Mike Griese 7e2f51face
A pair of fixes related to cursor movement in conpty (#4372)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This is a pair of related fixes to conpty. For both of these bugs, the root cause was that the cursor was getting set to Off in conpty. Without the `CursorBlinkerTimer`, the cursor would remain off, and frames that only had cursor movements would not update the cursor position in the terminal.

## References

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #4102 
* [x] Closes #2642
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

Recall that there's a bunch of cursor state that's hard to parse without looking up:
* `Visibility` This controls whether the cursor is visible _at all_, regardless if it's been blinked on or off
* `Blinking` controls whether the blinker timer should do something, or leave the cursor alone.
* `IsOn`: When the cursor is blinking, this alternates between true and false. 

The trick here is that we only `TriggerCursorMoved` when the cursor is `On`, and there are some scenarios where the cursor is manually set to off. 

Fundamentally, these two bugs are similar cases, but they are triggered by different things:
* #2642 was caused by `DoSrvPrivateAllowCursorBlinking(false)` (`^[[?12l`) also manually turning the cursor off.
* #4102 was caused by the client calling `SetConsoleScreenBuffer` to change the active buffer. `win-curses` actually uses that API instead of the alt buffer.
2020-01-30 20:14:16 +00:00

516 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "_output.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "handle.h"
#include "getset.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "../interactivity/inc/ServiceLocator.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include "../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Interactivity;
// This routine figures out what parameters to pass to CreateScreenBuffer based on the data from STARTUPINFO and the
// registry defaults, and then calls CreateScreenBuffer.
[[nodiscard]] NTSTATUS DoCreateScreenBuffer()
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
FontInfo fiFont(gci.GetFaceName(),
gsl::narrow_cast<unsigned char>(gci.GetFontFamily()),
// For East Asian version, we want to get the code page from the registry or shell32, so we can specify console
// codepage by console.cpl or shell32. The default codepage is OEMCP.
gci.CP = gci.GetCodePage();
gci.OutputCP = gci.GetCodePage();
NTSTATUS Status = SCREEN_INFORMATION::CreateInstance(gci.GetWindowSize(),
TextAttribute{ gci.GetPopupFillAttribute() },
// TODO: MSFT 9355013: This needs to be resolved. We increment it once with no handle to ensure it's never cleaned up
// and one always exists for the renderer (and potentially other functions.)
// It's currently a load-bearing piece of code. http://osgvsowi/9355013
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status))
return Status;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine copies a rectangular region from the screen buffer to the screen buffer.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - reference to screen info
// - source - rectangle in source buffer to copy
// - targetOrigin - upper left coordinates of new location rectangle
static void _CopyRectangle(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const Viewport& source,
const COORD targetOrigin)
const auto sourceOrigin = source.Origin();
// 0. If the source and the target are the same... we have nothing to do. Leave.
if (sourceOrigin == targetOrigin)
// 1. If we're copying entire rows of the buffer and moving them directly up or down,
// then we can send a rotate command to the underlying buffer to just adjust the
// row locations instead of copying or moving anything.
const auto bufferSize = screenInfo.GetBufferSize().Dimensions();
const auto sourceFullRows = source.Width() == bufferSize.X;
const auto verticalCopyOnly = source.Left() == 0 && targetOrigin.X == 0;
if (sourceFullRows && verticalCopyOnly)
const auto delta = targetOrigin.Y - source.Top();
screenInfo.GetTextBuffer().ScrollRows(source.Top(), source.Height(), gsl::narrow<SHORT>(delta));
// 2. We can move any other scenario in-place without copying. We just have to carefully
// choose which direction we walk through filling up the target so it doesn't accidentally
// erase the source material before it can be copied/moved to the new location.
const auto target = Viewport::FromDimensions(targetOrigin, source.Dimensions());
const auto walkDirection = Viewport::DetermineWalkDirection(source, target);
auto sourcePos = source.GetWalkOrigin(walkDirection);
auto targetPos = target.GetWalkOrigin(walkDirection);
const auto data = OutputCell(*screenInfo.GetCellDataAt(sourcePos));
screenInfo.Write(OutputCellIterator({ &data, 1 }), targetPos);
source.WalkInBounds(sourcePos, walkDirection);
} while (target.WalkInBounds(targetPos, walkDirection));
// Routine Description:
// - This routine reads a sequence of attributes from the screen buffer.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - reference to screen buffer information.
