Mike Griese 7acec306a6
Account for the window frame when calculating initial position (#10902)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Turns out, we'd only ever use the non-client size to calculate the size of the window, but not the actual position. As we learned in #10676, the nonclient area extends a few pixels past the visible borders of the window. 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #10583
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Validation Steps Performed
* [x] Works with the `IslandWindow`
* [x] Works with the `NonClientIslandWindow`
2021-08-09 18:27:20 +00:00

984 lines
38 KiB

* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved. *
* *
#include "pch.h"
#include "NonClientIslandWindow.h"
#include "../types/inc/utils.hpp"
#include "TerminalThemeHelpers.h"
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Composition;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Numerics;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console::Types;
static constexpr int AutohideTaskbarSize = 2;
NonClientIslandWindow::NonClientIslandWindow(const ElementTheme& requestedTheme) noexcept :
_backgroundBrushColor{ 0, 0, 0 },
_theme{ requestedTheme },
_isMaximized{ false }
static constexpr const wchar_t* dragBarClassName{ L"DRAG_BAR_WINDOW_CLASS" };
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT __stdcall NonClientIslandWindow::_StaticInputSinkWndProc(HWND const window, UINT const message, WPARAM const wparam, LPARAM const lparam) noexcept
if (WM_NCCREATE == message)
auto cs = reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(lparam);
auto nonClientIslandWindow{ reinterpret_cast<NonClientIslandWindow*>(cs->lpCreateParams) };
SetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(nonClientIslandWindow));
// fall through to default window procedure
else if (auto nonClientIslandWindow{ reinterpret_cast<NonClientIslandWindow*>(GetWindowLongPtr(window, GWLP_USERDATA)) })
return nonClientIslandWindow->_InputSinkMessageHandler(message, wparam, lparam);
return DefWindowProc(window, message, wparam, lparam);
void NonClientIslandWindow::MakeWindow() noexcept
static ATOM dragBarWindowClass{ []() {
wcEx.cbSize = sizeof(wcEx);
wcEx.lpszClassName = dragBarClassName;
wcEx.hbrBackground = reinterpret_cast<HBRUSH>(GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
wcEx.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW);
wcEx.lpfnWndProc = &NonClientIslandWindow::_StaticInputSinkWndProc;
wcEx.hInstance = wil::GetModuleInstanceHandle();
wcEx.cbWndExtra = sizeof(NonClientIslandWindow*);
return RegisterClassEx(&wcEx);
}() };
// The drag bar window is a child window of the top level window that is put
// right on top of the drag bar. The XAML island window "steals" our mouse
// messages which makes it hard to implement a custom drag area. By putting
// a window on top of it, we prevent it from "stealing" the mouse messages.
// Function Description:
// - The window procedure for the drag bar forwards clicks on its client area to its parent as non-client clicks.
LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_InputSinkMessageHandler(UINT const message, WPARAM const wparam, LPARAM const lparam) noexcept
std::optional<UINT> nonClientMessage{ std::nullopt };
// translate WM_ messages on the window to WM_NC* on the top level window
switch (message)
nonClientMessage = WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN;
nonClientMessage = WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK;
nonClientMessage = WM_NCLBUTTONUP;
nonClientMessage = WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN;
nonClientMessage = WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK;
nonClientMessage = WM_NCRBUTTONUP;
if (nonClientMessage.has_value())
const POINT clientPt{ GET_X_LPARAM(lparam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lparam) };
POINT screenPt{ clientPt };
if (ClientToScreen(_dragBarWindow.get(), &screenPt))
auto parentWindow{ GetHandle() };
const LPARAM newLparam = MAKELPARAM(screenPt.x, screenPt.y);
// Hit test the parent window at the screen coordinates the user clicked in the drag input sink window,
// then pass that click through as an NC click in that location.
const LRESULT hitTest{ SendMessage(parentWindow, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, newLparam) };
SendMessage(parentWindow, nonClientMessage.value(), hitTest, newLparam);
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(_dragBarWindow.get(), message, wparam, lparam);
// Method Description:
// - Resizes and shows/hides the drag bar input sink window.
