Dustin L. Howett b664761c79 Allow FontInfo{,Base,Desired} to store a font name > 32 wch (#3107)
We now truncate the font name as it goes out to GDI APIs, in console API
servicing, and in the propsheet.

I attempted to defer truncating the font to as far up the stack as
possible, so as to make FontInfo usable for the broadest set of cases.

There were a couple questions that came up: I know that `Settings` gets
memset (memsat?) by the registry deserializer, and perhaps that's
another place for us to tackle. Right now, this pull request enables
fonts whose names are >= 32 characters _in Windows Terminal only_, but
the underpinnings are there for conhost as well. We'd need to explicitly
break at the API, or perhaps return a failure or log something to

* Should we log truncation at the API boundary to telemetry?
-> Later; followup filed (#3123)

* Should we fix Settings here, or later?
-> Later; followup filed (#3123)

* `TrueTypeFontList` is built out of things in winconp, the private
console header. Concern about interop structures.
-> Not used for interop, followup filed to clean it up (#3123)

* Is `unsigned int` right for codepage? For width?
-> Yes: codepage became UINT (from WORD) when we moved from Win16 to

This commit also includes a workaround for #3170. Growing
CONSOLE_INFORMATION made us lose the struct layout lottery during
release builds, and this was an expedient fix.

Closes #602.
Related to #3123.
2019-10-14 21:23:45 -07:00

195 lines
7.2 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- selection.hpp
- This module is used for managing the selection region
- Michael Niksa (MiNiksa) 4-Jun-2014
- Paul Campbell (PaulCam) 4-Jun-2014
Revision History:
- From components of clipbrd.h/.c and input.h/.c of v1 console.
#pragma once
#include "input.h"
#include "..\interactivity\inc\IAccessibilityNotifier.hpp"
#include "..\types\IConsoleWindow.hpp"
class Selection
~Selection() = default;
std::vector<SMALL_RECT> GetSelectionRects() const;
void ShowSelection();
void HideSelection();
static Selection& Instance();
// Key selection generally refers to "mark mode" selection where
// the cursor is present and used to navigate 100% with the
// keyboard.
// Mouse selection means either the block or line mode selection
// usually initiated by the mouse.
// However, Mouse mode can also mean initiated with our
// shift+directional commands as no block cursor is required for
// navigation.
void InitializeMarkSelection();
void InitializeMouseSelection(const COORD coordBufferPos);
void SelectNewRegion(const COORD coordStart, const COORD coordEnd);
void SelectAll();
void ExtendSelection(_In_ COORD coordBufferPos);
void AdjustSelection(const COORD coordSelectionStart, const COORD coordSelectionEnd);
void ClearSelection();
void ClearSelection(const bool fStartingNewSelection);
void ColorSelection(const SMALL_RECT& srRect, const TextAttribute attr);
void ColorSelection(const COORD coordSelectionStart, const COORD coordSelectionEnd, const TextAttribute attr);
// delete these or we can accidentally get copies of the singleton
Selection(Selection const&) = delete;
void operator=(Selection const&) = delete;
void _SetSelectionVisibility(const bool fMakeVisible);
void _PaintSelection() const;
static SMALL_RECT s_BisectSelection(const short sStringLength,
const COORD coordTargetPoint,
const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const SMALL_RECT rect);
static std::vector<SMALL_RECT> s_GetSelectionRects(const SMALL_RECT& selectionRect,
const COORD selectionAnchor,
const bool lineSelection);
void _CancelMarkSelection();
void _CancelMouseSelection();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// input handling (selectionInput.cpp)
// key handling
// N.B.: This enumeration helps push up calling clipboard functions into
// the caller. This way, all of the selection code is independent of
// the clipboard and thus more easily shareable with Windows editions
// that do not have a clipboard (i.e. OneCore).
enum class KeySelectionEventResult
KeySelectionEventResult HandleKeySelectionEvent(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo);
static bool s_IsValidKeyboardLineSelection(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo);
bool HandleKeyboardLineSelectionEvent(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo);
void CheckAndSetAlternateSelection();
// calculation functions
[[nodiscard]] static bool s_GetInputLineBoundaries(_Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordInputStart, _Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordInputEnd);
void GetValidAreaBoundaries(_Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordValidStart, _Out_opt_ COORD* const pcoordValidEnd) const;
static bool s_IsWithinBoundaries(const COORD coordPosition, const COORD coordStart, const COORD coordEnd);
// key handling
bool _HandleColorSelection(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo);
bool _HandleMarkModeSelectionNav(const INPUT_KEY_INFO* const pInputKeyInfo);
COORD WordByWordSelection(const bool fPrevious,
const Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport& bufferSize,
const COORD coordAnchor,
const COORD coordSelPoint) const;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// selection state (selectionState.cpp)
bool IsKeyboardMarkSelection() const;
bool IsMouseInitiatedSelection() const;
bool IsLineSelection() const;
bool IsInSelectingState() const;
bool IsInQuickEditMode() const;
bool IsAreaSelected() const;
bool IsMouseButtonDown() const;
DWORD GetPublicSelectionFlags() const noexcept;
COORD GetSelectionAnchor() const noexcept;
SMALL_RECT GetSelectionRectangle() const noexcept;
void SetLineSelection(const bool fLineSelectionOn);
bool ShouldAllowMouseDragSelection(const COORD mousePosition) const noexcept;
// TODO: these states likely belong somewhere else
void MouseDown();
void MouseUp();
void _SaveCursorData(const Cursor& cursor) noexcept;
void _RestoreDataToCursor(Cursor& cursor) noexcept;
void _AlignAlternateSelection(const bool fAlignToLineSelect);
void _SetSelectingState(const bool fSelectingOn);
// TODO: extended edit key should probably be in here (remaining code is in cmdline.cpp)
// TODO: trim leading zeros should probably be in here (pending move of reactive code from input.cpp to selectionInput.cpp)
// TODO: enable color selection should be in here
// TODO: quick edit mode should be in here
// TODO: console selection mode should be in here
// TODO: consider putting word delims in here
// -- State/Flags --
// This replaces/deprecates CONSOLE_SELECTION_INVERTED on gci->SelectionFlags
bool _fSelectionVisible;
bool _fLineSelection; // whether to use line selection or block selection
bool _fUseAlternateSelection; // whether the user has triggered the alternate selection method
bool _allowMouseDragSelection; // true if the dragging the mouse should change the selection
// Flags for this DWORD are defined in wincon.h. Search for def:CONSOLE_SELECTION_IN_PROGRESS, etc.
DWORD _dwSelectionFlags;
// -- Current Selection Data --
// Anchor is the point the selection was started from (and will be one of the corners of the rectangle).
COORD _coordSelectionAnchor;
// Rectangle is the area inscribing the selection. It is extended to screen edges in a particular way for line selection.
SMALL_RECT _srSelectionRect;
// -- Saved Cursor Data --
// Saved when a selection is started for restoration later. Position is in character coordinates, not pixels.
COORD _coordSavedCursorPosition;
ULONG _ulSavedCursorSize;
bool _fSavedCursorVisible;
COLORREF _savedCursorColor;
CursorType _savedCursorType;
friend class SelectionTests;
friend class SelectionInputTests;
friend class ClipboardTests;