// - coordRead - Screen buffer coordinate to begin reading from.
// - amountToRead - the number of elements to read
// Return Value:
// - vector of attribute data
std::vector<WORD> ReadOutputAttributes(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const COORD coordRead,
const size_t amountToRead)
// Short circuit. If nothing to read, leave early.
if (amountToRead == 0)
return {};
// Short circuit, if reading out of bounds, leave early.
if (!screenInfo.GetBufferSize().IsInBounds(coordRead))
return {};
// Get iterator to the position we should start reading at.
auto it = screenInfo.GetCellDataAt(coordRead);
// Count up the number of cells we've attempted to read.
ULONG amountRead = 0;
// Prepare the return value string.
std::vector<WORD> retVal;
// Reserve the number of cells. If we have >U+FFFF, it will auto-grow later and that's OK.
// While we haven't read enough cells yet and the iterator is still valid (hasn't reached end of buffer)
while (amountRead < amountToRead && it)
// If the first thing we read is trailing, pad with a space.
// OR If the last thing we read is leading, pad with a space.
if ((amountRead == 0 && it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing()) ||
(amountRead == (amountToRead - 1) && it->DbcsAttr().IsLeading()))
retVal.push_back(it->TextAttr().GetLegacyAttributes() | it->DbcsAttr().GeneratePublicApiAttributeFormat());
return retVal;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine reads a sequence of unicode characters from the screen buffer
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - reference to screen buffer information.
// - coordRead - Screen buffer coordinate to begin reading from.
// - amountToRead - the number of elements to read
// Return Value:
// - wstring
std::wstring ReadOutputStringW(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const COORD coordRead,
const size_t amountToRead)
// Short circuit. If nothing to read, leave early.
if (amountToRead == 0)
return {};
// Short circuit, if reading out of bounds, leave early.
if (!screenInfo.GetBufferSize().IsInBounds(coordRead))
return {};
// Get iterator to the position we should start reading at.
auto it = screenInfo.GetCellDataAt(coordRead);
// Count up the number of cells we've attempted to read.
ULONG amountRead = 0;
// Prepare the return value string.
std::wstring retVal;
retVal.reserve(amountToRead); // Reserve the number of cells. If we have >U+FFFF, it will auto-grow later and that's OK.
// While we haven't read enough cells yet and the iterator is still valid (hasn't reached end of buffer)
while (amountRead < amountToRead && it)
// If the first thing we read is trailing, pad with a space.
// OR If the last thing we read is leading, pad with a space.
if ((amountRead == 0 && it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing()) ||
(amountRead == (amountToRead - 1) && it->DbcsAttr().IsLeading()))
// Otherwise, add anything that isn't a trailing cell. (Trailings are duplicate copies of the leading.)
if (!it->DbcsAttr().IsTrailing())
retVal += it->Chars();
return retVal;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine reads a sequence of ascii characters from the screen buffer
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - reference to screen buffer information.
// - coordRead - Screen buffer coordinate to begin reading from.
// - amountToRead - the number of elements to read
// Return Value:
// - string of char data
std::string ReadOutputStringA(const SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const COORD coordRead,
const size_t amountToRead)
const auto wstr = ReadOutputStringW(screenInfo, coordRead, amountToRead);
const auto& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
return ConvertToA(gci.OutputCP, wstr);
void ScreenBufferSizeChange(const COORD coordNewSize)
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
catch (...)
// Routine Description:
// - This is simply a notifier method to let accessibility and renderers know that a region of the buffer
// has been copied/moved to another location in a block fashion.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - The relevant screen buffer where data was moved
// - source - The viewport describing the region where data was copied from
// - fill - The viewport describing the area that was filled in with the fill character (uncovered area)
// - target - The viewport describing the region where data was copied to
static void _ScrollScreen(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo, const Viewport& source, const Viewport& fill, const Viewport& target)
if (screenInfo.IsActiveScreenBuffer())
IAccessibilityNotifier* pNotifier = ServiceLocator::LocateAccessibilityNotifier();
if (pNotifier != nullptr)
pNotifier->NotifyConsoleUpdateScrollEvent(target.Origin().X - source.Left(), target.Origin().Y - source.RightInclusive());
// Get the render target and send it commands.