// This window is used to capture clicks on the non-client area.
void NonClientIslandWindow::_ResizeDragBarWindow() noexcept
const til::rectangle rect{ _GetDragAreaRect() };
if (_IsTitlebarVisible() && rect.size().area() > 0)
rect.top<int>() + _GetTopBorderHeight(),
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(_dragBarWindow.get(), 0, 255, LWA_ALPHA);
SetWindowPos(_dragBarWindow.get(), HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
// Method Description:
// - Called when the app's size changes. When that happens, the size of the drag
// bar may have changed. If it has, we'll need to update the WindowRgn of the
// interop window.
// Arguments:
// - <unused>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void NonClientIslandWindow::_OnDragBarSizeChanged(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable /*sender*/,
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::SizeChangedEventArgs /*eventArgs*/)
void NonClientIslandWindow::OnAppInitialized()
void NonClientIslandWindow::Initialize()
// Set up our grid of content. We'll use _rootGrid as our root element.
// There will be two children of this grid - the TitlebarControl, and the
// "client content"
Controls::RowDefinition titlebarRow{};
Controls::RowDefinition contentRow{};
// Create our titlebar control
_titlebar = winrt::TerminalApp::TitlebarControl{ reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(GetHandle()) };
_dragBar = _titlebar.DragBar();
_dragBar.SizeChanged({ this, &NonClientIslandWindow::_OnDragBarSizeChanged });
_rootGrid.SizeChanged({ this, &NonClientIslandWindow::_OnDragBarSizeChanged });
Controls::Grid::SetRow(_titlebar, 0);
// GH#3440 - When the titlebar is loaded (officially added to our UI tree),
// then make sure to update it's visual state to reflect if we're in the
// maximized state on launch.
_titlebar.Loaded([this](auto&&, auto&&) { _OnMaximizeChange(); });
// Method Description:
// - Set the content of the "client area" of our window to the given content.
// Arguments:
// - content: the new UI element to use as the client content
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void NonClientIslandWindow::SetContent(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement content)
_clientContent = content;
// SetRow only works on FrameworkElement's, so cast it to a FWE before
// calling. We know that our content is a Grid, so we don't need to worry
// about this.
const auto fwe = content.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::FrameworkElement>();
if (fwe)
Controls::Grid::SetRow(fwe, 1);
// Method Description:
// - Set the content of the "titlebar area" of our window to the given content.
// Arguments:
// - content: the new UI element to use as the titlebar content
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void NonClientIslandWindow::SetTitlebarContent(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement content)
// GH#4288 - add a SizeChanged handler to this content. It's possible that
// this element's size will change after the dragbar's. When that happens,
// the drag bar won't send another SizeChanged event, because the dragbar's
// _size_ didn't change, only it's position.
const auto fwe = content.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::FrameworkElement>();
if (fwe)
fwe.SizeChanged({ this, &NonClientIslandWindow::_OnDragBarSizeChanged });
// Method Description:
// - This method computes the height of the little border above the title bar
// and returns it. If the border is disabled, then this method will return 0.
// Return Value:
// - the height of the border above the title bar or 0 if it's disabled
int NonClientIslandWindow::_GetTopBorderHeight() const noexcept
// No border when maximized or fullscreen.
// Yet we still need it in the focus mode to allow dragging (GH#7012)
if (_isMaximized || _fullscreen)
return 0;
return topBorderVisibleHeight;
RECT NonClientIslandWindow::_GetDragAreaRect() const noexcept
if (_dragBar && _dragBar.Visibility() == Visibility::Visible)
const auto scale = GetCurrentDpiScale();
const auto transform = _dragBar.TransformToVisual(_rootGrid);
const auto logicalDragBarRect = winrt::Windows::Foundation::Rect{
const auto clientDragBarRect = transform.TransformBounds(logicalDragBarRect);
RECT dragBarRect = {
static_cast<LONG>(clientDragBarRect.X * scale),
static_cast<LONG>(clientDragBarRect.Y * scale),
static_cast<LONG>((clientDragBarRect.Width + clientDragBarRect.X) * scale),
static_cast<LONG>((clientDragBarRect.Height + clientDragBarRect.Y) * scale),
return dragBarRect;
return RECT{};
// Method Description:
// - Called when the size of the window changes for any reason. Updates the
// XAML island to match our new sizing and also updates the maximize icon
// if the window went from maximized to restored or the opposite.
void NonClientIslandWindow::OnSize(const UINT width, const UINT height)
if (_interopWindowHandle)
_UpdateIslandPosition(width, height);
// Method Description:
// - Checks if the window has been maximized or restored since the last time.
