Leonard Hecker 4f55568a17
Improved ATTR_ROW::ReplaceAttrs performance (#6573)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Improve `ATTR_ROW::ReplaceAttrs` performance by only reserving the necessary capacity instead of resizing the new run.
That way `TextAttributeRun`s are only instantiated once instead of twice.

## PR Checklist
* [ ] Closes #xxx
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Performance could be further improved by directly moving `TextAttributeRun`s into the new vector, but I considered this out of scope for this PR.

## Validation Steps Performed

CPU usage when running `cacafire` is slightly reduced.
2020-06-19 15:55:17 +00:00

618 lines
26 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "AttrRow.hpp"
// Routine Description:
// - constructor
// Arguments:
// - cchRowWidth - the length of the default text attribute
// - attr - the default text attribute
// Return Value:
// - constructed object
// Note: will throw exception if unable to allocate memory for text attribute storage
ATTR_ROW::ATTR_ROW(const UINT cchRowWidth, const TextAttribute attr)
_list.push_back(TextAttributeRun(cchRowWidth, attr));
_cchRowWidth = cchRowWidth;
// Routine Description:
// - Sets all properties of the ATTR_ROW to default values
// Arguments:
// - attr - The default text attributes to use on text in this row.
void ATTR_ROW::Reset(const TextAttribute attr)
_list.push_back(TextAttributeRun(_cchRowWidth, attr));
// Routine Description:
// - Takes an existing row of attributes, and changes the length so that it fills the NewWidth.
// If the new size is bigger, then the last attr is extended to fill the NewWidth.
// If the new size is smaller, the runs are cut off to fit.
// Arguments:
// - oldWidth - The original width of the row.
// - newWidth - The new width of the row.
// Return Value:
// - <none>, throws exceptions on failures.
void ATTR_ROW::Resize(const size_t newWidth)
// Easy case. If the new row is longer, increase the length of the last run by how much new space there is.
if (newWidth > _cchRowWidth)
// Get the attribute that covers the final column of old width.
const auto runPos = FindAttrIndex(_cchRowWidth - 1, nullptr);
auto& run = _list.at(runPos);
// Extend its length by the additional columns we're adding.
run.SetLength(run.GetLength() + newWidth - _cchRowWidth);
// Store that the new total width we represent is the new width.
_cchRowWidth = newWidth;
// harder case: new row is shorter.
// Get the attribute that covers the final column of the new width
size_t CountOfAttr = 0;
const auto runPos = FindAttrIndex(newWidth - 1, &CountOfAttr);
auto& run = _list.at(runPos);
// CountOfAttr was given to us as "how many columns left from this point forward are covered by the returned run"
// So if the original run was B5 covering a 5 size OldWidth and we have a NewWidth of 3
// then when we called FindAttrIndex, it returned the B5 as the pIndexedRun and a 2 for how many more segments it covers
// after and including the 3rd column.
// B5-2 = B3, which is what we desire to cover the new 3 size buffer.
run.SetLength(run.GetLength() - CountOfAttr + 1);
// Store that the new total width we represent is the new width.
_cchRowWidth = newWidth;
// Erase segments after the one we just updated.
_list.erase(_list.cbegin() + runPos + 1, _list.cend());
// NOTE: Under some circumstances here, we have leftover run segments in memory or blank run segments
// in memory. We're not going to waste time redimensioning the array in the heap. We're just noting that the useful
// portions of it have changed.
// Routine Description:
// - returns a copy of the TextAttribute at the specified column
// Arguments:
// - column - the column to get the attribute for
// Return Value:
// - the text attribute at column
// Note:
// - will throw on error
TextAttribute ATTR_ROW::GetAttrByColumn(const size_t column) const
return GetAttrByColumn(column, nullptr);
// Routine Description:
// - returns a copy of the TextAttribute at the specified column
// Arguments:
// - column - the column to get the attribute for
// - pApplies - if given, fills how long this attribute will apply for
// Return Value:
// - the text attribute at column
// Note:
// - will throw on error
TextAttribute ATTR_ROW::GetAttrByColumn(const size_t column,
size_t* const pApplies) const
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, column >= _cchRowWidth);
const auto runPos = FindAttrIndex(column, pApplies);
return _list.at(runPos).GetAttributes();
// Routine Description:
// - reports how many runs we have stored (to be used for some optimizations
// Return Value:
// - Count of runs. 1 means we have 1 color to represent the entire row.
size_t ATTR_ROW::GetNumberOfRuns() const noexcept
return _list.size();
// Routine Description:
// - This routine finds the nth attribute in this ATTR_ROW.
