Leonard Hecker 608a49e817
Allow generated profiles to be deleted (#11007)
Re-enables the delete button for generated profiles in the settings UI.
Additionally fixes "Startup Profiles" to only list active profiles.

Profiles are considered deleted if they're absent from settings.json, but their
GUID has been encountered before. Or in other words, from a user's perspective:
Generated profiles are added to the settings.json automatically only once.
Thus if the user chooses to delete the profile (e.g. using the delete button)
they aren't re-added automatically and thus appear to have been deleted.

Meanwhile those generated profiles are actually only marked as "hidden"
as well as "deleted", but still exist in internal profile lists.
The "hidden" attribute hides them from all existing menus. The "deleted" one
hides them from the settings UI and prevents them from being written to disk.

It would've been preferrable of course to just not generate and
add deleted profile to internal profile lists in the first place.
But this would've required far more wide-reaching changes.
The settings UI for instance requires a list of _all_ profiles in order to
allow a user to re-create previously deleted profiles. Such an approach was
attempted but discarded because of it's current complexity overhead.

## References

* Part of #9997
* A sequel to 5d36e5d

## PR Checklist

* [x] Closes #10960
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* "Startup Profiles" doesn't list deleted profiles ✔️
* Manually removing an item from settings.json removes the profile ✔️
* Removing cmd.exe and saving doesn't create empty objects (#10960) ✔️
* "Add a new profile" lists deleted profiles ✔️
* "Duplicate" recreates previously deleted profiles ✔️
* Profiles are always created with GUIDs ✔️
2021-08-23 22:00:08 +00:00

1278 lines
52 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "CascadiaSettings.h"
#include <fmt/chrono.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
// defaults.h is a file containing the default json settings in a std::string_view
#include "defaults.h"
#include "defaults-universal.h"
// userDefault.h is like the above, but with a default template for the user's settings.json.
#include "userDefaults.h"
// Both defaults.h and userDefaults.h are generated at build time into the
// "Generated Files" directory.
#include "ApplicationState.h"
#include "FileUtils.h"
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
static constexpr std::wstring_view SettingsFilename{ L"settings.json" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view LegacySettingsFilename{ L"profiles.json" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view DefaultsFilename{ L"defaults.json" };
static constexpr std::string_view SchemaKey{ "$schema" };
static constexpr std::string_view SchemaValue{ "https://aka.ms/terminal-profiles-schema" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfilesKey{ "profiles" };
static constexpr std::string_view DefaultSettingsKey{ "defaults" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfilesListKey{ "list" };
static constexpr std::string_view LegacyKeybindingsKey{ "keybindings" };
static constexpr std::string_view ActionsKey{ "actions" };
static constexpr std::string_view SchemesKey{ "schemes" };
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" };
static constexpr std::string_view UpdatesKey{ "updates" };
static constexpr std::string_view GuidKey{ "guid" };
static constexpr std::string_view DisabledProfileSourcesKey{ "disabledProfileSources" };
static constexpr std::string_view SettingsSchemaFragment{ "\n"
R"( "$schema": "https://aka.ms/terminal-profiles-schema")" };
static constexpr std::string_view jsonExtension{ ".json" };
static constexpr std::string_view FragmentsSubDirectory{ "\\Fragments" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view FragmentsPath{ L"\\Microsoft\\Windows Terminal\\Fragments" };
static constexpr std::string_view AppExtensionHostName{ "com.microsoft.windows.terminal.settings" };
// Function Description:
// - Extracting the value from an async task (like talking to the app catalog) when we are on the
// UI thread causes C++/WinRT to complain quite loudly (and halt execution!)
// This templated function extracts the result from a task with chicanery.
template<typename TTask>
static auto _extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait(TTask&& task) -> decltype(task.get())
using TVal = decltype(task.get());
std::optional<TVal> finalVal{};
std::condition_variable cv;
std::mutex mtx;
auto waitOnBackground = [&]() -> winrt::fire_and_forget {
co_await winrt::resume_background();
auto v{ co_await task };
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ mtx };
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock{ mtx };
cv.wait(lock, [&]() { return finalVal.has_value(); });
return *finalVal;
static std::tuple<size_t, size_t> _LineAndColumnFromPosition(const std::string_view string, ptrdiff_t position)
size_t line = 1, column = position + 1;
auto lastNL = string.find_last_of('\n', position);
if (lastNL != std::string::npos)
column = (position - lastNL);
line = std::count(string.cbegin(), string.cbegin() + lastNL + 1, '\n') + 1;
return { line, column };
static void _CatchRethrowSerializationExceptionWithLocationInfo(std::string_view settingsString)
std::string msg;
catch (const JsonUtils::DeserializationError& e)
static constexpr std::string_view basicHeader{ "* Line {line}, Column {column}\n{message}" };
static constexpr std::string_view keyedHeader{ "* Line {line}, Column {column} ({key})\n{message}" };
std::string jsonValueAsString{ "array or object" };
jsonValueAsString = e.jsonValue.asString();
if (e.jsonValue.isString())
jsonValueAsString = fmt::format("\"{}\"", jsonValueAsString);
catch (...)
