Mike Griese 69318d3ba1
Add support for the windowingBehavior setting (#9118)
Adds support for the `windowingBehavior` global setting. This setting
controls how mutiple instances of `wt` behave in the absence of the `-w`
parameter. This setting has three values:
* `"useNew"`: (default) Multiple `wt` invocations (without the `-w`
  param) always create new windows. 
* `"useAnyExisting"`: When starting a new `wt`, we'll instead default to
  any existing windows. `wt -w -1` will still create new windows. 
* `"useExisting"`: Similar to `useAnyExisting`, but limits to
  windows on the current desktop. 

The IVirtualDesktopManager interface is _very_ limited. Hence why we
have to track the HWNDs manually, and ask if they're on the current

## Validation Steps Performed
I've been playing with it for a week now. 

References #5000
References projects/5
References #8898
Spec'd in #8135
Closes #2227
Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-51431448
Closes https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/projects/5#card-51431433
2021-02-19 21:09:17 +00:00

514 lines
24 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "../inc/WindowingBehavior.h"
#include "Monarch.h"
#include "CommandlineArgs.h"
#include "FindTargetWindowArgs.h"
#include "ProposeCommandlineResult.h"
#include "Monarch.g.cpp"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::implementation
Monarch::Monarch() :
_ourPID{ GetCurrentProcessId() }
_desktopManager = winrt::create_instance<IVirtualDesktopManager>(__uuidof(VirtualDesktopManager));
// This is a private constructor to be used in unit tests, where we don't
// want each Monarch to necessarily use the current PID.
Monarch::Monarch(const uint64_t testPID) :
_ourPID{ testPID }
uint64_t Monarch::GetPID()
return _ourPID;
// Method Description:
// - Add the given peasant to the list of peasants we're tracking. This
// Peasant may have already been assigned an ID. If it hasn't, then give
// it an ID.
// Arguments:
// - peasant: the new Peasant to track.
// Return Value:
// - the ID assigned to the peasant.
uint64_t Monarch::AddPeasant(Remoting::IPeasant peasant)
// TODO:projects/5 This is terrible. There's gotta be a better way
// of finding the first opening in a non-consecutive map of int->object
const auto providedID = peasant.GetID();
if (providedID == 0)
// Peasant doesn't currently have an ID. Assign it a new one.
// Peasant already had an ID (from an older monarch). Leave that one
// be. Make sure that the next peasant's ID is higher than it.
_nextPeasantID = providedID >= _nextPeasantID ? providedID + 1 : _nextPeasantID;
auto newPeasantsId = peasant.GetID();
// Add an event listener to the peasant's WindowActivated event.
peasant.WindowActivated({ this, &Monarch::_peasantWindowActivated });
_peasants[newPeasantsId] = peasant;
TraceLoggingUInt64(providedID, "providedID", "the provided ID for the peasant"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(newPeasantsId, "peasantID", "the ID of the new peasant"),
return newPeasantsId;
catch (...)
// We can only get into this try/catch if the peasant died on us. So
// the return value doesn't _really_ matter. They're not about to
// get it.
return -1;
// Method Description:
// - Event handler for the Peasant::WindowActivated event. Used as an
// opportunity for us to update our internal stack of the "most recent
// window".
// Arguments:
// - sender: the Peasant that raised this event. This might be out-of-proc!
// - args: a bundle of the peasant ID, timestamp, and desktop ID, for the activated peasant
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_peasantWindowActivated(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*sender*/,
const Remoting::WindowActivatedArgs& args)
// Method Description:
// - Lookup a peasant by its ID. If the peasant has died, this will also
// remove the peasant from our list of peasants.
// Arguments:
// - peasantID: The ID Of the peasant to find
// Return Value:
// - the peasant if it exists in our map, otherwise null
Remoting::IPeasant Monarch::_getPeasant(uint64_t peasantID)
const auto peasantSearch = _peasants.find(peasantID);
auto maybeThePeasant = peasantSearch == _peasants.end() ? nullptr : peasantSearch->second;
// Ask the peasant for their PID. This will validate that they're
// actually still alive.
if (maybeThePeasant)
return maybeThePeasant;
catch (...)
// Remove the peasant from the list of peasants
// Remove the peasant from the list of MRU windows. They're dead.
// They can't be the MRU anymore.
return nullptr;
// Method Description:
// - Handler for the `Peasant::WindowActivated` event. We'll make a in-proc
// copy of the WindowActivatedArgs from the peasant. That way, we won't
// need to worry about the origin process dying when working with the
// WindowActivatedArgs.
// - If the peasant process dies while we're making this copy, then we'll
// just log it and do nothing. We certainly don't want to track a dead
// peasant.
// - We'll pass that copy of the WindowActivatedArgs to
// _doHandleActivatePeasant, which will actually insert the
// WindowActivatedArgs into the list we're using to track the most recent
// peasants.