// Arguments:
// - index - which attribute to find
// - applies - on output, contains corrected length of indexed attr.
// for example, if the attribute string was { 5, BLUE } and the requested
// index was 3, CountOfAttr would be 2.
// Return Value:
// - const reference to attribute run object
size_t ATTR_ROW::FindAttrIndex(const size_t index, size_t* const pApplies) const
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(index < _cchRowWidth)); // The requested index cannot be longer than the total length described by this set of Attrs.
size_t cTotalLength = 0;
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_list.size() > 0)); // There should be a non-zero and positive number of items in the array.
// Scan through the internal array from position 0 adding up the lengths that each attribute applies to
auto runPos = _list.cbegin();
cTotalLength += runPos->GetLength();
if (cTotalLength > index)
// If we've just passed up the requested index with the length we added, break early
} while (runPos < _list.cend());
// we should have broken before falling out the while case.
// if we didn't break, then this ATTR_ROW wasn't filled with enough attributes for the entire row of characters
FAIL_FAST_IF(runPos >= _list.cend());
// The remaining iterator position is the position of the attribute that is applicable at the position requested (index)
// Calculate its remaining applicability if requested
// The length on which the found attribute applies is the total length seen so far minus the index we were searching for.
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(cTotalLength > index)); // The length of all attributes we counted up so far should be longer than the index requested or we'll underflow.
if (nullptr != pApplies)
const auto attrApplies = cTotalLength - index;
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(attrApplies > 0)); // An attribute applies for >0 characters
// MSFT: 17130145 - will restore this and add a better assert to catch the real issue.
//FAIL_FAST_IF(!(attrApplies <= _cchRowWidth)); // An attribute applies for a maximum of the total length available to us
*pApplies = attrApplies;
return runPos - _list.cbegin();
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the attributes (colors) of all character positions from the given position through the end of the row.
// Arguments:
// - iStart - Starting index position within the row
// - attr - Attribute (color) to fill remaining characters with
// Return Value:
// - <none>
bool ATTR_ROW::SetAttrToEnd(const UINT iStart, const TextAttribute attr)
size_t const length = _cchRowWidth - iStart;
const TextAttributeRun run(length, attr);
return SUCCEEDED(InsertAttrRuns({ &run, 1 }, iStart, _cchRowWidth - 1, _cchRowWidth));
// Method Description:
// - Replaces all runs in the row with the given toBeReplacedAttr with the new
// attribute replaceWith.
// Arguments:
// - toBeReplacedAttr - the attribute to replace in this row.
// - replaceWith - the new value for the matching runs' attributes.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void ATTR_ROW::ReplaceAttrs(const TextAttribute& toBeReplacedAttr, const TextAttribute& replaceWith) noexcept
for (auto& run : _list)
if (run.GetAttributes() == toBeReplacedAttr)
// Routine Description:
// - Takes a array of attribute runs, and inserts them into this row from startIndex to endIndex.
// - For example, if the current row was was [{4, BLUE}], the merge string
// was [{ 2, RED }], with (StartIndex, EndIndex) = (1, 2),
// then the row would modified to be = [{ 1, BLUE}, {2, RED}, {1, BLUE}].
// Arguments:
// - rgInsertAttrs - The array of attrRuns to merge into this row.
// - cInsertAttrs - The number of elements in rgInsertAttrs
// - iStart - The index in the row to place the array of runs.
// - iEnd - the final index of the merge runs
// - BufferWidth - the width of the row.