// If it has been maximized or restored, then it updates the _isMaximized
// flags and notifies of the change by calling
// NonClientIslandWindow::_OnMaximizeChange.
void NonClientIslandWindow::_UpdateMaximizedState()
const auto windowStyle = GetWindowStyle(_window.get());
const auto newIsMaximized = WI_IsFlagSet(windowStyle, WS_MAXIMIZE);
if (_isMaximized != newIsMaximized)
_isMaximized = newIsMaximized;
// Method Description:
// - Called when the the windows goes from restored to maximized or from
// maximized to restored. Updates the maximize button's icon and the frame
// margins.
void NonClientIslandWindow::_OnMaximizeChange() noexcept
if (_titlebar)
const auto windowStyle = GetWindowStyle(_window.get());
const auto isIconified = WI_IsFlagSet(windowStyle, WS_ICONIC);
const auto state = _isMaximized ? winrt::TerminalApp::WindowVisualState::WindowVisualStateMaximized :
isIconified ? winrt::TerminalApp::WindowVisualState::WindowVisualStateIconified :
// no frame margin when maximized
// Method Description:
// - Called when the size of the window changes for any reason. Updates the
// sizes of our child XAML Islands to match our new sizing.
void NonClientIslandWindow::_UpdateIslandPosition(const UINT windowWidth, const UINT windowHeight)
const auto originalTopHeight = _GetTopBorderHeight();
// GH#7422
// !! BODGY !!
// For inexplicable reasons, the top row of pixels on our tabs, new tab
// button, and caption buttons is totally un-clickable. The mouse simply
// refuses to interact with them. So when we're maximized, on certain
// monitor configurations, this results in the top row of pixels not
// reacting to clicks at all. To obey Fitt's Law, we're gonna shift
// the entire island up one pixel. That will result in the top row of pixels
// in the window actually being the _second_ row of pixels for those
// buttons, which will make them clickable. It's perhaps not the right fix,
// but it works.
// _GetTopBorderHeight() returns 0 when we're maximized.
const short topBorderHeight = ::base::saturated_cast<short>((originalTopHeight == 0) ? -1 : originalTopHeight);
const COORD newIslandPos = { 0, topBorderHeight };
windowHeight - topBorderHeight,
// This happens when we go from maximized to restored or the opposite
// because topBorderHeight changes.
if (!_oldIslandPos.has_value() || _oldIslandPos.value() != newIslandPos)
// The drag bar's position changed compared to the client area because
// the island moved but we will not be notified about this in the
// NonClientIslandWindow::OnDragBarSizeChanged method because this
// method is only called when the position of the drag bar changes
// **inside** the island which is not the case here.
_oldIslandPos = { newIslandPos };
// Method Description:
// - Returns the height of the little space at the top of the window used to
// resize the window.
// Return Value:
// - the height of the window's top resize handle
int NonClientIslandWindow::_GetResizeHandleHeight() const noexcept
// there isn't a SM_CYPADDEDBORDER for the Y axis
return ::GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER, _currentDpi) +
::GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SM_CYSIZEFRAME, _currentDpi);
// Method Description:
// - Responds to the WM_NCCALCSIZE message by calculating and creating the new
// window frame.
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_OnNcCalcSize(const WPARAM wParam, const LPARAM lParam) noexcept
if (!wParam)
return 0;
NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS* params = reinterpret_cast<NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS*>(lParam);
// Store the original top before the default window proc applies the
// default frame.
const auto originalTop = params->rgrc[0].top;
const auto originalSize = params->rgrc[0];
// apply the default frame
const auto ret = DefWindowProc(_window.get(), WM_NCCALCSIZE, wParam, lParam);
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
auto newSize = params->rgrc[0];
// Re-apply the original top from before the size of the default frame was applied.
newSize.top = originalTop;
// WM_NCCALCSIZE is called before WM_SIZE
// We don't need this correction when we're fullscreen. We will have the
// WS_POPUP size, so we don't have to worry about borders, and the default
// frame will be fine.
if (_isMaximized && !_fullscreen)
// When a window is maximized, its size is actually a little bit more
// than the monitor's work area. The window is positioned and sized in
// such a way that the resize handles are outside of the monitor and
// then the window is clipped to the monitor so that the resize handle
// do not appear because you don't need them (because you can't resize
// a window when it's maximized unless you restore it).
newSize.top += _GetResizeHandleHeight();
// GH#1438 - Attempt to detect if there's an autohide taskbar, and if there
// is, reduce our size a bit on the side with the taskbar, so the user can
// still mouse-over the taskbar to reveal it.
