Dustin Howett 5bdb5e6caa Break a huge amount of the console
Writing CHAR_INFO doesn't work
RowImage is half-baked
Row.hpp contains eight reimplementations of the same slgotihm
move shit around
RowImage.split is fucking madness
look for TODO(DH) everywhere

however, termbench performance doubles for non-colored text.
2021-07-30 12:41:30 -05:00

538 lines
24 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- Row.hpp
- data structure for information associated with one row of screen buffer
- Michael Niksa (miniksa) 10-Apr-2014
- Paul Campbell (paulcam) 10-Apr-2014
Revision History:
- From components of output.h/.c
by Therese Stowell (ThereseS) 1990-1991
- Pulled into its own file from textBuffer.hpp/cpp (AustDi, 2017)
#pragma once
#include "AttrRow.hpp"
#include "LineRendition.hpp"
#include "OutputCell.hpp"
#include "unicode.hpp"
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4267)
class TextBuffer;
using RowMeasurementBuffer = til::small_rle<uint8_t, uint16_t, 3>;
struct DamageRanges
size_t dataOffset;
size_t dataLength;
uint16_t firstColumn;
uint16_t lastColumnExclusive;
template<typename TRuns>
static DamageRanges DamageRangesForColumnInMeasurementBuffer(const TRuns& cwid, size_t col)
size_t currentCol{ 0 };
size_t currentWchar{ 0 };
auto it{ cwid.runs().cbegin() };
while (it != cwid.runs().cend())
// Each compressed pair tells us how many columns x N wchar_t
const auto colsCoveredByRun{ it->value * it->length };
if (currentCol + colsCoveredByRun > col)
// We want to break out of the loop to manually handle this run, because
// we've determined that it is the run that covers the column of interest.
currentCol += colsCoveredByRun;
currentWchar += it->length;
if (it == cwid.runs().cend())
// this is an interesting case- somebody requested a column we cannot answer for.
// The string might actually have data, and the caller might be interested in where that data is.
// Ideally, we would return the index of the first char out-of-bounds, and the length of the remaining data as a single unit.
// We can't answer for how much space it takes up, though.
return { 0, 0, 0u, 0u };
//return { currentWchar, _data.size() - currentWchar, 0u, 0u };
// currentWchar is how many wchar_t we are into the string before processing this run
// currentCol is how many columns we've covered before processing this run
// We are *guaranteed* that the hit is in this run -- no need to check it->length
// col-currentCol is how many columns are left unaccounted for (how far into this run we need to go)
const auto colsLeftToCountInCurrentRun{ col - currentCol };
currentWchar += colsLeftToCountInCurrentRun / it->value; // one wch per column unit -- rounds down (correct behavior)
size_t lenInWchars{ 1 }; // the first hit takes up one wchar
// We use this to determine if we have exhausted every column this run can cough up.
// colsLeftToCountInCurrentRun is 0-indexed, but colsConsumedByRun is 1-indexed (index 0 consumes N columns, etc.)
// therefore, we reindex colsLeftToCountInCurrentRun and compare it to colsConsumedByRun
const auto colsConsumedFromRun{ colsLeftToCountInCurrentRun + it->value };
const auto colsCoveredByRun{ it->value * it->length };
// If we *have* consumed every column this run can provide, we must check the run after it:
// if it contributes "0" columns, it is actually a set of trailing code units.