// discard: we're in the middle of error handling
msg = fmt::format(" Have: {}\n Expected: {}", jsonValueAsString, e.expectedType);
auto [l, c] = _LineAndColumnFromPosition(settingsString, e.jsonValue.getOffsetStart());
msg = fmt::format((e.key ? keyedHeader : basicHeader),
fmt::arg("line", l),
fmt::arg("column", c),
fmt::arg("key", e.key.value_or("")),
fmt::arg("message", msg));
throw SettingsTypedDeserializationException{ msg };
// Method Description:
// - Creates a CascadiaSettings from whatever's saved on disk, or instantiates
// a new one with the default values. If we're running as a packaged app,
// it will load the settings from our packaged localappdata. If we're
// running as an unpackaged application, it will read it from the path
// we've set under localappdata.
// - Loads both the settings from the defaults.json and the user's settings.json
// - Also runs and dynamic profile generators. If any of those generators create
// new profiles, we'll write the user settings back to the file, with the new
// profiles inserted into their list of profiles.
// Return Value:
// - a unique_ptr containing a new CascadiaSettings object.
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::CascadiaSettings CascadiaSettings::LoadAll()
auto settings = LoadDefaults();
auto resultPtr = winrt::get_self<CascadiaSettings>(settings);
// GH 3588, we need this below to know if the user chose something that wasn't our default.
// Collect it up here in case it gets modified by any of the other layers between now and when
// the user's preferences are loaded and layered.
const auto hardcodedDefaultGuid = resultPtr->GlobalSettings().DefaultProfile();
std::optional<std::string> fileData = _ReadUserSettings();
// Make sure the file isn't totally empty. If it is, we'll treat the file
// like it doesn't exist at all.
const bool fileHasData = fileData && !fileData->empty();
bool needToWriteFile = false;
if (fileHasData)
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(*fileData, false);
// Load profiles from dynamic profile generators. _userSettings should be
// created by now, because we're going to check in there for any generators
// that should be disabled (if the user had any settings.)
if (!fileHasData)
// We didn't find the user settings. We'll need to create a file
// to use as the user defaults.
// For now, just parse our user settings template as their user settings.
auto userSettings{ resultPtr->_ApplyFirstRunChangesToSettingsTemplate(UserSettingsJson) };
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(userSettings, false);
needToWriteFile = true;
// See microsoft/terminal#2325: find the defaultSettings from the user's
// settings. Layer those settings upon all the existing profiles we have
// (defaults and dynamic profiles). We'll also set
// _userDefaultProfileSettings here. When we LayerJson below to apply the
// user settings, we'll make sure to use these defaultSettings _before_ any
// profiles the user might have.
// Apply the user's settings
catch (...)
// Let's say a user doesn't know that they need to write `"hidden": true` in
// order to prevent a profile from showing up (and a settings UI doesn't exist).
// Naturally they would open settings.json and try to remove the profile object.
// This section of code recognizes if a profile was seen before and marks it as
// `"hidden": true` by default and thus ensures the behavior the user expects:
// Profiles won't show up again after they've been removed from settings.json.
const auto state = winrt::get_self<implementation::ApplicationState>(ApplicationState::SharedInstance());
auto generatedProfiles = state->GeneratedProfiles();
bool generatedProfilesChanged = false;
for (const auto& profile : resultPtr->_allProfiles)
const auto profileImpl = winrt::get_self<implementation::Profile>(profile);
if (generatedProfiles.emplace(profileImpl->Guid()).second)
generatedProfilesChanged = true;
else if (profileImpl->Origin() != OriginTag::User)
if (generatedProfilesChanged)
// After layering the user settings, check if there are any new profiles
// that need to be inserted into their user settings file.
needToWriteFile = resultPtr->_AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings() || needToWriteFile;
if (needToWriteFile)
// For safety's sake, we need to re-parse the JSON document to ensure that
// all future patches are applied with updated object offsets.
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(resultPtr->_userSettingsString, false);
// Make sure there's a $schema at the top of the file.
needToWriteFile = resultPtr->_PrependSchemaDirective() || needToWriteFile;
// TODO:GH#2721 If powershell core is installed, we need to set that to the
// default profile, but only when the settings file was newly created. We'll
// re-write the segment of the user settings for "default profile" to have
// the powershell core GUID instead.
// If we created the file, or found new dynamic profiles, write the user
// settings string back to the file.
if (needToWriteFile)
// If AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings (or the pwsh check above)
// changed the file, then our local settings JSON is no longer accurate.
// We should re-parse, but not re-layer
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(resultPtr->_userSettingsString, false);
WriteUTF8FileAtomic(_SettingsPath(), resultPtr->_userSettingsString);
catch (...)
