Mike Griese 5d17557edf Add a warning when a profile has an unknown color scheme (#3033)
Add a warning when the user sets their colorScheme to a scheme that doesn't exist. When that occurs, we'll set their color table to the campbell scheme, to prevent it from being just entirely black.

This commit also switches scheme storage to a map keyed on name.

Closes #2547
2019-10-14 22:02:52 -07:00

635 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "App.h"
#include <winrt/Microsoft.UI.Xaml.XamlTypeInfo.h>
#include "App.g.cpp"
using namespace winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::DataTransfer;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace winrt::Windows::System;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
using namespace ::TerminalApp;
namespace winrt
namespace MUX = Microsoft::UI::Xaml;
using IInspectable = Windows::Foundation::IInspectable;
// clang-format off
// !!! IMPORTANT !!!
// Make sure that these keys are in the same order as the
// SettingsLoadWarnings/Errors enum is!
static const std::array<std::wstring_view, 3> settingsLoadWarningsLabels {
static const std::array<std::wstring_view, 2> settingsLoadErrorsLabels {
// clang-format on
// Function Description:
// - General-purpose helper for looking up a localized string for a
// warning/error. First will look for the given key in the provided map of
// keys->strings, where the values in the map are ResourceKeys. If it finds
// one, it will lookup the localized string from that ResourceKey.
// - If it does not find a key, it'll return an empty string
// Arguments:
// - key: the value to use to look for a resource key in the given map
// - map: A map of keys->Resource keys.
// - loader: the ScopedResourceLoader to use to look up the localized string.
// Return Value:
// - the localized string for the given type, if it exists.
template<std::size_t N>
static winrt::hstring _GetMessageText(uint32_t index, std::array<std::wstring_view, N> keys, ScopedResourceLoader& loader)
if (index < keys.size())
return loader.GetLocalizedString(keys.at(index));
return {};
// Function Description:
// - Gets the text from our ResourceDictionary for the given
// SettingsLoadWarning. If there is no such text, we'll return nullptr.
// - The warning should have an entry in settingsLoadWarningsLabels.
// Arguments:
// - warning: the SettingsLoadWarnings value to get the localized text for.
// - loader: the ScopedResourceLoader to use to look up the localized string.
// Return Value:
// - localized text for the given warning
static winrt::hstring _GetWarningText(::TerminalApp::SettingsLoadWarnings warning, ScopedResourceLoader& loader)
return _GetMessageText(static_cast<uint32_t>(warning), settingsLoadWarningsLabels, loader);
// Function Description:
// - Gets the text from our ResourceDictionary for the given
// SettingsLoadError. If there is no such text, we'll return nullptr.
// - The warning should have an entry in settingsLoadErrorsLabels.
// Arguments:
// - error: the SettingsLoadErrors value to get the localized text for.
// - loader: the ScopedResourceLoader to use to look up the localized string.
// Return Value:
// - localized text for the given error
static winrt::hstring _GetErrorText(::TerminalApp::SettingsLoadErrors error, ScopedResourceLoader& loader)
return _GetMessageText(static_cast<uint32_t>(error), settingsLoadErrorsLabels, loader);
// Function Description:
// - Creates a Run of text to display an error message. The text is yellow or
// red for dark/light theme, respectively.
// Arguments:
// - text: The text of the error message.
// - resources: The application's resource loader.
// Return Value:
// - The fully styled text run.
static Documents::Run _BuildErrorRun(const winrt::hstring& text, const ResourceDictionary& resources)
Documents::Run textRun;
// Color the text red (light theme) or yellow (dark theme) based on the system theme
winrt::IInspectable key = winrt::box_value(L"ErrorTextBrush");
if (resources.HasKey(key))
winrt::IInspectable g = resources.Lookup(key);
auto brush = g.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Brush>();
return textRun;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
App::App() :
_loadedInitialSettings{ false },
_settingsLoadedResult{ S_OK }
// For your own sanity, it's better to do setup outside the ctor.
// If you do any setup in the ctor that ends up throwing an exception,
// then it might look like App just failed to activate, which will
// cause you to chase down the rabbit hole of "why is App not
// registered?" when it definitely is.
// Initialize will become protected or be deleted when GH#1339 (workaround for MSFT:22116519) are fixed.
