
18 lines
916 B

:pencil2: Contributor please read this
* If the items listed above are names, please add them to `.github/actions/spell-check/dictionary/names.txt`.
* If they're APIs, you can add them to a file in `.github/actions/spell-check/dictionary/`.
* If they're just things you're using, please add them to an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spell-check/whitelist/`.
* If you need to use a specific token in one place and it shouldn't generally be used, you can
add an item in an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spell-check/patterns/`.
See the `README.md` in each directory for more information.
#### :warning: Reviewers
At present, the action that triggered this message will not show its :x: in this PR unless the branch is within this repository.
Thus, you **should** make sure that this comment has been addressed before encouraging the merge bot to merge this PR.