Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 64489b1ec1
rename profiles.json to settings.json, clean up the defaults (#5199)
This pull request migrates `profiles.json` to `settings.json` and removes the legacy roaming AppData settings migrator.

It also:

* separates the key bindings in defaults.json into logical groups
* syncs the universal terminal defaults with the primary defaults
* removes some stray newlines that ended up at the beginning of settings.json and defaults.json

Fixes #5186.
Fixes #3291.

### categorize key bindings

### sync universal with main

### kill stray newlines in template files

### move profiles.json to settings.json

This commit also changes Get*Settings from returning a string to
returning a std::filesystem::path. We gain in expressiveness without a
loss in clarity (since path still supports .c_str()).

NOTE: I tried to do an atomic rename with the handle open, but it didn't
work for reparse points (it moves the destination of a symbolic link
out into the settings folder directly.)

(snip for atomic rename code)

auto path{ pathToSettingsFile.wstring() };
auto renameBufferSize{ sizeof(FILE_RENAME_INFO) + (path.size() * sizeof(wchar_t)) };
auto renameBuffer{ std::make_unique<std::byte[]>(renameBufferSize) };
auto renameInfo{ reinterpret_cast<FILE_RENAME_INFO*>(renameBuffer.get()) };
renameInfo->RootDirectory = nullptr;
renameInfo->FileNameLength = gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(path.size());
std::copy(path.cbegin(), path.cend(), std::begin(renameInfo->FileName));


(end snip)