// It will figure out whether or not we're active and where the messages need to go.
auto& render = screenInfo.GetRenderTarget();
// Redraw anything in the target area
// Also redraw anything that was filled.
// Routine Description:
// - This routine is a special-purpose scroll for use by AdjustCursorPosition.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - reference to screen buffer info.
// Return Value:
// - true if we succeeded in scrolling the buffer, otherwise false (if we're out of memory)
bool StreamScrollRegion(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
// Rotate the circular buffer around and wipe out the previous final line.
const bool inVtMode = WI_IsFlagSet(screenInfo.OutputMode, ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING);
bool fSuccess = screenInfo.GetTextBuffer().IncrementCircularBuffer(inVtMode);
if (fSuccess)
// Trigger a graphical update if we're active.
if (screenInfo.IsActiveScreenBuffer())
COORD coordDelta = { 0 };
coordDelta.Y = -1;
IAccessibilityNotifier* pNotifier = ServiceLocator::LocateAccessibilityNotifier();
if (pNotifier)
// Notify accessibility that a scroll has occurred.
pNotifier->NotifyConsoleUpdateScrollEvent(coordDelta.X, coordDelta.Y);
if (ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().pRender != nullptr)
return fSuccess;
// Routine Description:
// - This routine copies ScrollRectangle to DestinationOrigin then fills in ScrollRectangle with Fill.
// - The scroll region is copied to a third buffer, the scroll region is filled, then the original contents of the scroll region are copied to the destination.
// Arguments:
// - screenInfo - reference to screen buffer info.
// - scrollRectGiven - Region to copy/move (source and size)
// - clipRectGiven - Optional clip region to contain buffer change effects
// - destinationOriginGiven - Upper left corner of target region.
// - fillCharGiven - Character to fill source region with.
// - fillAttrsGiven - Attribute to fill source region with.
// NOTE: Throws exceptions
void ScrollRegion(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo,
const SMALL_RECT scrollRectGiven,
const std::optional<SMALL_RECT> clipRectGiven,
const COORD destinationOriginGiven,
const wchar_t fillCharGiven,
const TextAttribute fillAttrsGiven)
// ------ 1. PREP SOURCE ------
// Set up the source viewport.
auto source = Viewport::FromInclusive(scrollRectGiven);
const auto originalSourceOrigin = source.Origin();
// Alright, let's make sure that our source fits inside the buffer.
const auto buffer = screenInfo.GetBufferSize();
source = Viewport::Intersect(source, buffer);
// If the source is no longer valid, then there's nowhere we can copy from
// and also nowhere we can fill. We're done. Return early.
if (!source.IsValid())
// ------ 2. PREP CLIP ------
// Now figure out our clipping area. If we have clipping specified, it will limit
// the area that can be affected (targeted or filling) throughout this operation.
// If there was no clip rect, we'll clip to the entire buffer size.
auto clip = Viewport::FromInclusive(clipRectGiven.value_or(buffer.ToInclusive()));
// OK, make sure that the clip rectangle also fits inside the buffer
clip = Viewport::Intersect(buffer, clip);
// ------ 3. PREP FILL ------
// Then think about fill. We will fill in any area of the source that we copied from
// with the fill character as long as it falls inside the clip region (the area
// that is allowed to be affected).
auto fill = Viewport::Intersect(clip, source);
// If fill is no longer valid, then there is no area that we're allowed to write to
// within the buffer. So we can just exit early.
if (!fill.IsValid())
// Determine the cell we will use to fill in any revealed/uncovered space.
// We generally use exactly what was given to us.
OutputCellIterator fillData(fillCharGiven, fillAttrsGiven);
// However, if the character is null and we were given a null attribute (represented as legacy 0),
// then we'll just fill with spaces and whatever the buffer's default colors are.
if (fillCharGiven == UNICODE_NULL && fillAttrsGiven.IsLegacy() && fillAttrsGiven.GetLegacyAttributes() == 0)
fillData = OutputCellIterator(UNICODE_SPACE, screenInfo.GetAttributes());
// ------ 4. PREP TARGET ------
// Now it's time to think about the target. We're only given the origin of the target
// because it is assumed that it will have the same relative dimensions as the original source.
auto targetOrigin = destinationOriginGiven;
// However, if we got to this point, we may have clipped the source because some part of it
// fell outside of the buffer.
