Carlos Zamora b0cb46f68b [a11y] Ensure buffer is initialized before interacting with it (#11312)
Adds a check before every UIA function call to ensure the terminal (specifically the buffer) is initialized before doing work. Both the `ScreenInfoUiaProvider` and the `UiaTextRange` are now covered.

## References
Closes #11135 
#10971 & #11042

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Originally, I tried applying this heuristic to all the `RuntimeClassInitialize` on `UiaTextRangeBase` with the philosophy of "a range pointing to an invalid buffer is invalid itself", but that caused a regression on [MSFT 33353327](https://microsoft.visualstudio.com/OS/_workitems/edit/33353327).

`IUiaData` also has `GetTextBuffer()` return a `TextBuffer&`, which cannot be checked for nullness. Instead, I decided to add a function to `IUiaData` that checks if we have a valid state. Since this is shared with Conhost and Conhost doesn't have this issue, I simply make that function say that it's always in a valid state.

## Validation Steps Performed
- [X] Narrator can detect newly created terminals
- [X] (On Windows Server 2022) Windows Terminal does not hang on launch
2021-09-23 15:19:03 -07:00

1701 lines
60 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "UiaTextRangeBase.hpp"
#include "ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase.h"
#include "../buffer/out/search.h"
#include "UiaTracing.h"
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
// Foreground/Background text color doesn't care about the alpha.
static constexpr long _RemoveAlpha(COLORREF color) noexcept
return color & 0x00ffffff;
// degenerate range constructor.
#pragma warning(suppress : 26434) // WRL RuntimeClassInitialize base is a no-op and we need this for MakeAndInitialize
HRESULT UiaTextRangeBase::RuntimeClassInitialize(_In_ IUiaData* pData, _In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const pProvider, _In_ std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) noexcept
_pProvider = pProvider;
_pData = pData;
_start = pData->GetViewport().Origin();
_end = pData->GetViewport().Origin();
_blockRange = false;
_wordDelimiters = wordDelimiters;
return S_OK;
#pragma warning(suppress : 26434) // WRL RuntimeClassInitialize base is a no-op and we need this for MakeAndInitialize
HRESULT UiaTextRangeBase::RuntimeClassInitialize(_In_ IUiaData* pData,
_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const pProvider,
_In_ const Cursor& cursor,
_In_ std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) noexcept
RETURN_IF_FAILED(RuntimeClassInitialize(pData, pProvider, wordDelimiters));
_start = cursor.GetPosition();
_end = _start;
return S_OK;
#pragma warning(suppress : 26434) // WRL RuntimeClassInitialize base is a no-op and we need this for MakeAndInitialize
HRESULT UiaTextRangeBase::RuntimeClassInitialize(_In_ IUiaData* pData,
_In_ IRawElementProviderSimple* const pProvider,
_In_ const COORD start,
_In_ const COORD end,
_In_ bool blockRange,
_In_ std::wstring_view wordDelimiters) noexcept
RETURN_IF_FAILED(RuntimeClassInitialize(pData, pProvider, wordDelimiters));
// start is before/at end, so this is valid
if (_pData->GetTextBuffer().GetSize().CompareInBounds(start, end, true) <= 0)
_start = start;
_end = end;
// start is after end, so we need to flip our concept of start/end
_start = end;
_end = start;
// This should be the only way to set if we are a blockRange
// This is used for blockSelection
_blockRange = blockRange;
return S_OK;
void UiaTextRangeBase::Initialize(_In_ const UiaPoint point)
POINT clientPoint;
clientPoint.x = static_cast<LONG>(point.x);
clientPoint.y = static_cast<LONG>(point.y);
// get row that point resides in
const RECT windowRect = _getTerminalRect();
const SMALL_RECT viewport = _pData->GetViewport().ToInclusive();
short row = 0;
if (clientPoint.y <= windowRect.top)
row = viewport.Top;
else if (clientPoint.y >= windowRect.bottom)
row = viewport.Bottom;
// change point coords to pixels relative to window
const COORD currentFontSize = _getScreenFontSize();
row = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(clientPoint.y / static_cast<LONG>(currentFontSize.Y)) + viewport.Top;
_start = { 0, row };
_end = _start;
#pragma warning(suppress : 26434) // WRL RuntimeClassInitialize base is a no-op and we need this for MakeAndInitialize
HRESULT UiaTextRangeBase::RuntimeClassInitialize(const UiaTextRangeBase& a) noexcept
_pProvider = a._pProvider;
_start = a._start;
_end = a._end;
_pData = a._pData;
_wordDelimiters = a._wordDelimiters;
_blockRange = a._blockRange;
return S_OK;
const COORD UiaTextRangeBase::GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint) const noexcept
switch (endpoint)
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End:
return _end;
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start:
return _start;
// Routine Description:
// - sets the target endpoint to the given COORD value
// - if the target endpoint crosses the other endpoint, become a degenerate range
// Arguments:
// - endpoint - the target endpoint (start or end)
// - val - the value that it will be set to
// Return Value:
// - true if range is degenerate, false otherwise.
bool UiaTextRangeBase::SetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, const COORD val) noexcept
// GH#6402: Get the actual buffer size here, instead of the one
// constrained by the virtual bottom.
const auto bufferSize = _pData->GetTextBuffer().GetSize();
switch (endpoint)
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End:
_end = val;
// if end is before start...
if (bufferSize.CompareInBounds(_end, _start, true) < 0)
// make this range degenerate at end
_start = _end;
case TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start:
_start = val;
// if start is after end...
if (bufferSize.CompareInBounds(_start, _end, true) > 0)
// make this range degenerate at start
_end = _start;
return IsDegenerate();
// Routine Description:
// - returns true if the range is currently degenerate (empty range).