if (colsConsumedFromRun >= colsCoveredByRun && it != cwid.runs().cend())
const auto nextRunIt{ it + 1 };
if (nextRunIt != cwid.runs().cend() && nextRunIt->value == 0)
// we were at the boundary of a column run, so if the next one is 0 it tells us that each
// wchar after it is a trailer
lenInWchars += nextRunIt->length;
return {
currentWchar, // wchar start
lenInWchars, // wchar size
gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(col - (colsLeftToCountInCurrentRun % it->value)), // Column damage to the left (where we overlapped the right of a wide glyph)
gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(col - (colsLeftToCountInCurrentRun % it->value) + it->value), // Column damage to the right (where we overlapped the left of a wide glyph)
class ROW;
struct RowImage
std::wstring _data;
RowMeasurementBuffer _cwid;
ATTR_ROW _attrRow;
uint16_t _width;
friend class ROW;
friend class TextBuffer;
RowImage() :
_data{}, _cwid{}, _attrRow{ {} }, _width{ 0 } {}
RowImage(const std::wstring& data, const RowMeasurementBuffer& cwid, ATTR_ROW attrRow, uint16_t width):
_data{data}, _cwid{cwid}, _attrRow{std::move(attrRow)}, _width{width} {}
// exclusive
std::tuple<RowImage, RowImage> split(uint16_t col) const
if (col >= _width)
return { *this, RowImage{} };
else if (col == 0)
return { RowImage{}, *this };
auto yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges = DamageRangesForColumnInMeasurementBuffer(_cwid, col);
// here's a dumb decision: when you split along a wide char, you get spaces over its damage on the left side.
// X X XX X X X
// ^ split
// X X S <- left
// XX X X X <- right
auto chopped_off = col == yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.lastColumnExclusive ? 0 : /*didn't get whole thing*/ yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.lastColumnExclusive - col;
auto chopped_on = col == yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.lastColumnExclusive ? yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.dataLength : 0;
auto lwid = _cwid.slice(0, yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.dataOffset + chopped_on);
for (auto z{ chopped_off }; z > 0; --z)
RowImage left{
_data.substr(0, yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.dataOffset + chopped_on) + std::wstring(chopped_off, UNICODE_SPACE),
_attrRow._data.slice(0, yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.lastColumnExclusive),
RowImage right{
_data.substr(yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.dataOffset + chopped_on),
_cwid.slice(yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.dataOffset + chopped_on, _data.length()),
// we use first col here to catch the overlap
_attrRow._data.slice(yes_more_fucking_damage_ranges.firstColumn, _width),
::base::ClampSub(_width, col),
return { left, right };
enum class DelimiterClass
class ROW final
ROW(const SHORT rowId, const unsigned short rowWidth, const TextAttribute fillAttribute, TextBuffer* const pParent);
size_t size() const noexcept { return _data._width; }
void SetWrapForced(const bool wrap) noexcept { _wrapForced = wrap; }
bool WasWrapForced() const noexcept { return _wrapForced; }
void SetDoubleBytePadded(const bool doubleBytePadded) noexcept { _doubleBytePadded = doubleBytePadded; }
bool WasDoubleBytePadded() const noexcept { return _doubleBytePadded; }
const ATTR_ROW& GetAttrRow() const noexcept { return _data._attrRow; }
ATTR_ROW& GetAttrRow() noexcept { return _data._attrRow; }
LineRendition GetLineRendition() const noexcept { return _lineRendition; }
void SetLineRendition(const LineRendition lineRendition) noexcept { _lineRendition = lineRendition; }
bool Reset(const TextAttribute Attr);
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT Resize(const unsigned short width);
void ClearColumn(const size_t column);
std::wstring GetText() const { return _data._data; }
friend constexpr bool operator==(const ROW& a, const ROW& b) noexcept;
friend class RowTests;
struct RowData
std::wstring _data;
RowMeasurementBuffer _cwid;
ATTR_ROW _attrRow;
unsigned short _width;
DamageRanges _damageForColumn(size_t col) const
return DamageRangesForColumnInMeasurementBuffer(_cwid, col);
DamageRanges _damageForColumns(size_t col, size_t ncols) const
// When we want to replace a column, or set of columns, with a glyph, we need to:
// * Figure out the physical extent of the character in that cell (UTF-16 code units).
// * Figure out the columnar extent of the character in that cell (how many columns it covers).
// * In the simple case (1->1, 2->2), there will be no damage.
// * In the complex case (2->1, 1->2, 2->2 with middle overlap), there *WILL* be damage.
// * Replace the physical character data in that cell with the new character data.
// * Insert padding characters to the left and right to account for damage.