### Stop resurrecting dead roaming profiles
2020-04-01 19:09:42 +00:00

907 lines
38 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include <argb.h>
#include "CascadiaSettings.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "utils.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include <appmodel.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
// defaults.h is a file containing the default json settings in a std::string_view
#include "defaults.h"
#include "defaults-universal.h"
// userDefault.h is like the above, but with a default template for the user's settings.json.
#include "userDefaults.h"
// Both defaults.h and userDefaults.h are generated at build time into the
// "Generated Files" directory.
using namespace ::TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::TerminalControl;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
static constexpr std::wstring_view SettingsFilename{ L"settings.json" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view LegacySettingsFilename{ L"profiles.json" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view UnpackagedSettingsFolderName{ L"Microsoft\\Windows Terminal\\" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view DefaultsFilename{ L"defaults.json" };
static constexpr std::string_view SchemaKey{ "$schema" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfilesKey{ "profiles" };
static constexpr std::string_view DefaultSettingsKey{ "defaults" };
static constexpr std::string_view ProfilesListKey{ "list" };
static constexpr std::string_view KeybindingsKey{ "keybindings" };
static constexpr std::string_view SchemesKey{ "schemes" };
static constexpr std::string_view DisabledProfileSourcesKey{ "disabledProfileSources" };
static constexpr std::string_view Utf8Bom{ u8"\uFEFF" };
static constexpr std::string_view SettingsSchemaFragment{ "\n"
R"( "$schema": "https://aka.ms/terminal-profiles-schema")" };
// Method Description:
// - Creates a CascadiaSettings from whatever's saved on disk, or instantiates
// a new one with the default values. If we're running as a packaged app,
// it will load the settings from our packaged localappdata. If we're
// running as an unpackaged application, it will read it from the path
// we've set under localappdata.
// - Loads both the settings from the defaults.json and the user's settings.json
// - Also runs and dynamic profile generators. If any of those generators create
// new profiles, we'll write the user settings back to the file, with the new
// profiles inserted into their list of profiles.
// Return Value:
// - a unique_ptr containing a new CascadiaSettings object.
std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> CascadiaSettings::LoadAll()
auto resultPtr = LoadDefaults();
// GH 3588, we need this below to know if the user chose something that wasn't our default.
// Collect it up here in case it gets modified by any of the other layers between now and when
// the user's preferences are loaded and layered.
const auto hardcodedDefaultGuid = resultPtr->GlobalSettings().GetDefaultProfile();
std::optional<std::string> fileData = _ReadUserSettings();
const bool foundFile = fileData.has_value();
// Make sure the file isn't totally empty. If it is, we'll treat the file
// like it doesn't exist at all.
const bool fileHasData = foundFile && !fileData.value().empty();
bool needToWriteFile = false;
if (fileHasData)
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(fileData.value(), false);
// We didn't find the user settings. We'll need to create a file
// to use as the user defaults.
// For now, just parse our user settings template as their user settings.
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(UserSettingsJson, false);
needToWriteFile = true;
// Load profiles from dynamic profile generators. _userSettings should be
// created by now, because we're going to check in there for any generators
// that should be disabled.
// See microsoft/terminal#2325: find the defaultSettings from the user's
// settings. Layer those settings upon all the existing profiles we have
// (defaults and dynamic profiles). We'll also set
// _userDefaultProfileSettings here. When we LayerJson below to apply the
// user settings, we'll make sure to use these defaultSettings _before_ any
// profiles the user might have.
// Apply the user's settings
// After layering the user settings, check if there are any new profiles
// that need to be inserted into their user settings file.
needToWriteFile = resultPtr->_AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings() || needToWriteFile;
if (needToWriteFile)
// For safety's sake, we need to re-parse the JSON document to ensure that
// all future patches are applied with updated object offsets.
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(resultPtr->_userSettingsString, false);
// Make sure there's a $schema at the top of the file.
needToWriteFile = resultPtr->_PrependSchemaDirective() || needToWriteFile;
// TODO:GH#2721 If powershell core is installed, we need to set that to the
// default profile, but only when the settings file was newly created. We'll