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true if range is degenerate, false otherwise.
const bool UiaTextRangeBase::IsDegenerate() const noexcept
return _start == _end;
#pragma region ITextRangeProvider
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::Compare(_In_opt_ ITextRangeProvider* pRange, _Out_ BOOL* pRetVal) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
*pRetVal = FALSE;
const UiaTextRangeBase* other = static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase*>(pRange);
if (other)
*pRetVal = (_start == other->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start) &&
_end == other->GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End));
UiaTracing::TextRange::Compare(*this, *other, *pRetVal);
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::CompareEndpoints(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_In_ ITextRangeProvider* pTargetRange,
_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint,
_Out_ int* pRetVal) noexcept
*pRetVal = 0;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
// get the text range that we're comparing to
const UiaTextRangeBase* range = static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase*>(pTargetRange);
// get endpoint value that we're comparing to
const auto other = range->GetEndpoint(targetEndpoint);
// get the values of our endpoint
const auto mine = GetEndpoint(endpoint);
// TODO GH#5406: create a different UIA parent object for each TextBuffer
// This is a temporary solution to comparing two UTRs from different TextBuffers
// Ensure both endpoints fit in the current buffer.
const auto bufferSize = _pData->GetTextBuffer().GetSize();
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !bufferSize.IsInBounds(mine, true) || !bufferSize.IsInBounds(other, true));
// compare them
*pRetVal = bufferSize.CompareInBounds(mine, other, true);
UiaTracing::TextRange::CompareEndpoints(*this, endpoint, *range, targetEndpoint, *pRetVal);
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::ExpandToEnclosingUnit(_In_ TextUnit unit) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
UiaTracing::TextRange::ExpandToEnclosingUnit(unit, *this);
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Moves _start and _end endpoints to encompass the enclosing text unit.
// (i.e. word --> enclosing word, line --> enclosing line)
// - IMPORTANT: this does _not_ lock the console
// Arguments:
// - attributeId - the UIA text attribute identifier we're expanding by
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void UiaTextRangeBase::_expandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit unit)
const auto& buffer = _pData->GetTextBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = _getBufferSize();
const auto bufferEnd = bufferSize.EndExclusive();
if (unit == TextUnit_Character)
_start = buffer.GetGlyphStart(_start);
_end = buffer.GetGlyphEnd(_start);
else if (unit <= TextUnit_Word)
// expand to word
_start = buffer.GetWordStart(_start, _wordDelimiters, true);
_end = buffer.GetWordEnd(_start, _wordDelimiters, true);
// GetWordEnd may return the actual end of the TextBuffer.
// If so, just set it to this value of bufferEnd
if (!bufferSize.IsInBounds(_end))
_end = bufferEnd;
else if (unit <= TextUnit_Line)
if (_start == bufferEnd)
// Special case: if we are at the bufferEnd,
// move _start back one, instead of _end forward
_start.X = 0;
_start.Y = base::ClampSub(_start.Y, 1);
_end = bufferEnd;
// expand to line
_start.X = 0;
_end.X = 0;
_end.Y = base::ClampAdd(_start.Y, 1);
// TODO GH#6986: properly handle "end of buffer" as last character
// instead of last cell
// expand to document
_start = bufferSize.Origin();
_end = bufferSize.EndExclusive();
// Method Description:
// - Verify that the given attribute has the desired formatting saved in the attributeId and val
// Arguments:
// - attributeId - the UIA text attribute identifier we're looking for
// - val - the attributeId's sub-type we're looking for
// - attr - the text attribute we're checking
// Return Value:
// - true, if the given attribute has the desired formatting.
// - false, if the given attribute does not have the desired formatting.
// - nullopt, if checking for the desired formatting is not supported.
std::optional<bool> UiaTextRangeBase::_verifyAttr(TEXTATTRIBUTEID attributeId, VARIANT val, const TextAttribute& attr) const
// Most of the attributes we're looking for just require us to check TextAttribute.
// So if we support it, we'll return a function to verify if the TextAttribute
// has the desired attribute.
switch (attributeId)
case UIA_BackgroundColorAttributeId:
// Expected type: VT_I4
// The foreground color is stored as a COLORREF.
const auto queryBackgroundColor{ val.lVal };
return _RemoveAlpha(_pData->GetAttributeColors(attr).second) == queryBackgroundColor;
case UIA_FontWeightAttributeId:
// Expected type: VT_I4
// The font weight can be any value from 0 to 900.
// The text buffer doesn't store the actual value,
// we just store "IsBold" and "IsFaint".
const auto queryFontWeight{ val.lVal };
if (queryFontWeight > FW_NORMAL)
// we're looking for a bold font weight
return attr.IsBold();
// we're looking for "normal" font weight
return !attr.IsBold();
case UIA_ForegroundColorAttributeId:
// Expected type: VT_I4
// The foreground color is stored as a COLORREF.
const auto queryForegroundColor{ val.lVal };
return _RemoveAlpha(_pData->GetAttributeColors(attr).first) == queryForegroundColor;
case UIA_IsItalicAttributeId:
// Expected type: VT_I4
// The text is either italic or it isn't.
const auto queryIsItalic{ val.boolVal };
return queryIsItalic ? attr.IsItalic() : !attr.IsItalic();
case UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId:
// Expected type: VT_I4
// The strikethrough style is stored as a TextDecorationLineStyle.
// However, The text buffer doesn't have different styles for being crossed out.
// Instead, we just store whether or not the text is crossed out.
switch (val.lVal)
case TextDecorationLineStyle_None:
return !attr.IsCrossedOut();
case TextDecorationLineStyle_Single:
return attr.IsCrossedOut();
return std::nullopt;
case UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId:
// Expected type: VT_I4
// The underline style is stored as a TextDecorationLineStyle.