// Return Value:
// - STATUS_NO_MEMORY if there wasn't enough memory to insert the runs
// otherwise STATUS_SUCCESS if we were successful.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT ATTR_ROW::InsertAttrRuns(const std::basic_string_view<TextAttributeRun> newAttrs,
const size_t iStart,
const size_t iEnd,
const size_t cBufferWidth)
// Definitions:
// Existing Run = The run length encoded color array we're already storing in memory before this was called.
// Insert Run = The run length encoded color array that someone is asking us to inject into our stored memory run.
// New Run = The run length encoded color array that we have to allocate and rebuild to store internally
// which will replace Existing Run at the end of this function.
// Example:
// cBufferWidth = 10.
// Existing Run: R3 -> G5 -> B2
// Insert Run: Y1 -> N1 at iStart = 5 and iEnd = 6
// (rgInsertAttrs is a 2 length array with Y1->N1 in it and cInsertAttrs = 2)
// Final Run: R3 -> G2 -> Y1 -> N1 -> G1 -> B2
// We'll need to know what the last valid column is for some calculations versus iEnd
// because iEnd is specified to us as an inclusive index value.
// Do the -1 math here now so we don't have to have -1s scattered all over this function.
const size_t iLastBufferCol = cBufferWidth - 1;
// If the insertion size is 1, do some pre-processing to
// see if we can get this done quickly.
if (newAttrs.size() == 1)
// Get the new color attribute we're trying to apply
const TextAttribute NewAttr = newAttrs.at(0).GetAttributes();
// If the existing run was only 1 element...
// ...and the new color is the same as the old, we don't have to do anything and can exit quick.
if (_list.size() == 1 && _list.at(0).GetAttributes() == NewAttr)
return S_OK;
// .. otherwise if we internally have a list of 2 or more and we're about to insert a single color
// it's possible that we just walk left-to-right through the row and find a quick exit.
else if (iStart >= 0 && iStart == iEnd)
// First we try to find the run where the insertion happens, using lowerBound and upperBound to track
// where we are currently at.
const auto begin = _list.begin();
size_t lowerBound = 0;
size_t upperBound = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _list.size(); i++)
const auto curr = begin + i;
upperBound += curr->GetLength();
if (iStart >= lowerBound && iStart < upperBound)
// The run that we try to insert into has the same color as the new one.
// e.g.
// ^
// 'B' is the new color and '^' represents where iStart is. We don't have to
// do anything.
if (curr->GetAttributes() == NewAttr)
return S_OK;
// If the current run has length of exactly one, we can simply change the attribute
// of the current run.
// e.g.
// ^
// Here 'D' is the new color.
if (curr->GetLength() == 1)
return S_OK;
// If the insertion happens at current run's lower boundary...
if (iStart == lowerBound && i > 0)
const auto prev = std::prev(curr, 1);
// ... and the previous run has the same color as the new one, we can
// just adjust the counts in the existing two elements in our internal list.
// e.g.
// ^
// Here 'A' is the new color.
if (NewAttr == prev->GetAttributes())
// If we just reduced the right half to zero, just erase it out of the list.
if (curr->GetLength() == 0)
return S_OK;
// If the insertion happens at current run's upper boundary...
if (iStart == upperBound - 1 && i + 1 < _list.size())
// ...then let's try our luck with the next run if possible. This is basically the opposite
// of what we did with the previous run.
// e.g.
// ^
// Here 'B' is the new color.
const auto next = std::next(curr, 1);
if (NewAttr == next->GetAttributes())
if (curr->GetLength() == 0)
return S_OK;
// Advance one run in the _list.
lowerBound = upperBound;
// The lowerBound is larger than iStart, which means we fail to find an early exit at the run
// where the insertion happens. We can just break out.
if (lowerBound > iStart)
// If we're about to cover the entire existing run with a new one, we can also make an optimization.
if (iStart == 0 && iEnd == iLastBufferCol)
// Just dump what we're given over what we have and call it a day.
_list.assign(newAttrs.cbegin(), newAttrs.cend());
return S_OK;
// In the worst case scenario, we will need a new run that is the length of
// The existing run in memory + The new run in memory + 1.
