Leonard Hecker 608a49e817
Allow generated profiles to be deleted (#11007)
Re-enables the delete button for generated profiles in the settings UI.
Additionally fixes "Startup Profiles" to only list active profiles.

Profiles are considered deleted if they're absent from settings.json, but their
GUID has been encountered before. Or in other words, from a user's perspective:
Generated profiles are added to the settings.json automatically only once.
Thus if the user chooses to delete the profile (e.g. using the delete button)
they aren't re-added automatically and thus appear to have been deleted.

Meanwhile those generated profiles are actually only marked as "hidden"
as well as "deleted", but still exist in internal profile lists.
The "hidden" attribute hides them from all existing menus. The "deleted" one
hides them from the settings UI and prevents them from being written to disk.

It would've been preferrable of course to just not generate and
add deleted profile to internal profile lists in the first place.
But this would've required far more wide-reaching changes.
The settings UI for instance requires a list of _all_ profiles in order to
allow a user to re-create previously deleted profiles. Such an approach was
attempted but discarded because of it's current complexity overhead.

## References

* Part of #9997
* A sequel to 5d36e5d

## PR Checklist

* [x] Closes #10960
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* "Startup Profiles" doesn't list deleted profiles ✔️
* Manually removing an item from settings.json removes the profile ✔️
* Removing cmd.exe and saving doesn't create empty objects (#10960) ✔️
* "Add a new profile" lists deleted profiles ✔️
* "Duplicate" recreates previously deleted profiles ✔️
* Profiles are always created with GUIDs ✔️
2021-08-23 22:00:08 +00:00

580 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "Profile.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Utils.hpp"
#include <DefaultSettings.h>
#include "LegacyProfileGeneratorNamespaces.h"
#include "TerminalSettingsSerializationHelpers.h"
#include "AppearanceConfig.h"
#include "FontConfig.h"
#include "Profile.g.cpp"
using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
static constexpr std::string_view NameKey{ "name" };
static constexpr std::string_view GuidKey{ "guid" };
static constexpr std::string_view SourceKey{ "source" };
static constexpr std::string_view HiddenKey{ "hidden" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabTitleKey{ "tabTitle" };
static constexpr std::string_view SuppressApplicationTitleKey{ "suppressApplicationTitle" };
static constexpr std::string_view HistorySizeKey{ "historySize" };
static constexpr std::string_view SnapOnInputKey{ "snapOnInput" };
static constexpr std::string_view AltGrAliasingKey{ "altGrAliasing" };
static constexpr std::string_view ConnectionTypeKey{ "connectionType" };
static constexpr std::string_view CommandlineKey{ "commandline" };
static constexpr std::string_view FontInfoKey{ "font" };
static constexpr std::string_view AcrylicTransparencyKey{ "acrylicOpacity" };
static constexpr std::string_view UseAcrylicKey{ "useAcrylic" };
static constexpr std::string_view ScrollbarStateKey{ "scrollbarState" };
static constexpr std::string_view CloseOnExitKey{ "closeOnExit" };
static constexpr std::string_view PaddingKey{ "padding" };
static constexpr std::string_view StartingDirectoryKey{ "startingDirectory" };
static constexpr std::string_view IconKey{ "icon" };
static constexpr std::string_view AntialiasingModeKey{ "antialiasingMode" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabColorKey{ "tabColor" };
static constexpr std::string_view BellStyleKey{ "bellStyle" };
static constexpr std::string_view UnfocusedAppearanceKey{ "unfocusedAppearance" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view DesktopWallpaperEnum{ L"desktopWallpaper" };
Profile::Profile(guid guid) :
void Profile::CreateUnfocusedAppearance()