// ## DAMAGE
// Damage is measured in the number of columns to the left
// and right of the new glyph that are now NO LONGER VALID because
// they were double-width characters that are being cut in half,
// or single-width characters that are collateral damage from stomping
// them with a double-width character.
auto damage{ _damageForColumn(col) };
const auto lastDamage{ _damageForColumn(col + ncols - 1 /*inclusive*/) };
// *INVARIANT* the beginning of the next column range must have a different beginning byte
// This column began at a different data index, so we have to delete its data too.
// Since it's contiguous, just increment len.
damage.dataLength = lastDamage.dataOffset + lastDamage.dataLength - damage.dataOffset;
damage.lastColumnExclusive = lastDamage.lastColumnExclusive;
return damage;
void _strikeDamageAndAdjust(size_t col, size_t ncols, size_t incomingCodeUnitCount, DamageRanges& range)
const bool damaged{ range.firstColumn < col || col + ncols < range.lastColumnExclusive };
if (damaged)
const auto damagedColumns{ range.lastColumnExclusive - range.firstColumn };
_data.replace(range.dataOffset, range.dataLength, damagedColumns, UNICODE_SPACE);
_cwid.replace(range.dataOffset, range.dataOffset + range.dataLength, { uint8_t{ 1 }, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(damagedColumns) });
// We may have replaced surrogate pairs/etc with fewer/more code units.
range.dataLength = damagedColumns;
RowData _data;
LineRendition _lineRendition;
// Occurs when the user runs out of text in a given row and we're forced to wrap the cursor to the next line
bool _wrapForced;
// Occurs when the user runs out of text to support a double byte character and we're forced to the next line
bool _doubleBytePadded;
std::wstring_view GlyphAt(size_t col) const
const auto lookup{ _data._damageForColumn(col) };
return { _data._data.data() + lookup.dataOffset, lookup.dataLength };
std::pair<size_t, size_t> WriteGlyphAtMeasured(size_t col, size_t ncols, std::wstring_view glyph)
const auto [begin, len, minDamageColumn, maxDamageColumnExclusive]{ _data._damageForColumns(col, ncols) };
if (minDamageColumn == col && maxDamageColumnExclusive == col + ncols)
// We are only damaging as many columns as we are introducing -- no spillover (!)
// We can replace the code units in the data directly, and we can replace the
// column counts with [col, 0, 0...] (with as many zeroes as we need to account
// for any code units past the first.)
_data._data.replace(begin, len, glyph);
typename decltype(_data._cwid)::rle_type newRuns[]{
{ gsl::narrow_cast<uint8_t>(ncols), 1 },
{ 0, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(glyph.size() - 1) },
_data._cwid.replace(gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin), gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin + len), gsl::make_span(&newRuns[0], glyph.size() == 1 ? 1 : 2));
// We are damaging multiple columns -- oops. We need to insert replacement characters
// to get us from the leftmost side of the damaged glyph up to the leftmost side of
// our newly-inserted region. We also need to insert replacement characters from the
// rightmost side of our glyph to the rightmost side of the glyph that was once in
// that column.
// Left side count : col - minDamageColumn
// Right side count: maxDamageColumn - (col + ncols)
const auto replacementCodeUnits{ (col - minDamageColumn) + glyph.size() + (maxDamageColumnExclusive - (col + ncols)) };
std::wstring replacement(replacementCodeUnits, UNICODE_SPACE);
replacement.replace(col - minDamageColumn, glyph.size(), glyph);
// New advances:
// Our glyph and all its trailers
// v-----v
// [1, ..., 1, X, 0, 0, 1, ..., 1]
// ^-------^ ^-------^
// Each replacement space char
// is one column wide. We have
// to insert [1]s for each
// damaged column.
boost::container::small_vector<typename decltype(_data._cwid)::rle_type, 4> newRuns;
if (col - minDamageColumn)
newRuns.emplace_back((uint8_t)1, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(col - minDamageColumn));
newRuns.emplace_back(gsl::narrow_cast<uint8_t>(ncols), (uint16_t)1);
if (glyph.size() > 1)
newRuns.emplace_back((uint8_t)0, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(glyph.size() - 1)); // trailers
if (maxDamageColumnExclusive - (col + ncols))
newRuns.emplace_back((uint8_t)1, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(maxDamageColumnExclusive - (col + ncols)));
_data._data.replace(begin, len, replacement);
_data._cwid.replace(gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin), gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin + len), gsl::make_span(newRuns));
// Distance from requested column to final
_maxc = std::max(_maxc, maxDamageColumnExclusive);
return { begin + glyph.size(), col + ncols };
DbcsAttribute DbcsAttrAt(size_t col) const
const auto [begin, len, first, lastE] = _data._damageForColumn(col);
if (lastE - first == 1)
// The glyph under this column is only onw column wide.