// GH#5209 - make sure to use MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST, so that this will
// still find the right monitor even when we're restoring from minimized.
HMONITOR hMon = MonitorFromWindow(_window.get(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);
if (hMon && (_isMaximized || _fullscreen))
MONITORINFO monInfo{ 0 };
monInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFO);
GetMonitorInfo(hMon, &monInfo);
// First, check if we have an auto-hide taskbar at all:
APPBARDATA autohide{ 0 };
autohide.cbSize = sizeof(autohide);
UINT state = (UINT)SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETSTATE, &autohide);
if (WI_IsFlagSet(state, ABS_AUTOHIDE))
// This helper can be used to determine if there's a auto-hide
// taskbar on the given edge of the monitor we're currently on.
auto hasAutohideTaskbar = [&monInfo](const UINT edge) -> bool {
APPBARDATA data{ 0 };
data.cbSize = sizeof(data);
data.uEdge = edge;
data.rc = monInfo.rcMonitor;
HWND hTaskbar = (HWND)SHAppBarMessage(ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAREX, &data);
return hTaskbar != nullptr;
const bool onTop = hasAutohideTaskbar(ABE_TOP);
const bool onBottom = hasAutohideTaskbar(ABE_BOTTOM);
const bool onLeft = hasAutohideTaskbar(ABE_LEFT);
const bool onRight = hasAutohideTaskbar(ABE_RIGHT);
// If there's a taskbar on any side of the monitor, reduce our size
// a little bit on that edge.
// Note to future code archeologists:
// This doesn't seem to work for fullscreen on the primary display.
// However, testing a bunch of other apps with fullscreen modes
// and an auto-hiding taskbar has shown that _none_ of them
// reveal the taskbar from fullscreen mode. This includes Edge,
// Firefox, Chrome, Sublime Text, PowerPoint - none seemed to
// support this.
// This does however work fine for maximized.
if (onTop)
// Peculiarly, when we're fullscreen,
newSize.top += AutohideTaskbarSize;
if (onBottom)
newSize.bottom -= AutohideTaskbarSize;
if (onLeft)
newSize.left += AutohideTaskbarSize;
if (onRight)
newSize.right -= AutohideTaskbarSize;
params->rgrc[0] = newSize;
return 0;
// Method Description:
// - Hit test the frame for resizing and moving.
// Arguments:
// - ptMouse: the mouse point being tested, in absolute (NOT WINDOW) coordinates.
// Return Value:
// - one of the values from
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/wm-nchittest#return-value
// corresponding to the area of the window that was hit
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_OnNcHitTest(POINT ptMouse) const noexcept
// This will handle the left, right and bottom parts of the frame because
// we didn't change them.
LPARAM lParam = MAKELONG(ptMouse.x, ptMouse.y);
const auto originalRet = DefWindowProc(_window.get(), WM_NCHITTEST, 0, lParam);
if (originalRet != HTCLIENT)
// If we're the quake window, suppress resizing on any side except the
// bottom. I don't believe that this actually works on the top. That's
// handled below.
if (IsQuakeWindow())
switch (originalRet)
case HTTOP:
case HTLEFT:
return HTCLIENT;
return originalRet;
// At this point, we know that the cursor is inside the client area so it
// has to be either the little border at the top of our custom title bar,
// the drag bar or something else in the XAML island. But the XAML Island
// handles WM_NCHITTEST on its own so actually it cannot be the XAML
// Island. Then it must be the drag bar or the little border at the top
// which the user can use to move or resize the window.
RECT rcWindow;
winrt::check_bool(::GetWindowRect(_window.get(), &rcWindow));
const auto resizeBorderHeight = _GetResizeHandleHeight();
const auto isOnResizeBorder = ptMouse.y < rcWindow.top + resizeBorderHeight;
// the top of the drag bar is used to resize the window
if (!_isMaximized && isOnResizeBorder)
// However, if we're the quake window, then just return HTCAPTION so we
// don't get a resize handle on the top.
return IsQuakeWindow() ? HTCAPTION : HTTOP;
// Method Description:
// - Sets the cursor to the sizing cursor when we hit-test the top sizing border.