// If this throws, the app will catch it and use the default settings
return *resultPtr;
catch (const SettingsException& ex)
auto settings{ winrt::make_self<implementation::CascadiaSettings>() };
settings->_loadError = ex.Error();
return *settings;
catch (const SettingsTypedDeserializationException& e)
auto settings{ winrt::make_self<implementation::CascadiaSettings>() };
std::string_view what{ e.what() };
settings->_deserializationErrorMessage = til::u8u16(what);
return *settings;
// Function Description:
// - Loads a batch of settings curated for the Universal variant of the terminal app
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a unique_ptr to a CascadiaSettings with the connection types and settings for Universal terminal
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::CascadiaSettings CascadiaSettings::LoadUniversal()
// We're going to do this ourselves because we want to exclude almost everything
// from the special Universal-for-developers configuration
// Create settings and get the universal defaults loaded up.
auto resultPtr = winrt::make_self<CascadiaSettings>();
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(DefaultUniversalJson, true);
// Now validate.
// If this throws, the app will catch it and use the default settings
return *resultPtr;
catch (const SettingsException& ex)
auto settings{ winrt::make_self<implementation::CascadiaSettings>() };
settings->_loadError = ex.Error();
return *settings;
catch (const SettingsTypedDeserializationException& e)
auto settings{ winrt::make_self<implementation::CascadiaSettings>() };
std::string_view what{ e.what() };
settings->_deserializationErrorMessage = til::u8u16(what);
return *settings;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a new CascadiaSettings object initialized with settings from the
// hardcoded defaults.json.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a unique_ptr to a CascadiaSettings with the settings from defaults.json
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::CascadiaSettings CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults()
auto resultPtr{ winrt::make_self<CascadiaSettings>() };
// We already have the defaults in memory, because we stamp them into a
// header as part of the build process. We don't need to bother with reading
// them from a file (and the potential that could fail)
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(DefaultJson, true);
// tag these profiles as in-box
for (const auto& profile : resultPtr->AllProfiles())
const auto profileImpl{ winrt::get_self<implementation::Profile>(profile) };
return *resultPtr;
// Method Description:
// - Runs each of the configured dynamic profile generators (DPGs). Adds
// profiles from any DPGs that ran to the end of our list of profiles.
// - Uses the Json::Value _userSettings to check which DPGs should not be run.
// If the user settings has any namespaces in the "disabledProfileSources"
// property, we'll ensure that any DPGs with a matching namespace _don't_ run.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_LoadDynamicProfiles()
std::unordered_set<std::wstring> ignoredNamespaces;
const auto disabledProfileSources = CascadiaSettings::_GetDisabledProfileSourcesJsonObject(_userSettings);
if (disabledProfileSources.isArray())
for (const auto& json : disabledProfileSources)
for (auto& generator : _profileGenerators)
const std::wstring generatorNamespace{ generator->GetNamespace() };
if (ignoredNamespaces.find(generatorNamespace) != ignoredNamespaces.end())
// namespace should be ignored
auto profiles = generator->GenerateProfiles();
for (auto& profile : profiles)
CATCH_LOG_MSG("Dynamic Profile Namespace: \"%ls\"", generatorNamespace.data());
// Method Description:
// - Searches the local app data folder, global app data folder and app
// extensions for json stubs we should use to create new profiles,
// modify existing profiles or add new color schemes
// - If the user settings has any namespaces in the "disabledProfileSources"
// property, we'll ensure that the corresponding folders do not get searched
void CascadiaSettings::_LoadFragmentExtensions()
// First, accumulate the namespaces the user wants to ignore
std::unordered_set<std::wstring> ignoredNamespaces;
const auto disabledProfileSources = CascadiaSettings::_GetDisabledProfileSourcesJsonObject(_userSettings);
if (disabledProfileSources.isArray())
for (const auto& json : disabledProfileSources)
// Search through the local app data folder
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string localAppDataFolder;
THROW_IF_FAILED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData, 0, nullptr, &localAppDataFolder));
auto localAppDataFragments = std::wstring(localAppDataFolder.get()) + FragmentsPath.data();
if (std::filesystem::exists(localAppDataFragments))
_ApplyJsonStubsHelper(localAppDataFragments, ignoredNamespaces);
// Search through the program data folder
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string programDataFolder;
THROW_IF_FAILED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_ProgramData, 0, nullptr, &programDataFolder));
auto programDataFragments = std::wstring(programDataFolder.get()) + FragmentsPath.data();
if (std::filesystem::exists(programDataFragments))
_ApplyJsonStubsHelper(programDataFragments, ignoredNamespaces);
// Search through app extensions
// Gets the catalog of extensions with the name "com.microsoft.windows.terminal.settings"
const auto catalog = Windows::ApplicationModel::AppExtensions::AppExtensionCatalog::Open(winrt::to_hstring(AppExtensionHostName));
