Austin Lamb 539a5dc0af
Greatly reduce allocations in the conhost/OpenConsole startup path (#8489)
I was looking at conhost/OpenConsole and noticed it was being pretty
inefficient with allocations due to some usages of std::deque and
std::vector that didn't need to be done quite that way.

So this uses std::vector for the TextBuffer's storage of ROW objects,
which allows one allocation to contiguously reserve space for all the
ROWs - on Desktop this is 9001 ROW objects which means it saves 9000
allocations that the std::deque would have done.  Plus it has the
benefit of increasing locality of the ROW objects since deque is going
to chase pointers more often with its data structure.

Then, within each ROW there are CharRow and ATTR_ROW objects that use
std::vector today.  This changes them to use Boost's small_vector, which
is a variation of vector that allows for the so-called "small string
optimization."  Since we know the typical size of these vectors, we can
pre-reserve the right number of elements directly in the
CharRow/ATTR_ROW instances, avoiding any heap allocations at all for
constructing these objects.

There are a ton of variations on this "small_vector" concept out there
in the world - this one in Boost, LLVM has one called SmallVector,
Electronic Arts' STL has a small_vector, Facebook's folly library has
one...there are a silly number of these out there.  But Boost seems like
it's by far the easiest to consume in terms of integration into this
repo, the CI/CD pipeline, licensing, and stuff like that, so I went with
the boost version.

In terms of numbers, I measured the startup path of OpenConsole.exe on
my dev box for Release x64 configuration.  My box is an i7-6700k @ 4
Ghz, with 32 GB RAM, not that I think machine config matters much here:

|        | Allocation count    | Allocated bytes    | CPU usage (ms) |
| ------ | ------------------- | ------------------ | -------------- |
| Before | 29,461              | 4,984,640          | 103            |
| After  | 2,459 (-91%)        | 4,853,931 (-2.6%)  | 96 (-7%)       |

Along the way, I also fixed a dynamic initializer I happened to spot in
the registry code, and updated some docs.

## Validation Steps Performed
- Ran "runut", "runft" and "runuia" locally and confirmed results are
  the same as the main branch
- Profiled the before/after numbers in the Visual Studio profiler, for
  the numbers shown in the table

Co-authored-by: Austin Lamb <austinl@microsoft.com>
2020-12-16 10:40:30 -08:00

1210 lines
48 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Terminal.hpp"
#include "../../terminal/parser/OutputStateMachineEngine.hpp"
#include "TerminalDispatch.hpp"
#include "../../inc/unicode.hpp"
#include "../../inc/DefaultSettings.h"
#include "../../inc/argb.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/colorTable.hpp"
#include <winrt/Microsoft.Terminal.TerminalControl.h>
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Core;
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::VirtualTerminal;
using PointTree = interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t>;
static std::wstring _KeyEventsToText(std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>>& inEventsToWrite)
std::wstring wstr = L"";
for (const auto& ev : inEventsToWrite)
if (ev->EventType() == InputEventType::KeyEvent)
const auto& k = static_cast<KeyEvent&>(*ev);
const auto wch = k.GetCharData();
wstr += wch;
return wstr;
#pragma warning(suppress : 26455) // default constructor is throwing, too much effort to rearrange at this time.
Terminal::Terminal() :
_mutableViewport{ Viewport::Empty() },
_defaultFg{ RGB(255, 255, 255) },
_defaultBg{ ARGB(0, 0, 0, 0) },
_screenReversed{ false },
_pfnWriteInput{ nullptr },
_scrollOffset{ 0 },
_snapOnInput{ true },
_altGrAliasing{ true },
_blockSelection{ false },
_selection{ std::nullopt },
_taskbarState{ 0 },
_taskbarProgress{ 0 }
auto dispatch = std::make_unique<TerminalDispatch>(*this);
auto engine = std::make_unique<OutputStateMachineEngine>(std::move(dispatch));
_stateMachine = std::make_unique<StateMachine>(std::move(engine));
auto passAlongInput = [&](std::deque<std::unique_ptr<IInputEvent>>& inEventsToWrite) {
if (!_pfnWriteInput)
std::wstring wstr = _KeyEventsToText(inEventsToWrite);
_terminalInput = std::make_unique<TerminalInput>(passAlongInput);
void Terminal::Create(COORD viewportSize, SHORT scrollbackLines, IRenderTarget& renderTarget)
_mutableViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, viewportSize);
_scrollbackLines = scrollbackLines;
const COORD bufferSize{ viewportSize.X,
Utils::ClampToShortMax(viewportSize.Y + scrollbackLines, 1) };
const TextAttribute attr{};
const UINT cursorSize = 12;
_buffer = std::make_unique<TextBuffer>(bufferSize, attr, cursorSize, renderTarget);
// Add regex pattern recognizers to the buffer
// For now, we only add the URI regex pattern
std::wstring_view linkPattern{ LR"(\b(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|$!:,.;]*[A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$])" };
_hyperlinkPatternId = _buffer->AddPatternRecognizer(linkPattern);
// Method Description:
// - Initializes the Terminal from the given set of settings.
