PankajBhojwani 726b428184
Use X-macros to simplify new setting creation in SettingsModel (#11416)
Introduces X-macros to reduce the number of places we need to write essentially the same line of code but for a different setting (declaring it in the header file, in `Copy`, `LayerJson`, `ToJson`, etc).
2021-11-03 15:01:20 +00:00

85 lines
2.8 KiB

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Licensed under the MIT license.
Module Name:
- GlobalAppSettings.h
- This class encapsulates all of the settings that are global to the app, and
not a part of any particular profile.
- Mike Griese - March 2019
#pragma once
#include "GlobalAppSettings.g.h"
#include "IInheritable.h"
#include "MTSMSettings.h"
#include "ActionMap.h"
#include "Command.h"
#include "ColorScheme.h"
// fwdecl unittest classes
namespace SettingsModelLocalTests
class DeserializationTests;
class ColorSchemeTests;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model::implementation
struct GlobalAppSettings : GlobalAppSettingsT<GlobalAppSettings>, IInheritable<GlobalAppSettings>
void _FinalizeInheritance() override;
com_ptr<GlobalAppSettings> Copy() const;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMapView<hstring, Model::ColorScheme> ColorSchemes() noexcept;
void AddColorScheme(const Model::ColorScheme& scheme);
void RemoveColorScheme(hstring schemeName);
Model::ActionMap ActionMap() const noexcept;
static com_ptr<GlobalAppSettings> FromJson(const Json::Value& json);
void LayerJson(const Json::Value& json);
Json::Value ToJson() const;
const std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings>& KeybindingsWarnings() const;
// This DefaultProfile() setter is called by CascadiaSettings,
// when it parses UnparsedDefaultProfile in _finalizeSettings().
void DefaultProfile(const guid& defaultProfile) noexcept;
guid DefaultProfile() const;
// TODO GH#9207: Remove this once we have a GlobalAppSettingsViewModel in TerminalSettingsEditor
void SetInvertedDisableAnimationsValue(bool invertedDisableAnimationsValue)
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::GlobalAppSettings, hstring, UnparsedDefaultProfile, L"");
#define GLOBAL_SETTINGS_INITIALIZE(type, name, jsonKey, ...) \
INHERITABLE_SETTING(Model::GlobalAppSettings, type, name, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#ifdef NDEBUG
static constexpr bool debugFeaturesDefault{ false };
static constexpr bool debugFeaturesDefault{ true };
winrt::guid _defaultProfile;
winrt::com_ptr<implementation::ActionMap> _actionMap{ winrt::make_self<implementation::ActionMap>() };
std::vector<SettingsLoadWarnings> _keybindingsWarnings;
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IMap<winrt::hstring, Model::ColorScheme> _colorSchemes{ winrt::single_threaded_map<winrt::hstring, Model::ColorScheme>() };