if (!_UnfocusedAppearance)
auto unfocusedAppearance{ winrt::make_self<implementation::AppearanceConfig>(weak_ref<Model::Profile>(*this)) };
// If an unfocused appearance is defined in this profile, any undefined parameters are
// taken from this profile's default appearance, so add it as a parent
com_ptr<AppearanceConfig> parentCom;
_UnfocusedAppearance = *unfocusedAppearance;
void Profile::DeleteUnfocusedAppearance()
_UnfocusedAppearance = std::nullopt;
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> Profile::CopySettings(winrt::com_ptr<Profile> source)
auto profile{ winrt::make_self<Profile>() };
profile->_Deleted = source->_Deleted;
profile->_Guid = source->_Guid;
profile->_Name = source->_Name;
profile->_Source = source->_Source;
profile->_Hidden = source->_Hidden;
profile->_Icon = source->_Icon;
profile->_CloseOnExit = source->_CloseOnExit;
profile->_TabTitle = source->_TabTitle;
profile->_TabColor = source->_TabColor;
profile->_SuppressApplicationTitle = source->_SuppressApplicationTitle;
profile->_UseAcrylic = source->_UseAcrylic;
profile->_AcrylicOpacity = source->_AcrylicOpacity;
profile->_ScrollState = source->_ScrollState;
profile->_Padding = source->_Padding;
profile->_Commandline = source->_Commandline;
profile->_StartingDirectory = source->_StartingDirectory;
profile->_AntialiasingMode = source->_AntialiasingMode;
profile->_ForceFullRepaintRendering = source->_ForceFullRepaintRendering;
profile->_SoftwareRendering = source->_SoftwareRendering;
profile->_HistorySize = source->_HistorySize;
profile->_SnapOnInput = source->_SnapOnInput;
profile->_AltGrAliasing = source->_AltGrAliasing;
profile->_BellStyle = source->_BellStyle;
profile->_ConnectionType = source->_ConnectionType;
profile->_Origin = source->_Origin;
// Copy over the font info
const auto weakRefToProfile = weak_ref<Model::Profile>(*profile);
winrt::com_ptr<FontConfig> sourceFontInfoImpl;
auto copiedFontInfo = FontConfig::CopyFontInfo(sourceFontInfoImpl, weakRefToProfile);
profile->_FontInfo = *copiedFontInfo;
// Copy over the appearance
winrt::com_ptr<AppearanceConfig> sourceDefaultAppearanceImpl;
auto copiedDefaultAppearance = AppearanceConfig::CopyAppearance(sourceDefaultAppearanceImpl, weakRefToProfile);
profile->_DefaultAppearance = *copiedDefaultAppearance;
if (source->_UnfocusedAppearance.has_value())
Model::AppearanceConfig unfocused{ nullptr };
if (source->_UnfocusedAppearance.value() != nullptr)
// Copy over the unfocused appearance
winrt::com_ptr<AppearanceConfig> sourceUnfocusedAppearanceImpl;
auto copiedUnfocusedAppearance = AppearanceConfig::CopyAppearance(sourceUnfocusedAppearanceImpl, weakRefToProfile);
// Make sure to add the default appearance as a parent
unfocused = *copiedUnfocusedAppearance;
profile->_UnfocusedAppearance = unfocused;
return profile;
// Method Description:
// - Creates a copy of the inheritance graph by performing a depth-first traversal recursively.
// Profiles are recorded as visited via the "visited" parameter.
// Unvisited Profiles are copied into the "cloneGraph" parameter, then marked as visited.
// Arguments:
// - sourceGraph - the graph of Profile's we're cloning
// - cloneGraph - the clone of sourceGraph that is being constructed
// - visited - a map of which Profiles have been visited, and, if so, a reference to the Profile's clone
// Return Value:
// - a clone in both inheritance structure and Profile values of sourceGraph
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> Profile::CloneInheritanceGraph(winrt::com_ptr<Profile> sourceGraph, winrt::com_ptr<Profile> cloneGraph, std::unordered_map<void*, winrt::com_ptr<Profile>>& visited)
// If this is an unexplored Profile
// and we have parents...
if (visited.find(sourceGraph.get()) == visited.end() && !sourceGraph->_parents.empty())
// iterate through all of our parents to copy them
for (const auto& sourceParent : sourceGraph->_parents)
// If we visited this Profile already...