// Arguments:
// - settings: the set of CoreSettings we need to use to initialize the terminal
// - renderTarget: A render target the terminal can use for paint invalidation.
void Terminal::CreateFromSettings(ICoreSettings settings,
IRenderTarget& renderTarget)
const COORD viewportSize{ Utils::ClampToShortMax(settings.InitialCols(), 1),
Utils::ClampToShortMax(settings.InitialRows(), 1) };
// TODO:MSFT:20642297 - Support infinite scrollback here, if HistorySize is -1
Create(viewportSize, Utils::ClampToShortMax(settings.HistorySize(), 0), renderTarget);
// Method Description:
// - Update our internal properties to match the new values in the provided
// CoreSettings object.
// Arguments:
// - settings: an ICoreSettings with new settings values for us to use.
void Terminal::UpdateSettings(ICoreSettings settings)
_defaultFg = settings.DefaultForeground();
_defaultBg = settings.DefaultBackground();
CursorType cursorShape = CursorType::VerticalBar;
switch (settings.CursorShape())
case CursorStyle::Underscore:
cursorShape = CursorType::Underscore;
case CursorStyle::FilledBox:
cursorShape = CursorType::FullBox;
case CursorStyle::EmptyBox:
cursorShape = CursorType::EmptyBox;
case CursorStyle::Vintage:
cursorShape = CursorType::Legacy;
case CursorStyle::Bar:
cursorShape = CursorType::VerticalBar;
if (_buffer)
_defaultCursorShape = cursorShape;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
_colorTable.at(i) = settings.GetColorTableEntry(i);
_snapOnInput = settings.SnapOnInput();
_altGrAliasing = settings.AltGrAliasing();
_wordDelimiters = settings.WordDelimiters();
_suppressApplicationTitle = settings.SuppressApplicationTitle();
_startingTitle = settings.StartingTitle();
if (settings.TabColor() == nullptr)
_tabColor = std::nullopt;
_tabColor = til::color(settings.TabColor().Value() | 0xff000000);
if (!_startingTabColor && settings.StartingTabColor())
_startingTabColor = til::color(settings.StartingTabColor().Value() | 0xff000000);
if (_pfnTabColorChanged)
// TODO:MSFT:21327402 - if HistorySize has changed, resize the buffer so we
// have a smaller scrollback. We should do this carefully - if the new buffer
// size is smaller than where the mutable viewport currently is, we'll want
// to make sure to rotate the buffer contents upwards, so the mutable viewport
// remains at the bottom of the buffer.
// Method Description:
// - Resize the terminal as the result of some user interaction.
// Arguments:
// - viewportSize: the new size of the viewport, in chars
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we successfully resized the terminal, S_FALSE if there was
// nothing to do (the viewportSize is the same as our current size), or an
// appropriate HRESULT for failing to resize.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Terminal::UserResize(const COORD viewportSize) noexcept
const auto oldDimensions = _mutableViewport.Dimensions();
if (viewportSize == oldDimensions)
return S_FALSE;
const auto dx = ::base::ClampSub(viewportSize.X, oldDimensions.X);
const auto oldTop = _mutableViewport.Top();
const short newBufferHeight = ::base::ClampAdd(viewportSize.Y, _scrollbackLines);
COORD bufferSize{ viewportSize.X, newBufferHeight };
// Save cursor's relative height versus the viewport
const short sCursorHeightInViewportBefore = ::base::ClampSub(_buffer->GetCursor().GetPosition().Y, _mutableViewport.Top());
// This will be used to determine where the viewport should be in the new buffer.
const short oldViewportTop = _mutableViewport.Top();
short newViewportTop = oldViewportTop;
short newVisibleTop = ::base::saturated_cast<short>(_VisibleStartIndex());
// If the original buffer had _no_ scroll offset, then we should be at the
// bottom in the new buffer as well. Track that case now.
const bool originalOffsetWasZero = _scrollOffset == 0;
// skip any drawing updates that might occur until we swap _buffer with the new buffer or if we exit early.
// we're capturing _buffer by reference here because when we exit, we want to EndDefer on the current active buffer.
auto endDefer = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept { _buffer->GetCursor().EndDeferDrawing(); });
// First allocate a new text buffer to take the place of the current one.
std::unique_ptr<TextBuffer> newTextBuffer;
newTextBuffer = std::make_unique<TextBuffer>(bufferSize,
0, // temporarily set size to 0 so it won't render.
// Build a PositionInformation to track the position of both the top of
// the mutable viewport and the top of the visible viewport in the new
// buffer.
// * the new value of mutableViewportTop will be used to figure out
// where we should place the mutable viewport in the new buffer. This
// requires a bit of trickiness to remain consistent with conpty's
// buffer (as seen below).
// * the new value of visibleViewportTop will be used to calculate the
// new scrollOffset in the new buffer, so that the visible lines on
// the screen remain roughly the same.
TextBuffer::PositionInformation oldRows{ 0 };
oldRows.mutableViewportTop = oldViewportTop;
oldRows.visibleViewportTop = newVisibleTop;
const std::optional<short> oldViewStart{ oldViewportTop };
{ oldRows }));
newViewportTop = oldRows.mutableViewportTop;
newVisibleTop = oldRows.visibleViewportTop;
// Conpty resizes a little oddly - if the height decreased, and there were
// blank lines at the bottom, those lines will get trimmed. If there's not
// blank lines, then the top will get "shifted down", moving the top line
// into scrollback. See GH#3490 for more details.