auto extensions = _extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait(catalog.FindAllAsync());
for (const auto& ext : extensions)
// Only apply the stubs if the package name is not in ignored namespaces
if (ignoredNamespaces.find(ext.Package().Id().FamilyName().c_str()) == ignoredNamespaces.end())
// Likewise, getting the public folder from an extension is an async operation
// So we use another mutex and condition variable
auto foundFolder = _extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait(ext.GetPublicFolderAsync());
if (foundFolder)
// the StorageFolder class has its own methods for obtaining the files within the folder
// however, all those methods are Async methods
// you may have noticed that we need to resort to clunky implementations for async operations
// (they are in _extractValueFromTaskWithoutMainThreadAwait)
// so for now we will just take the folder path and access the files that way
auto path = winrt::to_string(foundFolder.Path());
// If the directory exists, use the fragments in it
if (std::filesystem::exists(path))
const auto jsonFiles = _AccumulateJsonFilesInDirectory(til::u8u16(path));
// Provide the package name as the source
_ParseAndLayerFragmentFiles(jsonFiles, ext.Package().Id().FamilyName().c_str());
// Method Description:
// - Helper function to apply json stubs in the local app data folder and the global program data folder
// Arguments:
// - The directory to find json files in
// - The set of ignored namespaces
void CascadiaSettings::_ApplyJsonStubsHelper(const std::wstring_view directory, const std::unordered_set<std::wstring>& ignoredNamespaces)
// The json files should be within subdirectories where the subdirectory name is the app name
for (const auto& fragmentExtFolder : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(directory))
// We only want the parent folder name as the source (not the full path)
const auto source = fragmentExtFolder.path().filename().wstring();
// Only apply the stubs if the parent folder name is not in ignored namespaces
// (also make sure this is a directory for sanity)
if (std::filesystem::is_directory(fragmentExtFolder) && ignoredNamespaces.find(source) == ignoredNamespaces.end())
const auto jsonFiles = _AccumulateJsonFilesInDirectory(fragmentExtFolder.path().c_str());
_ParseAndLayerFragmentFiles(jsonFiles, winrt::hstring{ source });
// Method Description:
// - Finds all the json files within the given directory
// Arguments:
// - directory: the directory to search
// Return Value:
// - A set containing all the found file data
std::unordered_set<std::string> CascadiaSettings::_AccumulateJsonFilesInDirectory(const std::wstring_view directory)
std::unordered_set<std::string> jsonFiles;
for (const auto& fragmentExt : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(directory))
if (fragmentExt.path().extension() == jsonExtension)
return jsonFiles;
// Method Description:
// - Given a set of json files, uses them to modify existing profiles,
// create new profiles, and create new color schemes
// Arguments:
// - files: the set of json files (each item in the set is the file data)
// - source: the location the files came from
void CascadiaSettings::_ParseAndLayerFragmentFiles(const std::unordered_set<std::string> files, const winrt::hstring source)
for (const auto& file : files)
// A file could have many new profiles/many profiles it wants to modify/many new color schemes
// so we first parse the entire file into one json object
auto fullFile = _ParseUtf8JsonString(file.data());
if (fullFile.isMember(JsonKey(ProfilesKey)))
// Now we separately get each stub that modifies/adds a profile
// We intentionally don't use a const reference here because we modify
// the profile stub by giving it a guid so we can call _FindMatchingProfile
for (auto& profileStub : fullFile[JsonKey(ProfilesKey)])
if (profileStub.isMember(JsonKey(UpdatesKey)))
// This stub is meant to be a modification to an existing profile,
// try to find the matching profile
profileStub[JsonKey(GuidKey)] = profileStub[JsonKey(UpdatesKey)];
auto matchingProfile = _FindMatchingProfile(profileStub);
if (matchingProfile)
// We found a matching profile, create a child of it and put the modifications there
// (we add a new inheritance layer)
auto childImpl{ matchingProfile->CreateChild() };
// replace parent in _profiles with child
_allProfiles.SetAt(_FindMatchingProfileIndex(matchingProfile->ToJson()).value(), *childImpl);
catch (...)
// This is a new profile, check that it meets our minimum requirements first
// (it must have at least a name)
if (profileStub.isMember(JsonKey(NameKey)))
auto newProfile = Profile::FromJson(profileStub);
// Make sure to give the new profile a source, then we add it to our list of profiles
// We don't make modifications to the user's settings file yet, that will happen when
// _AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings() is called later
catch (...)
if (fullFile.isMember(JsonKey(SchemesKey)))
// Now we separately get each stub that adds a color scheme
for (const auto& schemeStub : fullFile[JsonKey(SchemesKey)])
if (_FindMatchingColorScheme(schemeStub))
// We do not allow modifications to existing color schemes
// This is a new color scheme, add it only if it specifies _all_ the fields
if (ColorScheme::ValidateColorScheme(schemeStub))
const auto newScheme = ColorScheme::FromJson(schemeStub);
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to read the given data as a string of JSON and parse that JSON
// into a Json::Value.
// - Will ignore leading UTF-8 BOMs.
