terminal/doc/specs/#653 - Quake Mode/tray-icon-000.png
Mike Griese 8c6e13d90e
Spec for Quake Mode (#9274)
### ⇒ [doc link](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/dev/migrie/s/653-quake-mode/doc/specs/%23653%20-%20Quake%20Mode/%23653%20-%20Quake%20Mode.md) ⇐

## Summary of the Pull Request

After reading through 114+ comments in #653 and related issues, I think I've finally wrapped my head around all the possible scenarios for quake mode. <!-- Speak now or forever hold your peace. --> This also includes "minimize to tray", because the two are a powerful combination. With the work already prototyped in [`dev/migrie/f/653-QUAKE-MODE`](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/tree/dev/migrie/f/653-QUAKE-MODE), [I'm starting to believe](https://j.gifs.com/58vKNx.gif) that we could actually land this in 2.0.

### Abstract

> Many existing terminals support a feature whereby a user can press a keybinding
> anywhere in the OS, and summon their terminal application. Oftentimes the act of
> summoning this window is accompanied by a "dropdown" animation, where the window
> slides in to view from the top of the screen. This global summon action is often
> referred to as "quake mode", a reference to the videogame Quake who's console
> slid in from the top.
> This spec addresses both of the following two issues:
> * "Quake Mode" ([#653])
> * "Minimize to tray" ([#5727])

## PR Checklist
* [x] Specs: #653, #5727
* [x] References: #5000, #4472, #2227, #7240, #8135
* [x] I work here

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
_\*<sup>\*</sup><sub>\*</sub> read the spec  <sub>\*</sub><sup>\*</sup>\*_
2021-04-21 21:43:42 +00:00

20 KiB