// If the final position in the buffer is on the bottom row of the new
// viewport, then we're going to need to move the top down. Otherwise, move
// the bottom up.
// There are also important things to consider with line wrapping.
// * If a line in scrollback wrapped that didn't previously, we'll need to
// make sure to have the new viewport down another line. This will cause
// our top to move down.
// * If a line _in the viewport_ wrapped that didn't previously, then the
// conpty buffer will also have that wrapped line, and will move the
// cursor & text down a line in response. This causes our bottom to move
// down.
// We're going to use a combo of both these things to calculate where the
// new viewport should be. To keep in sync with conpty, we'll need to make
// sure that any lines that entered the scrollback _stay in scrollback_. We
// do that by taking the max of
// * Where the old top line in the viewport exists in the new buffer (as
// calculated by TextBuffer::Reflow)
// * Where the bottom of the text in the new buffer is (and using that to
// calculate another proposed top location).
const COORD newCursorPos = newTextBuffer->GetCursor().GetPosition();
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 26496) // cpp core checks wants this const, but it's assigned immediately below...
COORD newLastChar = newCursorPos;
newLastChar = newTextBuffer->GetLastNonSpaceCharacter();
#pragma warning(pop)
const auto maxRow = std::max(newLastChar.Y, newCursorPos.Y);
const short proposedTopFromLastLine = ::base::ClampAdd(::base::ClampSub(maxRow, viewportSize.Y), 1);
const short proposedTopFromScrollback = newViewportTop;
short proposedTop = std::max(proposedTopFromLastLine,
// If we're using the new location of the old top line to place the
// viewport, we might need to make an adjustment to it.
// We're using the last cell of the line to calculate where the top line is
// in the new buffer. If that line wrapped, then all the lines below it
// shifted down in the buffer. If there's space for all those lines in the
// conpty buffer, then the originally unwrapped top line will _still_ be in
// the buffer. In that case, don't stick to the _end_ of the old top line,
// instead stick to the _start_, which is one line up.
// We can know if there's space in the conpty buffer by checking if the
// maxRow (the highest row we've written text to) is above the viewport from
// this proposed top position.
if (proposedTop == proposedTopFromScrollback)
const auto proposedViewFromTop = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTopFromScrollback }, viewportSize);
if (maxRow < proposedViewFromTop.BottomInclusive())
if (dx < 0 && proposedTop > 0)
auto& row = newTextBuffer->GetRowByOffset(::base::ClampSub(proposedTop, 1));
if (row.GetCharRow().WasWrapForced())
// If the new bottom would be higher than the last row of text, then we
// definitely want to use the last row of text to determine where the
// viewport should be.
const auto proposedViewFromTop = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTopFromScrollback }, viewportSize);
if (maxRow > proposedViewFromTop.BottomInclusive())
proposedTop = proposedTopFromLastLine;
// Make sure the proposed viewport is within the bounds of the buffer.
// First make sure the top is >=0
proposedTop = std::max(static_cast<short>(0), proposedTop);
// If the new bottom would be below the bottom of the buffer, then slide the
// top up so that we'll still fit within the buffer.
const auto newView = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTop }, viewportSize);
const auto proposedBottom = newView.BottomExclusive();
if (proposedBottom > bufferSize.Y)
proposedTop = ::base::ClampSub(proposedTop, ::base::ClampSub(proposedBottom, bufferSize.Y));
_mutableViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, proposedTop }, viewportSize);
// GH#3494: Maintain scrollbar position during resize
// Make sure that we don't scroll past the mutableViewport at the bottom of the buffer
newVisibleTop = std::min(newVisibleTop, _mutableViewport.Top());
// Make sure we don't scroll past the top of the scrollback
newVisibleTop = std::max<short>(newVisibleTop, 0);
// If the old scrolloffset was 0, then we weren't scrolled back at all
// before, and shouldn't be now either.
_scrollOffset = originalOffsetWasZero ? 0 : static_cast<int>(::base::ClampSub(_mutableViewport.Top(), newVisibleTop));
// GH#5029 - make sure to InvalidateAll here, so that we'll paint the entire visible viewport.
