2021-08-25 12:49:36 -05:00

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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "ContentProcess.h"
#include "ContentProcess.g.cpp"
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control::implementation
ContentProcess::ContentProcess(winrt::guid g) :
_ourPID{ GetCurrentProcessId() }, _guid{ g } {}
bool ContentProcess::Initialize(Control::IControlSettings settings,
TerminalConnection::ConnectionInformation connectionInfo)
auto conn{ TerminalConnection::ConnectionInformation::CreateConnection(connectionInfo) };
if (conn == nullptr)
return false;
_interactivity = winrt::make<implementation::ControlInteractivity>(settings, conn);
return true;
// DANGER - We're straight up going to EXIT THE ENTIRE PROCESS when we
// get destructed. This eliminates the need to do any sort of
// refcounting weirdness. This entire process exists to host one
// singular ContentProcess instance. When we're destructed, it's because
// every other window process was done with us. We can die now, knowing
// that our job is complete.
Control::ControlInteractivity ContentProcess::GetInteractivity()
return _interactivity;
uint64_t ContentProcess::GetPID()
return _ourPID;
winrt::guid ContentProcess::Guid()
return _guid;
// Method Description:
// - Duplicate the swap chain handle to the provided process.
// - If the provided PID is our pid, then great - we don't need to do anything.
// Arguments:
// - callersPid: the PID of the process calling this method.
// Return Value:
// - The value of the swapchain handle in the callers process
// Notes:
// - This is BODGY! We're basically asking to marshal a HANDLE here. WinRT
// has no good mechanism for doing this, so we're doing it by casting the
// value to a uint64_t. In all reality, we _should_ be using a COM
// interface for this, because it can set up the security on these handles
// more appropriately. Fortunately, all we're dealing with is swapchains,
// so the security doesn't matter all that much.
uint64_t ContentProcess::RequestSwapChainHandle(const uint64_t callersPid)
auto ourPid = GetCurrentProcessId();
HANDLE ourHandle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_interactivity.Core().SwapChainHandle());
if (callersPid == ourPid)
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(ourHandle);
wil::unique_handle hWindowProcess{ OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,
static_cast<DWORD>(callersPid)) };
if (hWindowProcess.get() == nullptr)
const auto gle = GetLastError();
// TODO! tracelog an error here
return 0;
HANDLE theirHandle{ nullptr };
BOOL success = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
if (!success)
const auto gle = GetLastError();
// TODO! tracelog an error here
return 0;
// At this point, the handle is now in their process space, with value
// theirHandle
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(theirHandle);