// re-write the segment of the user settings for "default profile" to have
// the powershell core GUID instead.
// If we created the file, or found new dynamic profiles, write the user
// settings string back to the file.
if (needToWriteFile)
// If AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings (or the pwsh check above)
// changed the file, then our local settings JSON is no longer accurate.
// We should re-parse, but not re-layer
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(resultPtr->_userSettingsString, false);
// If this throws, the app will catch it and use the default settings
// GH 3855 - Gathering Data on custom profiles to inform better defaults
// Do it after everything else so it won't happen unless validation passed.
// Also, avoid processing unless someone's listening for measures. The keybindings work, at least,
// is a lot of computation we can skip if no one cares.
if (TraceLoggingProviderEnabled(g_hTerminalAppProvider, 0, MICROSOFT_KEYWORD_MEASURES))
auto guid = resultPtr->GlobalSettings().GetDefaultProfile();
// Compare to the defaults.json one that we set on install.
// If it's different, log what the user chose.
if (hardcodedDefaultGuid != guid)
g_hTerminalAppProvider, // handle to TerminalApp tracelogging provider
TraceLoggingDescription("Event emitted when user has chosen a different default profile than hardcoded one on load/reload"),
TraceLoggingGuid(guid, "DefaultProfile", "ID of user-chosen default profile"),
// If the user had keybinding settings preferences, we want to learn from them to make better defaults
auto userKeybindings = resultPtr->_userSettings[JsonKey(KeybindingsKey)];
if (!userKeybindings.empty())
// If there are custom key bindings, let's understand what they are because maybe the defaults aren't good enough
// Run it through the object so we can parse it apart and then only serialize the fields we're interested in
// and avoid extraneous data.
auto akb = winrt::make_self<implementation::AppKeyBindings>();
auto value = akb->ToJson();
// Reserialize the keybindings
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
// Use 4 spaces to indent instead of \t
wbuilder.settings_["indentation"] = " ";
wbuilder.settings_["enableYAMLCompatibility"] = true; // suppress spaces around colons
const auto keybindingsString = Json::writeString(wbuilder, value);
g_hTerminalAppProvider, // handle to TerminalApp tracelogging provider
TraceLoggingDescription("Event emitted when custom keybindings are identified on load/reload"),
TraceLoggingUtf8String(keybindingsString.c_str(), "Keybindings", "Keybindings as JSON"),
return resultPtr;
// Function Description:
// - Loads a batch of settings curated for the Universal variant of the terminal app
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a unique_ptr to a CascadiaSettings with the connection types and settings for Universal terminal
std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> CascadiaSettings::LoadUniversal()
// We're going to do this ourselves because we want to exclude almost everything
// from the special Universal-for-developers configuration
// Create settings and get the universal defaults loaded up.
auto resultPtr = std::make_unique<CascadiaSettings>();
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(DefaultUniversalJson, true);
// Now validate.
// If this throws, the app will catch it and use the default settings
return resultPtr;
// Function Description:
// - Creates a new CascadiaSettings object initialized with settings from the
// hardcoded defaults.json.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a unique_ptr to a CascadiaSettings with the settings from defaults.json
std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> CascadiaSettings::LoadDefaults()
auto resultPtr = std::make_unique<CascadiaSettings>();
// We already have the defaults in memory, because we stamp them into a
// header as part of the build process. We don't need to bother with reading
// them from a file (and the potential that could fail)
resultPtr->_ParseJsonString(DefaultJson, true);
return resultPtr;
// Method Description:
// - Runs each of the configured dynamic profile generators (DPGs). Adds
// profiles from any DPGs that ran to the end of our list of profiles.
// - Uses the Json::Value _userSettings to check which DPGs should not be run.
// If the user settings has any namespaces in the "disabledProfileSources"
// property, we'll ensure that any DPGs with a matching namespace _don't_ run.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_LoadDynamicProfiles()
std::unordered_set<std::wstring> ignoredNamespaces;
const auto disabledProfileSources = CascadiaSettings::_GetDisabledProfileSourcesJsonObject(_userSettings);
if (disabledProfileSources.isArray())
for (const auto& ns : disabledProfileSources)
const GUID nullGuid{ 0 };
for (auto& generator : _profileGenerators)
const std::wstring generatorNamespace{ generator->GetNamespace() };
if (ignoredNamespaces.find(generatorNamespace) != ignoredNamespaces.end())
// namespace should be ignored
auto profiles = generator->GenerateProfiles();
for (auto& profile : profiles)
// If the profile did not have a GUID when it was generated,