return S_OK;
void Terminal::Write(std::wstring_view stringView)
auto lock = LockForWriting();
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to snap to the bottom of the buffer, if SnapOnInput is true. Does
// nothing if SnapOnInput is set to false, or we're already at the bottom of
// the buffer.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Terminal::TrySnapOnInput()
if (_snapOnInput && _scrollOffset != 0)
auto lock = LockForWriting();
_scrollOffset = 0;
// Routine Description:
// - Relays if we are tracking mouse input
// Parameters:
// - <none>
// Return value:
// - true, if we are tracking mouse input. False, otherwise
bool Terminal::IsTrackingMouseInput() const noexcept
return _terminalInput->IsTrackingMouseInput();
// Method Description:
// - Given a coord, get the URI at that location
// Arguments:
// - The position
std::wstring Terminal::GetHyperlinkAtPosition(const COORD position)
auto attr = _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(position))->TextAttr();
if (attr.IsHyperlink())
auto uri = _buffer->GetHyperlinkUriFromId(attr.GetHyperlinkId());
return uri;
// also look through our known pattern locations in our pattern interval tree
const auto result = GetHyperlinkIntervalFromPosition(position);
if (result.has_value() && result->value == _hyperlinkPatternId)
const auto start = result->start;
const auto end = result->stop;
std::wstring uri;
const auto startIter = _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(start));
const auto endIter = _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(end));
for (auto iter = startIter; iter != endIter; ++iter)
uri += iter->Chars();
return uri;
return {};
// Method Description:
// - Gets the hyperlink ID of the text at the given terminal position
// Arguments:
// - The position of the text
// Return value:
// - The hyperlink ID
uint16_t Terminal::GetHyperlinkIdAtPosition(const COORD position)
return _buffer->GetCellDataAt(_ConvertToBufferCell(position))->TextAttr().GetHyperlinkId();
// Method description:
// - Given a position in a URI pattern, gets the start and end coordinates of the URI
// Arguments:
// - The position
// Return value:
// - The interval representing the start and end coordinates
std::optional<PointTree::interval> Terminal::GetHyperlinkIntervalFromPosition(const COORD position)
const auto results = _patternIntervalTree.findOverlapping(COORD{ position.X + 1, position.Y }, position);
if (results.size() > 0)
for (const auto& result : results)
if (result.value == _hyperlinkPatternId)
return result;
return std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Send this particular (non-character) key event to the terminal.
// - The terminal will translate the key and the modifiers pressed into the
// appropriate VT sequence for that key chord. If we do translate the key,
// we'll return true. In that case, the event should NOT be processed any further.
// - Character events (e.g. WM_CHAR) are generally the best way to properly receive
// keyboard input on Windows though, as the OS is suited best at handling the
// translation of the current keyboard layout, dead keys, etc.
// As a result of this false is returned for all key events that contain characters.
// SendCharEvent may then be called with the data obtained from a character event.
// - As a special case we'll always handle VK_TAB key events.
// This must be done due to TermControl::_KeyDownHandler (one of the callers)
// always marking tab key events as handled, causing no character event to be raised.
// Arguments:
// - vkey: The vkey of the last pressed key.
// - scanCode: The scan code of the last pressed key.
// - states: The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states.
// - keyDown: If true, the key was pressed, otherwise the key was released.
// Return Value:
// - true if we translated the key event, and it should not be processed any further.
// - false if we did not translate the key, and it should be processed into a character.
bool Terminal::SendKeyEvent(const WORD vkey,
const WORD scanCode,
const ControlKeyStates states,
const bool keyDown)
// GH#6423 - don't snap on this key if the key that was pressed was a
// modifier key. We'll wait for a real keystroke to snap to the bottom.
// GH#6481 - Additionally, make sure the key was actually pressed. This
// check will make sure we behave the same as before GH#6309
if (!KeyEvent::IsModifierKey(vkey) && keyDown)
_StoreKeyEvent(vkey, scanCode);
// Certain applications like AutoHotKey and its keyboard remapping feature,
// send us key events using SendInput() whose values are outside of the valid range.
// GH#7064
if (vkey == 0 || vkey >= 0xff)
return false;
// While not explicitly permitted, a wide range of software, including Windows' own touch keyboard,
// sets the wScan member of the KEYBDINPUT structure to 0, resulting in scanCode being 0 as well.
// --> Alternatively get the scanCode from the vkey if possible.
// GH#7495
const auto sc = scanCode ? scanCode : _ScanCodeFromVirtualKey(vkey);
if (sc == 0)
return false;
const auto isAltOnlyPressed = states.IsAltPressed() && !states.IsCtrlPressed();
// DON'T manually handle Alt+Space - the system will use this to bring up
// the system menu for restore, min/maximize, size, move, close.
// (This doesn't apply to Ctrl+Alt+Space.)
if (isAltOnlyPressed && vkey == VK_SPACE)
return false;
// By default Windows treats Ctrl+Alt as an alias for AltGr.
// When the altGrAliasing setting is set to false, this behaviour should be disabled.
// Whenever possible _CharacterFromKeyEvent() will return a valid character.
// For instance both Ctrl+Alt+Q as well as AltGr+Q return @ on a German keyboard.
// We can achieve the altGrAliasing functionality by skipping the call to _CharacterFromKeyEvent,
// as TerminalInput::HandleKey will then fall back to using the vkey which
// is the underlying ASCII character (e.g. A-Z) on the keyboard in our case.
// See GH#5525/GH#6211 for more details
const auto isSuppressedAltGrAlias = !_altGrAliasing && states.IsAltPressed() && states.IsCtrlPressed() && !states.IsAltGrPressed();
const auto ch = isSuppressedAltGrAlias ? UNICODE_NULL : _CharacterFromKeyEvent(vkey, sc, states);
// Delegate it to the character event handler if this key event can be
// mapped to one (see method description above). For Alt+key combinations
// we'll not receive another character event for some reason though.
// -> Don't delegate the event if this is a Alt+key combination.
// As a special case we'll furthermore always handle VK_TAB
// key events here instead of in Terminal::SendCharEvent.