// We need to do this because we've covered it up with a child window.
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_OnSetCursor(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) const noexcept
if (LOWORD(lParam) == HTCLIENT)
// Get the cursor position from the _last message_ and not from
// `GetCursorPos` (which returns the cursor position _at the
// moment_) because if we're lagging behind the cursor's position,
// we still want to get the cursor position that was associated
// with that message at the time it was sent to handle the message
// correctly.
const auto screenPtLparam{ GetMessagePos() };
const LRESULT hitTest{ SendMessage(GetHandle(), WM_NCHITTEST, 0, screenPtLparam) };
if (hitTest == HTTOP)
// We have to set the vertical resize cursor manually on
// the top resize handle because Windows thinks that the
// cursor is on the client area because it asked the asked
// the drag window with `WM_NCHITTEST` and it returned
// We don't want to modify the drag window's `WM_NCHITTEST`
// handling to return `HTTOP` because otherwise, the system
// would resize the drag window instead of the top level
// window!
SetCursor(LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_SIZENS));
return TRUE;
// reset cursor
SetCursor(LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW));
return TRUE;
return DefWindowProc(GetHandle(), WM_SETCURSOR, wParam, lParam);
// Method Description:
// - Get the dimensions of our non-client area, as a rect where each component
// represents that side.
// - The .left will be a negative number, to represent that the actual side of
// the non-client area is outside the border of our window. It's roughly 8px (
// * DPI scaling) to the left of the visible border.
// - The .right component will be positive, indicating that the nonclient border
// is in the positive-x direction from the edge of our client area.
// - This DOES NOT include our titlebar! It's in the client area for us.
// Arguments:
// - dpi: the scaling that we should use to calculate the border sizes.
// Return Value:
// - a RECT whose components represent the margins of the nonclient area,
// relative to the client area.
RECT NonClientIslandWindow::GetNonClientFrame(UINT dpi) const noexcept
const auto windowStyle = static_cast<DWORD>(GetWindowLong(_window.get(), GWL_STYLE));
RECT islandFrame{};
// If we failed to get the correct window size for whatever reason, log
// the error and go on. We'll use whatever the control proposed as the
// size of our window, which will be at least close.
LOG_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&islandFrame, windowStyle, false, 0, dpi));
islandFrame.top = -topBorderVisibleHeight;
return islandFrame;
// Method Description:
// - Gets the difference between window and client area size.
// Arguments:
// - dpi: dpi of a monitor on which the window is placed
// Return Value
// - The size difference
SIZE NonClientIslandWindow::GetTotalNonClientExclusiveSize(UINT dpi) const noexcept
const auto islandFrame{ GetNonClientFrame(dpi) };
// If we have a titlebar, this is being called after we've initialized, and
// we can just ask that titlebar how big it wants to be.
const auto titleBarHeight = _titlebar ? static_cast<LONG>(_titlebar.ActualHeight()) : 0;
return {
islandFrame.right - islandFrame.left,
islandFrame.bottom - islandFrame.top + titleBarHeight
// Method Description:
// - Updates the borders of our window frame, using DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the HRESULT returned by DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea.
void NonClientIslandWindow::_UpdateFrameMargins() const noexcept
MARGINS margins = {};
if (_GetTopBorderHeight() != 0)
RECT frame = {};
winrt::check_bool(::AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&frame, GetWindowStyle(_window.get()), FALSE, 0, _currentDpi));
// We removed the whole top part of the frame (see handling of
// WM_NCCALCSIZE) so the top border is missing now. We add it back here.
// Note #1: You might wonder why we don't remove just the title bar instead
// of removing the whole top part of the frame and then adding the little
// top border back. I tried to do this but it didn't work: DWM drew the
// whole title bar anyways on top of the window. It seems that DWM only
// wants to draw either nothing or the whole top part of the frame.