// - Additionally, will store the parsed JSON in this object, as either our
// _defaultSettings or our _userSettings, depending on isDefaultSettings.
// - Does _not_ apply the json onto our current settings. Callers should make
// sure to call LayerJson to ensure the settings are applied.
// Arguments:
// - fileData: the string to parse as JSON data
// - isDefaultSettings: if true, we should store the parsed JSON as our
// defaultSettings. Otherwise, we'll store the parsed JSON as our user
// settings.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_ParseJsonString(std::string_view fileData, const bool isDefaultSettings)
// Parse the json data into either our defaults or user settings. We'll keep
// these original json values around for later, in case we need to parse
// their raw contents again.
Json::Value& root = isDefaultSettings ? _defaultSettings : _userSettings;
root = _ParseUtf8JsonString(fileData);
// If this is the user settings, also store away the original settings
// string. We'll need to keep it around so we can modify it without
// re-serializing their settings.
if (!isDefaultSettings)
_userSettingsString = fileData;
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to read the given data as a string of JSON and parse that JSON
// into a Json::Value
// - Will ignore leading UTF-8 BOMs
// Arguments:
// - fileData: the string to parse as JSON data
// Return value:
// - the parsed json value
Json::Value CascadiaSettings::_ParseUtf8JsonString(std::string_view fileData)
Json::Value result;
const auto actualDataStart = fileData.data();
const auto actualDataEnd = fileData.data() + fileData.size();
std::string errs; // This string will receive any error text from failing to parse.
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
// `parse` will return false if it fails.
if (!reader->parse(actualDataStart, actualDataEnd, &result, &errs))
// This will be caught by App::_TryLoadSettings, who will display
// the text to the user.
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Determines whether the user's settings file is missing a schema directive
// and, if so, inserts one.
// - Assumes that the body of the root object is at an indentation of 4 spaces, and
// therefore each member should be indented 4 spaces. If the user's settings
// have a different indentation, we'll still insert valid json, it'll just be
// indented incorrectly.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we've made changes to the _userSettingsString that should be persisted.
bool CascadiaSettings::_PrependSchemaDirective()
if (_userSettings.isMember(JsonKey(SchemaKey)))
return false;
// start points at the opening { for the root object.
auto offset = _userSettings.getOffsetStart() + 1;
_userSettingsString.insert(offset, SettingsSchemaFragment);
offset += SettingsSchemaFragment.size();
if (_userSettings.size() > 0)
_userSettingsString.insert(offset, ",");
return true;
// Method Description:
// - Finds all the dynamic profiles we've generated that _don't_ exist in the
// user's settings. Generates a minimal blob of json for them, and inserts
// them into the user's settings at the end of the list of profiles.
// - Does not reformat the user's settings file.
// - Does not write the file! Only modifies in-place the _userSettingsString
// member. Callers should make sure to persist these changes (see WriteSettingsToDisk).
// - Assumes that the `profiles` object is at an indentation of 4 spaces, and
// therefore each profile should be indented 8 spaces. If the user's settings
// have a different indentation, we'll still insert valid json, it'll just be
// indented incorrectly.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we've made changes to the _userSettingsString that should be persisted.
bool CascadiaSettings::_AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings()
// - Find the set of profiles that weren't either in the default profiles or
// in the user profiles. TODO:GH#2723 Do this in not O(N^2)
// - For each of those profiles,
// * Diff them from the default profile
// * Serialize that diff
// * Insert that diff to the end of the list of profiles.
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
// Use 4 spaces to indent instead of \t
wbuilder.settings_["indentation"] = " ";
wbuilder.settings_["enableYAMLCompatibility"] = true; // suppress spaces around colons
static const auto isInJsonObj = [](const auto& profile, const auto& json) {
for (auto profileJson : _GetProfilesJsonObject(json))
if (profileJson.isObject())
const auto profileImpl = winrt::get_self<implementation::Profile>(profile);
if (profileImpl->ShouldBeLayered(profileJson))
return true;
// If the profileJson doesn't have a GUID, then it might be in
// the file still. We returned false because it shouldn't be
// layered, but it might be a name-only profile.
return false;
// Get the index in the user settings string of the _last_ profile.
// We want to start inserting profiles immediately following the last profile.
const auto userProfilesObj = _GetProfilesJsonObject(_userSettings);
const auto numProfiles = userProfilesObj.size();
const auto lastProfile = userProfilesObj[numProfiles - 1];
size_t currentInsertIndex = lastProfile.getOffsetLimit();
// Find the position of the first non-tab/space character before the last profile...
const auto lastProfileIndentStartsAt{ _userSettingsString.find_last_not_of(" \t", lastProfile.getOffsetStart() - 1) };
// ... and impute the user's preferred indentation.