// Apply any delta between the original source rectangle's origin and its current position to
// the target origin.
auto currentSourceOrigin = source.Origin();
targetOrigin.X += currentSourceOrigin.X - originalSourceOrigin.X;
targetOrigin.Y += currentSourceOrigin.Y - originalSourceOrigin.Y;
// And now the target viewport is the same size as the source viewport but at the different position.
auto target = Viewport::FromDimensions(targetOrigin, source.Dimensions());
// However, this might mean that the target is falling outside of the region we're allowed to edit
// (the clip area). So we need to reduce the target to only inside the clip.
// But backup the original target origin first, because we need to know how it has changed.
const auto originalTargetOrigin = target.Origin();
target = Viewport::Intersect(clip, target);
// OK, if the target became smaller than before, we need to also adjust the source accordingly
// so we don't waste time loading up/copying things that have no place to go within the target.
const auto currentTargetOrigin = target.Origin();
auto sourceOrigin = source.Origin();
sourceOrigin.X += currentTargetOrigin.X - originalTargetOrigin.X;
sourceOrigin.Y += currentTargetOrigin.Y - originalTargetOrigin.Y;
source = Viewport::FromDimensions(sourceOrigin, target.Dimensions());
// ------ 5. COPY ------
// If the target region is valid, let's do this.
if (target.IsValid())
// Perform the copy from the source to the target.
_CopyRectangle(screenInfo, source, target.Origin());
// Notify the renderer and accessibility as to what moved and where.
_ScrollScreen(screenInfo, source, fill, target);
// ------ 6. FILL ------
// Now fill in anything that wasn't already touched by the copy above.
// Fill as a single viewport represents the entire region we were allowed to
// write into. But since we already copied, filling the whole thing might
// overwrite what we just placed at the target.
// So use the special subtraction function to get the viewports that fall
// within the fill area but outside of the target area.
const auto remaining = Viewport::Subtract(fill, target);
// Apply the fill data to each of the viewports we're given here.
for (size_t i = 0; i < remaining.size(); i++)
const auto& view = remaining.at(i);
screenInfo.WriteRect(fillData, view);
void SetActiveScreenBuffer(SCREEN_INFORMATION& screenInfo)
CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
gci.pCurrentScreenBuffer = &screenInfo;
// initialize cursor GH#4102 - Typically, the cursor is set to on by the
// cursor blinker. Unfortunately, in conpty mode, there is no cursor
// blinker. So, in conpty mode, we need to leave the cursor on always. The
// cursor can still be set to hidden, and whether the cursor should be
// blinking will still be passed through to the terminal, but internally,
// the cursor should always be on.
// In particular, some applications make use of a calling
// `SetConsoleScreenBuffer` and `SetCursorPosition` without printing any
// text in between these calls. If we initialize the cursor to Off in conpty
// mode, then the cursor will remain off until they print text. This can
// lead to alignment problems in the terminal, because we won't move the
// terminal's cursor in this _exact_ scenario.
// set font
// Empty input buffer.
// Set window size.
// Write data to screen.
WriteToScreen(screenInfo, screenInfo.GetViewport());
// TODO: MSFT 9450717 This should join the ProcessList class when CtrlEvents become moved into the server. https://osgvsowi/9450717
void CloseConsoleProcessState()
const CONSOLE_INFORMATION& gci = ServiceLocator::LocateGlobals().getConsoleInformation();
// If there are no connected processes, sending control events is pointless as there's no one do send them to. In
// this case we'll just exit conhost.
// N.B. We can get into this state when a process has a reference to the console but hasn't connected. For example,
// when it's created suspended and never resumed.
if (gci.ProcessHandleList.IsEmpty())
// Jiggle the handle: (see MSFT:19419231)
// When we call this function, we'll only actually close the console once
// we're totally unlocked. If our caller has the console locked, great,
// we'll displatch the ctrl event once they unlock. However, if they're
// not running under lock (eg PtySignalInputThread::_GetData), then the
// ctrl event will never actually get dispatched.
// So, lock and unlock here, to make sure the ctrl event gets handled.
auto Unlock = wil::scope_exit([&] { UnlockConsole(); });