_resourceLoader = std::make_shared<ScopedResourceLoader>(L"TerminalApp/Resources");
// The TerminalPage has to be constructed during our construction, to
// make sure that there's a terminal page for callers of
// SetTitleBarContent
_root = winrt::make_self<TerminalPage>(_resourceLoader);
// Method Description:
// - Build the UI for the terminal app. Before this method is called, it
// should not be assumed that the TerminalApp is usable. The Settings
// should be loaded before this is called, either with LoadSettings or
// GetLaunchDimensions (which will call LoadSettings)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void App::Create()
// Assert that we've already loaded our settings. We have to do
// this as a MTA, before the app is Create()'d
_root->ShowDialog({ this, &App::_ShowDialog });
_root->SetSettings(_settings, false);
_root->Loaded({ this, &App::_OnLoaded });
TraceLoggingDescription("Event emitted when the application is started"),
TraceLoggingBool(_settings->GlobalSettings().GetShowTabsInTitlebar(), "TabsInTitlebar"),
// Method Description:
// - Show a ContentDialog with buttons to take further action. Uses the
// FrameworkElements provided as the title and content of this dialog, and
// displays buttons (or a single button). Two buttons (primary and secondary)
// will be displayed if this is an warning dialog for closing the termimal,
// this allows the users to abondon the closing action. Otherwise, a single
// close button will be displayed.
// - Only one dialog can be visible at a time. If another dialog is visible
// when this is called, nothing happens.
// Arguments:
// sender: unused
// dialog: the dialog object that is going to show up
fire_and_forget App::_ShowDialog(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& sender, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::ContentDialog dialog)
// DON'T release this lock in a wil::scope_exit. The scope_exit will get
// called when we await, which is not what we want.
std::unique_lock lock{ _dialogLock, std::try_to_lock };
if (!lock)
// Another dialog is visible.
// IMPORTANT: This is necessary as documented in the ContentDialog MSDN docs.
// Since we're hosting the dialog in a Xaml island, we need to connect it to the
// xaml tree somehow.
// IMPORTANT: Set the requested theme of the dialog, because the
// PopupRoot isn't directly in the Xaml tree of our root. So the dialog
// won't inherit our RequestedTheme automagically.
// Display the dialog.
Controls::ContentDialogResult result = co_await dialog.ShowAsync(Controls::ContentDialogPlacement::Popup);
// After the dialog is dismissed, the dialog lock (held by `lock`) will
// be released so another can be shown
// Method Description:
// - Displays a dialog for errors found while loading or validating the
// settings. Uses the resources under the provided title and content keys
// as the title and first content of the dialog, then also displays a
// message for whatever exception was found while validating the settings.
// - Only one dialog can be visible at a time. If another dialog is visible
// when this is called, nothing happens. See _ShowDialog for details
// Arguments:
// - titleKey: The key to use to lookup the title text from our resources.
// - contentKey: The key to use to lookup the content text from our resources.
void App::_ShowLoadErrorsDialog(const winrt::hstring& titleKey,
const winrt::hstring& contentKey,
HRESULT settingsLoadedResult)
auto title = _resourceLoader->GetLocalizedString(titleKey);
auto buttonText = _resourceLoader->GetLocalizedString(L"Ok");
Controls::TextBlock warningsTextBlock;
// Make sure you can copy-paste
// Make sure the lines of text wrap
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Documents::Run errorRun;
const auto errorLabel = _resourceLoader->GetLocalizedString(contentKey);
if (FAILED(settingsLoadedResult))
if (!_settingsLoadExceptionText.empty())
warningsTextBlock.Inlines().Append(_BuildErrorRun(_settingsLoadExceptionText, Resources()));
// Add a note that we're using the default settings in this case.
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Documents::Run usingDefaultsRun;
const auto usingDefaultsText = _resourceLoader->GetLocalizedString(L"UsingDefaultSettingsText");
Controls::ContentDialog dialog;
_ShowDialog(nullptr, dialog);
// Method Description:
// - Displays a dialog for warnings found while loading or validating the
// settings. Displays messages for whatever warnings were found while
// validating the settings.