// Note #2: For some reason if you try to set the top margin to just the
// top border height (what we want to do), then there is a transparency
// bug when the window is inactive, so I've decided to add the whole top
// part of the frame instead and then we will hide everything that we
// don't need (that is, the whole thing but the little 1 pixel wide border
// at the top) in the WM_PAINT handler. This eliminates the transparency
// bug and it's what a lot of Win32 apps that customize the title bar do
// so it should work fine.
margins.cyTopHeight = -frame.top;
// Extend the frame into the client area. microsoft/terminal#2735 - Just log
// the failure here, don't crash. If DWM crashes for any reason, calling
// THROW_IF_FAILED() will cause us to take a trip upstate. Just log, and
// we'll fix ourselves when DWM comes back.
LOG_IF_FAILED(DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(_window.get(), &margins));
// Method Description:
// - Handle window messages from the message loop.
// Arguments:
// - message: A window message ID identifying the message.
// - wParam: The contents of this parameter depend on the value of the message parameter.
// - lParam: The contents of this parameter depend on the value of the message parameter.
// Return Value:
// - The return value is the result of the message processing and depends on the
// message sent.
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::MessageHandler(UINT const message,
WPARAM const wParam,
LPARAM const lParam) noexcept
switch (message)
return _OnSetCursor(wParam, lParam);
// GH#4166: When the DPI of the monitor changes out from underneath us,
// resize our drag bar, to reflect its newly scaled size.
return 0;
return _OnNcCalcSize(wParam, lParam);
return _OnNcHitTest({ GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) });
case WM_PAINT:
return _OnPaint();
// The `DefWindowProc` function doesn't open the system menu for some
// reason so we have to do it ourselves.
if (wParam == HTCAPTION)
_OpenSystemMenu(GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam));
return IslandWindow::MessageHandler(message, wParam, lParam);
// Method Description:
// - This method is called when the window receives the WM_PAINT message.
// - It paints the client area with the color of the title bar to hide the
// system's title bar behind the XAML Islands window during a resize.
// Indeed, the XAML Islands window doesn't resize at the same time than
// the top level window
// (see https://github.com/microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml/issues/759).
// Return Value:
// - The value returned from the window proc.
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_OnPaint() noexcept
if (!_titlebar)
return 0;
const auto hdc = wil::BeginPaint(_window.get(), &ps);
if (!hdc)
return 0;
const auto topBorderHeight = _GetTopBorderHeight();
if (ps.rcPaint.top < topBorderHeight)
RECT rcTopBorder = ps.rcPaint;
rcTopBorder.bottom = topBorderHeight;
// To show the original top border, we have to paint on top of it with
// the alpha component set to 0. This page recommends to paint the area
// in black using the stock BLACK_BRUSH to do this:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dwm/customframe#extending-the-client-frame
::FillRect(hdc.get(), &rcTopBorder, GetStockBrush(BLACK_BRUSH));
if (ps.rcPaint.bottom > topBorderHeight)
RECT rcRest = ps.rcPaint;
rcRest.top = topBorderHeight;
const auto backgroundBrush = _titlebar.Background();
const auto backgroundSolidBrush = backgroundBrush.as<Media::SolidColorBrush>();
const til::color backgroundColor = backgroundSolidBrush.Color();
if (!_backgroundBrush || backgroundColor != _backgroundBrushColor)
// Create brush for titlebar color.
_backgroundBrush = wil::unique_hbrush(CreateSolidBrush(backgroundColor));
// To hide the original title bar, we have to paint on top of it with
// the alpha component set to 255. This is a hack to do it with GDI.
// See NonClientIslandWindow::_UpdateFrameMargins for more information.
HDC opaqueDc;
BP_PAINTPARAMS params = { sizeof(params), BPPF_NOCLIP | BPPF_ERASE };
HPAINTBUFFER buf = BeginBufferedPaint(hdc.get(), &rcRest, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, &params, &opaqueDc);
if (!buf || !opaqueDc)
::FillRect(opaqueDc, &rcRest, _backgroundBrush.get());
::BufferedPaintSetAlpha(buf, nullptr, 255);
::EndBufferedPaint(buf, TRUE);
return 0;
// Method Description:
// - This method is called when the window receives the WM_NCCREATE message.
// Return Value:
// - The value returned from the window proc.
[[nodiscard]] LRESULT NonClientIslandWindow::_OnNcCreate(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) noexcept
const auto ret = IslandWindow::_OnNcCreate(wParam, lParam);
if (!ret)
return FALSE;
// This is a hack to make the window borders dark instead of light.
// It must be done before WM_NCPAINT so that the borders are rendered with
// the correct theme.