// See the method description for more information.
if (!isAltOnlyPressed && vkey != VK_TAB && ch != UNICODE_NULL)
return false;
KeyEvent keyEv{ keyDown, 1, vkey, sc, ch, states.Value() };
return _terminalInput->HandleKey(&keyEv);
// Method Description:
// - Send this particular mouse event to the terminal. The terminal will translate
// the button and the modifiers pressed into the appropriate VT sequence for that
// mouse event. If we do translate the key, we'll return true. In that case, the
// event should NOT be processed any further. If we return false, the event
// was NOT translated, and we should instead use the event normally
// Arguments:
// - viewportPos: the position of the mouse event relative to the viewport origin.
// - uiButton: the WM mouse button event code
// - states: The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states.
// - wheelDelta: the amount that the scroll wheel changed (should be 0 unless button is a WM_MOUSE*WHEEL)
// Return Value:
// - true if we translated the key event, and it should not be processed any further.
// - false if we did not translate the key, and it should be processed into a character.
bool Terminal::SendMouseEvent(const COORD viewportPos, const unsigned int uiButton, const ControlKeyStates states, const short wheelDelta, const TerminalInput::MouseButtonState state)
// GH#6401: VT applications should be able to receive mouse events from outside the
// terminal buffer. This is likely to happen when the user drags the cursor offscreen.
// We shouldn't throw away perfectly good events when they're offscreen, so we just
// clamp them to be within the range [(0, 0), (W, H)].
#pragma warning(suppress : 26496) // analysis can't tell we're assigning through a reference below
auto clampedPos{ viewportPos };
return _terminalInput->HandleMouse(clampedPos, uiButton, GET_KEYSTATE_WPARAM(states.Value()), wheelDelta, state);
// Method Description:
// - Send this particular character to the terminal.
// - This method is the counterpart to SendKeyEvent and behaves almost identical.
// The difference is the focus on sending characters to the terminal,
// whereas SendKeyEvent handles the sending of keys like the arrow keys.
// Arguments:
// - ch: The UTF-16 code unit to be sent.
// - scanCode: The scan code of the last pressed key. Can be left 0.
// - states: The Microsoft::Terminal::Core::ControlKeyStates representing the modifier key states.
// Return Value:
// - true if we translated the character event, and it should not be processed any further.
// - false otherwise.
bool Terminal::SendCharEvent(const wchar_t ch, const WORD scanCode, const ControlKeyStates states)
// DON'T manually handle Alt+Space - the system will use this to bring up
// the system menu for restore, min/maximize, size, move, close.
if (ch == L' ' && states.IsAltPressed() && !states.IsCtrlPressed())
return false;
auto vkey = _TakeVirtualKeyFromLastKeyEvent(scanCode);
if (vkey == 0 && scanCode != 0)
vkey = _VirtualKeyFromScanCode(scanCode);
if (vkey == 0)
vkey = _VirtualKeyFromCharacter(ch);
// Unfortunately, the UI doesn't give us both a character down and a
// character up event, only a character received event. So fake sending both
// to the terminal input translator. Unless it's in win32-input-mode, it'll
// ignore the keyup.
KeyEvent keyDown{ true, 1, vkey, scanCode, ch, states.Value() };
KeyEvent keyUp{ false, 1, vkey, scanCode, ch, states.Value() };
const auto handledDown = _terminalInput->HandleKey(&keyDown);
const auto handledUp = _terminalInput->HandleKey(&keyUp);
return handledDown || handledUp;
// Method Description:
// - Invalidates the regions described in the given pattern tree for the rendering purposes
// Arguments:
// - The interval tree containing regions that need to be invalidated
void Terminal::_InvalidatePatternTree(interval_tree::IntervalTree<til::point, size_t>& tree)
const auto vis = _VisibleStartIndex();
auto invalidate = [=](const PointTree::interval& interval) {
COORD startCoord{ gsl::narrow<SHORT>(interval.start.x()), gsl::narrow<SHORT>(interval.start.y() + vis) };
COORD endCoord{ gsl::narrow<SHORT>(interval.stop.x()), gsl::narrow<SHORT>(interval.stop.y() + vis) };
_InvalidateFromCoords(startCoord, endCoord);
// Method Description:
// - Given start and end coords, invalidates all the regions between them
// Arguments:
// - The start and end coords
void Terminal::_InvalidateFromCoords(const COORD start, const COORD end)
if (start.Y == end.Y)
SMALL_RECT region{ start.X, start.Y, end.X, end.Y };
const auto rowSize = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(_buffer->GetRowByOffset(0).size());
// invalidate the first line
SMALL_RECT region{ start.X, start.Y, rowSize - 1, start.Y };
if ((end.Y - start.Y) > 1)
// invalidate the lines in between the first and last line
region = til::rectangle(0, start.Y + 1, rowSize - 1, end.Y - 1);
// invalidate the last line
region = til::rectangle(0, end.Y, end.X, end.Y);
// Method Description:
// - Returns the keyboard's scan code for the given virtual key code.
// Arguments:
// - vkey: The virtual key code.
// Return Value:
// - The keyboard's scan code.