return DbcsAttribute{ DbcsAttribute::Attribute::Single };
else if (first != col)
// The glyph under this column is >1 col wide, and we're bisecting it
return DbcsAttribute{ DbcsAttribute::Attribute::Trailing };
// The glyph under this column is >1 col wide, and we're at the head
return DbcsAttribute{ DbcsAttribute::Attribute::Leading };
std::tuple<size_t, uint16_t, uint16_t> WriteStringAtMeasured(uint16_t col, uint16_t colCount, const std::wstring_view& string, const RowMeasurementBuffer& measurements)
size_t incomingLastColumn{ std::min<size_t>(_data._width - col, colCount) };
auto incomingLastColumnOffsets{ DamageRangesForColumnInMeasurementBuffer(measurements, incomingLastColumn - 1 /*inclusive*/) };
auto codeUnitsToConsume{ incomingLastColumnOffsets.dataOffset };
auto columnsToConsume{ incomingLastColumn };
const auto [begin, len, minDamageColumn, maxDamageColumnExclusive]{ _data._damageForColumns(col, incomingLastColumn) };
// If these don't match, we are cutting a multi-cell glyph.
if (incomingLastColumnOffsets.lastColumnExclusive == incomingLastColumn)
// Since they *do* match, we should consume this part of the string too.
codeUnitsToConsume += incomingLastColumnOffsets.dataLength;
// Only consume up to the final cell (the one we cut in half)
columnsToConsume = incomingLastColumnOffsets.firstColumn;
// **INVARIANT** we only get here if we had to cut off the incoming text, and that only
// happens because we had to clamp the read buffer against our width. This means that the
// incoming text definitely had a wide glyph that would not fit against the end of our
// buffer.
// THEREFORE: col+incomingLastColumn was our final column (exclusive)
// which means that maxDamageColumnExclusive can be upgraded to be our width.
// OPTIMIZATION: If we mark our last column as damaged, it will automatically get stomped
// with spaces.
// We can't do this without changing the damaged buffer region to delete the character
// from _data at the same time. Use the non-optimial path.
ClearColumn(_data._width - 1);
// NO - we already marked this column when we calculated damage above
auto mss = measurements.slice(0, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(codeUnitsToConsume));
if (minDamageColumn == col && maxDamageColumnExclusive == col + incomingLastColumn)
// We are only damaging as many columns as we are introducing -- no spillover (!)
// We can replace the code units in the data directly, and we can replace the
// column counts with [col, 0, 0...] (with as many zeroes as we need to account
// for any code units past the first.)
_data._data.replace(begin, len, &*string.cbegin(), codeUnitsToConsume);
_data._cwid.replace(gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin), gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin + len), mss.runs());
// We are damaging multiple columns -- oops. We need to insert replacement characters
// to get us from the leftmost side of the damaged glyph up to the leftmost side of
// our newly-inserted region. We also need to insert replacement characters from the
// rightmost side of our glyph to the rightmost side of the glyph that was once in
// that column.
// Left side count : col - minDamageColumn
// Right side count: maxDamageColumn - (col + ncols)
const auto replacementCodeUnits{ (col - minDamageColumn) + codeUnitsToConsume + (maxDamageColumnExclusive - (col + incomingLastColumn)) };
std::wstring replacement(replacementCodeUnits, UNICODE_SPACE);
replacement.replace(col - minDamageColumn, codeUnitsToConsume, &*string.cbegin(), codeUnitsToConsume);
// New advances:
// Our glyph and all its trailers
// v-----v
// [1, ..., 1, X, 0, 0, 1, ..., 1]
// ^-------^ ^-------^
// Each replacement space char
// is one column wide. We have
// to insert [1]s for each
// damaged column.
