Leon Liang 424414ec97
Provide the focused tab title in the Tray Icon's context menu (#11043)
This PR adds a bit more information to each item in the Tray Icon's  window selection submenu. 
Currently it only shows the window ID and window name if given one. 
Now each item will instead show`{Window ID} : {Active Tab Title} [{Window Name}]`

2021-09-03 18:32:23 +00:00

59 lines
1.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
import "Peasant.idl";
namespace Microsoft.Terminal.Remoting
[default_interface] runtimeclass FindTargetWindowArgs {
CommandlineArgs Args { get; };
Int32 ResultTargetWindow;
String ResultTargetWindowName;
[default_interface] runtimeclass ProposeCommandlineResult {
Windows.Foundation.IReference<UInt64> Id { get; };
String WindowName { get; };
Boolean ShouldCreateWindow { get; }; // If you name this `CreateWindow`, the compiler will explode
[default_interface] runtimeclass SummonWindowSelectionArgs {
SummonWindowSelectionArgs(String windowName);
String WindowName;
Boolean OnCurrentDesktop;
// TODO GH#8888 Other options:
// * CurrentMonitor
Boolean FoundMatch;
SummonWindowBehavior SummonBehavior;
Windows.Foundation.IReference<UInt64> WindowID;
struct PeasantInfo
UInt64 Id;
String Name;
String TabTitle;
[default_interface] runtimeclass Monarch {
UInt64 GetPID();
UInt64 AddPeasant(IPeasant peasant);
ProposeCommandlineResult ProposeCommandline(CommandlineArgs args);
void HandleActivatePeasant(WindowActivatedArgs args);
void SummonWindow(SummonWindowSelectionArgs args);
void SummonAllWindows();
Boolean DoesQuakeWindowExist();
Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorView<PeasantInfo> GetPeasantInfos { get; };
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, FindTargetWindowArgs> FindTargetWindowRequested;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> ShowTrayIconRequested;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<Object, Object> HideTrayIconRequested;