Mike Griese 6268a4779c
Implement and action for manually clearing the Terminal (and conpty) buffer (#10906)
## Summary of the Pull Request


This adds a new action, `clearBuffer`. It accepts 3 values for the `clear` type:
* `"clear": "screen"`: Clear the terminal viewport content. Leaves the scrollback untouched. Moves the cursor row to the top of the viewport (unmodified).
* `"clear": "scrollback"`: Clear the scrollback. Leaves the viewport untouched.
* `"clear": "all"`: (**default**) Clear the scrollback and the visible viewport. Moves the cursor row to the top of the viewport (unmodified).

"Clear Buffer" has also been added to `defaults.json`.

## References
* From microsoft/vscode#75141 originally

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1193
* [x] Closes #1882
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

This is a bit tricky, because we need to plumb it all the way through conpty to clear the buffer. If we don't, then conpty will immediately just redraw the screen. So this sends a signal to the attached conpty, and then waits for conpty to draw the updated, cleared, screen back to us.

## Validation Steps Performed
* works for each of the three clear types as expected
* tests pass.
* works even with `ping -t` as you'd hope.
2021-09-02 14:59:42 +00:00

34 lines
1 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// This header prototypes the Pseudoconsole symbols from conpty.lib with their original names.
// This is required because we cannot import __imp_CreatePseudoConsole from a static library
// as it doesn't produce an import lib.
// We can't use an /ALTERNATENAME trick because it seems that that name is only resolved when the
// linker cannot otherwise find the symbol.
#pragma once
#include <consoleapi.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
HRESULT WINAPI ConptyCreatePseudoConsole(COORD size, HANDLE hInput, HANDLE hOutput, DWORD dwFlags, HPCON* phPC);
HRESULT WINAPI ConptyResizePseudoConsole(HPCON hPC, COORD size);
HRESULT WINAPI ConptyClearPseudoConsole(HPCON hPC);
VOID WINAPI ConptyClosePseudoConsole(HPCON hPC);
HRESULT WINAPI ConptyPackPseudoConsole(HANDLE hServerProcess, HANDLE hRef, HANDLE hSignal, HPCON* phPC);
#ifdef __cplusplus