mss.replace(0, 0, { uint8_t{ 1 }, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(col - minDamageColumn) });
mss.replace(mss.size(), mss.size(), { uint8_t{ 1 }, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(maxDamageColumnExclusive - (col + incomingLastColumn)) });
_data._data.replace(begin, len, replacement);
_data._cwid.replace(gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin), gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(begin + len), mss.runs()); //gsl::make_span(newRuns));
return {
gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(maxDamageColumnExclusive - col),
size_t Fill(size_t col, size_t count, wchar_t ch, uint8_t w)
const auto charsFitOrRemain = std::min((_data._width - col) / w, count);
const auto columnsRequired{ charsFitOrRemain * w };
auto damage = _data._damageForColumns(col, columnsRequired);
// If we are filling over the left/right halves of a character
// This is a bit wasteful since it can grow/shrink the buffers and we're about
// to do it again, but I was trying to be expedient.
_data._strikeDamageAndAdjust(col, columnsRequired, charsFitOrRemain, damage);
const auto [begin, len, min, max] = damage;
_data._data.replace(begin, len, charsFitOrRemain, ch);
_data._cwid.replace(begin, begin + len, { w, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(charsFitOrRemain) });
const auto doubleBytePadded{
w > 1 // We had a wide glyph...
&& max != _data._width // ...and didn't reach the edge
&& count > charsFitOrRemain // ...but we had spare characters, so we wanted to
if (doubleBytePadded)
const uint16_t remaining{ gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(_data._width - max) };
// overflow: add spaces
_data._data.replace(begin + charsFitOrRemain, _data._data.size() - begin + charsFitOrRemain, remaining, UNICODE_SPACE);
_data._cwid.replace(begin + charsFitOrRemain, _data._cwid.size(), { uint8_t{ 1u }, gsl::narrow_cast<uint16_t>(remaining) });
if (max == _data._width || doubleBytePadded)
// TODO(DH): Evaluate the above condition
// We only want to do this if we touched or near-touched the lat col
return charsFitOrRemain;
// Method Description:
// - get delimiter class for a position in the char row
// - used for double click selection and uia word navigation
// Arguments:
// - column: column to get text data for
// - wordDelimiters: the delimiters defined as a part of the DelimiterClass::DelimiterChar
// Return Value:
// - the delimiter class for the given char
const DelimiterClass DelimiterClassAt(const size_t column, const std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) const
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, column >= _data._width);
const auto glyph = *GlyphAt(column).begin();
if (glyph <= UNICODE_SPACE)
return DelimiterClass::ControlChar;
else if (wordDelimiters.find(glyph) != std::wstring_view::npos)
return DelimiterClass::DelimiterChar;
return DelimiterClass::RegularChar;
RowImage Dump(uint16_t left, uint16_t size)
auto [begin, len, min, max] = _data._damageForColumns(left, size);
return RowImage{
_data._data.substr(begin, len),
_data._cwid.slice(begin, begin + len),
ATTR_ROW{ _data._attrRow._data.slice(min, max) },
::base::MakeClampedNum(max) - min
void Reinsert(uint16_t left, const RowImage& ri)
auto damage{ _data._damageForColumns(left, ri._width) };
_data._strikeDamageAndAdjust(left, ri._width, ri._data.size(), damage);
_data._data.replace(damage.dataOffset, damage.dataLength, ri._data);
_data._cwid.replace(damage.dataOffset, damage.dataOffset + damage.dataLength, ri._cwid.runs());
_data._attrRow._data.replace(damage.firstColumn, damage.lastColumnExclusive, ri._attrRow._data.runs());
uint16_t _maxc{};
size_t MeasureRight() const
return _maxc;
constexpr bool operator==(const ROW& a, const ROW& b) noexcept
// comparison is only used in the tests; this should suffice.
return (a._data == b._data &&
a._cwid == b._cwid &&
a._attrRow == b._attrRow &&
a._rowWidth == b._rowWidth &&
a._wrapForced == b._wrapForced &&
a._doubleBytePadded == b._doubleBytePadded);
#pragma warning(pop)