// However, The text buffer doesn't have that many different styles for being underlined.
// Instead, we only have single and double underlined.
switch (val.lVal)
case TextDecorationLineStyle_None:
return !attr.IsUnderlined() && !attr.IsDoublyUnderlined();
case TextDecorationLineStyle_Double:
return attr.IsDoublyUnderlined();
case TextDecorationLineStyle_Single:
return attr.IsUnderlined();
return std::nullopt;
return std::nullopt;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::FindAttribute(_In_ TEXTATTRIBUTEID attributeId,
_In_ VARIANT val,
_In_ BOOL searchBackwards,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ ITextRangeProvider** ppRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, ppRetVal == nullptr);
*ppRetVal = nullptr;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
// AttributeIDs that require special handling
switch (attributeId)
case UIA_FontNameAttributeId:
// Technically, we'll truncate early if there's an embedded null in the BSTR.
// But we're probably fine in this circumstance.
const std::wstring queryFontName{ val.bstrVal };
if (queryFontName == _pData->GetFontInfo().GetFaceName())
UiaTracing::TextRange::FindAttribute(*this, attributeId, val, searchBackwards, static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase&>(**ppRetVal));
return S_OK;
case UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId:
if (!val.boolVal)
UiaTracing::TextRange::FindAttribute(*this, attributeId, val, searchBackwards, static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase&>(**ppRetVal));
return S_OK;
// AttributeIDs that are exposed via TextAttribute
if (!_verifyAttr(attributeId, val, {}).has_value())
// The AttributeID is not supported.
UiaTracing::TextRange::FindAttribute(*this, attributeId, val, searchBackwards, static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase&>(**ppRetVal), UiaTracing::AttributeType::Unsupported);
return E_NOTIMPL;
catch (...)
UiaTracing::TextRange::FindAttribute(*this, attributeId, val, searchBackwards, static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase&>(**ppRetVal), UiaTracing::AttributeType::Error);
// Get some useful variables
const auto& buffer{ _pData->GetTextBuffer() };
const auto bufferSize{ buffer.GetSize() };
const auto inclusiveEnd{ _getInclusiveEnd() };
// Start/End for the resulting range.
// NOTE: we store these as "first" and "second" anchor because,
// we just want to know what the inclusive range is.
// We'll do some post-processing to fix this on the way out.
std::optional<COORD> resultFirstAnchor;
std::optional<COORD> resultSecondAnchor;
const auto attemptUpdateAnchors = [=, &resultFirstAnchor, &resultSecondAnchor](const TextBufferCellIterator iter) {
const auto attrFound{ _verifyAttr(attributeId, val, iter->TextAttr()).value() };
if (attrFound)
// populate the first anchor if it's not populated.
// otherwise, populate the second anchor.
if (!resultFirstAnchor.has_value())
resultFirstAnchor = iter.Pos();
resultSecondAnchor = iter.Pos();
resultSecondAnchor = iter.Pos();
return attrFound;
// Start/End for the direction to perform the search in
// We need searchEnd to be exclusive. This allows the for-loop below to
// iterate up until the exclusive searchEnd, and not attempt to read the
// data at that position.
const auto searchStart{ searchBackwards ? inclusiveEnd : _start };
const auto searchEndInclusive{ searchBackwards ? _start : inclusiveEnd };
auto searchEndExclusive{ searchEndInclusive };
if (searchBackwards)
bufferSize.DecrementInBounds(searchEndExclusive, true);
bufferSize.IncrementInBounds(searchEndExclusive, true);
// Iterate from searchStart to searchEnd in the buffer.
// If we find the attribute we're looking for, we update resultFirstAnchor/SecondAnchor appropriately.
Viewport viewportRange{ bufferSize };
if (_blockRange)
const auto originX{ std::min(_start.X, inclusiveEnd.X) };
const auto originY{ std::min(_start.Y, inclusiveEnd.Y) };
const auto width{ gsl::narrow_cast<short>(std::abs(inclusiveEnd.X - _start.X + 1)) };
const auto height{ gsl::narrow_cast<short>(std::abs(inclusiveEnd.Y - _start.Y + 1)) };
viewportRange = Viewport::FromDimensions({ originX, originY }, width, height);
auto iter{ buffer.GetCellDataAt(searchStart, viewportRange) };
const auto iterStep{ searchBackwards ? -1 : 1 };
for (; iter && iter.Pos() != searchEndExclusive; iter += iterStep)
if (!attemptUpdateAnchors(iter) && resultFirstAnchor.has_value() && resultSecondAnchor.has_value())
// Exit the loop early if...
// - the cell we're looking at doesn't have the attr we're looking for
// - the anchors have been populated
// This means that we've found a contiguous range where the text attribute was found.
// No point in searching through the rest of the search space.
// TLDR: keep updating the second anchor and make the range wider until the attribute changes.
// Corner case: we couldn't actually move the searchEnd to make it exclusive
// (i.e. DecrementInBounds on Origin doesn't move it)
if (searchEndInclusive == searchEndExclusive)
// If a result was found, populate ppRetVal with the UiaTextRange
// representing the found selection anchors.
if (resultFirstAnchor.has_value() && resultSecondAnchor.has_value())
UiaTextRangeBase& range = static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase&>(**ppRetVal);
// IMPORTANT: resultFirstAnchor and resultSecondAnchor make up an inclusive range.
range._start = searchBackwards ? *resultSecondAnchor : *resultFirstAnchor;
range._end = searchBackwards ? *resultFirstAnchor : *resultSecondAnchor;
// We need to make the end exclusive!