// This worst case occurs when we inject a new item in the middle of an existing run like so
// Existing R3->B5->G2, Insertion Y2 starting at 5 (in the middle of the B5)
// becomes R3->B2->Y2->B1->G2.
// The original run was 3 long. The insertion run was 1 long. We need 1 more for the
// fact that an existing piece of the run was split in half (to hold the latter half).
const size_t cNewRun = _list.size() + newAttrs.size() + 1;
std::vector<TextAttributeRun> newRun;
// We will start analyzing from the beginning of our existing run.
// Use some pointers to keep track of where we are in walking through our runs.
// Get the existing run that we'll be updating/manipulating.
const auto existingRun = _list.begin();
auto pExistingRunPos = existingRun;
const auto pExistingRunEnd = _list.end();
auto pInsertRunPos = newAttrs.begin();
size_t cInsertRunRemaining = newAttrs.size();
size_t iExistingRunCoverage = 0;
// Copy the existing run into the new buffer up to the "start index" where the new run will be injected.
// If the new run starts at 0, we have nothing to copy from the beginning.
if (iStart != 0)
// While we're less than the desired insertion position...
while (iExistingRunCoverage < iStart)
// Add up how much length we can cover by copying an item from the existing run.
iExistingRunCoverage += pExistingRunPos->GetLength();
// Copy it to the new run buffer and advance both pointers.
// When we get to this point, we've copied full segments from the original existing run
// into our new run buffer. We will have 1 or more full segments of color attributes and
// we MIGHT have to cut the last copied segment's length back depending on where the inserted
// attributes will fall in the final/new run.
// Some examples:
// - Starting with the original string R3 -> G5 -> B2
// - 1. If the insertion is Y5 at start index 3
// We are trying to get a result/final/new run of R3 -> Y5 -> B2.
// We just copied R3 to the new destination buffer and we cang skip down and start inserting the new attrs.
// - 2. If the insertion is Y3 at start index 5
// We are trying to get a result/final/new run of R3 -> G2 -> Y3 -> B2.
// We just copied R3 -> G5 to the new destination buffer with the code above.
// But the insertion is going to cut out some of the length of the G5.
// We need to fix this up below so it says G2 instead to leave room for the Y3 to fit in
// the new/final run.
// Fetch out the length so we can fix it up based on the below conditions.
size_t length = newRun.back().GetLength();
// If we've covered more cells already than the start of the attributes to be inserted...
if (iExistingRunCoverage > iStart)
// ..then subtract some of the length of the final cell we copied.
// We want to take remove the difference in distance between the cells we've covered in the new
// run and the insertion point.
// (This turns G5 into G2 from Example 2 just above)
length -= (iExistingRunCoverage - iStart);
// Now we're still on that "last cell copied" into the new run.
// If the color of that existing copied cell matches the color of the first segment
// of the run we're about to insert, we can just increment the length to extend the coverage.
if (newRun.back().GetAttributes() == pInsertRunPos->GetAttributes())
length += pInsertRunPos->GetLength();
// Since the color matched, we have already "used up" part of the insert run
// and can skip it in our big "memcopy" step below that will copy the bulk of the insert run.
// We're done manipulating the length. Store it back.
// Bulk copy the majority (or all, depending on circumstance) of the insert run into the final run buffer.
std::copy_n(pInsertRunPos, cInsertRunRemaining, std::back_inserter(newRun));
// We're technically done with the insert run now and have 0 remaining, but won't bother updating its pointers
// and counts any further because we won't use them.
// Now we need to move our pointer for the original existing run forward and update our counts
// on how many cells we could have copied from the source before finishing off the new run.
while (iExistingRunCoverage <= iEnd)
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(pExistingRunPos != pExistingRunEnd));
iExistingRunCoverage += pExistingRunPos->GetLength();
// If we still have original existing run cells remaining, copy them into the final new run.
if (pExistingRunPos != pExistingRunEnd || iExistingRunCoverage != (iEnd + 1))
// We advanced the existing run pointer and its count to on or past the end of what the insertion run filled in.