// Arguments:
// - args: the WindowActivatedArgs describing when and where the peasant was activated.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::HandleActivatePeasant(const Remoting::WindowActivatedArgs& args)
// Start by making a local copy of these args. It's easier for us if our
// tracking of these args is all in-proc. That way, the only thing that
// could fail due to the peasant dying is _this first copy_.
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::WindowActivatedArgs> localArgs{ nullptr };
localArgs = winrt::make_self<implementation::WindowActivatedArgs>(args);
// This method will actually do the hard work
catch (...)
// Method Description:
// - Helper for removing a peasant from the list of MRU peasants. We want to
// do this both when the peasant dies, and also when the peasant is newly
// activated (so that we don't leave an old entry for it in the list).
// Arguments:
// - peasantID: The ID of the peasant to remove from the MRU list
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_clearOldMruEntries(const uint64_t peasantID)
auto result = std::find_if(_mruPeasants.begin(),
[peasantID](auto&& other) {
return peasantID == other.PeasantID();
if (result != std::end(_mruPeasants))
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "The ID of the peasant"),
TraceLoggingGuid(result->DesktopID(), "desktopGuid", "The GUID of the previous desktop the window was on"),
// Method Description:
// - Actually handle inserting the WindowActivatedArgs into our list of MRU windows.
// Arguments:
// - localArgs: an in-proc WindowActivatedArgs that we should add to our list of MRU windows.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void Monarch::_doHandleActivatePeasant(const winrt::com_ptr<implementation::WindowActivatedArgs>& localArgs)
const auto newLastActiveTime = localArgs->ActivatedTime().time_since_epoch().count();
// * Check all the current lists to look for this peasant.
// remove it from any where it exists.
// * If the current desktop doesn't have a vector, add one.
const auto desktopGuid{ localArgs->DesktopID() };
// * Add this args list. By using lower_bound with insert, we can get it
// into exactly the right spot, without having to re-sort the whole
// array.
[](const auto& first, const auto& second) { return first.ActivatedTime() > second.ActivatedTime(); }),
TraceLoggingUInt64(localArgs->PeasantID(), "peasantID", "the ID of the activated peasant"),
TraceLoggingGuid(desktopGuid, "desktopGuid", "The GUID of the desktop the window is on"),
TraceLoggingInt64(newLastActiveTime, "newLastActiveTime", "The provided localArgs->ActivatedTime()"),
// Method Description:
// - Retrieves the ID of the MRU peasant window. If requested, will limit
// the search to windows that are on the current desktop.
// Arguments:
// - limitToCurrentDesktop: if true, only return the MRU peasant that's
// actually on the current desktop.
// Return Value:
// - the ID of the most recent peasant, otherwise 0 if we could not find one.
uint64_t Monarch::_getMostRecentPeasantID(const bool limitToCurrentDesktop)
if (_mruPeasants.empty())
// We haven't yet been told the MRU peasant. Just use the first one.
// This is just gonna be a random one, but really shouldn't happen
// in practice. The WindowManager should set the MRU peasant
// immediately as soon as it creates the monarch/peasant for the
// first window.
if (_peasants.size() > 0)
return _peasants.begin()->second.GetID();
catch (...)
// This shouldn't really happen. If we're the monarch, then the
// first peasant should also _be us_. So we should be able to
// get our own ID.
return 0;
return 0;
// Here, there's at least one MRU peasant.
// We're going to iterate over these peasants until we find one that both:
// 1. Is alive
// 2. Meets our selection criteria (do we care if it is on this desktop?)
// If the peasant is dead, then we'll remove it, and try the next one.
// Once we find one that's alive, we'll either:
// * check if we only want a peasant on the current desktop, and if so,
// check if this peasant is on the current desktop.
// - If it isn't on the current desktop, we'll loop again, on the
// following peasant.
// * If we don't care, then we'll just return that one.
// We're not just using an iterator because the contents of the list
// might change while we're iterating here (if the peasant is dead we'll
// remove it from the list).
int positionInList = 0;
while (_mruPeasants.cbegin() + positionInList < _mruPeasants.cend())
const auto mruWindowArgs{ *(_mruPeasants.begin() + positionInList) };
const auto peasant{ _getPeasant(mruWindowArgs.PeasantID()) };
if (!peasant)
"We thought this peasant was the MRU one, but it was actually already dead."),
TraceLoggingGuid(mruWindowArgs.DesktopID(), "desktopGuid", "The GUID of the desktop the window is on"),
// We'll go through the loop again. We removed the current one
// at positionInList, so the next one in positionInList will be
// a new, different peasant.
if (limitToCurrentDesktop && _desktopManager)
// Check if this peasant is actually on this desktop. We can't
// simply get the GUID of the current desktop. We have to ask if
// the HWND is on the current desktop.