// But be careful here, we might be a block range
auto exclusiveIter{ buffer.GetCellDataAt(range._end, viewportRange) };
range._end = exclusiveIter.Pos();
UiaTracing::TextRange::FindAttribute(*this, attributeId, val, searchBackwards, static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase&>(**ppRetVal));
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::FindText(_In_ BSTR text,
_In_ BOOL searchBackward,
_In_ BOOL ignoreCase,
_Outptr_result_maybenull_ ITextRangeProvider** ppRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, ppRetVal == nullptr);
*ppRetVal = nullptr;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
const std::wstring queryText{ text, SysStringLen(text) };
const auto bufferSize = _getBufferSize();
const auto sensitivity = ignoreCase ? Search::Sensitivity::CaseInsensitive : Search::Sensitivity::CaseSensitive;
auto searchDirection = Search::Direction::Forward;
auto searchAnchor = _start;
if (searchBackward)
searchDirection = Search::Direction::Backward;
// we need to convert the end to inclusive
// because Search operates with an inclusive COORD
searchAnchor = _end;
bufferSize.DecrementInBounds(searchAnchor, true);
Search searcher{ *_pData, queryText, searchDirection, sensitivity, searchAnchor };
if (searcher.FindNext())
const auto foundLocation = searcher.GetFoundLocation();
const auto start = foundLocation.first;
// we need to increment the position of end because it's exclusive
auto end = foundLocation.second;
bufferSize.IncrementInBounds(end, true);
// make sure what was found is within the bounds of the current range
if ((searchDirection == Search::Direction::Forward && bufferSize.CompareInBounds(end, _end, true) < 0) ||
(searchDirection == Search::Direction::Backward && bufferSize.CompareInBounds(start, _start) > 0))
UiaTextRangeBase& range = static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase&>(**ppRetVal);
range._start = start;
range._end = end;
UiaTracing::TextRange::FindText(*this, queryText, searchBackward, ignoreCase, range);
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - (1) Checks the current range for the attributeId's sub-type
// - (2) Record the attributeId's sub-type
// Arguments:
// - attributeId - the UIA text attribute identifier we're looking for
// - pRetVal - the attributeId's sub-type for the first cell in the range (i.e. foreground color)
// - attr - the text attribute we're checking
// Return Value:
// - true, if the attributeId is supported. false, otherwise.
// - pRetVal is populated with the appropriate response relevant to the returned bool.
bool UiaTextRangeBase::_initializeAttrQuery(TEXTATTRIBUTEID attributeId, VARIANT* pRetVal, const TextAttribute& attr) const
THROW_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
switch (attributeId)
case UIA_BackgroundColorAttributeId:
pRetVal->vt = VT_I4;
pRetVal->lVal = _RemoveAlpha(_pData->GetAttributeColors(attr).second);
return true;
case UIA_FontWeightAttributeId:
// The font weight can be any value from 0 to 900.
// The text buffer doesn't store the actual value,
// we just store "IsBold" and "IsFaint".
// Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids
pRetVal->vt = VT_I4;
pRetVal->lVal = attr.IsBold() ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL;
return true;
case UIA_ForegroundColorAttributeId:
pRetVal->vt = VT_I4;
pRetVal->lVal = _RemoveAlpha(_pData->GetAttributeColors(attr).first);
return true;
case UIA_IsItalicAttributeId:
pRetVal->vt = VT_BOOL;
pRetVal->boolVal = attr.IsItalic();
return true;
case UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId:
pRetVal->vt = VT_I4;
pRetVal->lVal = attr.IsCrossedOut() ? TextDecorationLineStyle_Single : TextDecorationLineStyle_None;
return true;
case UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId:
pRetVal->vt = VT_I4;
if (attr.IsDoublyUnderlined())
pRetVal->lVal = TextDecorationLineStyle_Double;
else if (attr.IsUnderlined())
pRetVal->lVal = TextDecorationLineStyle_Single;
pRetVal->lVal = TextDecorationLineStyle_None;
return true;
// This attribute is not supported.
pRetVal->vt = VT_UNKNOWN;
return false;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetAttributeValue(_In_ TEXTATTRIBUTEID attributeId,
_Out_ VARIANT* pRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
// AttributeIDs that require special handling
switch (attributeId)
case UIA_FontNameAttributeId:
pRetVal->vt = VT_BSTR;
pRetVal->bstrVal = SysAllocString(_pData->GetFontInfo().GetFaceName().data());
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(*this, attributeId, *pRetVal);
return S_OK;
case UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId:
pRetVal->vt = VT_BOOL;
pRetVal->boolVal = VARIANT_FALSE;
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(*this, attributeId, *pRetVal);
return S_OK;
// AttributeIDs that are exposed via TextAttribute
// Unlike a normal text editor, which applies formatting at the caret,
// we don't know what attributes are written at a degenerate range.
// So instead, we'll use GetCurrentAttributes to get an idea of the default
// text attributes used. And return a result based off of that.
const auto attr{ IsDegenerate() ? _pData->GetTextBuffer().GetCurrentAttributes() :
_pData->GetTextBuffer().GetCellDataAt(_start)->TextAttr() };
if (!_initializeAttrQuery(attributeId, pRetVal, attr))
// The AttributeID is not supported.
pRetVal->vt = VT_UNKNOWN;
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(*this, attributeId, *pRetVal, UiaTracing::AttributeType::Unsupported);
return UiaGetReservedNotSupportedValue(&pRetVal->punkVal);
else if (IsDegenerate())
// If we're a degenerate range, we have all the information we need.
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(*this, attributeId, *pRetVal);
return S_OK;
catch (...)