WORD Terminal::_ScanCodeFromVirtualKey(const WORD vkey) noexcept
return LOWORD(MapVirtualKeyW(vkey, MAPVK_VK_TO_VSC));
// Method Description:
// - Returns the virtual key code for the given keyboard's scan code.
// Arguments:
// - scanCode: The keyboard's scan code.
// Return Value:
// - The virtual key code. 0 if no mapping can be found.
WORD Terminal::_VirtualKeyFromScanCode(const WORD scanCode) noexcept
return LOWORD(MapVirtualKeyW(scanCode, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK));
// Method Description:
// - Returns any virtual key code that produces the given character.
// Arguments:
// - scanCode: The keyboard's scan code.
// Return Value:
// - The virtual key code. 0 if no mapping can be found.
WORD Terminal::_VirtualKeyFromCharacter(const wchar_t ch) noexcept
const auto vkey = LOWORD(VkKeyScanW(ch));
return vkey == -1 ? 0 : vkey;
// Method Description:
// - Translates the specified virtual key code and keyboard state to the corresponding character.
// Arguments:
// - vkey: The virtual key code that initiated this keyboard event.
// - scanCode: The scan code that initiated this keyboard event.
// - states: The current keyboard state.
// Return Value:
// - The character that would result from this virtual key code and keyboard state.
wchar_t Terminal::_CharacterFromKeyEvent(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode, const ControlKeyStates states) noexcept
// We might want to use GetKeyboardState() instead of building our own keyState.
// The question is whether that's necessary though. For now it seems to work fine as it is.
std::array<BYTE, 256> keyState = {};
keyState.at(VK_SHIFT) = states.IsShiftPressed() ? 0x80 : 0;
keyState.at(VK_CONTROL) = states.IsCtrlPressed() ? 0x80 : 0;
keyState.at(VK_MENU) = states.IsAltPressed() ? 0x80 : 0;
// For the following use of ToUnicodeEx() please look here:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-tounicodeex
// Technically ToUnicodeEx() can produce arbitrarily long sequences of diacritics etc.
// Since we only handle the case of a single UTF-16 code point, we can set the buffer size to 2 though.
std::array<wchar_t, 2> buffer;
// wFlags:
// * If bit 0 is set, a menu is active.
// If this flag is not specified ToUnicodeEx will send us character events on certain Alt+Key combinations (e.g. Alt+Arrow-Up).
// * If bit 2 is set, keyboard state is not changed (Windows 10, version 1607 and newer)
const auto result = ToUnicodeEx(vkey, scanCode, keyState.data(), buffer.data(), gsl::narrow_cast<int>(buffer.size()), 0b101, nullptr);
// TODO:GH#2853 We're only handling single UTF-16 code points right now, since that's the only thing KeyEvent supports.
return result == 1 || result == -1 ? buffer.at(0) : 0;
catch (...)
// Method Description:
// - It's possible for a single scan code on a keyboard to
// produce different key codes depending on the keyboard state.
// MapVirtualKeyW(scanCode, MAPVK_VSC_TO_VK) will always chose one of the
// possibilities no matter what though and thus can't be used in SendCharEvent.
// - This method stores the key code from a key event (SendKeyEvent).
// If the key event contains character data, handling of the event will be
// denied, in order to delegate the work to the character event handler.
// - The character event handler (SendCharEvent) will now pick up
// the stored key code to restore the full key event data.
// Arguments:
// - vkey: The virtual key code.
// - scanCode: The scan code.
void Terminal::_StoreKeyEvent(const WORD vkey, const WORD scanCode)
_lastKeyEventCodes.emplace(KeyEventCodes{ vkey, scanCode });
// Method Description:
// - This method acts as a counterpart to _StoreKeyEvent and extracts a stored
// key code. As a safety measure it'll ensure that the given scan code
// matches the stored scan code from the previous key event.
// - See _StoreKeyEvent for more information.
// Arguments:
// - scanCode: The scan code.
// Return Value:
// - The key code matching the given scan code. Otherwise 0.
WORD Terminal::_TakeVirtualKeyFromLastKeyEvent(const WORD scanCode) noexcept
const auto codes = _lastKeyEventCodes.value_or(KeyEventCodes{});
return codes.ScanCode == scanCode ? codes.VirtualKey : 0;
// Method Description:
// - Acquire a read lock on the terminal.
// Return Value:
// - a shared_lock which can be used to unlock the terminal. The shared_lock
// will release this lock when it's destructed.
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> Terminal::LockForReading()
return std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex>(_readWriteLock);
// Method Description:
// - Acquire a write lock on the terminal.
// Return Value:
// - a unique_lock which can be used to unlock the terminal. The unique_lock
// will release this lock when it's destructed.