// For more information, see GH#6620.
LOG_IF_FAILED(TerminalTrySetDarkTheme(_window.get(), true));
return TRUE;
// Method Description:
// - Called when the app wants to change its theme. We'll update the frame
// theme to match the new theme.
// Arguments:
// - requestedTheme: the ElementTheme to use as the new theme for the UI
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void NonClientIslandWindow::OnApplicationThemeChanged(const ElementTheme& requestedTheme)
_theme = requestedTheme;
// Method Description:
// - Enable or disable borderless mode. When entering borderless mode, we'll
// need to manually hide the entire titlebar.
// - See also IslandWindow::_SetIsBorderless, which does similar, but different work.
// Arguments:
// - borderlessEnabled: If true, we're entering borderless mode. If false, we're leaving.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void NonClientIslandWindow::_SetIsBorderless(const bool borderlessEnabled)
_borderless = borderlessEnabled;
// Explicitly _don't_ call IslandWindow::_SetIsBorderless. That version will
// change the window styles appropriately for the window with the default
// titlebar, but for the tabs-in-titlebar mode, we can just get rid of the
// title bar entirely.
if (_titlebar)
_titlebar.Visibility(_IsTitlebarVisible() ? Visibility::Visible : Visibility::Collapsed);
// GH#4224 - When the auto-hide taskbar setting is enabled, then we don't
// always get another window message to trigger us to remove the drag bar.
// So, make sure to update the size of the drag region here, so that it
// _definitely_ goes away.
// Resize the window, with SWP_FRAMECHANGED, to trigger user32 to
// recalculate the non/client areas
const til::rectangle windowPos{ GetWindowRect() };
// Method Description:
// - Enable or disable fullscreen mode. When entering fullscreen mode, we'll
// need to manually hide the entire titlebar.
// - See also IslandWindow::_SetIsFullscreen, which does additional work.
// Arguments:
// - fullscreenEnabled: If true, we're entering fullscreen mode. If false, we're leaving.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void NonClientIslandWindow::_SetIsFullscreen(const bool fullscreenEnabled)
if (_titlebar)
_titlebar.Visibility(_IsTitlebarVisible() ? Visibility::Visible : Visibility::Collapsed);
// GH#4224 - When the auto-hide taskbar setting is enabled, then we don't
// always get another window message to trigger us to remove the drag bar.
// So, make sure to update the size of the drag region here, so that it
// _definitely_ goes away.
// Method Description:
// - Returns true if the titlebar is visible. For things like fullscreen mode,
// borderless mode (aka "focus mode"), this will return false.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff the titlebar is visible
bool NonClientIslandWindow::_IsTitlebarVisible() const
return !(_fullscreen || _borderless);
// Method Description:
// - Opens the window's system menu.
// - The system menu is the menu that opens when the user presses Alt+Space or
// right clicks on the title bar.
// - Before updating the menu, we update the buttons like "Maximize" and
// "Restore" so that they are grayed out depending on the window's state.
// Arguments:
// - cursorX: the cursor's X position in screen coordinates
// - cursorY: the cursor's Y position in screen coordinates
void NonClientIslandWindow::_OpenSystemMenu(const int cursorX, const int cursorY) const noexcept
const auto systemMenu = GetSystemMenu(_window.get(), FALSE);
if (!GetWindowPlacement(_window.get(), &placement))
const bool isMaximized = placement.showCmd == SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED;
// Update the options based on window state.
mii.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
mii.fMask = MIIM_STATE;
mii.fType = MFT_STRING;
auto setState = [&](UINT item, bool enabled) {
mii.fState = enabled ? MF_ENABLED : MF_DISABLED;
SetMenuItemInfo(systemMenu, item, FALSE, &mii);
setState(SC_RESTORE, isMaximized);
setState(SC_MOVE, !isMaximized);
setState(SC_SIZE, !isMaximized);
setState(SC_MINIMIZE, true);
setState(SC_MAXIMIZE, !isMaximized);
setState(SC_CLOSE, true);
SetMenuDefaultItem(systemMenu, UINT_MAX, FALSE);
const auto ret = TrackPopupMenu(systemMenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, cursorX, cursorY, 0, _window.get(), nullptr);
if (ret != 0)
PostMessage(_window.get(), WM_SYSCOMMAND, ret, 0);