auto kv{ visited.find(sourceParent.get()) };
if (kv != visited.end())
// add this Profile's clone as a parent
InsertParentHelper(cloneGraph, kv->second);
// We have not visited this Profile yet,
// copy contents of sourceParent to clone
winrt::com_ptr<Profile> clone{ CopySettings(sourceParent) };
// add the new copy to the cloneGraph
InsertParentHelper(cloneGraph, clone);
// copy the sub-graph at "clone"
CloneInheritanceGraph(sourceParent, clone, visited);
// mark clone as "visited"
// save it to the map in case somebody else references it
visited[sourceParent.get()] = clone;
// we have no more to explore down this path.
return cloneGraph;
// Method Description:
// - Inserts a parent profile into a child profile, at the specified index if one was provided
// - Makes sure to call _FinalizeInheritance after inserting the parent
// Arguments:
// - child: the child profile to insert the parent into
// - parent: the parent profile to insert into the child
// - index: an optional index value to insert the parent into
void Profile::InsertParentHelper(winrt::com_ptr<Profile> child, winrt::com_ptr<Profile> parent, std::optional<size_t> index)
if (index)
child->InsertParent(index.value(), parent);
// Method Description:
// - Generates a Json::Value which is a "stub" of this profile. This stub will
// have enough information that it could be layered with this profile.
// - This method is used during dynamic profile generation - if a profile is
// ever generated that didn't already exist in the user's settings, we'll add
// this stub to the user's settings file, so the user has an easy point to
// modify the generated profile.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - A json::Value with a guid, name and source (if applicable).
Json::Value Profile::GenerateStub() const
Json::Value stub;
///// Profile-specific settings /////
stub[JsonKey(GuidKey)] = winrt::to_string(Utils::GuidToString(Guid()));
stub[JsonKey(NameKey)] = winrt::to_string(Name());
const auto source{ Source() };
if (!source.empty())
stub[JsonKey(SourceKey)] = winrt::to_string(source);
return stub;
// Method Description:
// - Create a new instance of this class from a serialized JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - a new Profile instance created from the values in `json`
winrt::com_ptr<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation::Profile> Profile::FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
auto result = winrt::make_self<Profile>();
return result;
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if we think the provided json object represents an instance of
// the same object as this object. If true, we should layer that json object
// on us, instead of creating a new object.
// Arguments:
// - json: The json object to query to see if it's the same
// Return Value:
// - true iff the json object has the same `GUID` as we do.
bool Profile::ShouldBeLayered(const Json::Value& json) const
// First, check that GUIDs match. This is easy. If they don't match, they
// should _definitely_ not layer.
const auto otherGuid{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<winrt::guid>>(json, GuidKey) };
const auto otherSource{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<winrt::hstring>>(json, SourceKey) };
if (otherGuid)
if (otherGuid.value() != Guid())
return false;
// If the other json object didn't have a GUID,
// check if we auto-generate the same guid using the name and source.
const auto otherName{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<winrt::hstring>>(json, NameKey) };
if (Guid() != _GenerateGuidForProfile(otherName ? *otherName : L"Default", otherSource ? *otherSource : L""))
return false;
// For profiles with a `source`, also check the `source` property.
bool sourceMatches = false;
const auto mySource{ Source() };
if (!mySource.empty())
if (otherSource.has_value())
// If we have a source and the other has a source, compare them!
sourceMatches = *otherSource == mySource;
// Special case the legacy dynamic profiles here. In this case,
// `this` is a dynamic profile with a source, and our _source is one
// of the legacy DPG namespaces. We're looking to see if the other
// json object has the same guid, but _no_ "source"
if (mySource == WslGeneratorNamespace ||
mySource == AzureGeneratorNamespace ||
mySource == PowershellCoreGeneratorNamespace)
sourceMatches = true;
// We do not have a source. The only way we match is if source is unset or set to "".
sourceMatches = (!otherSource.has_value() || otherSource.value() == L"");
return sourceMatches;
// Method Description:
// - Layer values from the given json object on top of the existing properties
// of this object. For any keys we're expecting to be able to parse in the
// given object, we'll parse them and replace our settings with values from
// the new json object. Properties that _aren't_ in the json object will _not_
// be replaced.