// we'll synthesize a GUID for it in _ValidateProfilesHaveGuid
CATCH_LOG_MSG("Dynamic Profile Namespace: \"%ls\"", generatorNamespace.data());
// Method Description:
// - Attempts to read the given data as a string of JSON and parse that JSON
// into a Json::Value.
// - Will ignore leading UTF-8 BOMs.
// - Additionally, will store the parsed JSON in this object, as either our
// _defaultSettings or our _userSettings, depending on isDefaultSettings.
// - Does _not_ apply the json onto our current settings. Callers should make
// sure to call LayerJson to ensure the settings are applied.
// Arguments:
// - fileData: the string to parse as JSON data
// - isDefaultSettings: if true, we should store the parsed JSON as our
// defaultSettings. Otherwise, we'll store the parsed JSON as our user
// settings.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_ParseJsonString(std::string_view fileData, const bool isDefaultSettings)
// Ignore UTF-8 BOM
auto actualDataStart = fileData.data();
const auto actualDataEnd = fileData.data() + fileData.size();
if (fileData.compare(0, Utf8Bom.size(), Utf8Bom) == 0)
actualDataStart += Utf8Bom.size();
std::string errs; // This string will receive any error text from failing to parse.
std::unique_ptr<Json::CharReader> reader{ Json::CharReaderBuilder::CharReaderBuilder().newCharReader() };
// Parse the json data into either our defaults or user settings. We'll keep
// these original json values around for later, in case we need to parse
// their raw contents again.
Json::Value& root = isDefaultSettings ? _defaultSettings : _userSettings;
// `parse` will return false if it fails.
if (!reader->parse(actualDataStart, actualDataEnd, &root, &errs))
// This will be caught by App::_TryLoadSettings, who will display
// the text to the user.
throw winrt::hresult_error(WEB_E_INVALID_JSON_STRING, winrt::to_hstring(errs));
// If this is the user settings, also store away the original settings
// string. We'll need to keep it around so we can modify it without
// re-serializing their settings.
if (!isDefaultSettings)
_userSettingsString = fileData;
// Method Description:
// - Determines whether the user's settings file is missing a schema directive
// and, if so, inserts one.
// - Assumes that the body of the root object is at an indentation of 4 spaces, and
// therefore each member should be indented 4 spaces. If the user's settings
// have a different indentation, we'll still insert valid json, it'll just be
// indented incorrectly.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we've made changes to the _userSettingsString that should be persisted.
bool CascadiaSettings::_PrependSchemaDirective()
if (_userSettings.isMember(JsonKey(SchemaKey)))
return false;
// start points at the opening { for the root object.
auto offset = _userSettings.getOffsetStart() + 1;
_userSettingsString.insert(offset, SettingsSchemaFragment);
offset += SettingsSchemaFragment.size();
if (_userSettings.size() > 0)
_userSettingsString.insert(offset, ",");
return true;
// Method Description:
// - Finds all the dynamic profiles we've generated that _don't_ exist in the
// user's settings. Generates a minimal blob of json for them, and inserts
// them into the user's settings at the end of the list of profiles.
// - Does not reformat the user's settings file.
// - Does not write the file! Only modifies in-place the _userSettingsString
// member. Callers should make sure to call
// _WriteSettings(_userSettingsString) to make sure to persist these changes!
// - Assumes that the `profiles` object is at an indentation of 4 spaces, and
// therefore each profile should be indented 8 spaces. If the user's settings
// have a different indentation, we'll still insert valid json, it'll just be
// indented incorrectly.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we've made changes to the _userSettingsString that should be persisted.
bool CascadiaSettings::_AppendDynamicProfilesToUserSettings()
// - Find the set of profiles that weren't either in the default profiles or
// in the user profiles. TODO:GH#2723 Do this in not O(N^2)
// - For each of those profiles,
// * Diff them from the default profile
// * Serialize that diff
// * Insert that diff to the end of the list of profiles.
const Profile defaultProfile;
Json::StreamWriterBuilder wbuilder;
// Use 4 spaces to indent instead of \t
wbuilder.settings_["indentation"] = " ";
wbuilder.settings_["enableYAMLCompatibility"] = true; // suppress spaces around colons
auto isInJsonObj = [](const auto& profile, const auto& json) {
for (auto profileJson : _GetProfilesJsonObject(json))
if (profileJson.isObject())
if (profile.ShouldBeLayered(profileJson))
return true;
// If the profileJson doesn't have a GUID, then it might be in
// the file still. We returned false because it shouldn't be
// layered, but it might be a name-only profile.
return false;
// Get the index in the user settings string of the _last_ profile.
// We want to start inserting profiles immediately following the last profile.
const auto userProfilesObj = _GetProfilesJsonObject(_userSettings);
const auto numProfiles = userProfilesObj.size();