// (we're taking a copy because a string_view into a string we mutate is a no-no.)
const std::string indentation{ _userSettingsString, lastProfileIndentStartsAt + 1, lastProfile.getOffsetStart() - lastProfileIndentStartsAt - 1 };
bool changedFile = false;
for (const auto& profile : _allProfiles)
// Skip profiles that are:
// * hidden
// Because when a user manually removes profiles from settings.json,
// we mark them as hidden in LoadAll(). Adding those profiles right
// back into settings.json would feel confusing, while the
// profile that was just erased is added right back.
// * in the user settings or the default settings
// Because we don't want to add profiles which are already
// in the settings.json (explicitly or implicitly).
if (profile.Deleted() || isInJsonObj(profile, _userSettings) || isInJsonObj(profile, _defaultSettings))
// Generate a diff for the profile, that contains the minimal set of
// changes to re-create this profile.
const auto profileImpl = winrt::get_self<implementation::Profile>(profile);
const auto diff = profileImpl->GenerateStub();
auto profileSerialization = Json::writeString(wbuilder, diff);
// Add the user's indent to the start of each line
profileSerialization.insert(0, indentation);
// Get the first newline
size_t pos = profileSerialization.find("\n");
// for each newline...
while (pos != std::string::npos)
// Insert 8 spaces immediately following the current newline
profileSerialization.insert(pos + 1, indentation);
// Get the next newline
pos = profileSerialization.find("\n", pos + indentation.size() + 1);
// Write a comma, newline to the file
changedFile = true;
_userSettingsString.insert(currentInsertIndex, ",");
_userSettingsString.insert(currentInsertIndex, "\n");
// Write the profile's serialization to the file
_userSettingsString.insert(currentInsertIndex, profileSerialization);
currentInsertIndex += profileSerialization.size();
return changedFile;
// Function Description:
// - Given a json serialization of a profile, this function will determine
// whether it is "well-formed". We introduced a bug (GH#9962, fixed in GH#9964)
// that would result in one or more nameless, guid-less profiles being emitted
// into the user's settings file. Those profiles would show up in the list as
// "Default" later.
static bool _IsValidProfileObject(const Json::Value& profileJson)
return profileJson.isMember(&*NameKey.cbegin(), (&*NameKey.cbegin()) + NameKey.size()) || // has a name (can generate a guid)
profileJson.isMember(&*GuidKey.cbegin(), (&*GuidKey.cbegin()) + GuidKey.size()); // or has a guid
// Method Description:
// - Create a new instance of this class from a serialized JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a serialization of a CascadiaSettings object.
// Return Value:
// - a new CascadiaSettings instance created from the values in `json`
winrt::com_ptr<CascadiaSettings> CascadiaSettings::FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
auto resultPtr = winrt::make_self<CascadiaSettings>();
return resultPtr;
// Method Description:
// - Layer values from the given json object on top of the existing properties
// of this object. For any keys we're expecting to be able to parse in the
// given object, we'll parse them and replace our settings with values from
// the new json object. Properties that _aren't_ in the json object will _not_
// be replaced.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a CascadiaSettings object.
// Return Value:
// <none>
void CascadiaSettings::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
// add a new inheritance layer, and apply json values to child
_globals = _globals->CreateChild();
if (auto schemes{ json[SchemesKey.data()] })
for (auto schemeJson : schemes)
if (schemeJson.isObject())
for (auto profileJson : _GetProfilesJsonObject(json))
if (profileJson.isObject() && _IsValidProfileObject(profileJson))
// Method Description:
// - Given a partial json serialization of a Profile object, either layers that
// json on a matching Profile we already have, or creates a new Profile
// object from those settings.
// - For profiles that were created from a dynamic profile source, they'll have
// both a guid and source guid that must both match. If a user profile with a
// source set does not find a matching profile at load time, the profile
// should be ignored.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which may be a partial serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_LayerOrCreateProfile(const Json::Value& profileJson)
// Layer the json on top of an existing profile, if we have one:
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::Profile> profile{ nullptr };
auto profileIndex{ _FindMatchingProfileIndex(profileJson) };
if (profileIndex)
auto parentProj{ _allProfiles.GetAt(*profileIndex) };
auto parent{ winrt::get_self<Profile>(parentProj) };
if (_userDefaultProfileSettings)
// We don't actually need to CreateChild() here.
// When we loaded Profile.Defaults, we created an empty child already.
// So this just populates the empty child
// otherwise, add a new inheritance layer
auto childImpl{ parent->CreateChild() };
// replace parent in _profiles with child
_allProfiles.SetAt(*profileIndex, *childImpl);
profile = std::move(childImpl);
// If this JSON represents a dynamic profile, we _shouldn't_ create the
// profile here. We only want to create profiles for profiles without a
// `source`. Dynamic profiles _must_ be layered on an existing profile.
if (!Profile::IsDynamicProfileObject(profileJson))
profile = winrt::make_self<Profile>();
// GH#2325: If we have a set of default profile settings, set that as my parent.