// If this ended up being past the end of what the insertion run covers, we have to account for the cells after
// the insertion run but before the next piece of the original existing run.
// The example in this case is if we had...
// Existing Run = R3 -> G5 -> B2 -> X5
// Insert Run = Y2 @ iStart = 7 and iEnd = 8
// ... then at this point in time, our states would look like...
// New Run so far = R3 -> G4 -> Y2
// Existing Run Pointer is at X5
// Existing run coverage count at 3 + 5 + 2 = 10.
// However, in order to get the final desired New Run
// (which is R3 -> G4 -> Y2 -> B1 -> X5)
// we would need to grab a piece of that B2 we already skipped past.
// iExistingRunCoverage = 10. iEnd = 8. iEnd+1 = 9. 10 > 9. So we skipped something.
if (iExistingRunCoverage > (iEnd + 1))
// Back up the existing run pointer so we can grab the piece we skipped.
// If the color matches what's already in our run, just increment the count value.
// This case is slightly off from the example above. This case is for if the B2 above was actually Y2.
// That Y2 from the existing run is the same color as the Y2 we just filled a few columns left in the final run
// so we can just adjust the final run's column count instead of adding another segment here.
if (newRun.back().GetAttributes() == pExistingRunPos->GetAttributes())
size_t length = newRun.back().GetLength();
length += (iExistingRunCoverage - (iEnd + 1));
// If the color didn't match, then we just need to copy the piece we skipped and adjust
// its length for the discrepancy in columns not yet covered by the final/new run.
// Move forward to a blank spot in the new run
// Copy the existing run's color information to the new run
// Adjust the length of that copied color to cover only the reduced number of columns needed
// now that some have been replaced by the insert run.
newRun.back().SetLength(iExistingRunCoverage - (iEnd + 1));
// Now that we're done recovering a piece of the existing run we skipped, move the pointer forward again.
// OK. In this case, we didn't skip anything. The end of the insert run fell right at a boundary
// in columns that was in the original existing run.
// However, the next piece of the original existing run might happen to have the same color attribute
// as the final piece of what we just copied.
// As an example...
// Existing Run = R3 -> G5 -> B2.
// Insert Run = B5 @ iStart = 3 and iEnd = 7
// New Run so far = R3 -> B5
// New Run desired when done = R3 -> B7
// Existing run pointer is on B2.
// We want to merge the 2 from the B2 into the B5 so we get B7.
else if (newRun.back().GetAttributes() == pExistingRunPos->GetAttributes())
// Add the value from the existing run into the current new run position.
size_t length = newRun.back().GetLength();
length += pExistingRunPos->GetLength();
// Advance the existing run position since we consumed its value and merged it in.
// Now bulk copy any segments left in the original existing run
if (pExistingRunPos < pExistingRunEnd)
std::copy_n(pExistingRunPos, (pExistingRunEnd - pExistingRunPos), std::back_inserter(newRun));
// OK, phew. We're done. Now we just need to free the existing run and store the new run in its place.
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - packs a vector of TextAttribute into a vector of TextAttributeRun
// Arguments:
// - attrs - text attributes to pack
// Return Value:
// - packed text attribute run
std::vector<TextAttributeRun> ATTR_ROW::PackAttrs(const std::vector<TextAttribute>& attrs)
std::vector<TextAttributeRun> runs;
if (attrs.empty())
return runs;
for (auto attr : attrs)
if (runs.empty() || runs.back().GetAttributes() != attr)
const TextAttributeRun run(1, attr);
runs.back().SetLength(runs.back().GetLength() + 1);
return runs;
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::begin() const noexcept
return AttrRowIterator(this);
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::end() const noexcept
return AttrRowIterator::CreateEndIterator(this);
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::cbegin() const noexcept
return AttrRowIterator(this);
ATTR_ROW::const_iterator ATTR_ROW::cend() const noexcept
return AttrRowIterator::CreateEndIterator(this);
bool operator==(const ATTR_ROW& a, const ATTR_ROW& b) noexcept
return (a._list.size() == b._list.size() &&
a._list.data() == b._list.data() &&
a._cchRowWidth == b._cchRowWidth);