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(*this, attributeId, *pRetVal, UiaTracing::AttributeType::Error);
// Get some useful variables
const auto& buffer{ _pData->GetTextBuffer() };
const auto bufferSize{ buffer.GetSize() };
const auto inclusiveEnd{ _getInclusiveEnd() };
// Check if the entire text range has that text attribute
Viewport viewportRange{ bufferSize };
if (_blockRange)
const auto originX{ std::min(_start.X, inclusiveEnd.X) };
const auto originY{ std::min(_start.Y, inclusiveEnd.Y) };
const auto width{ gsl::narrow_cast<short>(std::abs(inclusiveEnd.X - _start.X + 1)) };
const auto height{ gsl::narrow_cast<short>(std::abs(inclusiveEnd.Y - _start.Y + 1)) };
viewportRange = Viewport::FromDimensions({ originX, originY }, width, height);
auto iter{ buffer.GetCellDataAt(_start, viewportRange) };
for (; iter && iter.Pos() != inclusiveEnd; ++iter)
if (!_verifyAttr(attributeId, *pRetVal, iter->TextAttr()).value())
// The value of the specified attribute varies over the text range
// return UiaGetReservedMixedAttributeValue.
// Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-itextrangeprovider-getattributevalue
pRetVal->vt = VT_UNKNOWN;
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(*this, attributeId, *pRetVal, UiaTracing::AttributeType::Mixed);
return UiaGetReservedMixedAttributeValue(&pRetVal->punkVal);
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetAttributeValue(*this, attributeId, *pRetVal);
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetBoundingRectangles(_Outptr_result_maybenull_ SAFEARRAY** ppRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, ppRetVal == nullptr);
*ppRetVal = nullptr;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
// vector to put coords into. they go in as four doubles in the
// order: left, top, width, height. each line will have its own
// set of coords.
std::vector<double> coords;
// GH#6402: Get the actual buffer size here, instead of the one
// constrained by the virtual bottom.
const auto& buffer = _pData->GetTextBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = buffer.GetSize();
// these viewport vars are converted to the buffer coordinate space
const auto viewport = bufferSize.ConvertToOrigin(_pData->GetViewport());
const til::point viewportOrigin = viewport.Origin();
const auto viewportEnd = viewport.EndExclusive();
// startAnchor: the earliest COORD we will get a bounding rect for
auto startAnchor = GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start);
if (bufferSize.CompareInBounds(startAnchor, viewportOrigin, true) < 0)
// earliest we can be is the origin
startAnchor = viewportOrigin;
// endAnchor: the latest COORD we will get a bounding rect for
auto endAnchor = GetEndpoint(TextPatternRangeEndpoint_End);
if (bufferSize.CompareInBounds(endAnchor, viewportEnd, true) > 0)
// latest we can be is the viewport end
endAnchor = viewportEnd;
// _end is exclusive, let's be inclusive so we don't have to think about it anymore for bounding rects
bufferSize.DecrementInBounds(endAnchor, true);
if (IsDegenerate() || bufferSize.CompareInBounds(_start, viewportEnd, true) > 0 || bufferSize.CompareInBounds(_end, viewportOrigin, true) < 0)
// An empty array is returned for a degenerate (empty) text range.
// reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/uiautomationclient/nf-uiautomationclient-iuiautomationtextrange-getboundingrectangles
// Remember, start cannot be past end, so
// if start is past the viewport end,
// or end is past the viewport origin
// draw nothing
const auto textRects = buffer.GetTextRects(startAnchor, endAnchor, _blockRange, true);
for (const auto& rect : textRects)
// Convert the buffer coordinates to an equivalent range of
// screen cells, taking line rendition into account.
const auto lineRendition = buffer.GetLineRendition(rect.Top);
til::rectangle r{ BufferToScreenLine(rect, lineRendition) };
r -= viewportOrigin;
_getBoundingRect(r, coords);
// convert to a safearray
*ppRetVal = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_R8, 0, gsl::narrow<ULONG>(coords.size()));
if (*ppRetVal == nullptr)
for (LONG i = 0; i < gsl::narrow<LONG>(coords.size()); ++i)
hr = SafeArrayPutElement(*ppRetVal, &i, &coords.at(i));
if (FAILED(hr))
*ppRetVal = nullptr;
return hr;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetEnclosingElement(_Outptr_result_maybenull_ IRawElementProviderSimple** ppRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, ppRetVal == nullptr);
*ppRetVal = nullptr;
const auto hr = _pProvider->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppRetVal));
return hr;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetText(_In_ int maxLength, _Out_ BSTR* pRetVal) noexcept
*pRetVal = nullptr;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
const auto maxLengthOpt = (maxLength == -1) ?
std::nullopt :
std::optional<unsigned int>{ maxLength };
const auto text = _getTextValue(maxLengthOpt);
*pRetVal = SysAllocString(text.c_str());
UiaTracing::TextRange::GetText(*this, maxLength, text);
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Helper method for GetText(). Retrieves the text that the UiaTextRange encompasses as a wstring
// Arguments:
// - maxLength - the maximum size of the retrieved text. nullopt means we don't care about the size.