const auto lastProfile = userProfilesObj[numProfiles - 1];
size_t currentInsertIndex = lastProfile.getOffsetLimit();
// Find the position of the first non-tab/space character before the last profile...
const auto lastProfileIndentStartsAt{ _userSettingsString.find_last_not_of(" \t", lastProfile.getOffsetStart() - 1) };
// ... and impute the user's preferred indentation.
// (we're taking a copy because a string_view into a string we mutate is a no-no.)
const std::string indentation{ _userSettingsString, lastProfileIndentStartsAt + 1, lastProfile.getOffsetStart() - lastProfileIndentStartsAt - 1 };
bool changedFile = false;
for (const auto& profile : _profiles)
if (!profile.HasGuid())
// If the profile doesn't have a guid, it's a name-only profile.
// During validation, we'll generate a GUID for the profile, but
// validation occurs after this. We should ignore these types of
// profiles.
// If a dynamic profile was generated _without_ a GUID, we also
// don't want it serialized here. The first check in
// Profile::ShouldBeLayered checks that the profile has a guid. For a
// dynamic profile without a GUID, that'll _never_ be true, so it
// would be impossible to be layered.
// Skip profiles that are in the user settings or the default settings.
if (isInJsonObj(profile, _userSettings) || isInJsonObj(profile, _defaultSettings))
// Generate a diff for the profile, that contains the minimal set of
// changes to re-create this profile.
const auto diff = profile.GenerateStub();
auto profileSerialization = Json::writeString(wbuilder, diff);
// Add the user's indent to the start of each line
profileSerialization.insert(0, indentation);
// Get the first newline
size_t pos = profileSerialization.find("\n");
// for each newline...
while (pos != std::string::npos)
// Insert 8 spaces immediately following the current newline
profileSerialization.insert(pos + 1, indentation);
// Get the next newline
pos = profileSerialization.find("\n", pos + indentation.size() + 1);
// Write a comma, newline to the file
changedFile = true;
_userSettingsString.insert(currentInsertIndex, ",");
_userSettingsString.insert(currentInsertIndex, "\n");
// Write the profile's serialization to the file
_userSettingsString.insert(currentInsertIndex, profileSerialization);
currentInsertIndex += profileSerialization.size();
return changedFile;
// Method Description:
// - Create a new instance of this class from a serialized JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a serialization of a CascadiaSettings object.
// Return Value:
// - a new CascadiaSettings instance created from the values in `json`
std::unique_ptr<CascadiaSettings> CascadiaSettings::FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
auto resultPtr = std::make_unique<CascadiaSettings>();
return resultPtr;
// Method Description:
// - Layer values from the given json object on top of the existing properties
// of this object. For any keys we're expecting to be able to parse in the
// given object, we'll parse them and replace our settings with values from
// the new json object. Properties that _aren't_ in the json object will _not_
// be replaced.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a CascadiaSettings object.
// Return Value:
// <none>
void CascadiaSettings::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
if (auto schemes{ json[SchemesKey.data()] })
for (auto schemeJson : schemes)
if (schemeJson.isObject())
for (auto profileJson : _GetProfilesJsonObject(json))
if (profileJson.isObject())
// Method Description:
// - Given a partial json serialization of a Profile object, either layers that
// json on a matching Profile we already have, or creates a new Profile
// object from those settings.
// - For profiles that were created from a dynamic profile source, they'll have
// both a guid and source guid that must both match. If a user profile with a
// source set does not find a matching profile at load time, the profile
// should be ignored.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which may be a partial serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_LayerOrCreateProfile(const Json::Value& profileJson)
// Layer the json on top of an existing profile, if we have one:
auto pProfile = _FindMatchingProfile(profileJson);
if (pProfile)
// If this JSON represents a dynamic profile, we _shouldn't_ create the
// profile here. We only want to create profiles for profiles without a
// `source`. Dynamic profiles _must_ be layered on an existing profile.
if (!Profile::IsDynamicProfileObject(profileJson))
Profile profile{};
// GH#2325: If we have a set of default profile settings, apply them here.
// We _won't_ have these settings yet for defaults, dynamic profiles.
if (_userDefaultProfileSettings)
// Method Description:
// - Finds a profile from our list of profiles that matches the given json
// object. Uses Profile::ShouldBeLayered to determine if the Json::Value is a
// match or not. This method should be used to find a profile to layer the
// given settings upon.
// - Returns nullptr if no such match exists.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which may be a partial serialization of a Profile object.
