()
for (const auto& tab : _tabs)
if (tab.TabViewItem().ContextFlyout())
void TerminalPage::_FocusCurrentTab(const bool focusAlways)
// We don't want to set focus on the tab if fly-out is open as it will
// be closed TODO GH#5400: consider checking we are not in the opening
// state, by hooking both Opening and Open events
if (focusAlways || !_newTabButton.Flyout().IsOpen())
// Return focus to the active control
if (auto tab{ _GetFocusedTab() })
bool TerminalPage::_HasMultipleTabs() const
return _tabs.Size() > 1;
void TerminalPage::_RemoveAllTabs()
// Since _RemoveTabs is asynchronous, create a snapshot of the tabs we want to remove
std::vector<winrt::TerminalApp::TabBase> tabsToRemove;
std::copy(begin(_tabs), end(_tabs), std::back_inserter(tabsToRemove));
void TerminalPage::_ResizeTabContent(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::Size& newSize)
for (auto tab : _tabs)
if (auto terminalTab = _GetTerminalTabImpl(tab))