// Return Value:
// - the text that the UiaTextRange encompasses
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 26447) // compiler isn't filtering throws inside the try/catch
std::wstring UiaTextRangeBase::_getTextValue(std::optional<unsigned int> maxLength) const
std::wstring textData{};
if (!IsDegenerate())
const auto& buffer = _pData->GetTextBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = buffer.GetSize();
// TODO GH#5406: create a different UIA parent object for each TextBuffer
// nvaccess/nvda#11428: Ensure our endpoints are in bounds
// otherwise, we'll FailFast catastrophically
if (!bufferSize.IsInBounds(_start, true) || !bufferSize.IsInBounds(_end, true))
// convert _end to be inclusive
auto inclusiveEnd = _end;
bufferSize.DecrementInBounds(inclusiveEnd, true);
const auto textRects = buffer.GetTextRects(_start, inclusiveEnd, _blockRange, true);
const auto bufferData = buffer.GetText(true,
const size_t textDataSize = base::ClampMul(bufferData.text.size(), bufferSize.Width());
for (const auto& text : bufferData.text)
textData += text;
if (maxLength.has_value())
return textData;
#pragma warning(pop)
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::Move(_In_ TextUnit unit,
_In_ int count,
_Out_ int* pRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
*pRetVal = 0;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
const auto wasDegenerate = IsDegenerate();
if (count != 0)
// We can abstract this movement by moving _start
constexpr auto endpoint = TextPatternRangeEndpoint::TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start;
const auto preventBoundary = !wasDegenerate;
if (unit == TextUnit::TextUnit_Character)
_moveEndpointByUnitCharacter(count, endpoint, pRetVal, preventBoundary);
else if (unit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Word)
// TODO GH#10925: passing in "true" instead of "preventBoundary"
// We still need to go through the process of writing
// tests, finding failing cases, and fixing them.
// For now, just use true because we've been doing that so far.
// The tests at the time of writing don't report any failures
// if we use one over the other.
_moveEndpointByUnitWord(count, endpoint, pRetVal, true);
else if (unit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Line)
_moveEndpointByUnitLine(count, endpoint, pRetVal, preventBoundary);
else if (unit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Document)
_moveEndpointByUnitDocument(count, endpoint, pRetVal, preventBoundary);
if (wasDegenerate)
// GH#7342: The range was degenerate before the move.
// To keep it that way, move _end to the new _start.
_end = _start;
// then just expand to get our _end
UiaTracing::TextRange::Move(unit, count, *pRetVal, *this);
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::MoveEndpointByUnit(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_In_ TextUnit unit,
_In_ int count,
_Out_ int* pRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, pRetVal == nullptr);
*pRetVal = 0;
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
RETURN_HR_IF(S_OK, count == 0);
if (unit == TextUnit::TextUnit_Character)
_moveEndpointByUnitCharacter(count, endpoint, pRetVal);
else if (unit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Word)
_moveEndpointByUnitWord(count, endpoint, pRetVal);
else if (unit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Line)
_moveEndpointByUnitLine(count, endpoint, pRetVal);
else if (unit <= TextUnit::TextUnit_Document)
_moveEndpointByUnitDocument(count, endpoint, pRetVal);
UiaTracing::TextRange::MoveEndpointByUnit(endpoint, unit, count, *pRetVal, *this);
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::MoveEndpointByRange(_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_In_ ITextRangeProvider* pTargetRange,
_In_ TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
const UiaTextRangeBase* range = static_cast<UiaTextRangeBase*>(pTargetRange);
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
// TODO GH#5406: create a different UIA parent object for each TextBuffer
// This is a temporary solution to comparing two UTRs from different TextBuffers
// Ensure both endpoints fit in the current buffer.
const auto bufferSize = _pData->GetTextBuffer().GetSize();
const auto mine = GetEndpoint(endpoint);
const auto other = range->GetEndpoint(targetEndpoint);
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !bufferSize.IsInBounds(mine, true) || !bufferSize.IsInBounds(other, true));
SetEndpoint(endpoint, range->GetEndpoint(targetEndpoint));
UiaTracing::TextRange::MoveEndpointByRange(endpoint, *range, targetEndpoint, *this);
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::Select() noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
if (IsDegenerate())
// calling Select on a degenerate range should clear any current selections
const auto bufferSize = _pData->GetTextBuffer().GetSize();
if (!bufferSize.IsInBounds(_start, true) || !bufferSize.IsInBounds(_end, true))
return E_FAIL;
auto inclusiveEnd = _end;
_pData->SelectNewRegion(_start, inclusiveEnd);
return S_OK;
// we don't support this
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::AddToSelection() noexcept
return E_NOTIMPL;
// we don't support this
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::RemoveFromSelection() noexcept
return E_NOTIMPL;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::ScrollIntoView(_In_ BOOL alignToTop) noexcept
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&]() noexcept {
RETURN_HR_IF(E_FAIL, !_pData->IsUiaDataInitialized());
const auto oldViewport = _pData->GetViewport().ToInclusive();
const auto viewportHeight = _getViewportHeight(oldViewport);
// range rows
const base::ClampedNumeric<short> startScreenInfoRow = _start.Y;
const base::ClampedNumeric<short> endScreenInfoRow = _end.Y;
// screen buffer rows
const base::ClampedNumeric<short> topRow = 0;
const base::ClampedNumeric<short> bottomRow = _pData->GetTextBuffer().TotalRowCount() - 1;
SMALL_RECT newViewport = oldViewport;
// there's a bunch of +1/-1s here for setting the viewport. These
// are to account for the inclusivity of the viewport boundaries.