[[nodiscard]] std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> Terminal::LockForWriting()
return std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex>(_readWriteLock);
Viewport Terminal::_GetMutableViewport() const noexcept
return _mutableViewport;
short Terminal::GetBufferHeight() const noexcept
return _mutableViewport.BottomExclusive();
// ViewStartIndex is also the length of the scrollback
int Terminal::ViewStartIndex() const noexcept
return _mutableViewport.Top();
int Terminal::ViewEndIndex() const noexcept
return _mutableViewport.BottomInclusive();
// _VisibleStartIndex is the first visible line of the buffer
int Terminal::_VisibleStartIndex() const noexcept
return std::max(0, ViewStartIndex() - _scrollOffset);
int Terminal::_VisibleEndIndex() const noexcept
return std::max(0, ViewEndIndex() - _scrollOffset);
Viewport Terminal::_GetVisibleViewport() const noexcept
const COORD origin{ 0, gsl::narrow<short>(_VisibleStartIndex()) };
return Viewport::FromDimensions(origin,
// Writes a string of text to the buffer, then moves the cursor (and viewport)
// in accordance with the written text.
// This method is our proverbial `WriteCharsLegacy`, and great care should be made to
// keep it minimal and orderly, lest it become WriteCharsLegacy2ElectricBoogaloo
// TODO: MSFT 21006766
// This needs to become stream logic on the buffer itself sooner rather than later
// because it's otherwise impossible to avoid the Electric Boogaloo-ness here.
// I had to make a bunch of hacks to get Japanese and emoji to work-ish.
void Terminal::_WriteBuffer(const std::wstring_view& stringView)
auto& cursor = _buffer->GetCursor();
// Defer the cursor drawing while we are iterating the string, for a better performance.
// We can not waste time displaying a cursor event when we know more text is coming right behind it.
for (size_t i = 0; i < stringView.size(); i++)
const auto wch = stringView.at(i);
const COORD cursorPosBefore = cursor.GetPosition();
COORD proposedCursorPosition = cursorPosBefore;
// TODO: MSFT 21006766
// This is not great but I need it demoable. Fix by making a buffer stream writer.
// If wch is a surrogate character we need to read 2 code units
// from the stringView to form a single code point.
const auto isSurrogate = wch >= 0xD800 && wch <= 0xDFFF;
const auto view = stringView.substr(i, isSurrogate ? 2 : 1);
const OutputCellIterator it{ view, _buffer->GetCurrentAttributes() };
const auto end = _buffer->Write(it);
const auto cellDistance = end.GetCellDistance(it);
const auto inputDistance = end.GetInputDistance(it);
if (inputDistance > 0)
// If "wch" was a surrogate character, we just consumed 2 code units above.
// -> Increment "i" by 1 in that case and thus by 2 in total in this iteration.
proposedCursorPosition.X += gsl::narrow<SHORT>(cellDistance);
i += inputDistance - 1;
// If _WriteBuffer() is called with a consecutive string longer than the viewport/buffer width
// the call to _buffer->Write() will refuse to write anything on the current line.
// GetInputDistance() thus returns 0, which would in turn cause i to be
// decremented by 1 below and force the outer loop to loop forever.
// This if() basically behaves as if "\r\n" had been encountered above and retries the write.
// With well behaving shells during normal operation this safeguard should normally not be encountered.
proposedCursorPosition.X = 0;
// Try the character again.
// If we write the last cell of the row here, TextBuffer::Write will
// mark this line as wrapped for us. If the next character we
// process is a newline, the Terminal::CursorLineFeed will unmark
// this line as wrapped.
// TODO: GH#780 - This should really be a _deferred_ newline. If
// the next character to come in is a newline or a cursor
// movement or anything, then we should _not_ wrap this line
// here.
void Terminal::_AdjustCursorPosition(const COORD proposedPosition)
#pragma warning(suppress : 26496) // cpp core checks wants this const but it's modified below.
auto proposedCursorPosition = proposedPosition;
auto& cursor = _buffer->GetCursor();
const Viewport bufferSize = _buffer->GetSize();
// If we're about to scroll past the bottom of the buffer, instead cycle the
// buffer.
SHORT rowsPushedOffTopOfBuffer = 0;
const auto newRows = std::max(0, proposedCursorPosition.Y - bufferSize.Height() + 1);
if (proposedCursorPosition.Y >= bufferSize.Height())
for (auto dy = 0; dy < newRows; dy++)
// manually erase our pattern intervals since the locations have changed now
_patternIntervalTree = {};
// Update Cursor Position
// Move the viewport down if the cursor moved below the viewport.
bool updatedViewport = false;
const auto scrollAmount = std::max(0, proposedCursorPosition.Y - _mutableViewport.BottomInclusive());
if (scrollAmount > 0)
const auto newViewTop = std::max(0, proposedCursorPosition.Y - (_mutableViewport.Height() - 1));
if (newViewTop != _mutableViewport.Top())
_mutableViewport = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, gsl::narrow<short>(newViewTop) },
updatedViewport = true;
// If the viewport moved, or we circled the buffer, we might need to update
// our _scrollOffset
if (updatedViewport || newRows != 0)
const auto oldScrollOffset = _scrollOffset;
// scroll if...
// - no selection is active
// - viewport is already at the bottom
const bool scrollToOutput = !IsSelectionActive() && _scrollOffset == 0;
_scrollOffset = scrollToOutput ? 0 : _scrollOffset + scrollAmount + newRows;
// Clamp the range to make sure that we don't scroll way off the top of the buffer
_scrollOffset = std::clamp(_scrollOffset,
_buffer->GetSize().Height() - _mutableViewport.Height());
// If the new scroll offset is different, then we'll still want to raise a scroll event
updatedViewport = updatedViewport || (oldScrollOffset != _scrollOffset);
// If the viewport moved, then send a scrolling notification.
if (updatedViewport)
if (rowsPushedOffTopOfBuffer != 0)
// We have to report the delta here because we might have circled the text buffer.