// Return Value:
// - a Profile that can be layered with the given json object, iff such a
// profile exists.
Profile* CascadiaSettings::_FindMatchingProfile(const Json::Value& profileJson)
for (auto& profile : _profiles)
if (profile.ShouldBeLayered(profileJson))
// HERE BE DRAGONS: Returning a pointer to a type in the vector is
// maybe not the _safest_ thing, but we have a mind to make Profile
// and ColorScheme winrt types in the future, so this will be safer
// then.
return &profile;
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Finds the "default profile settings" if they exist in the users settings,
// and applies them to the existing profiles. The "default profile settings"
// are settings that should be applied to every profile a user has, with the
// option of being overridden by explicit values in the profile. This should
// be called _after_ the defaults have been parsed and dynamic profiles have
// been generated, but before the other user profiles have been loaded.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_ApplyDefaultsFromUserSettings()
// If `profiles` was an object, then look for the `defaults` object
// underneath it for the default profile settings.
auto defaultSettings{ Json::Value::null };
if (const auto profiles{ _userSettings[JsonKey(ProfilesKey)] })
if (profiles.isObject())
defaultSettings = profiles[JsonKey(DefaultSettingsKey)];
if (defaultSettings)
_userDefaultProfileSettings = defaultSettings;
// Remove the `guid` member from the default settings. That'll
// hyper-explode, so just don't let them do that.
_userDefaultProfileSettings.removeMember({ "guid" });
for (auto& profile : _profiles)
// Method Description:
// - Given a partial json serialization of a ColorScheme object, either layers that
// json on a matching ColorScheme we already have, or creates a new ColorScheme
// object from those settings.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a ColorScheme object.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void CascadiaSettings::_LayerOrCreateColorScheme(const Json::Value& schemeJson)
// Layer the json on top of an existing profile, if we have one:
auto pScheme = _FindMatchingColorScheme(schemeJson);
if (pScheme)
// Method Description:
// - Finds a color scheme from our list of color schemes that matches the given
// json object. Uses ColorScheme::GetNameFromJson to find the name and then
// performs a lookup in the global map. This method should be used to find a
// color scheme to layer the given settings upon.
// - Returns nullptr if no such match exists.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of a ColorScheme object.
// Return Value:
// - a ColorScheme that can be layered with the given json object, iff such a
// color scheme exists.
ColorScheme* CascadiaSettings::_FindMatchingColorScheme(const Json::Value& schemeJson)
if (auto schemeName = ColorScheme::GetNameFromJson(schemeJson))
auto& schemes = _globals.GetColorSchemes();
auto iterator = schemes.find(*schemeName);
if (iterator != schemes.end())
// HERE BE DRAGONS: Returning a pointer to a type in the vector is
// maybe not the _safest_ thing, but we have a mind to make Profile
// and ColorScheme winrt types in the future, so this will be safer
// then.
return &iterator->second;
return nullptr;
// Function Description:
// - Returns true if we're running in a packaged context.
// If we are, we want to change our settings path slightly.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we're running in a packaged context.
bool CascadiaSettings::_IsPackaged()
UINT32 length = 0;
LONG rc = GetCurrentPackageFullName(&length, nullptr);
// Method Description:
// - Writes the given content in UTF-8 to our settings file using the Win32 APIS's.
// Will overwrite any existing content in the file.
// Arguments:
// - content: the given string of content to write to the file.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
// This can throw an exception if we fail to open the file for writing, or we
// fail to write the file
void CascadiaSettings::_WriteSettings(const std::string_view content)
auto pathToSettingsFile{ CascadiaSettings::GetSettingsPath() };
wil::unique_hfile hOut{ CreateFileW(pathToSettingsFile.c_str(),
nullptr) };
if (!hOut)
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(!WriteFile(hOut.get(), content.data(), gsl::narrow<DWORD>(content.size()), nullptr, nullptr));
// Method Description:
// - Reads the content in UTF-8 encoding of our settings file using the Win32 APIs
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an optional with the content of the file if we were able to open it,
// otherwise the optional will be empty.
// If the file exists, but we fail to read it, this can throw an exception
// from reading the file
std::optional<std::string> CascadiaSettings::_ReadUserSettings()
const auto pathToSettingsFile{ CascadiaSettings::GetSettingsPath() };
wil::unique_hfile hFile{ CreateFileW(pathToSettingsFile.c_str(),
nullptr) };
if (!hFile)
// GH#5186 - We moved from profiles.json to settings.json; we want to
// migrate any file we find. We're using MoveFile in case their settings.json
