Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 64489b1ec1
rename profiles.json to settings.json, clean up the defaults (#5199)
This pull request migrates `profiles.json` to `settings.json` and removes the legacy roaming AppData settings migrator.

It also:

* separates the key bindings in defaults.json into logical groups
* syncs the universal terminal defaults with the primary defaults
* removes some stray newlines that ended up at the beginning of settings.json and defaults.json

Fixes #5186.
Fixes #3291.

### categorize key bindings

### sync universal with main

### kill stray newlines in template files

### move profiles.json to settings.json

This commit also changes Get*Settings from returning a string to
returning a std::filesystem::path. We gain in expressiveness without a
loss in clarity (since path still supports .c_str()).

NOTE: I tried to do an atomic rename with the handle open, but it didn't
work for reparse points (it moves the destination of a symbolic link
out into the settings folder directly.)

(snip for atomic rename code)

auto path{ pathToSettingsFile.wstring() };
auto renameBufferSize{ sizeof(FILE_RENAME_INFO) + (path.size() * sizeof(wchar_t)) };
auto renameBuffer{ std::make_unique<std::byte[]>(renameBufferSize) };
auto renameInfo{ reinterpret_cast<FILE_RENAME_INFO*>(renameBuffer.get()) };
renameInfo->RootDirectory = nullptr;
renameInfo->FileNameLength = gsl::narrow_cast<DWORD>(path.size());
std::copy(path.cbegin(), path.cend(), std::begin(renameInfo->FileName));


(end snip)

### Stop resurrecting dead roaming profiles
2020-04-01 19:09:42 +00:00

29 lines
1.3 KiB

# This script is used for taking a json file and stamping it into a header with
# the contents of that json files as a constexpr string_view in the header.
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
# Load the xml files.
$jsonData = Get-Content $JsonFile
Write-Output "// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII
Write-Output "// Licensed under the MIT license." | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append
Write-Output "" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append
Write-Output "// THIS IS AN AUTO-GENERATED FILE" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append
Write-Output "// Generated from " | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append -NoNewline
$fullPath = Resolve-Path -Path $JsonFile
Write-Output $fullPath.Path | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append
Write-Output "constexpr std::string_view $($VariableName){ R`"(" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append -NoNewline
Write-Output $jsonData | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append
Write-Output ")`" };" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPath -Encoding ASCII -Append