Dustin L. Howett 66fd9c367d
Add til::static_map, a constexpr key-value store (#7323)
This is based on (cribbed almost directly from) code written by the
inimitable @StephanTLavavej on one of our mailing lists.

This is a nice generic version of the approach used in
JsonUtils::EnumMapper and CodepointWidthDetector: a static array of
key-value pairs that we binary-search at runtime (or at compile time, as
the case may be.)

Keys are not required to be sorted, as we're taking advantage of
constexpr std::sort (VS 16.6+) to get the compiler to do it for us. How
cool is that?

static_map presents an operator[] or at much like
std::map/std::unordered_map does.

I've added some tests, but they're practically fully-solveable at compile
time so they pretty much act like `VERIFY_IS_TRUE(true)`.
2020-08-18 18:05:14 +00:00

75 lines
2.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
// static_map implements a very simple std::map-like type
// that is entirely (compile-time-)constant.
// There is no requirement that keys be sorted, as it will
// use constexpr std::sort during construction.
namespace til // Terminal Implementation Library. Also: "Today I Learned"
template<typename K, typename V, typename Compare = std::less<K>, size_t N = 0>
class static_map
using const_iterator = typename std::array<std::pair<K, V>, N>::const_iterator;
template<typename... Args>
constexpr explicit static_map(const Args&... args) :
_array{ { args... } }
static_assert(sizeof...(Args) == N);
const auto compareKeys = [&](const auto& p1, const auto& p2) { return _predicate(p1.first, p2.first); };
std::sort(_array.begin(), _array.end(), compareKeys); // compile-time sorting!
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const_iterator find(const K& key) const noexcept
const auto compareKey = [&](const auto& p) { return _predicate(p.first, key); };
const auto iter{ std::partition_point(_array.begin(), _array.end(), compareKey) };
if (iter == _array.end() || _predicate(key, iter->first))
return _array.end();
return iter;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const_iterator end() const noexcept
return _array.end();
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const V& at(const K& key) const
const auto iter{ find(key) };
if (iter == end())
throw std::runtime_error("key not found");
return iter->second;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr const V& operator[](const K& key) const
return at(key);
Compare _predicate;
std::array<std::pair<K, V>, N> _array;
// this is a deduction guide that ensures two things:
// 1. static_map's member types are all the same
// 2. static_map's fourth template argument (otherwise undeduced) is how many pairs it contains
template<typename First, typename... Rest>
static_map(First, Rest...)->static_map<std::conditional_t<std::conjunction_v<std::is_same<First, Rest>...>, typename First::first_type, void>, typename First::second_type, std::less<typename First::first_type>, 1 + sizeof...(Rest)>;