// - Optional values in the profile that are set to `null` in the json object
// will be set to nullopt.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// <none>
void Profile::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
// Appearance Settings
auto defaultAppearanceImpl = winrt::get_self<implementation::AppearanceConfig>(_DefaultAppearance);
// Font Settings
auto fontInfoImpl = winrt::get_self<implementation::FontConfig>(_FontInfo);
// Profile-specific Settings
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, NameKey, _Name);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, GuidKey, _Guid);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, HiddenKey, _Hidden);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SourceKey, _Source);
// TODO:MSFT:20642297 - Use a sentinel value (-1) for "Infinite scrollback"
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, HistorySizeKey, _HistorySize);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SnapOnInputKey, _SnapOnInput);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, AltGrAliasingKey, _AltGrAliasing);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabTitleKey, _TabTitle);
// Control Settings
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ConnectionTypeKey, _ConnectionType);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, _Commandline);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, AcrylicTransparencyKey, _AcrylicOpacity);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, UseAcrylicKey, _UseAcrylic);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SuppressApplicationTitleKey, _SuppressApplicationTitle);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CloseOnExitKey, _CloseOnExit);
// Padding was never specified as an integer, but it was a common working mistake.
// Allow it to be permissive.
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, PaddingKey, _Padding, JsonUtils::OptionalConverter<hstring, JsonUtils::PermissiveStringConverter<std::wstring>>{});
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ScrollbarStateKey, _ScrollState);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, StartingDirectoryKey, _StartingDirectory);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, IconKey, _Icon);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, AntialiasingModeKey, _AntialiasingMode);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, TabColorKey, _TabColor);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BellStyleKey, _BellStyle);
if (json.isMember(JsonKey(UnfocusedAppearanceKey)))
auto unfocusedAppearance{ winrt::make_self<implementation::AppearanceConfig>(weak_ref<Model::Profile>(*this)) };
// If an unfocused appearance is defined in this profile, any undefined parameters are
// taken from this profile's default appearance, so add it as a parent
com_ptr<AppearanceConfig> parentCom;
_UnfocusedAppearance = *unfocusedAppearance;
winrt::hstring Profile::EvaluatedStartingDirectory() const
auto path{ StartingDirectory() };
if (!path.empty())
return winrt::hstring{ Profile::EvaluateStartingDirectory(path.c_str()) };
// treated as "inherit directory from parent process"
return path;
void Profile::_FinalizeInheritance()
if (auto defaultAppearanceImpl = get_self<AppearanceConfig>(_DefaultAppearance))
// Clear any existing parents first, we don't want duplicates from any previous
// calls to this function
for (auto& parent : _parents)
if (auto parentDefaultAppearanceImpl = parent->_DefaultAppearance.try_as<AppearanceConfig>())
if (auto fontInfoImpl = get_self<FontConfig>(_FontInfo))
// Clear any existing parents first, we don't want duplicates from any previous
// calls to this function
for (auto& parent : _parents)
if (auto parentFontInfoImpl = parent->_FontInfo.try_as<FontConfig>())
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::IAppearanceConfig Profile::DefaultAppearance()
return _DefaultAppearance;
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::FontConfig Profile::FontInfo()
return _FontInfo;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for expanding any environment variables in a user-supplied starting directory and validating the resulting path
// Arguments:
// - The value from the settings.json file
// Return Value:
// - The directory string with any environment variables expanded. If the resulting path is invalid,
// - the function returns an evaluated version of %userprofile% to avoid blocking the session from starting.
std::wstring Profile::EvaluateStartingDirectory(const std::wstring& directory)
// Prior to GH#9541, we'd validate that the user's startingDirectory existed
// here. If it was invalid, we'd gracefully fall back to %USERPROFILE%.
// However, that could cause hangs when combined with WSL. When the WSL
// filesystem is slow to respond, we'll end up waiting indefinitely for
// their filesystem driver to respond. This can result in the whole terminal
// becoming unresponsive.
// If the path is eventually invalid, we'll display warning in the
// ConptyConnection when the process fails to launch.
return wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(directory.c_str());
// Function Description:
// - Returns true if the given JSON object represents a dynamic profile object.
// If it is a dynamic profile object, we should make sure to only layer the
// object on a matching profile from a dynamic source.