// We _won't_ have these settings yet for defaults, dynamic profiles.
if (_userDefaultProfileSettings)
Profile::InsertParentHelper(profile, _userDefaultProfileSettings, 0);
if (profile && _userDefaultProfileSettings)
// If we've loaded defaults{} we're in the "user settings" phase for sure
// Method Description:
// - Finds a profile from our list of profiles that matches the given json
// object. Uses Profile::ShouldBeLayered to determine if the Json::Value is a
// match or not. This method should be used to find a profile to layer the
// given settings upon.
// - Returns nullptr if no such match exists.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which may be a partial serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - a Profile that can be layered with the given json object, iff such a
// profile exists.
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> CascadiaSettings::_FindMatchingProfile(const Json::Value& profileJson)
auto index{ _FindMatchingProfileIndex(profileJson) };
if (index)
auto profile{ _allProfiles.GetAt(*index) };
auto profileImpl{ winrt::get_self<Profile>(profile) };
return profileImpl->get_strong();
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Finds a profile from our list of profiles that matches the given json
// object. Uses Profile::ShouldBeLayered to determine if the Json::Value is a
// match or not. This method should be used to find a profile to layer the
// given settings upon.
// - Returns nullopt if no such match exists.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which may be a partial serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - The index for the matching Profile, iff it exists. Otherwise, nullopt.
std::optional<uint32_t> CascadiaSettings::_FindMatchingProfileIndex(const Json::Value& profileJson)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < _allProfiles.Size(); ++i)
const auto profile{ _allProfiles.GetAt(i) };
const auto profileImpl = winrt::get_self<Profile>(profile);
if (profileImpl->ShouldBeLayered(profileJson))
return i;
return std::nullopt;
// Method Description:
// - Finds the "default profile settings" if they exist in the users settings,
// and applies them to the existing profiles. The "default profile settings"
// are settings that should be applied to every profile a user has, with the
// option of being overridden by explicit values in the profile. This should
// be called _after_ the defaults have been parsed and dynamic profiles have
// been generated, but before the other user profiles have been loaded.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_ApplyDefaultsFromUserSettings()
// If `profiles` was an object, then look for the `defaults` object
// underneath it for the default profile settings.
// If there isn't one, we still want to add an empty "default" profile to the inheritance tree.
Json::Value defaultSettings{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
if (const auto profiles{ _userSettings[JsonKey(ProfilesKey)] })
if (profiles.isObject() && !profiles[JsonKey(DefaultSettingsKey)].empty())
defaultSettings = profiles[JsonKey(DefaultSettingsKey)];
// Remove the `guid` member from the default settings. That'll
// hyper-explode, so just don't let them do that.
defaultSettings.removeMember({ "guid" });
_userDefaultProfileSettings = winrt::make_self<Profile>();
const auto numOfProfiles{ _allProfiles.Size() };
for (uint32_t profileIndex = 0; profileIndex < numOfProfiles; ++profileIndex)
// create a child, so we inherit from the defaults.json layer
auto parentProj{ _allProfiles.GetAt(profileIndex) };
auto parentImpl{ winrt::get_self<Profile>(parentProj) };
auto childImpl{ parentImpl->CreateChild() };
// Add profile.defaults as the _first_ parent to the child
Profile::InsertParentHelper(childImpl, _userDefaultProfileSettings, 0);
// replace parent in _profiles with child
_allProfiles.SetAt(profileIndex, *childImpl);
// Method Description:
// - Given a partial json serialization of a ColorScheme object, either layers that
// json on a matching ColorScheme we already have, or creates a new ColorScheme
// object from those settings.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a ColorScheme object.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_LayerOrCreateColorScheme(const Json::Value& schemeJson)
// Layer the json on top of an existing profile, if we have one:
auto pScheme = _FindMatchingColorScheme(schemeJson);
if (pScheme)
const auto scheme = ColorScheme::FromJson(schemeJson);
// Method Description:
// - Finds a color scheme from our list of color schemes that matches the given
// json object. Uses ColorScheme::GetNameFromJson to find the name and then
// performs a lookup in the global map. This method should be used to find a
// color scheme to layer the given settings upon.
// - Returns nullptr if no such match exists.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a ColorScheme object.
// Return Value:
// - a ColorScheme that can be layered with the given json object, iff such a
// color scheme exists.
winrt::com_ptr<ColorScheme> CascadiaSettings::_FindMatchingColorScheme(const Json::Value& schemeJson)
if (auto schemeName = ColorScheme::GetNameFromJson(schemeJson))
if (auto scheme{ _globals->ColorSchemes().TryLookup(*schemeName) })
return winrt::get_self<ColorScheme>(scheme)->get_strong();
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Returns the path of the settings.json file.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Returns a path in 80% of cases. I measured!
const std::filesystem::path& CascadiaSettings::_SettingsPath()
static const auto path = GetBaseSettingsPath() / SettingsFilename;
return path;
// Method Description:
// - Reads the content in UTF-8 encoding of our settings file using the Win32 APIs
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an optional with the content of the file if we were able to open it,
// otherwise the optional will be empty.
