Leonard Hecker 608a49e817
Allow generated profiles to be deleted (#11007)
Re-enables the delete button for generated profiles in the settings UI.
Additionally fixes "Startup Profiles" to only list active profiles.

Profiles are considered deleted if they're absent from settings.json, but their
GUID has been encountered before. Or in other words, from a user's perspective:
Generated profiles are added to the settings.json automatically only once.
Thus if the user chooses to delete the profile (e.g. using the delete button)
they aren't re-added automatically and thus appear to have been deleted.

Meanwhile those generated profiles are actually only marked as "hidden"
as well as "deleted", but still exist in internal profile lists.
The "hidden" attribute hides them from all existing menus. The "deleted" one
hides them from the settings UI and prevents them from being written to disk.

It would've been preferrable of course to just not generate and
add deleted profile to internal profile lists in the first place.
But this would've required far more wide-reaching changes.
The settings UI for instance requires a list of _all_ profiles in order to
allow a user to re-create previously deleted profiles. Such an approach was
attempted but discarded because of it's current complexity overhead.

## References

* Part of #9997
* A sequel to 5d36e5d

## PR Checklist

* [x] Closes #10960
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed

## Validation Steps Performed

* "Startup Profiles" doesn't list deleted profiles ✔️
* Manually removing an item from settings.json removes the profile ✔️
* Removing cmd.exe and saving doesn't create empty objects (#10960) ✔️
* "Add a new profile" lists deleted profiles ✔️
* "Duplicate" recreates previously deleted profiles ✔️
* Profiles are always created with GUIDs ✔️
2021-08-23 22:00:08 +00:00

167 lines
6.6 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- Profile.hpp
- A profile acts as a single set of terminal settings. Many tabs or panes could
exist side-by-side with different profiles simultaneously.
- Profiles could also specify their appearance when unfocused, this is what
the inheritance tree looks like for unfocused settings:
| |
|Profile.defaults |
| |
|DefaultAppearance |
| |
^ ^
| |
+------------------++ ++------------------+
| | | |
|MyProfile | |Profile.defaults |
| | | |
|DefaultAppearance | |UnfocusedAppearance|
| | | |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
| |
|MyProfile |
| |
| |
- Mike Griese - March 2019
#pragma once
#include "Profile.g.h"
#include "IInheritable.h"
#include "../inc/cppwinrt_utils.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include <DefaultSettings.h>
#include "AppearanceConfig.h"
#include "FontConfig.h"
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace SettingsModelLocalTests
class DeserializationTests;
class ProfileTests;
class ColorSchemeTests;
class KeyBindingsTests;
namespace TerminalAppUnitTests
class DynamicProfileTests;
class JsonTests;
// GUID used for generating GUIDs at runtime, for profiles that did not have a
// GUID specified manually.
constexpr GUID RUNTIME_GENERATED_PROFILE_NAMESPACE_GUID = { 0xf65ddb7e, 0x706b, 0x4499, { 0x8a, 0x50, 0x40, 0x31, 0x3c, 0xaf, 0x51, 0x0a } };
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
struct Profile : ProfileT<Profile>, IInheritable<Profile>
Profile(guid guid);
void CreateUnfocusedAppearance();
void DeleteUnfocusedAppearance();
hstring ToString()
return Name();
static com_ptr<Profile> CloneInheritanceGraph(com_ptr<Profile> oldProfile, com_ptr<Profile> newProfile, std::unordered_map<void*, com_ptr<Profile>>& visited);
static com_ptr<Profile> CopySettings(com_ptr<Profile> source);
static void InsertParentHelper(com_ptr<Profile> child, com_ptr<Profile> parent, std::optional<size_t> index = std::nullopt);
Json::Value GenerateStub() const;
static com_ptr<Profile> FromJson(const Json::Value& json);
bool ShouldBeLayered(const Json::Value& json) const;
void LayerJson(const Json::Value& json);
static bool IsDynamicProfileObject(const Json::Value& json);
Json::Value ToJson() const;
hstring EvaluatedStartingDirectory() const;
static guid GetGuidOrGenerateForJson(const Json::Value& json) noexcept;
Model::IAppearanceConfig DefaultAppearance();
Model::FontConfig FontInfo();
void _FinalizeInheritance() override;
WINRT_PROPERTY(bool, Deleted, false);
WINRT_PROPERTY(OriginTag, Origin, OriginTag::None);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, guid, Guid, _GenerateGuidForProfile(Name(), Source()));
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, hstring, Name, L"Default");
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, hstring, Source);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, bool, Hidden, false);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, guid, ConnectionType);
// Default Icon: Segoe MDL2 CommandPrompt icon
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, hstring, Icon, L"\uE756");
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, CloseOnExitMode, CloseOnExit, CloseOnExitMode::Graceful);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, hstring, TabTitle);
INHERITABLE_NULLABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Color, TabColor, nullptr);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, bool, SuppressApplicationTitle, false);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, bool, UseAcrylic, false);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, double, AcrylicOpacity, 0.5);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ScrollbarState, ScrollState, Microsoft::Terminal::Control::ScrollbarState::Visible);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, hstring, Padding, DEFAULT_PADDING);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, hstring, Commandline, L"cmd.exe");
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, hstring, StartingDirectory);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TextAntialiasingMode, AntialiasingMode, Microsoft::Terminal::Control::TextAntialiasingMode::Grayscale);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, bool, ForceFullRepaintRendering, false);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, bool, SoftwareRendering, false);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, int32_t, HistorySize, DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, bool, SnapOnInput, true);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, bool, AltGrAliasing, true);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, Model::BellStyle, BellStyle, BellStyle::Audible);
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::Profile, Model::IAppearanceConfig, UnfocusedAppearance, nullptr);
Model::IAppearanceConfig _DefaultAppearance{ winrt::make<AppearanceConfig>(weak_ref<Model::Profile>(*this)) };
Model::FontConfig _FontInfo{ winrt::make<FontConfig>(weak_ref<Model::Profile>(*this)) };
static std::wstring EvaluateStartingDirectory(const std::wstring& directory);
static guid _GenerateGuidForProfile(const hstring& name, const hstring& source) noexcept;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::DeserializationTests;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::ProfileTests;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::ColorSchemeTests;
friend class SettingsModelLocalTests::KeyBindingsTests;
friend class TerminalAppUnitTests::DynamicProfileTests;
friend class TerminalAppUnitTests::JsonTests;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::factory_implementation