// - Only one dialog can be visible at a time. If another dialog is visible
// when this is called, nothing happens. See _ShowDialog for details
void App::_ShowLoadWarningsDialog()
auto title = _resourceLoader->GetLocalizedString(L"SettingsValidateErrorTitle");
auto buttonText = _resourceLoader->GetLocalizedString(L"Ok");
Controls::TextBlock warningsTextBlock;
// Make sure you can copy-paste
// Make sure the lines of text wrap
const auto& warnings = _settings->GetWarnings();
for (const auto& warning : warnings)
// Try looking up the warning message key for each warning.
const auto warningText = _GetWarningText(warning, *_resourceLoader);
if (!warningText.empty())
warningsTextBlock.Inlines().Append(_BuildErrorRun(warningText, Resources()));
Controls::ContentDialog dialog;
_ShowDialog(nullptr, dialog);
// Method Description:
// - Triggered when the application is fiished loading. If we failed to load
// the settings, then this will display the error dialog. This is done
// here instead of when loading the settings, because we need our UI to be
// visible to display the dialog, and when we're loading the settings,
// the UI might not be visible yet.
// Arguments:
// - <unused>
void App::_OnLoaded(const IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const RoutedEventArgs& /*eventArgs*/)
if (FAILED(_settingsLoadedResult))
const winrt::hstring titleKey = L"InitialJsonParseErrorTitle";
const winrt::hstring textKey = L"InitialJsonParseErrorText";
_ShowLoadErrorsDialog(titleKey, textKey, _settingsLoadedResult);
else if (_settingsLoadedResult == S_FALSE)
// Method Description:
// - Get the size in pixels of the client area we'll need to launch this
// terminal app. This method will use the default profile's settings to do
// this calculation, as well as the _system_ dpi scaling. See also
// TermControl::GetProposedDimensions.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a point containing the requested dimensions in pixels.
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Point App::GetLaunchDimensions(uint32_t dpi)
if (!_loadedInitialSettings)
// Load settings if we haven't already
// Use the default profile to determine how big of a window we need.
TerminalSettings settings = _settings->MakeSettings(std::nullopt);
// TODO MSFT:21150597 - If the global setting "Always show tab bar" is
// set, then we'll need to add the height of the tab bar here.
return TermControl::GetProposedDimensions(settings, dpi);
bool App::GetShowTabsInTitlebar()
if (!_loadedInitialSettings)
// Load settings if we haven't already
return _settings->GlobalSettings().GetShowTabsInTitlebar();
// Method Description:
// - Attempt to load the settings. If we fail for any reason, returns an error.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we successfully parsed the settings, otherwise an appropriate HRESULT.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT App::_TryLoadSettings() noexcept
auto newSettings = CascadiaSettings::LoadAll();
_settings = std::move(newSettings);
const auto& warnings = _settings->GetWarnings();
hr = warnings.size() == 0 ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
catch (const winrt::hresult_error& e)
hr = e.code();
_settingsLoadExceptionText = e.message();
catch (const ::TerminalApp::SettingsException& ex)
_settingsLoadExceptionText = _GetErrorText(ex.Error(), *_resourceLoader);
catch (...)
hr = wil::ResultFromCaughtException();
return hr;
// Method Description:
// - Initialized our settings. See CascadiaSettings for more details.
// Additionally hooks up our callbacks for keybinding events to the
// keybindings object.
// NOTE: This must be called from a MTA if we're running as a packaged
// application. The Windows.Storage APIs require a MTA. If this isn't
// happening during startup, it'll need to happen on a background thread.
void App::LoadSettings()
auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
TraceLoggingDescription("Event emitted before loading the settings"),
// Attempt to load the settings.
// If it fails,
// - use Default settings,
// - don't persist them (LoadAll won't save them in this case).
// - _settingsLoadedResult will be set to an error, indicating that
// we should display the loading error.
// * We can't display the error now, because we might not have a
// UI yet. We'll display the error in _OnLoaded.
_settingsLoadedResult = _TryLoadSettings();
if (FAILED(_settingsLoadedResult))
_settings = CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults();
auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::duration<double> delta = end - start;
TraceLoggingDescription("Event emitted when loading the settings is finished"),
TraceLoggingFloat64(delta.count(), "Duration"),
_loadedInitialSettings = true;
// Register for directory change notification.
// Method Description:
// - Registers for changes to the settings folder and upon a updated settings
// profile calls _ReloadSettings().