// If the file exists, but we fail to read it, this can throw an exception
// from reading the file
std::optional<std::string> CascadiaSettings::_ReadUserSettings()
return ReadUTF8FileIfExists(_SettingsPath());
// function Description:
// - Returns the full path to the settings file, either within the application
// package, or in its unpackaged location. This path is under the "Local
// AppData" folder, so it _doesn't_ roam to other machines.
// - If the application is unpackaged,
// the file will end up under e.g. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the full path to the settings file
winrt::hstring CascadiaSettings::SettingsPath()
return winrt::hstring{ _SettingsPath().wstring() };
winrt::hstring CascadiaSettings::DefaultSettingsPath()
// Both of these posts suggest getting the path to the exe, then removing
// the exe's name to get the package root:
// * https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appconsult/2017/06/23/accessing-to-the-files-in-the-installation-folder-in-a-desktop-bridge-application/
// * https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appconsult/2017/03/06/handling-data-in-a-converted-desktop-app-with-the-desktop-bridge/
// This would break if we ever moved our exe out of the package root.
// HOWEVER, if we try to look for a defaults.json that's simply in the same
// directory as the exe, that will work for unpackaged scenarios as well. So
// let's try that.
std::wstring exePathString;
THROW_IF_FAILED(wil::GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, exePathString));
std::filesystem::path path{ exePathString };
return winrt::hstring{ path.wstring() };
// Function Description:
// - Gets the object in the given JSON object under the "profiles" key. Returns
// null if there's no "profiles" key.
// Arguments:
// - json: the json object to get the profiles from.
// Return Value:
// - the Json::Value representing the profiles property from the given object
const Json::Value& CascadiaSettings::_GetProfilesJsonObject(const Json::Value& json)
const auto& profilesProperty = json[JsonKey(ProfilesKey)];
return profilesProperty.isArray() ?
profilesProperty :
// Function Description:
// - Gets the object in the given JSON object under the "disabledProfileSources"
// key. Returns null if there's no "disabledProfileSources" key.
// Arguments:
// - json: the json object to get the disabled profile sources from.
// Return Value:
// - the Json::Value representing the `disabledProfileSources` property from the
// given object
const Json::Value& CascadiaSettings::_GetDisabledProfileSourcesJsonObject(const Json::Value& json)
if (!json)
return Json::Value::nullSingleton();
return json[JsonKey(DisabledProfileSourcesKey)];
// Method Description:
// - Write the current state of CascadiaSettings to our settings file
// - Create a backup file with the current contents, if one does not exist
// - Persists the default terminal handler choice to the registry
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::WriteSettingsToDisk() const
const auto settingsPath = _SettingsPath();
// create a timestamped backup file
const auto backupSettingsPath = fmt::format(L"{}.{:%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S}.backup", settingsPath.wstring(), fmt::localtime(std::time(nullptr)));
WriteUTF8File(backupSettingsPath, _userSettingsString);
// write current settings to current settings file
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
wbuilder.settings_["indentation"] = " ";
wbuilder.settings_["enableYAMLCompatibility"] = true; // suppress spaces around colons
const auto styledString{ Json::writeString(wbuilder, ToJson()) };
WriteUTF8FileAtomic(settingsPath, styledString);
// Persists the default terminal choice
// GH#10003 - Only do this if _currentDefaultTerminal was actually
// initialized. It's only initialized when Launch.cpp calls
// `CascadiaSettings::RefreshDefaultTerminals`. We really don't need it
// otherwise.
if (_currentDefaultTerminal)
// Method Description:
// - Create a new serialized JsonObject from an instance of this class
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// the JsonObject representing this instance
Json::Value CascadiaSettings::ToJson() const
// top-level json object
// directly inject "globals", "$schema", and "disabledProfileSources" into here
Json::Value json{ _globals->ToJson() };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SchemaKey, JsonKey(SchemaValue));
if (_userSettings.isMember(JsonKey(DisabledProfileSourcesKey)))
json[JsonKey(DisabledProfileSourcesKey)] = _userSettings[JsonKey(DisabledProfileSourcesKey)];
// "profiles" will always be serialized as an object
Json::Value profiles{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
profiles[JsonKey(DefaultSettingsKey)] = _userDefaultProfileSettings ? _userDefaultProfileSettings->ToJson() :
Json::Value profilesList{ Json::ValueType::arrayValue };
for (const auto& entry : _allProfiles)
if (!entry.Deleted())
const auto prof{ winrt::get_self<implementation::Profile>(entry) };
profiles[JsonKey(ProfilesListKey)] = profilesList;
json[JsonKey(ProfilesKey)] = profiles;
// TODO GH#8100:
// "schemes" will be an accumulation of _all_ the color schemes
// including all of the ones from defaults.json
Json::Value schemes{ Json::ValueType::arrayValue };
for (const auto& entry : _globals->ColorSchemes())
const auto scheme{ winrt::get_self<implementation::ColorScheme>(entry.Value()) };
json[JsonKey(SchemesKey)] = schemes;
return json;