// is a symbolic link.
auto pathToLegacySettingsFile{ pathToSettingsFile };
wil::unique_hfile hLegacyFile{ CreateFileW(pathToLegacySettingsFile.c_str(),
nullptr) };
if (hLegacyFile)
// Close the file handle, move it, and re-open the file in its new location.
// Note: We're unsure if this is unsafe. Theoretically it's possible
// that two instances of the app will try and move the settings file
// simultaneously. We don't know what might happen in that scenario,
// but we're also not sure how to safely lock the file to prevent
// that from occurring.
// hFile shouldn't be INVALID. That's unexpected - We just moved the
// file, we should be able to open it. Throw the error so we can get
// some information here.
// If the roaming file didn't exist, and the local file doesn't exist,
// that's fine. Just log the error and return nullopt - we'll
// create the defaults.
return std::nullopt;
return _ReadFile(hFile.get());
// Method Description:
// - Reads the content in UTF-8 encoding of the given file using the Win32 APIs
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - an optional with the content of the file if we were able to read it. If we
// fail to read it, this can throw an exception from reading the file
std::optional<std::string> CascadiaSettings::_ReadFile(HANDLE hFile)
// fileSize is in bytes
const auto fileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, nullptr);
auto utf8buffer = std::make_unique<char[]>(fileSize);
DWORD bytesRead = 0;
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(!ReadFile(hFile, utf8buffer.get(), fileSize, &bytesRead, nullptr));
// convert buffer to UTF-8 string
std::string utf8string(utf8buffer.get(), fileSize);
return { utf8string };
// function Description:
// - Returns the full path to the settings file, either within the application
// package, or in its unpackaged location. This path is under the "Local
// AppData" folder, so it _doesn't_ roam to other machines.
// - If the application is unpackaged,
// the file will end up under e.g. C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Terminal\settings.json
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the full path to the settings file
std::filesystem::path CascadiaSettings::GetSettingsPath()
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string localAppDataFolder;
// KF_FLAG_FORCE_APP_DATA_REDIRECTION, when engaged, causes SHGet... to return
// the new AppModel paths (Packages/xxx/RoamingState, etc.) for standard path requests.
// Using this flag allows us to avoid Windows.Storage.ApplicationData completely.
THROW_IF_FAILED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_LocalAppData, KF_FLAG_FORCE_APP_DATA_REDIRECTION, nullptr, &localAppDataFolder));
std::filesystem::path parentDirectoryForSettingsFile{ localAppDataFolder.get() };
if (!_IsPackaged())
parentDirectoryForSettingsFile /= UnpackagedSettingsFolderName;
// Create the directory if it doesn't exist
return parentDirectoryForSettingsFile / SettingsFilename;
std::filesystem::path CascadiaSettings::GetDefaultSettingsPath()
// Both of these posts suggest getting the path to the exe, then removing
// the exe's name to get the package root:
// * https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appconsult/2017/06/23/accessing-to-the-files-in-the-installation-folder-in-a-desktop-bridge-application/
// * https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/appconsult/2017/03/06/handling-data-in-a-converted-desktop-app-with-the-desktop-bridge/
// This would break if we ever moved our exe out of the package root.
// HOWEVER, if we try to look for a defaults.json that's simply in the same
// directory as the exe, that will work for unpackaged scenarios as well. So
// let's try that.
HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(nullptr);
THROW_LAST_ERROR_IF(hModule == nullptr);
std::wstring exePathString;
THROW_IF_FAILED(wil::GetModuleFileNameW(hModule, exePathString));
const std::filesystem::path exePath{ exePathString };
const std::filesystem::path rootDir = exePath.parent_path();
return rootDir / DefaultsFilename;
// Function Description:
// - Gets the object in the given JSON object under the "profiles" key. Returns
// null if there's no "profiles" key.
// Arguments:
// - json: the json object to get the profiles from.
// Return Value:
// - the Json::Value representing the profiles property from the given object
const Json::Value& CascadiaSettings::_GetProfilesJsonObject(const Json::Value& json)
const auto& profilesProperty = json[JsonKey(ProfilesKey)];
return profilesProperty.isArray() ?
profilesProperty :
// Function Description:
// - Gets the object in the given JSON object under the "disabledProfileSources"
// key. Returns null if there's no "disabledProfileSources" key.
// Arguments:
// - json: the json object to get the disabled profile sources from.
// Return Value:
// - the Json::Value representing the `disabledProfileSources` property from the
// given object
const Json::Value& CascadiaSettings::_GetDisabledProfileSourcesJsonObject(const Json::Value& json)
return json[JsonKey(DisabledProfileSourcesKey)];