// Arguments:
// - json: the partial serialization of a profile object to check
// Return Value:
// - true iff the object has a non-null `source` property
bool Profile::IsDynamicProfileObject(const Json::Value& json)
const auto& source = json.isMember(JsonKey(SourceKey)) ? json[JsonKey(SourceKey)] : Json::Value::null;
return !source.isNull();
// Function Description:
// - Generates a unique guid for a profile, given the name. For an given name, will always return the same GUID.
// Arguments:
// - name: The name to generate a unique GUID from
// Return Value:
// - a uuidv5 GUID generated from the given name.
winrt::guid Profile::_GenerateGuidForProfile(const hstring& name, const hstring& source) noexcept
// If we have a _source, then we can from a dynamic profile generator. Use
// our source to build the namespace guid, instead of using the default GUID.
const GUID namespaceGuid = !source.empty() ?
Utils::CreateV5Uuid(RUNTIME_GENERATED_PROFILE_NAMESPACE_GUID, gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(source))) :
// Always use the name to generate the temporary GUID. That way, across
// reloads, we'll generate the same static GUID.
return { Utils::CreateV5Uuid(namespaceGuid, gsl::as_bytes(gsl::make_span(name))) };
// Function Description:
// - Parses the given JSON object to get its GUID. If the json object does not
// have a `guid` set, we'll generate one, using the `name` field.
// Arguments:
// - json: the JSON object to get a GUID from, or generate a unique GUID for
// (given the `name`)
// Return Value:
// - The json's `guid`, or a guid synthesized for it.
winrt::guid Profile::GetGuidOrGenerateForJson(const Json::Value& json) noexcept
if (const auto guid{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<std::optional<GUID>>(json, GuidKey) })
return { guid.value() };
const auto name{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<hstring>(json, NameKey) };
const auto source{ JsonUtils::GetValueForKey<hstring>(json, SourceKey) };
return Profile::_GenerateGuidForProfile(name, source);
// Method Description:
// - Create a new serialized JsonObject from an instance of this class
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the JsonObject representing this instance
Json::Value Profile::ToJson() const
// Initialize the json with the appearance settings
Json::Value json{ winrt::get_self<implementation::AppearanceConfig>(_DefaultAppearance)->ToJson() };
// GH #9962:
// If the settings.json was missing, when we load the dynamic profiles, they are completely empty.
// This caused us to serialize empty profiles "{}" on accident.
const bool writeBasicSettings{ !Source().empty() };
// Profile-specific Settings
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, NameKey, writeBasicSettings ? Name() : _Name);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, GuidKey, writeBasicSettings ? Guid() : _Guid);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, HiddenKey, writeBasicSettings ? Hidden() : _Hidden);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SourceKey, writeBasicSettings ? Source() : _Source);
// TODO:MSFT:20642297 - Use a sentinel value (-1) for "Infinite scrollback"
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, HistorySizeKey, _HistorySize);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SnapOnInputKey, _SnapOnInput);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, AltGrAliasingKey, _AltGrAliasing);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabTitleKey, _TabTitle);
// Control Settings
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ConnectionTypeKey, _ConnectionType);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CommandlineKey, _Commandline);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, AcrylicTransparencyKey, _AcrylicOpacity);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, UseAcrylicKey, _UseAcrylic);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SuppressApplicationTitleKey, _SuppressApplicationTitle);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CloseOnExitKey, _CloseOnExit);
// PermissiveStringConverter is unnecessary for serialization
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, PaddingKey, _Padding);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ScrollbarStateKey, _ScrollState);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, StartingDirectoryKey, _StartingDirectory);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, IconKey, _Icon);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, AntialiasingModeKey, _AntialiasingMode);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, TabColorKey, _TabColor);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BellStyleKey, _BellStyle);
// Font settings
const auto fontInfoImpl = winrt::get_self<FontConfig>(_FontInfo);
if (fontInfoImpl->HasAnyOptionSet())
json[JsonKey(FontInfoKey)] = winrt::get_self<FontConfig>(_FontInfo)->ToJson();
if (_UnfocusedAppearance)
json[JsonKey(UnfocusedAppearanceKey)] = winrt::get_self<AppearanceConfig>(_UnfocusedAppearance.value())->ToJson();
return json;