Dustin L. Howett 12275c8599
Add a Fuzzing configuration and a version of conhost that can be fuzzed (#9604)
This commit introduces a new build configuration, "Fuzzing", which
enables the new address sanitizer (shipped in VS 16.9) and code
coverage over the entire solution. Only a small subset of projects
(those comprising original conhost, right now) are selected to build in
this configuration, and even then only in Fuzzing|x64.

It also adds a fuzzing-adapted build of conhost, which makes no server
connections and handles no client applications. To do this, I've
replicated a bit of the console startup routine into fuzzmain.cpp and
made up some fake data. This is the bare minimum required to boot up
Win32 interactivity (or VT interactivity!) and pretend that a process
has connected.

If we don't pretend that a process has connected, "conhost" will exit
immediately. If we don't forge the process list, conhost will exit. If
we can't provide a server handle, we can't provide a "device comm".

Minor changes were necessary to server/host such that they would accept
a preexisting "device comm". We use this new behavior to provide a
"null" one that only hangs up threads and otherwise responds to requests

This fuzzing-adapted build links LLVM's libFuzzer, which is an excellent
coverage-based fuzzer that will produce a corpus of inputs that exercise
unique codepaths. Eventually, we can use this to generate known-"good"
inputs for anything.

I've gone ahead and added a fuzz function that yeets bytes directly into
WriteCharsLegacy, which was the original reason I went down this path.

The implementation of LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput should be replaced with
whatever you want to fuzz.
2021-03-29 14:23:30 +00:00

85 lines
2 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- globals.h
- This module contains the global variables used by the console server DLL.
- Jerry Shea (jerrysh) 21-Sep-1993
Revision History:
- Modified to reduce globals over Console V2 project (MiNiksa/PaulCam, 2014)
#pragma once
#include "selection.hpp"
#include "server.h"
#include "ConsoleArguments.hpp"
#include "ApiRoutines.h"
#include "../renderer/inc/IRenderData.hpp"
#include "../renderer/inc/IRenderEngine.hpp"
#include "../renderer/inc/IRenderer.hpp"
#include "../renderer/inc/IFontDefaultList.hpp"
#include "../server/DeviceComm.h"
#include "../server/ConDrvDeviceComm.h"
#include <TraceLoggingProvider.h>
#include <winmeta.h>
class Globals
UINT uiWindowsCP = GetACP();
HINSTANCE hInstance;
UINT uiDialogBoxCount;
ConsoleArguments launchArgs;
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& getConsoleInformation();
IDeviceComm* pDeviceComm{ nullptr };
wil::unique_event_nothrow hInputEvent;
SHORT sVerticalScrollSize;
SHORT sHorizontalScrollSize;
ULONG cursorPixelWidth = 1;
NTSTATUS ntstatusConsoleInputInitStatus;
wil::unique_event_nothrow hConsoleInputInitEvent;
DWORD dwInputThreadId;
std::vector<wchar_t> WordDelimiters;
Microsoft::Console::Render::IRenderer* pRender;
Microsoft::Console::Render::IFontDefaultList* pFontDefaultList;
bool IsHeadless() const;
ApiRoutines api;
bool handoffTarget = false;
std::optional<CLSID> handoffConsoleClsid;
std::optional<CLSID> handoffTerminalClsid;
void EnableConptyModeForTests(std::unique_ptr<Microsoft::Console::Render::VtEngine> vtRenderEngine);
CONSOLE_INFORMATION ciConsoleInformation;