BOOL onCurrentDesktop{ false };
// SUCCEEDED_LOG will log if it failed, and return true if it SUCCEEDED
if (SUCCEEDED_LOG(_desktopManager->IsWindowOnCurrentVirtualDesktop(reinterpret_cast<HWND>(mruWindowArgs.Hwnd()),
&onCurrentDesktop)) &&
"the ID of the MRU peasant for a desktop"),
"The GUID of the desktop the window is on"),
"True if we should only search for a window on the current desktop"),
"true if this window was in fact on the current desktop"),
return mruWindowArgs.PeasantID();
// If this window wasn't on the current desktop, another one
// might be. We'll increment positionInList below, and try
// again.
TraceLoggingUInt64(mruWindowArgs.PeasantID(), "peasantID", "The ID of the MRU peasant"),
return mruWindowArgs.PeasantID();
// Here, we've checked all the windows, and none of them was both alive
// and the most recent (on this desktop). Just return 0 - the caller
// will use this to create a new window.
return 0;
// Method Description:
// - Try to handle a commandline from a new WT invocation. We might need to
// hand the commandline to an existing window, or we might need to tell
// the caller that they need to become a new window to handle it themselves.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if the caller should create a new window for this commandline.
// False otherwise - the monarch should have dispatched this commandline
// to another window in this case.
Remoting::ProposeCommandlineResult Monarch::ProposeCommandline(const Remoting::CommandlineArgs& args)
// Raise an event, to ask how to handle this commandline. We can't ask
// the app ourselves - we exist isolated from that knowledge (and
// dependency hell). The WindowManager will raise this up to the app
// host, which will then ask the AppLogic, who will then parse the
// commandline and determine the provided ID of the window.
auto findWindowArgs{ winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::FindTargetWindowArgs>(args) };
// This is handled by some handler in-proc
_FindTargetWindowRequestedHandlers(*this, *findWindowArgs);
// After the event was handled, ResultTargetWindow() will be filled with
// the parsed result.
const auto targetWindow = findWindowArgs->ResultTargetWindow();
TraceLoggingInt64(targetWindow, "targetWindow", "The window ID the args specified"),
// If there's a valid ID returned, then let's try and find the peasant
// that goes with it. Alternatively, if we were given a magic windowing
// constant, we can use that to look up an appropriate peasant.
if (targetWindow >= 0 ||
targetWindow == WindowingBehaviorUseExisting ||
targetWindow == WindowingBehaviorUseAnyExisting)
uint64_t windowID = 0;
switch (targetWindow)
case WindowingBehaviorUseCurrent:
case WindowingBehaviorUseExisting:
// TODO:projects/5 for now, just use the MRU window. Technically,
// UseExisting and UseCurrent are different.
// UseCurrent implies that we should try to do the WT_SESSION
// lookup to find the window that spawned this process (then
// fall back to sameDesktop if we can't find a match). For now,
// it's good enough to just try to find a match on this desktop.
windowID = _getMostRecentPeasantID(true);
case WindowingBehaviorUseAnyExisting:
windowID = _getMostRecentPeasantID(false);
windowID = ::base::saturated_cast<uint64_t>(targetWindow);
"The actual peasant ID we evaluated the window ID as"),
// If_getMostRecentPeasantID returns 0 above, then we couldn't find
// a matching window for that style of windowing. _getPeasant will
// return nullptr, and we'll fall through to the "create a new
// window" branch below.
if (auto targetPeasant{ _getPeasant(windowID) })
auto result{ winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::ProposeCommandlineResult>(false) };
// This will raise the peasant's ExecuteCommandlineRequested
// event, which will then ask the AppHost to handle the
// commandline, which will then pass it to AppLogic for
// handling.
catch (...)
// If we fail to propose the commandline to the peasant (it
// died?) then just tell this process to become a new window
// instead.
// If this fails, it'll be logged in the following
// TraceLoggingWrite statement, with succeeded=false
"the ID of the peasant the commandline waws intended for"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(true, "foundMatch", "true if we found a peasant with that ID"),
"true if we successfully dispatched the commandline to the peasant"),
return *result;
else if (windowID > 0)
// In this case, an ID was provided, but there's no
// peasant with that ID. Instead, we should tell the caller that
// they should make a new window, but _with that ID_.
"the ID of the peasant the commandline waws intended for"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(false, "foundMatch", "true if we found a peasant with that ID"),
auto result{ winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::ProposeCommandlineResult>(true) };
return *result;
// If we get here, we couldn't find an existing window. Make a new one.
TraceLoggingInt64(targetWindow, "targetWindow", "The provided ID"),
// In this case, no usable ID was provided. Return { true, nullopt }
return winrt::make<Remoting::implementation::ProposeCommandlineResult>(true);