if (alignToTop)
// determine if we can align the start row to the top
if (startScreenInfoRow + viewportHeight <= bottomRow)
// we can align to the top
newViewport.Top = startScreenInfoRow;
newViewport.Bottom = startScreenInfoRow + viewportHeight - 1;
// we can't align to the top so we'll just move the viewport
// to the bottom of the screen buffer
newViewport.Bottom = bottomRow;
newViewport.Top = bottomRow - viewportHeight + 1;
// we need to align to the bottom
// check if we can align to the bottom
if (static_cast<unsigned int>(endScreenInfoRow) >= viewportHeight)
// GH#7839: endScreenInfoRow may be ExclusiveEnd
// ExclusiveEnd is past the bottomRow
// so we need to clamp to the bottom row to stay in bounds
// we can align to bottom
newViewport.Bottom = std::min(endScreenInfoRow, bottomRow);
newViewport.Top = base::ClampedNumeric<short>(newViewport.Bottom) - viewportHeight + 1;
// we can't align to bottom so we'll move the viewport to
// the top of the screen buffer
newViewport.Top = topRow;
newViewport.Bottom = topRow + viewportHeight - 1;
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(newViewport.Top >= topRow));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(newViewport.Bottom <= bottomRow));
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(_getViewportHeight(oldViewport) == _getViewportHeight(newViewport)));
const gsl::not_null<ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase*> provider = static_cast<ScreenInfoUiaProviderBase*>(_pProvider);
UiaTracing::TextRange::ScrollIntoView(alignToTop, *this);
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP UiaTextRangeBase::GetChildren(_Outptr_result_maybenull_ SAFEARRAY** ppRetVal) noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, ppRetVal == nullptr);
// we don't have any children
*ppRetVal = SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_UNKNOWN, 0, 0);
if (*ppRetVal == nullptr)
return S_OK;
#pragma endregion
const COORD UiaTextRangeBase::_getScreenFontSize() const
COORD coordRet = _pData->GetFontInfo().GetSize();
// For sanity's sake, make sure not to leak 0 out as a possible value. These values are used in division operations.
coordRet.X = std::max(coordRet.X, 1i16);
coordRet.Y = std::max(coordRet.Y, 1i16);
return coordRet;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the viewport height, measured in char rows.
// Arguments:
// - viewport - The viewport to measure
// Return Value:
// - The viewport height
const unsigned int UiaTextRangeBase::_getViewportHeight(const SMALL_RECT viewport) const noexcept
FAIL_FAST_IF(!(viewport.Bottom >= viewport.Top));
// + 1 because COORD is inclusive on both sides so subtracting top
// and bottom gets rid of 1 more then it should.
return viewport.Bottom - viewport.Top + 1;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets a viewport representing where valid text may be in the TextBuffer
// - Use this instead of `textBuffer.GetSize()`. This improves performance
// because it's a smaller space to have to search through
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - A viewport representing the portion of the TextBuffer that has valid text
const Viewport UiaTextRangeBase::_getBufferSize() const noexcept
// we need to add 1 to the X/Y of textBufferEnd
// because we want the returned viewport to include this COORD
const auto textBufferEnd = _pData->GetTextBufferEndPosition();
const auto width = base::ClampAdd<short>(1, textBufferEnd.X);
const auto height = base::ClampAdd<short>(1, textBufferEnd.Y);
return Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, width, height);
// Routine Description:
// - adds the relevant coordinate points from the row to coords.
// - it is assumed that startAnchor and endAnchor are within the same row
// Arguments:
// - startAnchor - the start anchor of interested data within the viewport. In text buffer coordinate space. Inclusive.
// - endAnchor - the end anchor of interested data within the viewport. In text buffer coordinate space. Inclusive
// - coords - vector to add the calculated coords to
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void UiaTextRangeBase::_getBoundingRect(const til::rectangle textRect, _Inout_ std::vector<double>& coords) const
const til::size currentFontSize = _getScreenFontSize();
POINT topLeft{ 0 };
POINT bottomRight{ 0 };
// we want to clamp to a long (output type), not a short (input type)
// so we need to explicitly say <long,long>
topLeft.x = base::ClampMul(textRect.left(), currentFontSize.width());
topLeft.y = base::ClampMul(textRect.top(), currentFontSize.height());
bottomRight.x = base::ClampMul(textRect.right(), currentFontSize.width());
bottomRight.y = base::ClampMul(textRect.bottom(), currentFontSize.height());
// convert the coords to be relative to the screen instead of
// the client window
const long width = base::ClampSub(bottomRight.x, topLeft.x);
const long height = base::ClampSub(bottomRight.y, topLeft.y);
// insert the coords
// Routine Description:
// - moves the UTR's endpoint by moveCount times by character.
// - if endpoints crossed, the degenerate range is created and both endpoints are moved
// Arguments:
// - moveCount - the number of times to move
// - endpoint - the endpoint to move
// - pAmountMoved - the number of times that the return values are "moved"
// - preventBufferEnd - when enabled, prevent endpoint from being at the end of the buffer
// This is used for general movement, where you are not allowed to
// create a degenerate range
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitCharacter(_In_ const int moveCount,
_In_ const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_Out_ gsl::not_null<int*> const pAmountMoved,
_In_ const bool preventBufferEnd)
*pAmountMoved = 0;
if (moveCount == 0)
const bool allowBottomExclusive = !preventBufferEnd;
const MovementDirection moveDirection = (moveCount > 0) ? MovementDirection::Forward : MovementDirection::Backward;
const auto& buffer = _pData->GetTextBuffer();
bool success = true;
til::point target = GetEndpoint(endpoint);
while (std::abs(*pAmountMoved) < std::abs(moveCount) && success)
switch (moveDirection)
case MovementDirection::Forward:
success = buffer.MoveToNextGlyph(target, allowBottomExclusive);
if (success)
case MovementDirection::Backward:
success = buffer.MoveToPreviousGlyph(target);
if (success)
SetEndpoint(endpoint, target);
// Routine Description:
// - moves the UTR's endpoint by moveCount times by word.
