greg904 58f5d7c72e
Update _TerminalCursorPositionChanged to use ThrottledFunc (#6492)
* Update _TerminalCursorPositionChanged to use ThrottledFunc.
* Rename previous ThrottledFunc to ThrottledArgFunc because now
  ThrottledFunc is for functions that do not take an argument.
* Update ThrottledFunc and ThrottledArgFunc to accept a CoreDispatcher
  on which the function should be called for convenience.
* Don't use coroutines/winrt::fire_and_forget in
  ThrottledFunc/ThrottledArgFunc because they are too slow (see PR).

_AdjustCursorPosition went from 17% of samples to 3% in performance
2020-06-23 14:05:40 -07:00

143 lines
4.8 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- ThrottledFunc.h
#pragma once
#include "pch.h"
// Class Description:
// - Represents a function that takes arguments and whose invocation is
// delayed by a specified duration and rate-limited such that if the code
// tries to run the function while a call to the function is already
// pending, then the previous call with the previous arguments will be
// cancelled and the call will be made with the new arguments instead.
// - The function will be run on the the specified dispatcher.
template<typename... Args>
class ThrottledFunc : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ThrottledFunc<Args...>>
using Func = std::function<void(Args...)>;
ThrottledFunc(Func func, winrt::Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan delay, winrt::Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcher dispatcher) :
_func{ func },
_delay{ delay },
_dispatcher{ dispatcher }
// Method Description:
// - Runs the function later with the specified arguments, except if `Run`
// is called again before with new arguments, in which case the new
// arguments will be used instead.
// - For more information, read the class' documentation.
// - This method is always thread-safe. It can be called multiple times on
// different threads.
// Arguments:
// - arg: the argument to pass to the function
// Return Value:
// - <none>
template<typename... MakeArgs>
void Run(MakeArgs&&... args)
std::lock_guard guard{ _lock };
bool hadValue = _pendingRunArgs.has_value();
if (hadValue)
// already pending
_dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Low, [weakThis = this->weak_from_this()]() {
if (auto self{ weakThis.lock() })
DispatcherTimer timer;
timer.Tick([=](auto&&...) {
if (auto self{ weakThis.lock() })
std::optional<std::tuple<Args...>> args;
std::lock_guard guard{ self->_lock };
std::apply(self->_func, args.value());
// Method Description:
// - Modifies the pending arguments for the next function invocation, if
// there is one pending currently.
// - Let's say that you just called the `Run` method with some arguments.
// After the delay specified in the constructor, the function specified
// in the constructor will be called with these arguments.
// - By using this method, you can modify the arguments before the function
// is called.
// - You pass a function to this method which will take references to
// the arguments (one argument corresponds to one reference to an
// argument) and will modify them.
// - When there is no pending invocation of the function, this method will
// not do anything.
// - This method is always thread-safe. It can be called multiple times on
// different threads.
// Arguments:
// - f: the function to call with references to the arguments
// Return Value:
// - <none>
template<typename F>
void ModifyPending(F f)
std::lock_guard guard{ _lock };
if (_pendingRunArgs.has_value())
std::apply(f, _pendingRunArgs.value());
Func _func;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan _delay;
winrt::Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcher _dispatcher;
std::optional<std::tuple<Args...>> _pendingRunArgs;
std::mutex _lock;
// Class Description:
// - Represents a function whose invocation is delayed by a specified duration
// and rate-limited such that if the code tries to run the function while a
// call to the function is already pending, the request will be ignored.
// - The function will be run on the the specified dispatcher.
class ThrottledFunc<> : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ThrottledFunc<>>
using Func = std::function<void()>;
ThrottledFunc(Func func, winrt::Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan delay, winrt::Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcher dispatcher);
void Run();
Func _func;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::TimeSpan _delay;
winrt::Windows::UI::Core::CoreDispatcher _dispatcher;
std::atomic_flag _isRunPending;