Mike Griese 24b9a7a247
Create a control unittesting project (#9677)
Does what it says on the can.

This is a follow up to #9472. Now that we have a control .lib, we can add tests for it. 

Unfortunately, the `TermControl` itself is a horrible mess. So this new unittest lib is empty for now. I'm working on actual tests as a part of #6842, but this PR is here to keep the diffs smaller.

Also, apparently `server.vcxproj` had the wrong GUID in it.

* [x] I work here
* [x] Adds tests
2021-04-05 16:07:55 +00:00

32 lines
1.5 KiB

@echo off
rem Run the console unit tests.
rem Keep this file in sync with tests.xml
rem The TerminalApp.LocalTests are actually run from the TestHostApp path.
rem That's a cppwinrt project, that doesn't use %PLATFORM% in it's path when the
rem platform is Win32/x86.
rem set a helper for us to find that test
set _TestHostAppPath=%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\TestHostApp
if "%PLATFORM%" == "Win32" (
set _TestHostAppPath=%OPENCON%\bin\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\TestHostApp
call %TAEF% ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\Conhost.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\TextBuffer.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\UnitTests_TerminalCore\Terminal.Core.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\Conhost.Interactivity.Win32.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\ConParser.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\ConAdapter.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\Types.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\til.unit.tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\UnitTests_TerminalApp\Terminal.App.Unit.Tests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\UnitTests_Remoting\Remoting.UnitTests.dll ^
%OPENCON%\bin\%PLATFORM%\%_LAST_BUILD_CONF%\UnitTests_Control\Control.UnitTests.dll ^
%_TestHostAppPath%\TerminalApp.LocalTests.dll ^
%_TestHostAppPath%\SettingsModel.LocalTests.dll ^