// - if endpoints crossed, the degenerate range is created and both endpoints are moved
// Arguments:
// - moveCount - the number of times to move
// - endpoint - the endpoint to move
// - pAmountMoved - the number of times that the return values are "moved"
// - preventBufferEnd - when enabled, prevent endpoint from being at the end of the buffer
// This is used for general movement, where you are not allowed to
// create a degenerate range
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitWord(_In_ const int moveCount,
_In_ const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_Out_ gsl::not_null<int*> const pAmountMoved,
_In_ const bool preventBufferEnd)
*pAmountMoved = 0;
if (moveCount == 0)
const bool allowBottomExclusive = !preventBufferEnd;
const MovementDirection moveDirection = (moveCount > 0) ? MovementDirection::Forward : MovementDirection::Backward;
const auto& buffer = _pData->GetTextBuffer();
const auto bufferSize = _getBufferSize();
const auto bufferOrigin = bufferSize.Origin();
const auto bufferEnd = bufferSize.EndExclusive();
const auto lastCharPos = buffer.GetLastNonSpaceCharacter(bufferSize);
auto resultPos = GetEndpoint(endpoint);
auto nextPos = resultPos;
bool success = true;
while (std::abs(*pAmountMoved) < std::abs(moveCount) && success)
nextPos = resultPos;
switch (moveDirection)
case MovementDirection::Forward:
if (nextPos == bufferEnd)
success = false;
else if (buffer.MoveToNextWord(nextPos, _wordDelimiters, lastCharPos))
resultPos = nextPos;
else if (allowBottomExclusive)
resultPos = bufferEnd;
success = false;
case MovementDirection::Backward:
if (nextPos == bufferOrigin)
success = false;
else if (buffer.MoveToPreviousWord(nextPos, _wordDelimiters))
resultPos = nextPos;
resultPos = bufferOrigin;
SetEndpoint(endpoint, resultPos);
// Routine Description:
// - moves the UTR's endpoint by moveCount times by line.
// - if endpoints crossed, the degenerate range is created and both endpoints are moved
// - a successful movement on start entails start being at Left()
// - a successful movement on end entails end being at Left() of the NEXT line
// Arguments:
// - moveCount - the number of times to move
// - endpoint - the endpoint to move
// - pAmountMoved - the number of times that the return values are "moved"
// - preventBoundary - true --> the range encompasses the unit we're on; prevent movement onto boundaries
// false --> act like we're just moving an endpoint; allow movement onto boundaries
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitLine(_In_ const int moveCount,
_In_ const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_Out_ gsl::not_null<int*> const pAmountMoved,
_In_ const bool preventBoundary) noexcept
*pAmountMoved = 0;
if (moveCount == 0)
const bool allowBottomExclusive = !preventBoundary;
const MovementDirection moveDirection = (moveCount > 0) ? MovementDirection::Forward : MovementDirection::Backward;
const auto bufferSize = _getBufferSize();
bool success = true;
auto resultPos = GetEndpoint(endpoint);
while (std::abs(*pAmountMoved) < std::abs(moveCount) && success)
auto nextPos = resultPos;
switch (moveDirection)
case MovementDirection::Forward:
// can't move past end
if (nextPos.Y >= bufferSize.BottomInclusive())
if (preventBoundary || nextPos == bufferSize.EndExclusive())
success = false;
nextPos.X = bufferSize.RightInclusive();
success = bufferSize.IncrementInBounds(nextPos, allowBottomExclusive);
if (success)
resultPos = nextPos;
case MovementDirection::Backward:
if (preventBoundary)
if (nextPos.Y == bufferSize.Top())
// can't move past top
success = false;
// GH#10924: as a non-degenerate range, we are supposed to act
// like we already encompass the line.
// Move to the left boundary so we try to wrap around
nextPos.X = bufferSize.Left();
// NOTE: Automatically detects if we are trying to move past origin
success = bufferSize.DecrementInBounds(nextPos, true);
if (success)
nextPos.X = bufferSize.Left();
resultPos = nextPos;
SetEndpoint(endpoint, resultPos);
// Routine Description:
// - moves the UTR's endpoint by moveCount times by document.
// - if endpoints crossed, the degenerate range is created and both endpoints are moved
// Arguments:
// - moveCount - the number of times to move
// - endpoint - the endpoint to move
// - pAmountMoved - the number of times that the return values are "moved"
// - preventBoundary - true --> the range encompasses the unit we're on; prevent movement onto boundaries
// false --> act like we're just moving an endpoint; allow movement onto boundaries
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void UiaTextRangeBase::_moveEndpointByUnitDocument(_In_ const int moveCount,
_In_ const TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint,
_Out_ gsl::not_null<int*> const pAmountMoved,
_In_ const bool preventBoundary) noexcept
*pAmountMoved = 0;
if (moveCount == 0)
const MovementDirection moveDirection = (moveCount > 0) ? MovementDirection::Forward : MovementDirection::Backward;
const auto bufferSize = _getBufferSize();
const auto target = GetEndpoint(endpoint);
switch (moveDirection)
case MovementDirection::Forward:
const auto documentEnd = bufferSize.EndExclusive();
if (preventBoundary || target == documentEnd)
SetEndpoint(endpoint, documentEnd);
case MovementDirection::Backward:
const auto documentBegin = bufferSize.Origin();
if (preventBoundary || target == documentBegin)
SetEndpoint(endpoint, documentBegin);
RECT UiaTextRangeBase::_getTerminalRect() const
UiaRect result{ 0 };
IRawElementProviderFragment* pRawElementProviderFragment;
if (pRawElementProviderFragment)
return {
gsl::narrow<LONG>(result.left + result.width),
gsl::narrow<LONG>(result.top + result.height)
COORD UiaTextRangeBase::_getInclusiveEnd() noexcept
auto result{ _end };
_pData->GetTextBuffer().GetSize().DecrementInBounds(result, true);
return result;