// That didn't change the viewport and therefore the TriggerScroll(void)
// method can't detect the delta on its own.
COORD delta{ 0, -rowsPushedOffTopOfBuffer };
void Terminal::UserScrollViewport(const int viewTop)
// we're going to modify state here that the renderer could be reading.
auto lock = LockForWriting();
const auto clampedNewTop = std::max(0, viewTop);
const auto realTop = ViewStartIndex();
const auto newDelta = realTop - clampedNewTop;
// if viewTop > realTop, we want the offset to be 0.
_scrollOffset = std::max(0, newDelta);
// We can use the void variant of TriggerScroll here because
// we adjusted the viewport so it can detect the difference
// from the previous frame drawn.
int Terminal::GetScrollOffset() noexcept
return _VisibleStartIndex();
void Terminal::_NotifyScrollEvent() noexcept
if (_pfnScrollPositionChanged)
const auto visible = _GetVisibleViewport();
const auto top = visible.Top();
const auto height = visible.Height();
const auto bottom = this->GetBufferHeight();
_pfnScrollPositionChanged(top, height, bottom);
void Terminal::_NotifyTerminalCursorPositionChanged() noexcept
if (_pfnCursorPositionChanged)
void Terminal::SetWriteInputCallback(std::function<void(std::wstring&)> pfn) noexcept
void Terminal::SetWarningBellCallback(std::function<void()> pfn) noexcept
void Terminal::SetTitleChangedCallback(std::function<void(const std::wstring_view&)> pfn) noexcept
void Terminal::SetTabColorChangedCallback(std::function<void(const std::optional<til::color>)> pfn) noexcept
void Terminal::SetCopyToClipboardCallback(std::function<void(const std::wstring_view&)> pfn) noexcept
void Terminal::SetScrollPositionChangedCallback(std::function<void(const int, const int, const int)> pfn) noexcept
void Terminal::SetCursorPositionChangedCallback(std::function<void()> pfn) noexcept
// Method Description:
// - Allows setting a callback for when the background color is changed
// Arguments:
// - pfn: a function callback that takes a uint32 (DWORD COLORREF) color in the format 0x00BBGGRR
void Terminal::SetBackgroundCallback(std::function<void(const COLORREF)> pfn) noexcept
// Method Description:
// - Allows settings a callback for settings the taskbar progress indicator
// Arguments:
// - pfn: a function callback that takes 2 size_t parameters, one indicating the progress state
// and the other indicating the progress value
void Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal::TaskbarProgressChangedCallback(std::function<void()> pfn) noexcept
void Terminal::_InitializeColorTable()
const gsl::span<COLORREF> tableView = { _colorTable.data(), _colorTable.size() };
// First set up the basic 256 colors
// Then use fill the first 16 values with the Campbell scheme
// Then make sure all the values have an alpha of 255
Utils::SetColorTableAlpha(tableView, 0xff);
// Method Description:
// - Sets the cursor to be currently on. On/Off is tracked independently of
// cursor visibility (hidden/visible). On/off is controlled by the cursor
// blinker. Visibility is usually controlled by the client application. If the
// cursor is hidden, then the cursor will remain hidden. If the cursor is
// Visible, then it will immediately become visible.
// Arguments:
// - isVisible: whether the cursor should be visible
void Terminal::SetCursorOn(const bool isOn)
auto lock = LockForWriting();
bool Terminal::IsCursorBlinkingAllowed() const noexcept
const auto& cursor = _buffer->GetCursor();
return cursor.IsBlinkingAllowed();
// Method Description:
// - Update our internal knowledge about where regex patterns are on the screen
// - This is called by TerminalControl (through a throttled function) when the visible
// region changes (for example by text entering the buffer or scrolling)
void Terminal::UpdatePatterns() noexcept
auto lock = LockForWriting();
auto oldTree = _patternIntervalTree;
_patternIntervalTree = _buffer->GetPatterns(_VisibleStartIndex(), _VisibleEndIndex());
// Method Description:
// - Clears and invalidates the interval pattern tree
// - This is called to prevent the renderer from rendering patterns while the
// visible region is changing
void Terminal::ClearPatternTree() noexcept
auto oldTree = _patternIntervalTree;
_patternIntervalTree = {};
// Method Description:
// - Returns the tab color
// If the starting color exits, it's value is preferred
const std::optional<til::color> Terminal::GetTabColor() const noexcept
return _startingTabColor.has_value() ? _startingTabColor : _tabColor;
BlinkingState& Terminal::GetBlinkingState() const noexcept
return _blinkingState;
// Method Description:
// - Gets the internal taskbar state value
// Return Value:
// - The taskbar state
const size_t Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal::GetTaskbarState() const noexcept
return _taskbarState;
// Method Description:
// - Gets the internal taskbar progress value
// Return Value:
// - The taskbar progress
const size_t Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal::GetTaskbarProgress() const noexcept
return _taskbarProgress;