Leon Liang 4fa0dc7ffa Replace TrayIcon with NotificationIcon (#11219)
This PR simply replaces all uses of "TrayIcon" and "Tray" with "NotificationIcon" and "NotificationArea" to be more accurate. Originally I kinda wanted to only replace all occurrences of it in settings and user facing things, but I figured I might as well make it consistent throughout all of our code.
2021-09-27 15:06:27 -07:00

207 lines
8.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "EnumEntry.h"
#include "GlobalAppearance.h"
#include "GlobalAppearance.g.cpp"
#include "GlobalAppearancePageNavigationState.g.cpp"
#include <LibraryResources.h>
#include <WtExeUtils.h>
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Model;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings::Editor::implementation
// For ComboBox an empty SelectedItem string denotes no selection.
// What we want instead is for "Use system language" to be selected by default.
// --> "und" is synonymous for "Use system language".
constexpr std::wstring_view systemLanguageTag{ L"und" };
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(Theme, ElementTheme, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::ElementTheme, L"Globals_Theme", L"Content");
INITIALIZE_BINDABLE_ENUM_SETTING(TabWidthMode, TabViewWidthMode, winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls::TabViewWidthMode, L"Globals_TabWidthMode", L"Content");
void GlobalAppearance::OnNavigatedTo(const NavigationEventArgs& e)
_State = e.Parameter().as<Editor::GlobalAppearancePageNavigationState>();
winrt::hstring GlobalAppearance::LanguageDisplayConverter(const winrt::hstring& tag)
if (tag == systemLanguageTag)
return RS_(L"Globals_LanguageDefault");
winrt::Windows::Globalization::Language language{ tag };
return language.NativeName();
// Returns whether the language selector is available/shown.
// winrt::Windows::Globalization::ApplicationLanguages::PrimaryLanguageOverride()
// doesn't work for unpackaged applications. The corresponding code in TerminalApp is disabled.
// It would be confusing for our users if we presented a dysfunctional language selector.
bool GlobalAppearance::LanguageSelectorAvailable()
return IsPackaged();
// Returns the list of languages the user may override the application language with.
// The returned list are BCP 47 language tags like {"und", "en-US", "de-DE", "es-ES", ...}.
// "und" is short for "undefined" and is synonymous for "Use system language" in this code.
winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IObservableVector<winrt::hstring> GlobalAppearance::LanguageList()
if (_languageList)
return _languageList;
if (!LanguageSelectorAvailable())
_languageList = {};
return _languageList;
// In order to return the language list this code does the following:
// [1] Get all possible languages we want to allow the user to choose.
// We have to acquire languages from multiple sources, creating duplicates. See below at [1].
// [2] Sort languages by their ASCII tags, forcing the UI in a consistent/stable order.
// I wanted to sort the localized language names initially, but it turned out to be complex.
// [3] Remove potential duplicates in our language list from [1].
// We don't want to have en-US twice in the list, do we?
// [4] Optionally remove unwanted language tags (like pseudo-localizations).
std::vector<winrt::hstring> tags;
// [1]:
// ManifestLanguages contains languages the app ships with.
// Languages is a computed list that merges the ManifestLanguages with the
// user's ranked list of preferred languages taken from the system settings.
// As is tradition the API documentation is incomplete though, as it can also
// contain regional language variants. If our app supports en-US, but the user
// has en-GB or en-DE in their system's preferred language list, Languages will
// contain those as well, as they're variants from a supported language. We should
// allow a user to select those, as regional formattings can vary significantly.
const std::array tagSources{
// tags will hold all the flattened results from tagSources.
// We resize() the vector to the proper size in order to efficiently GetMany() all items.
// tags[0] will be "und" - the "Use system language" item
// tags[1..n] will contain tags from tagSources.
// --> totalTags is offset by 1
[](uint32_t sum, const auto& v) -> uint32_t {
return sum + v.Size();
// As per the function definition, the first item
// is always "Use system language" ("und").
auto data = tags.data();
*data++ = systemLanguageTag;
// Finally GetMany() all the tags from tagSources.
for (const auto& v : tagSources)
const auto size = v.Size();
v.GetMany(0, winrt::array_view(data, size));
data += size;
// NOTE: The size of tags is always >0, due to tags[0] being hardcoded to "und".
const auto tagsBegin = ++tags.begin();
const auto tagsEnd = tags.end();
// [2]:
std::sort(tagsBegin, tagsEnd);
// I'd love for both, std::unique and std::remove_if, to occur in a single loop,
// but the code turned out to be complex and even less maintainable, so I gave up.
// [3] part 1:
auto it = std::unique(tagsBegin, tagsEnd);
// The qps- languages are useful for testing ("pseudo-localization").
// --> Leave them in if debug features are enabled.
if (!_State.Globals().DebugFeaturesEnabled())
// [4] part 1:
it = std::remove_if(tagsBegin, it, [](const winrt::hstring& tag) -> bool {
return til::starts_with(tag, L"qps-");
// [3], [4] part 2 (completing the so called "erase-remove idiom"):
tags.erase(it, tagsEnd);
_languageList = winrt::single_threaded_observable_vector(std::move(tags));
return _languageList;
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable GlobalAppearance::CurrentLanguage()
if (_currentLanguage)
return _currentLanguage;
if (!LanguageSelectorAvailable())
_currentLanguage = {};
return _currentLanguage;
// NOTE: PrimaryLanguageOverride throws if this instance is unpackaged.
auto currentLanguage = winrt::Windows::Globalization::ApplicationLanguages::PrimaryLanguageOverride();
if (currentLanguage.empty())
currentLanguage = systemLanguageTag;
_currentLanguage = winrt::box_value(currentLanguage);
return _currentLanguage;
void GlobalAppearance::CurrentLanguage(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& tag)
_currentLanguage = tag;
const auto currentLanguage = winrt::unbox_value<winrt::hstring>(_currentLanguage);
const auto globals = _State.Globals();
if (currentLanguage == systemLanguageTag)
bool GlobalAppearance::FeatureNotificationIconEnabled() const noexcept
return Feature_NotificationIcon::IsEnabled();