PankajBhojwani 726b428184
Use X-macros to simplify new setting creation in SettingsModel (#11416)
Introduces X-macros to reduce the number of places we need to write essentially the same line of code but for a different setting (declaring it in the header file, in `Copy`, `LayerJson`, `ToJson`, etc).
2021-11-03 15:01:20 +00:00

130 lines
5.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "AppearanceConfig.h"
#include "AppearanceConfig.g.cpp"
#include "TerminalSettingsSerializationHelpers.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Control;
using namespace Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation;
static constexpr std::string_view ForegroundKey{ "foreground" };
static constexpr std::string_view BackgroundKey{ "background" };
static constexpr std::string_view SelectionBackgroundKey{ "selectionBackground" };
static constexpr std::string_view CursorColorKey{ "cursorColor" };
static constexpr std::string_view LegacyAcrylicTransparencyKey{ "acrylicOpacity" };
static constexpr std::string_view OpacityKey{ "opacity" };
AppearanceConfig::AppearanceConfig(winrt::weak_ref<Profile> sourceProfile) :
winrt::com_ptr<AppearanceConfig> AppearanceConfig::CopyAppearance(const AppearanceConfig* source, winrt::weak_ref<Profile> sourceProfile)
auto appearance{ winrt::make_self<AppearanceConfig>(std::move(sourceProfile)) };
appearance->_Foreground = source->_Foreground;
appearance->_Background = source->_Background;
appearance->_SelectionBackground = source->_SelectionBackground;
appearance->_CursorColor = source->_CursorColor;
appearance->_Opacity = source->_Opacity;
#define APPEARANCE_SETTINGS_COPY(type, name, jsonKey, ...) \
appearance->_##name = source->_##name;
return appearance;
Json::Value AppearanceConfig::ToJson() const
Json::Value json{ Json::ValueType::objectValue };
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, ForegroundKey, _Foreground);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, BackgroundKey, _Background);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, SelectionBackgroundKey, _SelectionBackground);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, CursorColorKey, _CursorColor);
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, OpacityKey, _Opacity, JsonUtils::OptionalConverter<double, IntAsFloatPercentConversionTrait>{});
#define APPEARANCE_SETTINGS_TO_JSON(type, name, jsonKey, ...) \
JsonUtils::SetValueForKey(json, jsonKey, _##name);
return json;
// Method Description:
// - Layer values from the given json object on top of the existing properties
// of this object. For any keys we're expecting to be able to parse in the
// given object, we'll parse them and replace our settings with values from
// the new json object. Properties that _aren't_ in the json object will _not_
// be replaced.
// - Optional values that are set to `null` in the json object
// will be set to nullopt.
// - This is similar to Profile::LayerJson but for AppearanceConfig
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a partial serialization of an AppearanceConfig object.
void AppearanceConfig::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, ForegroundKey, _Foreground);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, BackgroundKey, _Background);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, SelectionBackgroundKey, _SelectionBackground);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, CursorColorKey, _CursorColor);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, LegacyAcrylicTransparencyKey, _Opacity);
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, OpacityKey, _Opacity, JsonUtils::OptionalConverter<double, IntAsFloatPercentConversionTrait>{});
#define APPEARANCE_SETTINGS_LAYER_JSON(type, name, jsonKey, ...) \
JsonUtils::GetValueForKey(json, jsonKey, _##name);
winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::Profile AppearanceConfig::SourceProfile()
return _sourceProfile.get();
// Method Description:
// - Returns this AppearanceConfig's background image path, if one is set, expanding
// any environment variables in the path, if there are any.
// - Or if "DesktopWallpaper" is set, then gets the path to the desktops wallpaper.
// - This is the same as Profile::ExpandedBackgroundImagePath, but for AppearanceConfig
// - NOTE: This is just placeholder for now, eventually the path will no longer be expanded in the settings model
// Return Value:
// - This profile's expanded background image path / desktops's wallpaper path /the empty string.
winrt::hstring AppearanceConfig::ExpandedBackgroundImagePath()
const auto path{ BackgroundImagePath() };
if (path.empty())
return path;
// checks if the user would like to copy their desktop wallpaper
// if so, replaces the path with the desktop wallpaper's path
else if (path == L"desktopWallpaper")
WCHAR desktopWallpaper[MAX_PATH];
// "The returned string will not exceed MAX_PATH characters" as of 2020
if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDESKWALLPAPER, MAX_PATH, desktopWallpaper, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE))
return winrt::hstring{ (desktopWallpaper) };
return winrt::hstring{ L"" };
return winrt::hstring{ wil::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW<std::wstring>(path.c_str()) };