Mike Griese 6a4c737686
Add support for arbitrary args in keybindings (#3391)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Enables the user to provide arbitrary argument values to shortcut actions through a new `args` member of keybindings. For some keybindings, like `NewTabWithProfile<N>`, we previously needed 9 different `ShortcutAction`s, one for each value of `Index`. If a user wanted to have a `NewTabWithProfile11` keybinding, that was simply impossible. Now that the args are in their own separate json object, each binding can accept any number of arbitrary argument values.

So instead of:
        { "command": "newTab", "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"] },
        { "command": "newTabProfile0", "keys": ["ctrl+shift+1"] },
        { "command": "newTabProfile1", "keys": ["ctrl+shift+2"] },
        { "command": "newTabProfile2", "keys": ["ctrl+shift+3"] },
        { "command": "newTabProfile3", "keys": ["ctrl+shift+4"] },

We can now use:

        { "command": "newTab", "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"] },
        { "command": { "action": "newTab", "index": 0 }, "keys": ["ctrl+shift+1"] },
        { "command": { "action": "newTab", "index": 1 }, "keys": ["ctrl+shift+2"] },
        { "command": { "action": "newTab", "index": 2 }, "keys": ["ctrl+shift+3"] },

Initially, this does seem more verbose. However, for cases where there are multiple args, or there's a large range of values for the args, this will quickly become a more powerful system of expressing keybindings.

The "legacy" keybindings are _left in_ in this PR. They have helper methods to generate appropriate `IActionArgs` values. Prior to releasing 1.0, I think we should remove them, if only to remove some code bloat.

## References

See [the spec](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/master/doc/specs/%231142%20-%20Keybinding%20Arguments.md) for more details.

This is part two of the implementation, part one was #2446

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #1142
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [x] Schema updated

## Validation Steps Performed

* Ran Tests
* Removed the legacy keybindings from the `defaults.json`, everything still works
* Tried leaving the legacy keybingings in my `profiles.json`, everything still works.

* this is a start, but there's a weird linker bug if I take the SetKeybinding(ShortcutAction, KeyChord) implementation out, which I don't totally understand

* a good old-fashioned clean will fix that right up

* all these things work

* hey this actually _functionally_ works

* Mostly cleanup and completion of implementation

* Hey I bet we could just make NewTab the handler for NewTabWithProfile

* Start writing tests for Keybinding args

* Add tests

* Revert a bad sln change, and clean out dead code

* Change to include "command" as a single object

  This is a change to make @dhowett-msft happy. Changes the args to be a part
  of the "command" object, as opposed to an object on their own.



    // Old style
    { "command": "switchToTab0", "keys": ["ctrl+1"] },
    { "command": { "action": "switchToTab", "index": 0 }, "keys": ["ctrl+alt+1"] },

    // new style
    { "command": "switchToTab0", "keys": ["ctrl+1"] },
    { "command": "switchToTab", "args": { "index": 0 } "keys": ["ctrl+alt+1"] },


* schemas are hard yo

* Fix the build?

* wonder why my -Wall settings are different than CI...

* this makes me hate things

* Comments from PR

  * Add a `Direction::None`
  * add some GH ids to TODOs

* add a comment

* PR nits from carlos
2019-11-14 16:23:40 -06:00

97 lines
4.6 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#pragma once
#include "AppKeyBindings.g.h"
#include "ActionArgs.h"
#include "..\inc\cppwinrt_utils.h"
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace TerminalAppLocalTests
class SettingsTests;
class KeyBindingsTests;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::implementation
struct KeyChordHash
std::size_t operator()(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord& key) const
std::hash<int32_t> keyHash;
std::hash<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyModifiers> modifiersHash;
std::size_t hashedKey = keyHash(key.Vkey());
std::size_t hashedMods = modifiersHash(key.Modifiers());
return hashedKey ^ hashedMods;
struct KeyChordEquality
bool operator()(const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord& lhs, const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord& rhs) const
return lhs.Modifiers() == rhs.Modifiers() && lhs.Vkey() == rhs.Vkey();
struct AppKeyBindings : AppKeyBindingsT<AppKeyBindings>
AppKeyBindings() = default;
bool TryKeyChord(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord const& kc);
void SetKeyBinding(TerminalApp::ActionAndArgs const& actionAndArgs,
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord const& chord);
void ClearKeyBinding(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord const& chord);
Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord GetKeyBinding(TerminalApp::ShortcutAction const& action);
static Windows::System::VirtualKeyModifiers ConvertVKModifiers(winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyModifiers modifiers);
// Defined in AppKeyBindingsSerialization.cpp
void LayerJson(const Json::Value& json);
Json::Value ToJson();
// clang-format off
TYPED_EVENT(CopyText, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(PasteText, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(OpenNewTabDropdown,TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(DuplicateTab, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(NewTab, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(NewWindow, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(CloseWindow, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(CloseTab, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ClosePane, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(SwitchToTab, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(NextTab, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(PrevTab, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(SplitVertical, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(SplitHorizontal, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(AdjustFontSize, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ScrollUp, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ScrollDown, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ScrollUpPage, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ScrollDownPage, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(OpenSettings, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ResizePane, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(MoveFocus, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
TYPED_EVENT(ToggleFullscreen, TerminalApp::AppKeyBindings, TerminalApp::ActionEventArgs);
// clang-format on
std::unordered_map<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::KeyChord, TerminalApp::ActionAndArgs, KeyChordHash, KeyChordEquality> _keyShortcuts;
bool _DoAction(ActionAndArgs actionAndArgs);
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::SettingsTests;
friend class TerminalAppLocalTests::KeyBindingsTests;
namespace winrt::TerminalApp::factory_implementation
struct AppKeyBindings : AppKeyBindingsT<AppKeyBindings, implementation::AppKeyBindings>