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void App::_RegisterSettingsChange()
// Get the containing folder.
std::filesystem::path settingsPath{ CascadiaSettings::GetSettingsPath() };
const auto folder = settingsPath.parent_path();
[this, settingsPath](wil::FolderChangeEvent event, PCWSTR fileModified) {
// We want file modifications, AND when files are renamed to be
// profiles.json. This second case will oftentimes happen with text
// editors, who will write a temp file, then rename it to be the
// actual file you wrote. So listen for that too.
if (!(event == wil::FolderChangeEvent::Modified ||
event == wil::FolderChangeEvent::RenameNewName))
std::filesystem::path modifiedFilePath = fileModified;
// Getting basename (filename.ext)
const auto settingsBasename = settingsPath.filename();
const auto modifiedBasename = modifiedFilePath.filename();
if (settingsBasename == modifiedBasename)
// Method Description:
// - Dispatches a settings reload with debounce.
// Text editors implement Save in a bunch of different ways, so
// this stops us from reloading too many times or too quickly.
fire_and_forget App::_DispatchReloadSettings()
static constexpr auto FileActivityQuiesceTime{ std::chrono::milliseconds(50) };
if (!_settingsReloadQueued.exchange(true))
co_await winrt::resume_after(FileActivityQuiesceTime);
// Method Description:
// - Reloads the settings from the profile.json.
void App::_ReloadSettings()
// Attempt to load our settings.
// If it fails,
// - don't change the settings (and don't actually apply the new settings)
// - don't persist them.
// - display a loading error
_settingsLoadedResult = _TryLoadSettings();
if (FAILED(_settingsLoadedResult))
_root->Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [this]() {
const winrt::hstring titleKey = L"ReloadJsonParseErrorTitle";
const winrt::hstring textKey = L"ReloadJsonParseErrorText";
_ShowLoadErrorsDialog(titleKey, textKey, _settingsLoadedResult);
else if (_settingsLoadedResult == S_FALSE)
_root->Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [this]() {
// Here, we successfully reloaded the settings, and created a new
// TerminalSettings object.
// Update the settings in TerminalPage
_root->SetSettings(_settings, true);
_root->Dispatcher().RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal, [this]() {
// Refresh the UI theme
// Method Description:
// - Update the current theme of the application. This will trigger our
// RequestedThemeChanged event, to have our host change the theme of the
// root of the application.
// Arguments:
// - newTheme: The ElementTheme to apply to our elements.
void App::_ApplyTheme(const Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme& newTheme)
// Propagate the event to the host layer, so it can update its own UI
_requestedThemeChangedHandlers(*this, newTheme);
UIElement App::GetRoot() noexcept
return _root.as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Control>();
// Method Description:
// - Gets the title of the currently focused terminal control. If there
// isn't a control selected for any reason, returns "Windows Terminal"
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the title of the focused control if there is one, else "Windows Terminal"
hstring App::Title()
if (_root)
return _root->Title();
return { L"Windows Terminal" };
// Method Description:
// - Used to tell the app that the titlebar has been clicked. The App won't
// actually recieve any clicks in the titlebar area, so this is a helper
// to clue the app in that a click has happened. The App will use this as
// a indicator that it needs to dismiss any open flyouts.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void App::TitlebarClicked()
if (_root)
// Method Description:
// - Used to tell the app that the 'X' button has been clicked and
// the user wants to close the app. We kick off the close warning
// experience.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void App::WindowCloseButtonClicked()
if (_root)
// Methods that proxy typed event handlers through TerminalPage
winrt::event_token App::SetTitleBarContent(Windows::Foundation::TypedEventHandler<winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement> const& handler)
return _root->SetTitleBarContent(handler);
void App::SetTitleBarContent(winrt::event_token const& token) noexcept
return _root->SetTitleBarContent(token);
winrt::event_token App::TitleChanged(Windows::Foundation::TypedEventHandler<winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::hstring> const& handler)
return _root->TitleChanged(handler);
void App::TitleChanged(winrt::event_token const& token) noexcept
return _root->TitleChanged(token);
winrt::event_token App::LastTabClosed(Windows::Foundation::TypedEventHandler<winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable, winrt::TerminalApp::LastTabClosedEventArgs> const& handler)
return _root->LastTabClosed(handler);
void App::LastTabClosed(winrt::event_token const& token) noexcept
return _root->LastTabClosed(token);
// -------------------------------- WinRT Events ---------------------------------
// Winrt events need a method for adding a callback to the event and removing the callback.
// These macros will define them both for you.
DEFINE_EVENT_WITH_TYPED_EVENT_HANDLER(App, RequestedThemeChanged, _requestedThemeChangedHandlers, TerminalApp::App, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme);